Minutes 04-26-23 Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 6:00 PM at
City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 E. Ocean Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida
George Feldman, Chair Craig Clark, Director
Marcia Levine Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Director
Margaret Newton
Ace Tilton Ratcliff
Lindsey Karten
Nicole Prado
Thomas Devlin
I. Call to Order— George Feldman, Board Chair
Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
II. Approval of Minutes — March 29, 2023
Mx. Tilton Ratcliff moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Levine seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Ms. Levine stated that she attended the Hester Center Senior Health Fair that the Boynton
Beach Senior Center held with other Board Members, and that they took information
regarding other City Boards and Departments with them. She said that it was great to
represent the different departments in the City.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations)
V. Chair's Report — Board Chair
VI. Unfinished Business:
Staffing Update — Craig Clark
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 26, 2023
Mr. Clark announced that they are recruiting to fill two vacant positions: a Librarian
Archivist and a Senior Librarian.
Career Online High School Program Update — Jeannie Taylor
Mr. Clark gave the update, stating that there are 16 graduates and 16 students currently
in the program, with five of them more than halfway complete.
City Hall Signage for Library — Discussion
Mr. Clark stated that he submitted a request for funding and the sign will be funded. He
advised that he will work on the sign for the Library and Art and Cultural Center.
Library Advisory Board Update to City Commission — Discussion to
determine meeting date
Mr. Clark commented that the City Commission decided that all advisory boards will
provide an annual report at a City Commission Meeting. He explained that the report
content has to be written by the Board, giving an overview of activities for the prior year
and plans for the future.
Chair Feldman suggested that the Board develop an outline and choose someone to
make the presentation.
Mx. Tilton Ratcliff noted that the liaison for another advisory board would be making the
presentation for that Board, and she suggested the same be done with the Library Board,
as the liaison has the best concept of what goes on in the Library
Board Members could send Mr. Clark an email about what they discussed.
Mr. Clark stated that he understood that the City Commission wanted the advisory board's
perspective and he suggested that they include their last year's activities in the report.
Discussion followed about what should be submitted for the report and about the purpose
and mission of the Board. After further dialogue, it was decided that each member should
provide their own personal input for the report and bring a summary of their thoughts and
wishes and what they want to tell the City Commission about the Library, including likes,
dislikes, future projects and what they want to see. When the report is done, the members
can decide on a date and who will make the presentation.
Banned Books — Discussion
Mr. Clark stated that he researched the issue and there is a report that banned books are
on the rise, and there are a lot of censorship challenges that affect school libraries coming
from the Governor. He commented that the only thing that affects public libraries, is when
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 26, 2023
a citizen wants to challenge a book. He said that if someone wants to challenge a book,
they have to fill out a "Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials" form that is on
the website, and he explained the process. He clarified that a disgruntled patron who
goes through that process without their desired outcome can come before the advisory
board and the Board would respond.
Chair Feldman asked if school books were also in public libraries.
Mr. Clark replied that of the 13 most banned titles, the Library has 77% of them available.
Ms. Karten asked if they have had any requests for reconsideration.
Mr. Clark responded that they had one 15 or 16 years ago and that the patron filled out
the form and the book was left on the shelf. He said that some other libraries had
challenges to books and Gay Pride displays. He announced that the City will have a
display and that they are well prepared.
Ms. Karten inquired who determines the display and for how long.
Mr. Clark replied that they have a staff panel who determine what the different book
displays will be for the year and that the Pride display has always landed on the list.
VII. New Business
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
March 2023 Monthly Report
Mr. Clark reviewed the Monthly Report detailing that there was a 52% increase in
attendance from the same month last year.
Chair Feldman asked about staff availability on the floor.
Mr. Clark responded that any Library employee on the floor can help a patron. He
explained that there are three Shelvers that were reclassed to Library Assistants. He
pointed out that they are providing additional training for the Shelvers who can help serve
the public a little more.
Ms. Newton complimented the Children's Librarian, Sonja, and said she was fantastic.
She stated that she was also working with Tiffany Marshall, the new Public Outreach
Manager, who she also highly praised.
Mr. Clark pointed out that tomorrow they are celebrating National Library Week.
IX. Announcements
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 26, 2023
Next Library Board Meeting — May 31, 2023
Chair Feldman announced the next meeting.
Mr. Clark stated that he would expect an email with comments for the presentation by the
10th and that he will contact the absent members to bring them up to par.
Ms. Levine pointed out that First Friday is the 5th and that she will man the table and will
have information about the various departments.
Mx. Tilton Ratcliff commented that they may not be present at the May 31stmeeting if a
quorum is present.
Mr. Clark will send out email reminders to the members.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Mx. Tilton Ratcliff moved to adjourn. Ms.
Karten seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 P.M.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist