Agenda 01-24-24 The January 24, 2024, Meeting of the Library Board was cancelled 3 City of Boynton Beach BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Date: January 24,2024 Location/Time: City Hall, 100 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Commission Chambers at 6:00 p.m. I. Call to Order—Marcia Levine, Vice Chair Introduction of new Board Members Ellen Jones and Stephanie Colaianni II. Approval of Minutes—December, 2023 III. Correspondence and Communications George Feldman, Absence Thomas Devlin Resignation IV. Public Audience(Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) V. Chair's Report— Board Chair VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing Update—Jeannie Taylor Career Online High School Program Update—Jeannie Taylor VII. New Business Nominations and selections for Chair and Vice Chair Board Participation in Library Programs Vlll. Library Director's Report/Statistics November, December 2023 Monthly Reports IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting— February 28, 2024 Adjournment NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND,FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.(F.S.286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (561) 742-6060 OR(TTY) 1-800-955-8771, AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE ADDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE. INFORMATION REGARDING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA AFTER IT IS PUBLISHED ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — NOVEMBER 2023 1 Administrative Sis s is Relations The Library Director attended City Commission meetings, FLA Advocacy Meeting, City Leadership Administrative Team Meetings,Schoolhouse Children's Museum Board meeting. Customer Service Circulation t 'cs Current Month Same Month Percentage Change Previous Year Customer Visits Adult 7529 6953 +8.3 Customer Visits Youth 6041 4917 +22.9 Total Customer Visits 13570 11870 +14.3 Total Circulation* 11942 11156 +7.0 Adult Circulation 4558 4633 -1.6 Young Adult Circulation 518 461 +12.4 Juvenile Circulation 4321 4007 +6.0 ILS System Circulation (Print 9413 9121 +3.2 Materials) (Total items checked out kiosks and others in-house) Checkouts on Kiosks 4150 4109 +1.0 EBook Circ (Overdrive, 1098 1134 -3.2 Cloudlibrary) eAudiobook Circ (Overdrive, 527 336 +56.8 Cloudly Overdrive Magazines 625 178 +251.1 Audiovisual 853 1072 -20.4 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 2 Users registered 220 202 +8.9 Online user registration 10 36 -72.2 Onecard Cards 0 0 +- Number of Reference 504 1771 -71.5 Transactions *includes ILS, Ebooks, Freegal, OD mags, Gale legal forms Digital rc ase Statistics Current Month Same Month Percentage Previous Year Change Freegal Streams 1349 774 +74.3 Freegal Users (new) 5 0 +- Freegal Downloads 277 387 -28.4 Kanopy Streams 410 337 +21.7 Learning Express Sessions 142 316 -86.7 Gale Legal 12 14 -85.7 Gale Infotrac Sessions 9 350 -97.4 Gale Infotrac Retrievals 7 40 -82.5 Transparent Languages Users 11 12 -8.3 Transparent Languages Sessions 133 78 +70.5 Learning Express Job Career 42 28 +50.0 Sessions Knowledge City Logins 2 14 -85.7 Brain Fuse 179 39 +359.0 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 3 A to Z total records viewed 9840 0 +- Palm Beach Post Views 1258 290 +333.8 (Newsbank) Collection a Discarded Items = 25 Items Added to Collection = 450 Customer Relations/Curbside is Statistics Curbside Pickup Appointments: 10 Curbside appointments fulfilled: 10 Curbside no-shows: 0 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — NOVEMBER 2023 4 Social Media ..... ................._ Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Facebook Likes (number of people who 1,378 1,216 +0.23% like the Facebook page) New Likes (number of new 7 0 - page likes) Stories 213 0 - clicks - Post clicks 168 54 +211K Video views 568 65 +774% Page impressions 7.8K 228 +2.4K Page content clicks 198 99 +100% Instagram Followers (number of people 1.4K 1.1K +23.2% who follow the Twitter account) New Followers (number of new 23 28 -17.9% Twitter account followers) BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 5 Profile impressions 5.5K 1.5K +353 impressions Profile visits 111 60 +85% Website clicks 11 3 +267% Linkedln Followers 98 43 +128% Page reach 694 0 - connections Post engagement rate 15.67% 0 Page engagement 13.33% 0 - engagements Twitter Followers 360 338 +6.5% Post engagement rate 3% 0.79% +278% Post engagement 39 1 +3.8K engagements Tweets 63 3 +2K BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — NOVEMBER 2023 6 Public Computer Usageto i ics Adult Computer Use: 1122 Adult Computer Average Time Per Session: 45 min Youth Computer Use: 647 Youth Computer Average Time Per Session: 39 min Adult Laptops Total Use: 45 Teen Laptops Total Use: 77 Archives Activities Updated sitemap to update broken links on website Starting oral history project in collaboration with Public Arts and Heart of Boynton Association BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 7 Creative Edge Studio Programs: Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards: 9 Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards (evening): 8 Sewing Intermediate Projects (Table Runner): 6 Crafting in the Library (Macrame Bookmarks): 9 Appointments: With Christina: 0 With Studio Assistant: 9 Creative Bug: Active Users: 5 New Users: 3 Hours Watched: 2 For most popular category is Art & Design. Macrame bookmarks were a little tricky, but once everyone figured out the knot,they were good. It was the same knot, repeating back and forth, to create the design. The holidays tend to slow everything down. Creative Bug - online program Class Average Date Class Title Class Duration Unique Videos Viewed Category Viewers Viewed (min) Duration(min) 2023 November Basic Line Drawing Design 151.9 1 4 20.7 2023 Foundational Figure Drawing: Art+ November Heads Design 93 1 5 25.6 2023 Goddess Sketchbook:A Daily Art+ November Practice Inspired by Feminine Design V. 204.1 1 6 21.3 Energy 2023 From My Kitchen to Yours:A Food+ November Month of Giftable Goods& Home 177.3 1 8 26.6 Recipes 2023 Sew a Quilted Laptop Slipcase Sewing 22.5 1 5 23.8 November BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 8 Public c I Training r NovemberClasses:14 Dates: Time: # Re #: Wait List: Excel Formulas Ever),one Should Know Wednesday_November 1st 10a-11:30a IFL RM: 'Tech Talk Thursday Thursday November 2nd 10:30x-11:30a(POP UP' 2 5 computer Literacy DAY 1 Thursday,November 2nd _ 21 3:302,i FL RMI 3 5 N !Explorin ChatGPT Wednesda November 8th 10a-11:3041Fl.RM) 5 5 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,November 9th 10:30x-11:30a(POP UP) 8 5 N Computer Literaa DAY 2 _ Thursday,November 9th 2„,-3:30p FL RM __ 4 4 N Social Media 101 Monda„November 13th Sp-6:30p(FL RM) 5 7 N :A-Z Database Introduction Wednesday-,November 15th 20.3:30D lFL RM) 4 1 N Tech Talk Thursdaq Thursday,November 16th 10:30a-11:30a(POP UP) 4 5 0aterrm$jfQ1 Monday November20th So-6:30Px Fl.RMI - 5 7 N Scammers _ Monday,November 27 SP -6:30 (FL RM• 10 _ _16 N ILollo Creation Wednesday November 29th 21, 3:30p(FL RMI • __ ` ` Tech Talk Thursdar L'VP"'[jPj ,Cizi, 10:30a-1130a(POP UP) • ` C rtb t ter Likterat DAYS Tk,ifl Jay,Nc,s er )o4'°iOCbb 2P-3:30p fFL RMl dotal Attended: So (1:1) 23 Tech Talk Thursdays: **UPDATED TIME: 10:30a—11:30a** Join us every Thursday by the couches at the front of the library where we will discuss technology and how to use that tech.This class will be a brief 3045-minutes chat along with instructions on how to use different technologies. Registration is required and limited to five seats. Others may drop-in but the five registrants will be given seats.This class will be held in the pop-up area of the library. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 9 NOVEMBER AGENDA: November 2"d—Home Safety&Security Devices November 9th—Scan &Sign Documents Using Your Phone November 16th, 2023—What is Cloud Storage? November 30th, 2023—Exploring YouTube.com Since starting my monthly visits to the Senior Center, I have been getting more and more people in for Tech Talk. It is getting to the point where I might need to open the class up to more than five. I love holding it in the pop-up area, and I would just move some extra chairs over to that section. Extending the class for one hour was the right decision.A lot of attendees like to stay longer and chat about their tech woes. I have seen some real friendships blossom from this class as well. Apparently, a small group of Tech Talk attendees meet up at a local McDonald's once a week now. 4-Week Computer Literacy Program: 2p-3:30p-90-minute class Thursdays: o November 2"d, 2023 o November 9th, 2023 o November 301h, 2023 o December 7th, 2023 The program went off without a hitch. Despite this program being for city employees, I only had one employee register. One week before class started, I opened up the program to the general public.The other four spots filled up quickly. I had a few no shows, but luckily a few walk-ins came in and were able to take advantage of the empty spots. Unfortunately, due to personal health issues, I had to cancel the last two sessions at the end of the month. I have kept in close contact with those that attended and I am trying to put together a make-up session for them. I am going to hold it in the study room next to my office since there will only be three others attending. 23 One-on-One appointments: A few of the 1:1 appointments were from seniors from the Senior Center. A group of them were given cell phones from some sort of government program but they were not shown how to use them. I met with one gentleman twice so far to try and help him understand the smart phone— it is a make and model that I have never heard of(NUU), so I have to do a lot of research to get to the answers for him. I have been doing more one on one appointments for help with graphic design and using Canva. I have helped patrons create business cards, sticker labels, logos and social media posts. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 10 Other Notes: November 21St, I attended a virtual class on ChatGPT Basics held by the Palm Beach County Library System. I have been attending a few of their tech classes—the Belle Glade branch holds more of those tech virtual classes.Their classes are very basic and less informative that I would like to see. I have been attending these classes to get an idea of what I should be teaching. November 27th, I attended a meeting with Economic Development about getting small business owners and entrepreneurs into the virtual zone during the day.John and I spoke about using the Whisper Room during school hours and I told him to get in touch with Jeannie and Tiffany to go over policy and what we can do at the library for them. Adult Services Programs Program Sessions Participants Podcasting 101 1 15 Medicare Basics 1 4 Avoid Overspending During the Holidays 1 4 Writer's Corner Group 2 8 Learn German 1 7 Author Talk: Jeff Keene II 1 19 Book Buzz Adult Book Club 1 16 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 11 Youth Services r ra s Youth Library Statistics Summary-November 2023 YOUTH PROGRAMMING TEEN PROGRAMMING #Participants #Participants Outdoor Storytime 1 38 Teen Tuesday 1 5 Bilingual Storytime 1 41 Teen Tuesday 2 1 Suzy Hammer Storytime 100 Teen Tuesday 3 1 Bilingual Storytime 2 12 Teen Tuesday 4 6 Pajama Storytime 6 Make &Take 21 Mindful Monday 1 Picture Book Club 25 Marijuana &Vaping 10 Family Fun Night 18 Game Day 1 4 Steam Lab 1 (Kerbal) 5 Game Day 2 5 Steam Lab 2 (Kerbal) 3 Community Helpers 20 Virtual Zone-Sound Booth 14 Dino Tea Party 70 Seed Library 2 Division Strategies 3 Outreach at Head Start 20 PAWS to Read 1 5 PAWS to Read 2 No show PAWS to Read 3 No show PAWS to Read 4 0 TOTAL 387 TOTAL 49 CARDS B ACCOUNTS ' Adult Cards (new) 29 Youth Cards (new) 30 TOTAL 59 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 12 CAREERSOURCE PBC SERVICES CAREERSOURCE PBC SERVICES-BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 11/7/2023 SESSION Name Job Title Service Aesthetician RA Claim Assistance Grocery Store Stocker Job Search Assistance/Reentry Program Packer RA Claim Assistance - Stock Clerk Work Registration Assistance Total:4 11/14/2023 SESSION II Name Job Title Service -- Cafeteria Worker Resume/Job Search Assistance Grocery Store Stocker Resume Update Home Health Aide Work registration/Resume Assistance Customer Service Rep RA Claim Assistance Total:4 11/24/2023 SESSION III Name Job Title Service 11/20—11/24 NO Session Thanksgiving BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 13 Holiday Schedule Limitation Total: 11/28/2023 SESSION IV Name Job Title Service Customer Service Rep Job Search Assistance Sales Ra Pin Reset Front Desk RA-Pin Reset Total: 11 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— NOVEMBER 2023 14 eriC rps Children's Tutoring thl Report: November 2023 November 2023 Monthly Report Adult ESOL AmeriCorps Devynn Fletcher November started with the closing of our clothing and colors unit. We created a shopping scenario (Ross is a favorited store) and went over "this/these, that/those" when asking for a specific item. Singular and plural items, like dress v. dresses was also gone over and they caught on to it like superstars. The next lesson in my beginner's class was exceptional. This was the first time I relied not only on the board, but on printing out the entire lesson for them to follow along, so this particular lesson about nationalities and talking about your background was easier for them to grasp. It also gives them more solid study material than taking notes or taking photos of the board with their phones. For the next lesson, we went over days of the week, which most already knew, and learned new vocabulary for interests and activities, such as "see a play" and "play volleyball." We learned more about each other this way and what we like to do and not do. This was also the last week before Thanksgiving break, so I made a little Thanksgiving party for both classes where we learned what Thanksgiving is and did a Thanksgiving word search, bingo and watched part of last year's parade. Even though most of my students do not celebrate Thanksgiving, they were very sweet in wishing me a happy one. We are ending November working on object pronouns, simple present tense, going over the BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 15 calendar, and describing frequency of actions (usually, sometimes, never). This lesson is a harder one to grasp so this will also continue on into December. For my intermediate class, November also started with the end of a lesson,this one on adverbs and expressing agreement ("That's right. That's true."). This class expressed their like of the unit handouts and how they are able to follow along and study better. The next lesson went over present continuous tense and reflexive pronouns (myself, himself, herself, etc.) and verbs like "get on, get out of, fall, faint." It was fun to act out "faint" and use myself as an example (telling them I faint at the doctors a lot, which they thought was funny). Next lesson covered more adjectives, like "disappointed" and "frustrated." We shared what causes us to feel these emotions and how to say how we are feeling/what causes it. The last unit in this class for November is talking about medical vocabulary and what is expected when a checkup is needed or due. We also went over count and non-count nouns again while talking about our health using "less, fewer, more" (less cake, fewer cookies, more veggies). One of my students loved to say the opposite for his health— "more chicken nuggets and steak," and everyone thought it was very funny. Some of my students are working or working towards jobs, and I see their English growing as time goes on, which is phenomenal all around. I only have two tutoring students now, as my advanced student acquired another job. I am looking to call in one or two more students on the waitlist for my beginner's class as two stopped coming, and possibly one for my intermediate class, as one student will be traveling back to his home country of Brazil until February.The bonds we have all created in my intermediate class bring joy to my heart—I sent a BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 16 video of my students wishing this student happy holidays and safe travels to Brazil. If a student is absent they always say that they missed them the next day. November has been a learning month for me as well. I am growing as a teacher and leader, learning what is working and what is not. My goal onward is to improve my teaching/teaching method. I want to curate more interactive lessons and give them more real-world experiences that help their English-speaking skills. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- NOVEMBER 2023 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. CREATED• 11/30/2023 6.37 PM zS ACCOUNT STATUS REPORT PAGE: 426__ MS JEANNIE TAYLOR BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 E OCEAN AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 CREDITOR: 1581 -- BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY DATES LISTED: 01/01/1900 TO 11/30/2023 ALL AMOUNTS LISTED Accounts Submitted 3,095 Dollars Submitted 224,127,90 Dollars Received 43,970.,42 Bankruptcies 0 Dollars in Bankruptcy 0.00 Material Returned 45,792.02 Incorrect Addresses 571 Dollars in Skiptracing 30,189.24 Dollars Waived 13,413.37 Patron Disputes/Suspends 1 Dollars in Dispute 37.00 Accounts in Process 2,523 Dollars in Process 179,981.38 # of Accounts Activated 1,539 Total Activated 117,160.34 of Accounts Activated 61.00°% % of Dollars Activated 65.10% 9/14/2020 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES,INC UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. EXPLANATION OF SUMMARY PAGE ACCOUNT STATUS REPORT Left Column Accounts Submitted:Total number of accounts submitted for collection. Bankruptcies:Total number of accounts in bankruptcy. Incorrect Addresses:Total number of accounts for which we do not have correct addresses yet. Skip tracing efforts continue for quite some time so this number is very dynamic. Patron Disputes/Suspends:Total number of accounts where collection efforts have been stopped because the patron disputed the debt or the Library suspended collection efforts as a result of payment arrangements,mistakes,etc. Accounts in Process:Total number of accounts being processed through our collection service. This number is arrived at by subtracting Bankruptcies,Incorrect Addresses and Patron Disputes/Suspends from the total number of Accounts Submitted. #of Accounts Activated:Total number of accounts that have responded in some way to reduce their balance. They could have returned material,made a payment or a combination of both. %of Accounts Activated: Percentage of processed accounts that have responded in some way (#of Accounts Activated divided by Accounts in Process).This percentage is a good measure of response rate because it measures the percentage of patrons that have actually responded due to the collection process. Middle Column Dollars Submitted:Total dollar amount due from all accounts submitted for collection. Dollars In Bankruptcy:Total dollar amount due from all accounts in bankruptcy. Dollars In Skips:Total dollar amount due for accounts with incorrect addresses. Dollars In Dispute:Total dollar amount for all accounts that have been disputed.. Dollars In Process:Total dollar amount for all accounts being processed. This number is equal to the Dollars Submitted minus Dollars in Bankruptcy, Dollars in Skips,and Dollars in Dispute,as well as the dollar amount due for all suspended and closed accounts (not detailed on this report).Its purpose is to show the total dollar amount actually being worked. Total Activated:Total original amount due by all Accounts Activated. The difference between this number and the sum of Dollars Received, Material Returned,and Dollars Waived is the remaining balance due by all Accounts Activated. %of Dollars Activated: Percentage of processed dollars that have been activated (Total Activated divided by Dollars in Process). FVIght Column Dollars Received:Actual money recovered as reported by the Library. Material Returned:Actual value of material returned as valued and reported by the Library, Dollars Waived:Actual dollars waived by the Library as reported by the Library. https:ltweb.unique-mgmt.comthelpjiles/summary.asp 111 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 1 Administrative r is s lic Relations The Library Director attended City Commission meetings, FLA Advocacy Meeting, City Leadership Administrative Team Meetings,Schoolhouse Children's Museum Board meeting. Customer ice and Circulation St °s ics Current Month Same Month Percentage Change Previous Year :: Customer Visits Adult 7483 7443 -3.4 Customer Visits Youth 5619 6566 -14.4 Total Customer Visits 13102 14009 -6.5 Total Circulation* 10843 10922 -0.7 Adult Circulation 4618 5051 -8.6 Young Adult Circulation 392 426 -8.0 Juvenile Circulation 3340 4340 -23.0 ILS System Circulation (Print 8354 8826 -5.3 Materials) (Total items checked out kiosks and others in-house) Checkouts on Kiosks 3825 3871 -1.2 EBook Circ (Overdrive, 1015 1167 -13.0 Cloudlibrary) eAudiobook Circ (Overdrive, 518 355 +45.9 CloudQ Overdrive Magazines 623 141 +341.8 Audiovisual 865 1122 -22.9 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER 2023 2 Users registered 202 229 -11.8 Online user registration 36 25 +44.0 Onecard Cards 0 0 +- Number of Reference 378 1798 -79.0 Transactions *includes ILS, Ebooks, Freegal, OD mags, Gale legal forms Digital Resource and Database Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Freegal Streams 1420 4205 -41.0 Freegal Users (new) 1 20 -95.0 Freegal Downloads 323 430 -24.9 Kanopy Streams 657 361 +82.0 Learning Express Sessions 31 30 +3.3 Gale Legal 10 3 +233.3 Gale Infotrac Sessions 31 133 -76.7 Gale Infotrac Retrievals 12 20 -40.0 Transparent Languages Users 21 12 +75.0 Transparent Languages Sessions 67 85 -21.2 Learning Express Job Career 30 12 +150.0 Sessions Knowledge City Logins 2 1 +100.0 Brain Fuse 129 5 +2480.0 A to Z total records viewed 7144 2445 +192.2 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 3 Palm Beach Post Views 1151 505 +127.9 (Newsbank) Collection Management Discarded Items = 246 Items Added to Collection = 587 Customer la ' s rbsid e Pickup Statistics Curbside Pickup Appointments: 9 Curbside appointments fulfilled: 9 Curbside no-shows: 0 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— DECEMBER 2023 4 Social is Post Impressions (across all platforms) How many times have the Library's posts been seen across Facebook, Instagram, Linkedln, and Twitter? December 2023 Brand awareness Dec 01-Dee 31,23 Post impressions .18� 13K impressions Unkedin.Twitter.and TrkTok Pages or accounts campers the resufts for sach social network 1 00 Instagram Profile Reach 2.8K users Post reach 3K New followers 13 Post plays 1.5K Profile impressions 6K Followers 1.4K # of posts 26 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— DECEMBER 2023 5 Facebook New likes 5 Post reach 6.9K New followers 5 Page impressions 17K # of posts 18 Twitter New followers 1 Total followers 361 # of posts 107 Linkedln Followers 102 Page reach 528 # of posts 22 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 6 Public Computer Usage Statistics Adult Computer Use: 1122 Adult Computer Average Time Per Session: 45 min Youth Computer Use: 647 Youth Computer Average Time Per Session: 39 min Adult Laptops Total Use: 45 Teen Laptops Total Use: 77 Archives c "vi " s • Updated sitemap to update broken links on website • Starting oral history project in collaboration with Public Arts and Heart of Boynton Association BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 7 Creative e Studio Programs: Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards: 6 Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards (evening): 6 Sewing Beginner Lesson: 6 Crafting in the Library (Snowflake Stitched Ornament): 7 Holiday Gift Wrapping Party: 20 Appointments: With Christina: 0 With Studio Assistant: 14 Creative Bug: Active Users: 9 New Users: 5 Hours Watched: 2.24 hrs For most popular category is sewing! Followed closely by knitting and crochet. This year the Holiday Gift Wrapping Party was a great success. Last year we only had about 2 people show up. But this year was exponentially better. We think that having the program on a Saturday afternoon is really what did the trick, and we plan to offer this program again for the next holiday season. The sewing program has become incredibly popular, and starting in January we will offer the sewing program twice a month. A Beginner class and then an Intermediate class. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER 2023 8 Public Technology TrainingPrograms December Classes:10 Dates: Time: # Re #: Wait List: Staying Safe on Facebook Monday,December 4th 5P-6:30P IFL RM; 10 9 N Excel Formulas Evei cone Should Know Wednesday,December 6th 9a-10:30a IFL RM) 8 8 Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,December 7th 10:30a-11:30a 1POP UPI Computer Literacy DAY 4(FINAL) Thursday,December Ah 2;.-3:30p(FL RM) " Exploring ChatGPT Monday December 11th -6:30p(FL RMI Notary Public Wednesday,December 13th LY-3:30p(FL RM) 6 8 N ( iPad Apps Essentials Monday„December 18th 5p-6:30p(FL RM)_ 9 7 N What is a OR Code? Wednesda«:December 20th 2p 3:3011 IFL RM) 13 12 N GooF;le Apps Wednesday.December Nth 10a-11:30a FL RMI 16 15 T,;;q T'hws-My Thursday,December 28th 10:30a-11:30a(POP UP) 3 4 N I Teatal Attended: 6S'' � ' DECEMBER AGENDA: December 7th-Shop Smart on Amazon.com December 14th—*NO CLASS—Staff Training—Library opens at 2pm* December 21'—*NO CLASS—Christmas Break* December 28th—Oculus VR Headset Introduction (tentative) Tech Talk was a little slow for the month of December.There were only two sessions scheduled and the first one was cancelled due to illness. The Tech Talk on the MetaQuest(Oculus)VR headset was a success. I held this Tech Talk in the study room dedicated to the headset.There was plenty of room for all four of us.There were four chairs and plenty of room for the one using the headset to move around without hitting anything or anyone. I had three patrons,one gentleman that attended had a VR headset, he just didn't know everything he can do on it. He left very happy. Another attendee wanted to experience the headset before she purchased one for her son.The final attendee never used nor heard of the VR headset,and he got to try it out.The group of three was a good number.All three attendees waited patiently, and even watched what the others were experiencing on the iPad. Each of them got about 10-15 minutes on the headset. I think this class would be very successful but it would need to be held on a small scale.Anything more than six might be overwhelming and people might not get to try out the device. Even with all the success, I will not be holding this class again. I cannot use the VR headset without getting sick and I don't want to risk it.There are people interested in this tech and I think it will do well if someone else can hold the class. 14 One-On-Ones: BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER 2023 9 The snowbirds are coming back, and I have already had four appointments with a number of them that saw me regularly last season. One snowbird told me that when she went back to Canada, she went to her local library and tried to get the same sort of service up there.She told me there was one librarian that booked tech 1:1's. So she made an appointment, the first thing the librarian said was "I really don't like doing these."She told me that their session lasted less than fifteen minutes, and she left very upset. She was so glad to be back in Boynton Beach and being able to keep her appointments that she had last time she was down here. Another group of Irish ladies from Sterling Village have returned and they now schedule 1:1's as a three-person group.They are a delight and are always so appreciative, especially since they are able to have the 1:1 as a group. Other Notes: The last two sessions of my 4-Week Computer Literacy class were cancelled. I have contacted the four that attended and we met up individually to go over the rest of the classes. I am going to hold off on doing another one of these sessions.The 4 weeks is a lot of work for me, and most of the time either people don't show up, or come to the first class, learn that it is the very basics and then never come to another session and don't tell me. This session was specifically designed for city employees after HR reached out and asked if I would be willing to hold a class for them. I only had one person register and I had to open it to the general public—I was not able to go over what HR wanted me to review with them because I only had one city employee and I didn't think the general public needs to learn how to use NeoGov, Kronos and some of the other programs that the city uses. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 10 Adult Services Programs Program Sessions Participants Local Business Marketing (HYBRID) 1 14 How to Cope with Grief During the Holidays 1 4 (VIRTUAL) Writer's Corner Group 2 14 Book Buzz Adult Book Club 1 7 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 11 Youth Services Programs Youth Library Statistics Summary-December 2023 YOUTH PROGRAMMING TEEN PROGRAMMING #Participants #Participants Outdoor Storytime 1 20 Teen Tuesday 1 8 Outdoor Storytime 2 18 Teen Tuesday 2 6 Suzy Hammer Storytime 35 Teen Tuesday 3 12 Bilingual Storytime 2 25 Teen Tuesday 4 8 Pajama Storytime 10 Picture Book Club 15 Teen Talk:Alcohol Literacy 10 Community Helpers 30 Family Movie 28 Gingerbread houses/Santa 85 Virtual Zone -Sound Booth 4 Holiday craft extravaganza 20 1 Problem solvers-Fractions 3 PAWS to Read 1 2 PAWS to Read 2 9 PAWS to Read 3 2 PAWS to Read 4 0 TOTAL 302 TOTAL 49 CARDS&ACCOUNTS Adult Cards (new) 24 Youth Cards (new) 13 TOTAL 37 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 12 SERVICESCAREERSOURCE PBC CAREERSOURCE PBC SERVICES-BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 12/5/2023 SESSION Name Job Title Service Security Guard Job Search Assistant Construction Job Search Assistance/Reentry Program Customer Service Resume Update Call Center Work Registration Assistance resume Total:4 12/12/2023 SESSION II Name Job Title Service Fast Food Resume/Job Search Assistance Customer Service Resume Update Administrative Asst RE Assistance Total:4 12/19/2023 SESSION III Name Job Title Service BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER 2023 13 General Manager Registration Assistance Security Guard Job Search Total: 12/25/2023 SESSION IV Name Job Title Service Christmas Holiday Total: 7 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 14 AmeriCorps Children'sTri ofReport AmeriCorps K- 6th Tutoring Monthly Report: December 2023 December has been a fun month. All of my students are excited for the holidays and they share about what they will do on break but also how they will miss me during their break which is sweet. I find it endearing because that must mean when they come to tutoring they are having a good experience. My student count has been solid at about 70-75 per week, but I do see students twice a week, some just once. My students have been doing well with their reading comprehension and have needed less assistance with homework. I still have a few that need some extra guidance because English is not their first language,but even those students who speak Spanish, Haitian creole, and French do try hard to get their work done and learn as much as they can. Parents have been doing well at signing up and making sure I know if they will be late, or need to reschedule.The parents have also been transparent with how their students are doing in school so their tutoring can be more structured to what they are not doing well in at school. For my monthly highlight I would like to share about a student who I have become my helper. This student is in 5th grade, and for their tutoring sessions we have been working on his writing and math and some reading comprehension. This student's mother keeps me updated on this student's progress at school and this student is doing much better than they were at the start of the school year. Since this student has done so well, when they are done with their work, they stay a BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 15 little extra and help out students that need some help, and this student has been a great help. This student has also given me tools to learn fractions and geometry to help the grades that are just starting to learn it. This student has been a good example for the other students when it comes to staying focused and to being a helping hand. Entering into the 2024 season, I know my student count may increase and I am looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to seeing more of my students soar in their schools and to be able to help them to move to the next grade when the time comes. I will continue to learn all I can for my students to better help them in their studies and will make sure they stay on track to succeed. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 16 December 2023 ESOL Report Adult ESOL AmeriCorps Devynn Fletcher December has been an exciting month, filled with holiday spirit and cheer. My beginner's class started the month going over a previous lesson, as it had been the most difficult one yet (using time expressions, such as "usually"). I also decided to distribute their first test to see where they are. I can already get a sense through class, but I wanted a paper to solidify my thoughts. They all did great! They weren't looking forward to it, but I told them all they did a good job (even if they got one wrong, a few wrong or a lot). I also gave all of them a gold star and did not grade but corrected and went over in class together. We then had a brain break day since lessons have been more challenging and had a game day. Then, we entered into our feelings and emotions unit, using simple tense and present continuous tense. They learned new vocabulary for emotions, such as nervous and then we went over what we do when we feel these things (cry, bite nails, etc.) Then, we had a test (after reviewing and studying) on what we had learned so far this year. I understand test (renamed "checkpoint") anxiety so I did my best to alleviate that for them by making the test only two pages and about what we have gone over in class. They did great! Then, we had a Christmas movie BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — DECEMBER 2023 17 day and then our Christmas party! I made Christmas goodie bags for them and we listened to music, played Christmas Bingo and had some sweet treats. My intermediate class started learning future continuous tense—he will be writing, she will be writing, etc. They also learned how to say "I will, she will, they will, etc." as contractions (I'll, She'll, They'll). They were amazed at how hard a few letters can be to say, but when praised them and repeated their affirmations back to them, they gained their confidence. The next week, we learned new vocabulary like electrician and mechanic, and reviewed a whole bunch of pronouns (direct, indirect, possessive & reflexive). They also did so well on their checkpoint! I started to see stress weighing down my students' faces one day in class on a hard lesson. I thought of ways to break the lesson down to make it easier, but I realized that they also needed a well-deserved break, so this class also enjoyed a game day, a movie day after our checkpoint and our Christmas party. I think my favorite moments in class are not only watching them grow and learn, but seeing that light snap on and that smile spread on their faces when I tell them that they are smart and intelligent and can do it. Happy and safe holidays to everyone! BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2023 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. s ._ rTF� 7 ASIA CREATED-. i t .r> ' MS JEANNIE TAYLOR BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 E OCEAN AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 CREDITOR: 1581 -- BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY DATES LISTED: 01/01/1900 TO 12/31/2023 ALL AMOUNTS LISTED Accounts Submitted 3,126 Dollars Submitted 226,611.95 Dollars Received 44,550.28 Bankruptcies 0 Dollars in Bankruptcy 0.00 Material Returned 45„792.02 Incorrect Addresses 573 Dollars in Skiptracing 30,513.04 Dollars Waived 13,413.37 Patron Disputes/Suspends 1 Dollars in Dispute 37.00 Accounts in Process 2,552 Dollars in Process 182,129.63 # of Accounts Activated 1,548 Total Activated 117,932.04 % of Accounts Activated 60.6616 %, of Dollars Activated 64.75% 9/14/2020 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES,INC UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. EXPLANATION OF SUMMARY PAGE ACCOUNT STATUS REPORT Left Column Accounts Submitted:Total number of accounts submitted for collection. Bankruptcies:Total number of accounts in bankruptcy. Incorrect Addresses:Total number of accounts for which we do not have correct addresses yet. Skip tracing efforts continue for quite some time so this number is very dynamic. Patron Disputes/Suspends:Total number of accounts where collection efforts have been stopped because the patron disputed the debt or the Library suspended collection efforts as a result of payment arrangements, mistakes,etc. Accounts in Process:Total number of accounts being processed through our collection service. This number is arrived at by subtracting Bankruptcies,Incorrect Addresses and Patron Disputes/Suspends from the total number of Accounts Submitted. of Accounts Activated:Total number of accounts that have responded in some way to reduce their balance. They could have returned material,made a payment or a combination of both. %of Accounts Activated: Percentage of processed accounts that have responded in some way (#of Accounts Activated divided by Accounts in Process).This percentage is a good measure of response rate because it measures the percentage of patrons that have actually responded due to the collection process. Middle Column Dollars Submitted: Total dollar amount due from all accounts submitted for collection. Dollars in Bankruptcy:Total dollar amount due from all accounts in bankruptcy. Dollars In Skips:Total dollar amount due for accounts with incorrect addresses. Dollars In Dispute:Total dollar amount for all accounts that have been disputed.. Dollars In Process:Total dollar amount for all accounts being processed. This number is equal to the Dollars Submitted minus Dollars in Bankruptcy,Dollars in Skips,and Dollars in Dispute,as well as the dollar amount due for all suspended and closed accounts(not detailed on this report). Its purpose is to show the total dollar amount actually being worked. Total Activated:Total original amount due by all Accounts Activated. The difference between this number and the sum of Dollars Received, Material Returned,and Dollars Waived is the remaining balance due by all Accounts Activated. %of Dollars Activated: Percentage of processed dollars that have been activated (Total Activated divided by Dollars in Process). Right Column Dollars Received:Actual money recovered as reported by the Library. Material Returned:Actual value of material returned as valued and reported by the Library. Dollars Waived:Actual dollars waived by the Library as reported by the Library. https:liweb.unique-mgmt.comfhelpjiles/summary.asp 1/1