Agenda 03-27-24 City of Boynton Beach BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Date: March 27, 2024 Location/Time: City Hall, 100 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Commission Chambers at 6:00 p.m. I. Call to Order—Stephanie Colaianni, Chair II. Approval of Minutes—February 2024 III. Correspondence and Communications IV. Public Audience(Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) V. Chair's Report—Board Chair VI. Unfinished Business: Introduction of Jacob Rabinowitz, Archivist Librarian Career Online High School Program Update—Jeannie Taylor VII. New Business City Commission ratification of Chair and Vice Chair Board Participation in Library Programs VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics February 2024 Monthly Reports IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting—April 24, 2024 Adjournment followed by tour of the Youth Library Virtual Zone NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING,HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND,FOR SUCH PURPOSE,HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.(F.S.286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (561) 742-6060 OR (TTY) 1-800-955-8771, AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE ADDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE. INFORMATION REGARDING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA AFTER IT IS PUBLISHED ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. At City Hall Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida PRESENT: George Feldman, Chair Jeannie Taylor, Library Director Joel Barsky Tiffany Pagan, Assistant Library Director Ellen Jones Stephanie Colaianni ABSENT: Marcia Levine Margaret Newton I. Call to Order— George Feldman Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Introduction of new Board Members Ellen Jones and Stephanie Colaianni Chair Feldman stated that there were new members appointed to the Board, and he asked them to briefly introduce themselves. New Board Member Stephanie Colaianni stated that she is in digital marketing, and she was born and raised in Boynton Beach. She likes to volunteer with the animal shelter and soup kitchen, and she sits on the Boynton Beach Sister Cities Board. She explained the purpose of the Boynton's Sister Cities organization. Dr. Ellen Jones stated that she teaches for the University of St. Augustine and for Palm Beach County in the substance use and mental health division of community services, mostly on the opioid response. She is a part-time program evaluator and there is an opioid settlement with the County and she holds the public hearings for subcommittees every other month. She stated that she has lived in Palm Beach County for three and a half years, with three of them in Boynton Beach. She said that she loves the City and she previously served on the Art Advisory Board. She want to see the City do well and she wants to be a part of it. Joel Barsky commented that he is from Boynton Beach, and originally from New York. Been in Boynton nearly all his life. He works for AmeriCorp and they work with the Library He said that he has been with the agency for eight years and that he has been involved with the library since he was little. He advised that he has been on the Board for a few Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 months now and he mentioned that he hoped the Library receives the Library of the Year Award, every year. George Feldman stated that he has lived in Boynton since 1996 and he has served on the Board for more than two years. He said that he loves the City and the new City Hall is a dramatic change. II. Approval of Minutes — December, 2023 Motion Chair Feldman moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Barsky seconded the motion. III. Correspondence and Communications Thomas Devlin Resignation Ms. Taylor announced that Mr. Devlin sent her correspondence stating that he resigned from the Board. She believed that he was appointed to serve on another Board and noted that people can only serve on one. IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) None V. Chair's Report— Board Chair Mr. Feldman commented that recently, they had horrendous weather. He hoped in the future that people try to make the meetings. He also explained that he has heard that the State is trying to remove any books that have images of nudity. Ms. Taylor responded that the State had not contacted the Library informing her of the change. She pointed out that most of what the State deals with regarding books has to do with the schools. She also stated that she attended a Director's Meeting in Tallahassee in January and no such direction to that effect was given. VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing Update — Jeannie Taylor Career Online High School Program Update —Jeannie Taylor Ms. Taylor explained that they have anew Archivist. She advised that she likes the Board Members to meet each new librarian and he will be at the next meeting. She advised that one customer relations staff member retired, so they will be hiring for that position. She added that they usually post these positions internally, because they have long-time, part- timers with lots of experience looking for full-time work. 2 Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 Ms. Taylor commented that they have not been successful hiring a new Digital Librarian to operate the Creative Edge Studio. The responding applicants did not fit the bill or turned the position down. She advised that they will approach two state universities where librarians obtain their masters and advertise the position there. She noted that they have had success doing so in the past. Ms. Taylor reported that the Career Online High School is booming and Graduate Number 22 wants to celebrate her graduation and she is trying to get them on the City Commission agenda in March. She said in the last three weeks, she had three new students on scholarships and that there has been lots of interest in the program. The criteria for the program is the student has to live or work in the City, be over 19 years old and have a library card. Since they are using local budget funds for the scholarship, only residents can be funded. She said that occasionally, they receive funds from the State, but they are usually cut. She announced that if funds from the State are received, they open up the program to residents of Palm Beach County She stated that they will continue to apply for grants to fund the program. Dr. Jones stated that her background is in grant writing and she offered to help with grants. VII. New Business Nomination and selections for Chair and Vice Chair Board Participation in Library Programs Chair Feldman commented that the election of Chair and Vice Chair occurs every year. Mr. Barsky said that he is interested in serving as Vice Chair. Ms. Taylor stated staff keeps the Board up to date about data so they can see what people are doing and using in the library, what is going on with the community and what the Library has to offer. She said that Board Members serve as Ambassadors and that if members see a library activity they like, they can participate in it. The members can also convey what the public would like to see at the Library. She noted that there are a lot of activities at the Library. Ms. Taylor explained the Chair runs the meeting and Vice Chair sits in his/her place to run the meeting when the Chair is absent. She noted the Chair also makes a presentation to the CC once a year. Motion Chair Feldman moved to nominate of Ms. Colaianni as Chair. Dr. Jones seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. The motion passed unanimously. 3 Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 Motion Dr. Jones nominated Joel Barsky as Vice Chair. Ms. Colaianni seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics November, December 2023 and January 2024 Monthly Reports Ms. Taylor explained she included the Ordinance in the Board packets. She noted that November and December meetings were combined. Ms. Pagan explained that when they apply for a Library State Aid Grant, they are required to include annual statistical reports. Dr_ Jones stated that would like to see trend statistics over time and new programs offered. She said it may help with other grants outside of the state money. Ms. Taylor explained they recently applied for two grants for graphic novels and for programing related to it_ She said that the second grant was for more items for the Virtual Zone. She advised that they always work with economic development to support small business. They have the sound booth in the Teen Virtual Zone, but wanted to see if they could get small business owners to use it for pod casts and they needed video equipment, a green screen and other equipment to obtain needed equipment to be used for small business in the mornings when children are in school. Dr. Jones stated that she can help with any data that shows Boynton has unique needs, because she does that for the county. Mr. Barsky said that h would like to see the equipment and software they have. Dr. Jones also would like to visit. Ms. Taylor said that they would set something up. She commented that if Bianca is working the evening of the next meeting, they can view it after the meeting IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting — March 27, 2024 Chair announced next meeting. Ms. Colaianni said that she will be out of town in May. Mr. Barsky spoke about finding new DVD's in the Library. Ms. Pagan explained how the Library handles the materials. She noted new material is depicted with a sticker. They can also be found in the online catalogue and even if it was ordered but not yet received, it can be put on hold. 4 Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 X. Adjournment Motion Dr. Jones moved to adjourn. Mr. Barsky seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 5 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 1 Adrr��rflsbrat`ve Activities The Library Director attended City Commission meetings, Library Advisory Board Meeting, City Leadership Administrative Team Meetings,Schoolhouse Children's Museum Board meeting. Custon,ter Service and Circtflation Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Customer Visits Adult 8785 8850 -0.7 Customer Visits Youth 6025 4951 +21.7 Total Customer Visits 14810 13801 +73 Total Circulation* 13671 12406 +10.2 Adult Circulation 5879 6039 -2.6 Young Adult Circulation 408 452 -9.7 Juvenile Circulation 3980 3860 +3.1 ILS System Circulation (Print 10289 10377 -0.8 ,Materials) (Total items checked lout kiosks and others in-house) Checkouts on Kiosks 5016 5395 -7.0 EBook Circ (Overdrive, 1920 1070 +79.4 Cloudlibrary) eAudiobook Circ (Overdrive, 665 391 +70.1 CloudL) Overdrive Magazines 463 172 +169.2 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 2 Audiovisual 965 1179 -18.2 Users registered 302 232 +30.2 Online user registration 40 47 -14.9 Onecard Cards 0 4 -100.0 Number of Reference 852 1886 -54.8 Transactions *includes ILS, Ebooks, Freegal, OD mags, Gale legal forms Digital Resouirce and Database Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Freegal Streams 1742 1982 -12.1 Freegal Users (new) 0 1 -100.0 Freegal Downloads 325 380 -14.5 Ka nopy Streams 531 333 +59.5 Learning Express Sessions Na 22 Gale Legal 9 16 -43.8 Gale Infotrac Sessions 391 Gale Infotrac Retrievals 47 Transparent Languages Users 7 15 -53.3 Transparent Languages Sessions 13 86 -84.9 Learning Express Job Career Na 21 Sessions Knowledge City Logins 11 6 +83.3 Brain Fuse 81 5 +1520.0 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 3 A to Z total records viewed 5149 1141 351.3 Boynton-Beach.org/city-library pageviews (pulled from Google Analytics, this is the number of views :: our library website has received) Palm Beach Post Views (Newsbank) 717 1080 -33.6 Collection Management Discarded Items = 279 Items Added to Collection = 828 fC"'ustomer Relations/Curbside Pl�ckup Stat"�svr:s Curbside appointments made: 11 Curbside appointments picked-up: 11 January launched our annual Adult Read-a-thon! We are up to 100 participants! This is much better participation than in the last few years. The database training is going well, we have almost completed the Creativel3ug training, and then we will move on to Libby and CloudLibrary BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 4 Social, AVIedia Instagram Followers New followers , Post engagement Post engagement rate 1.4K 31 249 12.15% followers followers engagements engagement rate Profile impressions 4st Profile visits 41,15 Profile reach SRI,,Website clicks 5.7K 160 2.2K 10 impressions views users website taps Continued on the next page... BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 5 Facebook Page impressions Page new likes Page reach Page shares 8.8K 2 .5.3K 30 impressions likes users post shares Post clicks Post engagement rate Post link clicks fj' Followers 131 7.05% 6 370 engagement rate clicks followers Twitter Followers Tweets Net new followers 370 luts 4 followers tweets followers BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 6 Linkedln Page reach Post clicks Posts 813 70 19 connections clicks posts Followers Page engagement rate 116 9eO7% followers engagement rate BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 7 Pt,d,,,),H"c Compt"Iter Llsage Statistics Adult Computer Use: 1297 Adult Computer Average Time Per Session: 43 min Youth Computer Use: 637 Youth Computer Average Time Per Session: 35 min Adult Laptops Total Use: 66 Teen Laptops Total Use: 41 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOY NTON BEACH %i Y LIBRARY tib ON T HLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 8 Archives'Monthly Report—February • Acquisitions: o Received programs and other various ephemeral materials (cards, art,and other materials relating to the dance school and performances)from Gillian Wimbourne Davis (AKA'Miss Gillian')to fill gaps of materials missing from current collection (A0035). Preparing materials to conduct an Oral History with Miss Gillian about the multiple decades she ran the dance school here,the work she did with the Boynton public television station, and her time in Boynton. Ultimately planning to add this to her collection (A0035) and upload the interview on our Oral History section on the archives' website. • Intern: o Having Karmelysa do folder-level description of our collections; most folders are not represented in our finding aids, and many do not have any specific information on their individual contents.This is going to make locating materials MUCH easier,as right now most finding aids only have series-level description and do not say what box, or what folder certain materials are in.This will save A LOT of time in the long run and potential researchers/users will much more easily be able to locate desired materials.ACCESS! • Research: o Finished putting together a presentation or potential Brown Bag Lecture regarding the 1909 shipwreck of the Coquimbo; lecture notes/script& powerpoint presentation with lots of purdy images. Did a lot of research into the ship, its crew, manufacturers, and the effects the Coquimbo had on early Boynton. Should be a lot of fun when I get a chance to present! o Put together profiles of prominent/significant historical Black community members of Boynton Beach/PBC to be highlighted for Black History Month for newsletter, as well as for Sheila Tyson (Marketing Outreach Coordinator). o Putting together profiles of significant women of the area to highlight for Women's History Month in March,to be highlighted in the library's newsletter for the archive's blurb(s). • Reference: o Helped one Caroline Robison locate early 20`h century photos the archives has of Ocean Ridge;Town Hall,the inlet, bridge(s),and buildings from the era for a presentation she was working on. o Helped Mike Zeak locate some photos of his father Jim Zeak who donated a lot of photographs to the archives from when he did a charter boat&fishing tours at the Boynton Inlet around the 50's-70's. o Pulled information in the archives relating to Briny Breezes in the 1930's and information relating to Theodore Pratt Taylor Hagood, English professor at FAU • Unity Project:at the moment, the Unity Project has been on the front burner and taking the majority of my time and priorities o Craig and Sheila Tyson passed onto me a binder with about 20+ printed images relating to St. Paul AME which the Unity Project intends to enlarge& print onto foam-core posterboard. The images were REALLY bad quality,so I spent quite a bit of time BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLYREPORT-- FEBRUARY 9 selecting/cu rating,finding any originals of higher quality, enhancing as best I could in photoshop, resizing/cropping, making collages, and researching names &dates-and then ultimately engaging with Clear Copy in Boynton for the actual production element. o Did a lot of research for Kelly Armstead from the Arts&Culture dept. on the old High School &Cultural center; photos, its history, etc. o Cheslea Sanabia from Boynton's Public Affairs reached out wanting photos/videos/etc. relating to the ordinances being repealed,St. Paul AME,and in general the Black community/history in Boynton. Provided info on the history of the area, pictures, and supplemental information which she requested to eventually be used to write a news article. o Met with two artists the Cultural Center is working with to create murals re: Unity Project—did a lot of digging and research to provide the artists with stuff to work with regarding the segregation/sundowner ordinances in the early 1900's, images of African American sports teams around/pre-segregation, community centers, music, and other facets relating to the community&era which the archives has. o Conducting ongoing research for Kira Gavalakis of the TB Mediagroup which is working with the Cultural Center on the Unity Project.They are interested in the histories/images/etc. of the Cultural Center(formerly the high school),the Woman's Club, and the Amphitheater. In the process of compiling info/images for them. They are ultimately trying to market for them to rent out spaces in the buildings... I think...? • Website stuff: o STILL ongoing project of repairing dead links, missing images,outdated information, etcetera on the archives'website. Fixed/updated/uploaded broken and missing resources in the g+ri Al it f LU&tL L Iet.=on archives' page. Lots of dead links and missing files in the Black History Resources section. Uploaded working copies of Ordinances 37,47, 136, and 1907 Dade County Schoolboard minutes that led to the establishment of a school for African American children. Website is an ongoing long-term project that is going to take a while, but we're getting there!YAY! • Other projects&stuff: o Currently taking inventory of ALL of the 8mm film in the archives that have yet to be digitized. So far there's about 50-60(and counting) 8mm reels that we have which are inaccessible and unusable. Putting together a proposal for options regarding digitization (purchasing(cheap!) equipment, or 3rd party route)—more to come on that soon. o Have been working with mister Steve Singer—Maritime researcher/archaeologist on local shipwrecks in the area. He has provided me with a lot of information, images, and videos which eventually are going to make their way into 1-2 of the archives' display cases, and a video/image montage on the TV screen above. Have additionally been coordinating with Steve to have him do a presentation at the Library on the same topics/subjects. He has a lot of cool shipwreck treasures&artifacts that he is planning on bringing. Also working with him on potentially donating some Boynton-related shipwreck artifacts to the archives. More on that soon.Steve also has one of his books on shipwrecks here—recommended to Donna to order his newer book on South Florida shipwrecks. o Began keeping a daily temp/humidity log of the hygrothermograph (the thing that logs the temperature/humidity in the archives)—things seem fine enough, but I want enough BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 10 data on the long-term to see if we need to make any adjustments to the HVAC for ideal preservation conditions. Creative Edge Stg.,�dio Programs • Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards: 8 • Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards (evening): 7 • Sewing Beginner Lesson: 6 • Sewing Intermediate: 3 • Crafting in the Library (Paper Embroidery Bookmarks): 8 Appointments • With Christina: 0 • With Studio Assistant: 13 Creative Bug • Active Users: 8 • New Users: 1 • Hours Watched: 1.04 hrs Most popular category is sewing! Followed closely by crochet. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 11 Our sewing programs continue to be incredibly popular. We increased this program from once a month, to twice a month, but it still does not seem to be keeping up with community demand. We could probably offer sewing once a week, and it still would not be enough. This month in the Studio, the Studio Assistant helped a patron design custom onesies for her daughter's first baby. They were a hit at the baby shower and they did not realize that the onesies were handmade. _ ._.__._.— _ __. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Date Class Title Class Category Class Duration(min) Unique Viewers Videos Viewed Average Viewed Duration(min) Class Completions !2024 February Creative bug Site Tour for Libraries 1.5 3 8 4.1 21 ;2024 February Crochet Sampler:A Daily Practice Crochet 254.5 1 4 29.4 0! `2024 February Basic Sewing:Seams Sewing 14.1 1 3 14.4 11 '2024 February Beginner Sewing:Market Tote Bag Sewing 37.4 1 2 3.5 01 12024 February Sewing Drawstring Bags Sewing 38.4 1 1 0.8 0: :2024 Februar Sewin Machine Maintenance Sewin 28.2 1................2 .._„ c -_1.8 a ----•-_----__9y Y.......Ss...... ........ — _.......................,...,.._._...... BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT_ FEBRUARY 2024 12 PLiblic Tf,.,�chnology Trainh%,g PIrogKams February aasses:11 Dates: Times: # ]Reg#: Wait List? What is Canva? Monday,February 5th 5p-6:30p(FL RM) 2 8 Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,February 8th 10:30a-11:30a Social Media 101 Wednesday,Februag y 14th 10a-11:30a(FL RM) 7 9 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,February 22nd 10:30a-11:30a 6 5 N 1: Total Attended: 44 Tech Talk Thursdays: "UPDATED TIME: 18:30m-11:30a** Join us every Thursday by the couches at the front of the library where we will discuss technology and how to use that tech.This class will be a brief 60-minute chat along with instructions on how to use different technologies. Registration is required and limited to five seats.Others may drop-in but the five registrants will be given seats.This class will beheld inthe pop-up area ofthe library. FEBRUARY AGENDA: ' February 1st'New iPhonesettings (iOS17) ' February 8th—iOSvs. Android February 1Sth—What isFaoebookMarketplace? February 22nd—Password Managers ' February 2Qth—What are Search Engines? I've been having trouble with people registering for Tech Talk. Either they don't sign up or they sign up and never show up and since there are a limited number of seats to sign up with,those that really want to attend can't attend. For those that come to me and ask me if they can come, I tell them I will never turn someone away ifthey just show up. 26 Ona'mm'wuas: gOYNTONBEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 13 1 met with a woman whose husband had passed back in November and she was putting together a PowerPoint presentation for her husband's memorial.We met four times during February and we worked on her presentation and I helped her record her voice to play over a few of the slides. On Friday, February 23rd, I worked with a gentleman that had a stroke and wanted to learn how to use his computer. He told me he was a retired accountant and after his stroke he needed help re-learning how to use a computer. We went over how to use Zoom,we even did a mock-call so he could see how to Zoom works on his computer. Other Notes: Tuesday, February 6th I went to the Senior Center for my monthly Tech Talk, I had four people attend. This program is picking up in popularity.The Senior Center has chair yoga scheduled at 10a,and I have people that stay through my whole program instead of leaving in the middle of the talk to go to the chair yoga. Brenton Rolle has told me that the seniors are always talking about me and my classes. I've been getting a lot of seniors coming into the library after my visit. It really is fantastic and one of my favorite programs I hold. Wednesday, February 14th was my 2-year anniversary being the Public Technology Trainer at the Boynton Beach City Library! I am so proud of what this position has turned in to.This library environment is inclusive,compassionate and understanding—that is so rare to find in a library setting. Taking this job at this library has been the highlight of my life these past two years! I have learned so much in my two years and my bag of tricks is growing with each day. Here's to another 2-years and beyond! BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 14 Adlkult Services Prc,)gr,,, nn!,; Program Sessions Participants Learn German 2 9 Book Buzz Adult Book Club 1 26 How to Make Money with Music 4 7 Jumpstart Your Memoir 2 14 Brown Bag Lecture Series - Boynton Beach 1 32 Garden Club Brown Bag Lecture Series - Staying Vertical 1 26 Brown Bag Lecture Series - Healthy Brain 1 35 (University of Miami Comprehensive Brain Health) Child of the Holocaust Lecture 1 26 Great Decisions 4 17 L BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 15 Youth Library Statistics Summary-Febuary 2024 L1T '' (, TEEN PROGRAMMING #Participants #Participants Outdoor Storytime 1 30 Teen Tuesday 1 4 Outdoor Storytime 2 18 Teen Tuesday Suzy Hammer Storytime 65 Teen Tuesday 6 Bilingual Storytime 1 25 Teen Tuesday 4 11 Outdoor Storytime 3 3 Picture Book Club 20 Community Helpers 23 Make and Take 2 Art from the Heart 65 Vhlual Zone -Sound Booth 28 Steam Lab 14 A, 1!-'r'_;, ,r 7 Virtual Zone Adult program 8 PAWS to Read 1 PAWS to Read 2 On hold PAWS to Read 3 Holiday PAWS to Read 4 On hold TOTAL 327 TOTAL 6 CARDS&ACCOUNTS AdultCards(new) 44 Youth r s(new) 30 TOTAL 7 PC Reservation PC Usage Report Total Uses Total Time Average Session 637 375:01:00 35.323 REFERENCE AND TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS STATISTICS WEEKLY SAMPLE Dec 11-16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total: Reference 17 25 19 30 4 25 120 Techology 4 6 3 9 1 23 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 16 CAREERSOURCE PBC SERW(CES 2/6/2024 SESSION I Name Job Title Service Bus Driver Training scholarship Office Assistant Job Search Assistance(New) Customer Service Work Registration(New) Chef/Security Guard Job Search Assistance Data Entry Job Search Assistance Undocumented Information about CareerSource PBC Warehouse Associate Resume Assistance Landscaper/Cabinet Resume Assistance Maker Total:8 2/13/2024 SESSION 11 Name Job Title Service Call Center Rep RA Claim Assistance/Work Registration Customer Service RA Claim Assistance Administrative Assistant Work Registration(New) Restaurant Crew Member Work Registration(New) Total:4 2/20/2024 SESSION III Name Job Title Service BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 - 17 Administrative Assistant RA Claim Assistance - Construction Laborer Work Registrations(New) Custodian Work Registration(New) Veteran Maintenance Worker Vet Intake Cleaner Resume Assistance Total:5 2/27/2024 SESSION IV Name Job Title Service - Retail Sales Assistance with Employ Florida Construction worker Work Registration(New) CSR RA Claim Assistance Restaurant Crew Member Resume Assistance Home Health Aide Job Search Assistance - Total:5 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 18 A d u i t 9"S 0 L A rn�e h`C o s February was looking a little sparse with my students, but I still have a full roster. A couple students are overseas visiting their loved ones. We all wish them a safe and happy time with their families, and look forward to them coming back soon. I have added a couple new students where previous ones have stopped coming. More students from Haiti. Each class still equals about eight students. In my beginner's class, we reviewed a bit from our emotions and feelings lesson. We played the Feelings Game and some Pictionary to help with this. Our first lesson of the month focused on light conversations—asking and answering questions to know someone, using "to be." Then, we expanded our vocabulary, or reviewed for some, with classroom objects, places and rooms in the house. Next, we dabbled in present tense and present continuous—describing what we and others are doing in the moment. Charades come in handy here. The last week of February, we learned the difference between "where" and "what" when asking questions, using our knowledge of present continuous tense to answer some of these questions. We also learned the difference between this, that and these, BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 19 those. And since everyone has been working so hard, we finished the month with a fun game day. In my intermediate class, we also started the month with reviewing, but reviewing the three major verb tenses—past, present, future. We then dived into conversation—both spoken and written to practice using all different verb tenses. Then, we spent time on homophones and homonyms. It was fun to hear examples in their respective languages. Next, I challenged the students to use multiple tenses while speaking. My students kept going and trying with encouragement, and they did indeed do it. We continued on practicing future tense into the next week, since there are multiple ways to say it. For the last week of the month, we focused on learning when to use "a" and when to use "an" (with a couple exceptions). We also learned parts of speech and enjoyed a much-needed game day. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 20 AmerCorps K-&Vhit, T',,..,ftrincs, Monthly ReportFebri-,,ary 2024 February has been a good month for tutoring. I had about 80 students this month come in for help, some students came multiple times. The students have been more engaged with their work, and have been wanting to come to tutoring, and get excited to learn now. Spring break is coming soon so I know the students are excited for that and are anticipating it, so I am helping them to stay on track and continue to strive in their learning, and that when break happens and they come back from break, we can continue to go forward in their learning and not have set backs. The parents have been good with being more involved in their students, letting me know how the students are progressing in school so we can come up with a plan to continue their tutoring as is, or to go and relearn something to help them excel. Highlight of the month is about one of my fourth grade students. This student has a hearing disability and at times comprehension of homework and reading aren't at the level the students need to be on. We have been working together to come up with better reading strategies to help the student more in the classroom setting and also when the student wants to read their favorite comic books. I have BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— FEBRUARY 2024 21 been tutoring this student since August and the student's guardian wanted to show me the student's report card. The student's marks have gone from 3s and 4s to 1s and 2s, meaning he is mastering more than the student was before. The guardian of the student wanted to tell me how the student has improved at school and also their behavior at home and that the guardian is thankful to have the tutoring program at the library. I am thankful to be a part of the positive changes in learning for my students and will continue to help them succeed in any ways that I can. Moving into March, I will keep improving my skills as a tutor to understand my students' needs by learning more of their curriculum online, and also allowing the students to tell me what they want to learn, even if it's a subject that they don't have homework in. I want my students to know that anything is possible and whatever they want to achieve they can. I know there are only a few more months of school, but I know that my students will finish strong with their learning. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- FEBRUARY 2024