Minutes 08-30-23 Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. At City Hall Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida PRESENT: George Feldman Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Director Thomas Devlln Tiffany Pagan, Assistant to the Director Marcia Levine Ace Ratcliff (Arrived at 6:05 P.M.) ABSENT: Lindsay Karten Margaret Newton I. Call to Order— George Feldman, Board Chair Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M. II. Approval of Minutes — July 26, 2023 Motion Mx. Tilton moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Devlin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. III. Correspondence and Communications Ms. Taylor stated that she received a communication from Ms. Newton and Ms. Karten stating that they could not attend the meeting. IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) None. V. Chair's Report — Board Chair Chair Feldman stated that he happened to come across information regarding a company named Read Line. He explained that the company provides books for sale and takes back unused books. He asked if the Library staff was aware of them. Ms. Taylor responded that it was not needed at the Library as they have a lease book company for new books and they lease multiple copies. She said that i they lease six books, they can lease one and send back five. She explained that many people buy books, read them, and then donate them for the Friends of the Library to sell, and that they receive a lot of book donations. She said that when people donate books, staff Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach., Florida August 30, 2023 requests that they be current books released within the last five years and be in excellent shape. Discussion followed that older books can go to the Little Libraries and it was noted that the City has three little libraries: one at the beach, one at Sara Simms Park, and one at Barrier Free Park. It was pointed out that local Little Libraries are listed on the internet. VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing Update — Jeannie Taylor Ms. Taylor stated that there are two open positions. She said that they interviewed and hired an Archivist, who was unable to start for medical reasons, and they put the position back out and have a new round of applications they are preparing to interview for. She advised that they also need a Librarian for the Creative Edge Studio, because Ms. Graves was promoted. She stated that some applications were received, but they did not receive many strong applicants, so staff decided to have the posting remain for another week. Ms. Taylor announced that the college intern finished his time at the Library last week and that he was a great help. Career Online High School Program Update — Jeannie Taylor Ms. Taylor announced that there were two more Career Online High School graduates that were celebrated at the last City Commission Meeting and that there has been another student that has since graduated they are hoping will be recognized by the City Commission. She advised that they have 10 people in the program. She pointed out that when the program receives a lot of press, there are a lot of applicants, but the Library does not always have the funds for scholarships. She mentioned that the Governor did not approve funding for the program this year. Library Advisory Board Report to City Commission — Review and Approval Ms. Taylor stated that the members had the report in their packet and explained that the written materials for the presentation will be in the back-up for the Commission Meeting. She said that Ms. Levine will make the presentation. Ms. Fagan said that she took the report that was written and created a high-level overview in the PowerPoint Presentation. She mentioned that she was amenable to any changes the Board deemed appropriate. Ms. Levine noted that the emphasis is that the Commission wants to see the Board's involvement, not necessarily what the Library Staff has done. She said that it was important to highlight how the Board interacted with these accomplishments. 2 Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach., Florida August 30, 2023 Discussion followed that there would be no changes to the presentation, but Chair Feldman would give a summary overview before delving into the presentation. Ms. Levine agreed to include the Board's involvement and how they interact with staff, and there was agreement that Mx. Ratcliff and Ms. Levine would split the presentation with Ms. Levine, writing something for the Chair and then sending it to the Staff to distribute. She said that the next meeting will be in October and the members will rehearse the presentation then and make the presentation in December. Motion Mx. Ratcliff moved to approve the PowerPoint Presentation with minor edits for clarity and spelling. VII. New Business VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics None. July 2023 Monthly Reports IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting — October 25, 2023 X. Adjournment There being no further business, Chair Feldman properly adjourned the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 3