Minutes 06-28-23 Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on Thursday, June 28, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. At City Hall Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida PRESENT: George Feldman, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director Ace Tilton Ratcliff, Vice Chair Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Director Thomas Devlin Lindsay Karten Margaret Newton ABSENT: Marcia Levine I. Call to Order— George Feldman, Board Chair Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Mx. Ratcliff led the members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Self introductions were made. A quorum was present. II. Approval of Minutes —April 26, 2023 Motion Ms. Karten moved to approve the minutes. Mx. Ratcliff seconded the motion. There were no objections. III. Correspondence and Communications None. IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) None. V. Chair's Report — Board Chair VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing Update — Craig Clark Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach, FL June 28, 2023 Mr. Clark reported that there are two vacant positions: the Digital Services Librarian, because that employee was promoted, and the Library Archivist position. Ms. Taylor reported that the Library has received an intern who is conducting the Orientation Sessions for Knowledge City, which is a certificate program that has 13K courses. She explained that the user has to pass a test to become certified and that the certificates are in all areas, such as technology, business, acting, etc. She stated that the courses can be taken for free, with a Library Card, and that the intern may teach on other databases as well. Career Online High School Program Update — Jeannie Taylor Ms. Taylor announced that there are 14 students in the program and that three of them have completed over 90% of the courses. She advised that there are no students in the prerequisite, which is fine, because there are no more scholarships available. He stated that he recently attended an American Library Association Conference and that another vendor has a similar program for $800, as opposed to the $1,200, the Library is currently paying. He pointed out that he will review switching programs to obtain a better rate, and that the State has sporadically funded the scholarships, and that the Governor did not approve funding for the program this year. Library Advisory Board Update to City Commission — Discussion Mr. Clark distributed Board Member comments to review at the meeting, including a handout from Chair Feldman. He said that they met to review Library matters to include in the presentation the Board will make to the City Commission. Mr. Clark commented that the presentation has to be placed on the City Commission Agenda, and it has to be a full report, which Chair Feldman will present. Chair Feldman asked the members to give a brief summary on the topics in the handout. The members selected their items from the list to write about. Mr. Clark explained that the members have to email their portion of the presentation to him, which he will assemble and present at the next meeting for approval. He said that if approved, he will put it on the City Commission Agenda. VII. New Business Summer Reading Club & Kickoff Event— Jeannie Taylor Ms. Taylor explained that they had their Summer Reading Club Kick-Off Event the first Saturday in June and 300 people attended. She noted that the attendees were families and children, and 150 of the children signed up and will receive age appropriate prizes 2 Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach, FL June 28, 2023 for completing their reading logs. She explained that they had teen volunteers to help with registration present at the event, as well as some vendors, a magic show and other activities. She announced that the program is still ongoing and youth were still signing up. VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics April & May 2023 Monthly Reports Mr. Clark encouraged the members to read the reports and noted that customer visits in April were up 14.4% compared to last year. Ms. Taylor explained that the Public Technology Trainer conducted an outreach event on internet safety to the deaf community and 126 people participated. She noted that the deaf community was having a conference at the Hard Rock Cafe, and the Library received great public relations. She said that there was a sign language interpreter at the event. IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting —August 30, 2023 Chair Feldman announced that the next meeting is on July 26tH Mr. Clark agreed and stated that there was an error on the agenda. He advised that they usually skip the August meeting. X. Adjournment Motion Chair Feldman moved to adjourn. Mr. Devlin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 3