THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2001 AT 6:00 P.M.
Beverly Agee
Rae A. Fellows
Dorothy A.P. Howard
Revia Lee
Judith Braswell, Alternate
Virginia Farace, Education
Advisory Board Liaison
Mark R. Scott
Diana Tedtmann, Chairperson
Rosalind L. Murray
Ashley Hall
I. Pledge
In the absence of Chairperson Tedtmann, Ms. Howard was appointed Acting
Chair. The meeting convened at 6:35 p.m. and members recited the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was declared present.
Minutes - Any corrections, additions, or deletions? A big thank you
to Susan Collins, the minutes were excellent
There being no changes, the minutes were placed on file.
IV. Ground Rules/Agenda
Acting Chair Howard read the ground rules of the Board, which were listed on the
backside of the agenda. Ms. Agee agreed to be the timekeeper for tonight's
Ms. Braswell explained to the new member what "fist to five" represented.
Ms. Agee inquired if the Board wished to discuss changing the meeting time from
6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Ms. Braswell suggested this be added under New
Meeting Minutes '
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 7, 2001
V. Chair's Report
Acting Chair Howard informed members that Chairperson Tedtmann furnished
her with a list of items to review as follows:
Chairperson Tedtmann received a letter from Dr. Johnson in
response to the Board's request that bleachers for the new high
school be provided. This has been done.
The July meeting will take place on July 12th as previously agreed
to. '
Ms. Pamela Owens from the Charter School of Boynton Beach was
invited to attend tonight's meeting.
VI. City Liaison's Report
VII. Public Audience
A member from the Boynton Beach Leadership Group was in attendance to
observe tonight's meeting.
VIII. Unfinished Business
A. Roundtable Dates- Judith Braswell
After discussion, it was determined that Ms. Lee would e-mail all the principals to
determine what date would be agreeable for the roundtable meeting.
Ms. Lee reminded members that September 24th had been set for the SIP
Presentations and she would also include that in her inquiry to the principals.
Ms. Farace requested that the new Odyssey School be added to the list of
participating schools.
Ms. Braswell suggested requesting a date for either August or October. Ms.
Farace recommended informing them that the roundtable could be held anytime
during the school year from September through May. Ms. Farace noted when
contacting the principals they should be reminded that the chairpersons of the
SACs of each school should also be invited. Ms. Lee will follow through with
contacting the principals.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 7, 2001
B. Summer Schedule
The July meeting will take place on July 12th as previously scheduled at
6:00 p.m.
C. Boundaries - Virginia Farace
Ms. Farace said that she met with Chairperson Tedtmann on Monday. They
decided to contact Linda Hines to determine if she could meet with them during
the early part of July to determine if a decision has been made regarding whether
the Boundary Committee would include representatives from the cities. If City
people are included, would they be voting members? There are many questions
that they plan to ask Ms. Hines during their meeting. Ms. Agee stated that she
would like to also attend this meeting in order to indoctrinate herself with the
goals of the Board. Ms. Farace said this would be further discussed at the July
12th meeting. Ms. Fellows requested that Mr. Fellows also be notified of this
meeting since he would probably want to attend.
D. Charter School of Boynton Beach
Ms. Owens had not arrived to make her presentation.
Vision, Roles and Responsibilities - Establish expectations for
board members - participation, responsibilities
Ms. Braswell reported that she and Chair Tedtmann held a workshop in order to
determine the Board's priorities and it appeared that the most important ones
were the visions, roles and responsibilities. In comparing the current visions,
roles and responsibilities with the original responsibilities set by the City, it was
noted that an update was needed. Ms. Braswell read the original eight duties
and responsibilities of the Board as set out by ordinance, a copy of which is
included with these minutes. Another workshop will be held for the purpose of
updating these.
IX. Reports
A. Coalition Meetings
Ms. Farace reported that the tri-city coalition met last month and she and
Chairperson Tedtmann represented Boynton Beach, along with representatives
from Delray Beach and Boca Raton. The subject of the meeting was boundaries,
its impact and how the coalition can work together on the new boundaries. Ms.
Farace did not think that the new boundaries would' have more of an Ns much
impact upon Boynton Beach than it would upon ~s---~he¥--w~.~-~q-d- Delray and Boca.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 7, 2001
Also discussed was the boundary committee and at that time it was reported in
the newspapers that the cities would not be included. The coalition by
consensus agreed that voting representation on the boundary committee when
local schools are discussed is required. Between that meeting and tonight, the
School Board held a workshop that Commissioner Fisher attended on behalf of
the City to let them know that the City should have a representative on the Board.
The item was pulled and discussed and it will be sent back to determine the role
of the Cities.
The next meeting of the tri-city coalition is scheduled for Monday, June 11th at
6:00 p.m. at Delray City Hall.
B. SAC Reports
Citrus Cove Elementary- Ms. Howard stated she could not attend the last
meeting. She reported that the school would probably adopt uniforms.
Galaxy Elementary - no report
Rolling Green - no report
Christa McAuliffe Middle School- no report
Santaluces High School- no report
Boynton Beach High School - Ms. Farace reported that progress on completion
of the school is excellent and they are working hard on getting ready for the
students. The football team also has been practicing.
Forest Park Elementary - no report
Poinciana Elementary- Ms. Braswell reported that a SAC meeting was held on
Monday and there was 100% attendance. Application to become a 5--k school
has been made with the State. Also, uniforms will be adopted at the school. The
school will be having a drive to collect previously worn shirts to distribute to
students who cannot afford to purchase new shirts.
Congress Middle School- no report
Atlantic High School- no report
South Tech High School- no report
X. New Business
Ms. Fellows reported that the Sun Sentinel printed a negative article on Congress
Middle School and Ms. Fellows distributed a copy to the members to review. A
copy for each member is included with the minutes of the meeting. Ms. Fellows
stated that Mr. Fellows requested that she ask the Board to send a letter to the
newspaper. Ms. Agee inquired if the Board would be considering sending a letter
to the editor, but members felt that for the Board to do this it would probably have
to get approval from the City. Also, Ms. Agee pointed out that when you send a
letter to the editor, it should be done right away, otherwise it won't have any
impact and suggested that someone within the school system should respond. It
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 7, 2001
was suggested that Mr. Fellows could respond to the article on his own.
Members continued to address the article and why Congress Middle School
seems to receive negative attention when it has progressed to a very good
school. Members felt that Mr. Fellows would be the best person to respond to
the article.
Members discussed "opt out" which is now allowed and felt it would have a
negative impact upon Congress Middle School and increase overcrowding at the
new schools. Ms. Lee pointed out that the new School Superintendent was
against this.
Ms. Fellows reported that there would be no Juvenile Justice Grants for an OCIP
at Santaluces or Carver Middle Schools. The program would continue at
Congress and Christa McAuliffe Middle Schools. Ms. Fellows said that Mr.
Fellows would be making a report on these two schools and members requested
that he attend the next meeting for this purpose.
A. Change of Meeting Time
After discussion it was determined to leave the meeting time at 6:00 p.m.
The next meeting would be held on Thursday, July 12, 2001 at
6:00 p.m.
Xl. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
June 8, 2001 at 2:30 p.m.