Agenda 04-10-24 The City of Boynton Beach ` Art Advisory Board Agenda Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 6:30 PM City Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Boynton Beach Art Advisory Board Clovis Moodie, Vice Chair Cynthia Alexis, Member Susan Froelich, Member Gregory Hartmann, Member Dr. Phyllis Pacilli, Member Margaret Roberts, Member Hector Velazquez, Member Breion Moses, Alternate Ace Tilton Ratcliff, Alternate Craig Clark, Staff Liaison *Mission* To create a sustainable community by providing exceptional municipal services, in a financially responsible manner. www.boynton-beach.org 1 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Informational items from the Board 6. Approval of Minutes Approve minutes from February 2024 meeting. A. Approve Minutes. Approve Minutes from February 2024 Meeting. 7. Public Audience Individual speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. 8. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence Unity Festival will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 1 pm to 5pm at Centennial Park next to City Hall. 9. Action Items 10. Unfinished Business A. Unity Project Murals Consider Approval of two Unity Project Murals, one by Craig McInnis and the other by Eduard Mendieta. City Staff take no position on approval or disapproval of murals. 11. New Business 12. Future Agenda 13. Adjournment Notice If a person decides to appeal to any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, He/She will need a record of the proceedings and,for such purpose, He/She may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact the City Clerk's office, (561)742-6060 or(TTY) 1-800-955-8771, at least 48 hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. Additional agenda items may be added subsequent to the publication of the agenda on the City's web site. Information regarding items added to the agenda after it is published on the City's web site can be obtained from the office of the City Clerk. 2 6.A Approval of Minutes 04/10/2024 City of Boynton Beach "• Agenda Item Request Form Meeting Date: 04/10/2024 Approve Minutes. Requested Action: Approve Minutes from February 2024 Meeting. Attachments: February 2024 Minutes AAB.pdf 3 Minutes of the Art Advisory Board Meeting Held on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. At City Hall Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida Present: Clovis Moodie, Vice Chair Craig Clark, Director, Art and Culture Gregory Hartmann Kelly Armstead, Manager, Cultural Art Programs Margaret Roberts Susan Froehlich Ace Tilton Ratcliff (Arrived 6:34 P.M.) Absent: Cynthia Alexis Hector"Sam" Velazquez Breion Moses Dr. Phyllis Pacilli 1. Call to Order Vice Chair Moodie sat as Chair and called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. 2. Pledge of Allegiance The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by Chair Moodie reading rules of civility to the public. 3. Roll Call Minutes Specialist Catherine Cherry called the roll. A quorum was present. Chair Moodie introduced Ms. Froehlich and welcomed her to the Board. Ms. Froehlich briefly presented herself and her credentials. Chair Moodie asked if there were any excused absences. Craig Clark, Director, Art and Culture, responded that there was a request by Sam Velazquez, who could not attend; Dr. Pacilli, had a death in the family; and that , Cynthia Alexis was to join the meeting virtually, but was having difficulty connecting. He noted that Ms. Alexis may join the meeting later. Chair Moodie expressed sympathies, on the Board's behalf, to Dr. Pacilli on the passing of her mother. 4 Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida February 8, 2024 (Ace Tilton Ratcliff arrived.) Chair Moodie appointed Mx. Tilton Ratcliff to vote in Mr. Velazquez' absence. 4. Approval of Agenda Motion Mr. Hartmann moved to approve the agenda. Mx. Tilton Ratcliff seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Informational items from the Board Mr. Hartmann announced that he attended the Highwaymen Art Exhibit at the Cultural Center. He said that it was a very nice show and that there was a good turnout; the community was engaged with the art, and there were lots of both art and Girl Scout Cookies sold. Chair Moodie disclosed that she attended the Unity Meetings and that she was not involved in any art processes, as she excused herself when art was discussed. 6. Approval of Minutes A. Approve Minutes from the December 14, 2023 Meeting Motion Mr. Hartmann moved to approve the minutes. Mx. Tilton Ratcliff seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Public Audience Individual speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. No one came forward. 8. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence A. Art & Autism Expo on April 8, 2024 Mr. Clark announced the Art&Autism Expo on April 8, 2024, hosted by the Florida Atlantic University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD), the City of Boynton Beach, Memorial Health Care Systems, and the Therapeutic Treehouse to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month. He stated that there will be art in various mediums displayed at the Expo. 2 5 Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida February 8, 2024 B. Unity Project Overview Mr. Clark reviewed dates associated with the event as contained in the meeting materials. He said that the Unity Project partnered with the Heart of Boynton (HOB) Neighborhood Association and community, the Mellon Foundation, who is funding the event, the Florida Division of Arts and Culture, Department of State, South Arts, and the City of Boynton Beach, the funding totaled $164K. Mr. Clark noted that the artist selected tonight can exhibit other art and that in March and April, there will be various workshops. He explained that Unity Fest will culminate with a large event on April 27th at Centennial Park and that a Haitian Heritage Art Exhibit will be held at the Cultural Center in May. Mr. Clark stated that they issued a Call to Artists, which closed December 6, 2023, and that five finalists were selected by the HOB Planning Committee. He announced the finalists, as noted below, and stated that Artist Tiffany Beasi dropped out. He explained that after the presentations, each member will rank the proposals, and the top two will be selected and receive $5K each in honorarium. He said that the artist selected for the business wall on the corner of Federal Highway and MLK Boulevard will also receive $1,000 for supplies, and he also noted that the other artist, who will paint the Sara Sims Park, southside racquetball wall, will receive $750 for supplies. He added that the City will supply a small lift and scaffolding for the artists to use when painting. He commented that they are checking the budget to try to accommodate a historical marker in front of St Paul AME Church. He stated that the other potential marker locations are the Carolyn Sims Center, Barton Cemetery and the Ezell Hester Center. C. Unity Project - Call to Artist Candidates Presentation Muralist Presentations by Chanai Winborn, Nargiza Dadabaeva, Tiffany Beasi, Craig McInnis & Eduardo Mendieta. Kelly Armstead, Manager, Cultural Arts Programs, stated that four candidates will make presentations with the first being Ms. Windborn. Chanai Windborn stated that her artist name is Jeannie Chanai and that she is a biologist, a community and business-minded artist, and a local business owner. She said that in 2019, she opened a multi-purpose studio in North Carolina that was open to the community. She noted that she was born in Boynton Beach, moved to North Carolina and returned to Boynton Beach to join her family. She reviewed her experience in meaningful art, experience with non-profits, graphic design, marketing, administrative support and community building. She said that she has a background in early childhood education and said that she would love for the community be involved in the mural. She noted that she favored the Sara Sims location so that the community can complete the lower part of the mural. 3 6 Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida February 8, 2024 She reviewed the timeline with the completion date of April 27th at the Unity Festival and that the community would finish the artwork. Chair Moodie asked about the colors and how she will ensure the mural is weather resistant. Ms. Chanai said that she would use a Seminole patchwork piece containing yellows, orange, blues, and black and would incorporate different unity symbols and phrases that will be sealed with appropriate coatings. She commented that she wanted to include a QR Code on the mural containing information on the history and story of the people and community. Chair Moodie questioned if the symbols would be acceptable to the community. Ms. Windborn responded that the symbols were very acceptable. She added that her artwork is currently in a gallery in the Boynton Beach Mall and in Gallery 15 in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Mr. Hartmann inquired if she has ever painted an outdoor mural and one this size. Ms. Windborn replied that her murals are interior and that this mural would be her largest one. Ms. Armstead introduced Artist Nargiza Dadabaeva. Nargiza Dadabaeva introduced herself and was present with her husband, Jonathan, who said that he will assist her with the mural. Mr. Dadabaeva stated that he is not a mural artist, but he does graphic work and together, they have painted several murals in South Florida, with the last one being finished in Ft. Lauderdale. Ms. Dadabaeva reviewed two sketches she and her husband thought would be appropriate as contained in the meeting materials. She said that they could complete the mural in one to two weeks. Vice Chair Moodie noted they created the Diplomat display in Hollywood. Mr. Dadabaeva explained that they have experience working with cities and that they try to get communities to connect with the art. She noted that they completed a mural in Lauderhill recently and noted that their mural images elicit questions about its history. Ms. Dadabaeva commented that she was recognized in Uzbekastan and that she started in Russia. She said that they were involved in Mural Fest this year and she has held exhibitions, although not solo exhibits. She advised that they use acrylics, spray paint, but most of her work is airbrushed. 4 7 Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida February 8, 2024 Mr. Dadabaeva explained that they use exterior paint that are sealers. He said that he he would love to have youth involved in the mural. Mx. Tilton Ratcliff inquired if they can create art that is more specific to Boynton Beach. Mr. Dadabaeva responded that they can adjust to incorporate the City's history. He added that the work will be in a photorealistic style. Ms. Armstead introduced Mr. Clark McInnis. Craig McInnis stated that he has been an artist for 25 years, working right out of art school. He noted that he uses industry standard mural exterior colorfast paints with a three to seven-year life, and that the mural would take about two-weeks to complete. Chair Moodie asked if any portion of the work would be a copy or a reproduction of work Mr. McInnis has done before. Mr. McInnis responded that the Love Lady image is a copy, but she has not been used in a mural. He explained that the community could be involved in the mural in a paint by number fashion. Chair Moodie inquired that in knowing how the HOB Association and community would be involved, how that information would impact the project. Mr. McInnis responded that if the vision is to be more specific or have certain elements, they can add them. Mx. Tilton Ratcliff commented that the Unity project is related to racism, and asked if Mr. McInnis could represent that message. Mr. McInnis responded that he could. Mr. Eduardo Mendieta was introduced by Ms. Armstead Eduardo Mendieta, South Florida resident, living in Palm Beach County stated that he has been painting large scale outdoor murals for about 15 years and that he has experience working with cities and municipalities. His said that his first design was for a racquetball court. He reviewed his presentation as contained in the meeting materials. Chair Moodie's commented that the HOB and City are involved, and asked how would that information influence his work. Mr. Mendieta responded that he went with theme of Unity and that he hoped to involve the community in painting the mural after he sketched it out. Mr. Clark noted that both finalists will be required to attend Unity project planning meetings on February 13th and the 27th for community input at the Sims Center at 6 P.M. 5 8 Meeting Minutes Art Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida February 8, 2024 and then they will be required to attend an Art Advisory Board meeting on March 14th at 6:30 P.M., to present their final concept for Board approval. Chair Moodie recessed the meeting at 7:35 P.M. to allow staff to tabulate the results and reconvened the meeting at 7:45 P.M. Staff calculated the scores as follows: Chanai Windborn 48; Nariza Dadabaeva 61; Craig McInnis 73; and Eduardo Mendieta 74. The two highest ranked finalists were Mendieta and McInnis. Mr. Clark announced that Mr. McInnis will paint the mural at the Federal Highway and MLK Jr. Boulevard location and that Mr. Mendieta will paint the Sara Sims Southside racquet ball wall. 9. Action Items A. Approve Mural Finalists Motion Mr. Hartmann moved for Eduardo Mendieta to be awarded the mural at the Sara Sims racquetball wall and for Craig McInnis be awarded the mural at Federal Highway and MILK Jr. Boulevard. Mx. Tilton Ratcliff seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 10. Unfinished Business — None 11. New Business — None 12. Future Agenda — None 13. Adjournment Motion Mx. Tilton Ratcliff moved to adjourn. Ms. Roberts seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. There being no further business to discus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 6 9 10.A Unfinished Business 04/10/2024 City of Boynton Beach "• Agenda Item Request Form Meeting Date: 04/10/2024 Unity Project Murals Requested Action: Consider Approval of two Unity Project Murals, one by Craig McInnis and the other by Eduard Mendieta. City Staff take no position on approval or disapproval of murals. Explanation of Request: Artist Craig McInnis was selected by the Arts Advisory Board to paint a community mural on the south wall of the building located at the corner of Federal Highway and MLK Blvd. Eduardo Mendieta was selected by the Advisory Board to paint a community mural on the south wall of the racquetball courts at Sara Sims Park. A Call to Artists was issued for the mural project and five final candidates were selected by the Heart of Boynton Neighborhood Association Planning Committee and other members of the public. The final two candidates, Craig McInnis and Eduardo Mendieta were selected by the Arts Advisory Board to submit mural proposals. These two murals are presented to you for consideration. Community comments regarding the murals that were either emailed to Unity@bbfl.com or written at the Artist Meet & Greet Reception held on March 16, 2024 at the Arts & Cultural Center are included in the attachment for your review. How will this affect city programs or services? The murals will be on display for the public to reflect upon for years to come. Fiscal Impact: The Artist Fees will be paid from the Mellon Foundation Grant Funds. Attachments: Unity Mural Project Final Proposals-Public Art Board.pptx 10 T T 0 aA Q 0 L. >L _0 qztN _ O o .=moon m 0 0 C: 0 Q o N a ,; M 4-J v 0 0 o m N T Ss } 1lt � t4 I 51��� tfrt 1��tS1SSys{i}�15FFif{',11���{ht f1,ss � {� dip\�n��rltjt t�tti�t�t t„ T 2 � . t th14 / �,\����4��� t Ctrl}h�V�y ftys>�ts) 1 7 5 £i s - thh- {r t17l�lt{�t�ttlt tslli�s tl5tli rt S Sl � f f` E Sr i%f m -0 , G ✓� • to O C t. Co m t i N J m ms'���'�t i j t�tst� h ss s ��h i->iigp,Xn crosw :4 E U LL circ _3 M T u M� W i s �t DE � O n C: Ul i� LcoY U �F U m U O 1 Q) c70 T { /T f t 4--j —0 5 L/o)LU ' C6 ak Lf) n.. 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