Agenda 04.24.24 -= City of Boynton Beach BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Date: April 24, 2024 Location/Time: City Hall, 100 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Commission Chambers at 6:00 p.m. I. Call to Order—Stephanie Colaianni, Chair II. Approval of Minutes— March 2024 III. Correspondence and Communications IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) V. Chair's Report— Board Chair VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing update Career Online High School Program Update —Jeannie Taylor VII. New Business Introduction of Christina Graves, Senior Librarian Customer Relations VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics March 2024 Monthly Reports IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting — May 22, 2024 NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.(F.S.286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (561) 742-6060 OR (TTY) 1-800-955-8771, AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE ADDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE. INFORMATION REGARDING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA AFTER IT IS PUBLISHED ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. At City Hall Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida PRESENT: George Feldman, Chair Jeannie Taylor, Library Director Joel Barsky Tiffany Pagan, Assistant Library Director Ellen Jones Stephanie Colaianni ABSENT: Marcia Levine Margaret Newton I. Call to Order— George Feldman Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Introduction of new Board Members Ellen Jones and Stephanie Colaianni Chair Feldman stated that there were new members appointed to the Board, and he asked them to briefly introduce themselves. New Board Member Stephanie Colaianni stated that she is in digital marketing, and she was born and raised in Boynton Beach. She likes to volunteer with the animal shelter and soup kitchen, and she sits on the Boynton Beach Sister Cities Board. She explained the purpose of the Boynton's Sister Cities organization. Dr. Ellen Jones stated that she teaches for the University of St. Augustine and for Palm Beach County in the substance use and mental health division of community services, mostly on the opioid response. She is a part-time program evaluator and there is an opioid settlement with the County and she holds the public hearings for subcommittees every other month. She stated that she has lived in Palm Beach County for three and a half years, with three of them in Boynton Beach. She said that she loves the City and she previously served on the Art Advisory Board. She want to see the City do well and she wants to be a part of it. Joel Barsky commented that he is from Boynton Beach, and originally from New York. Been in Boynton nearly all his life. He works for AmeriCorp and they work with the Library He said that he has been with the agency for eight years and that he has been involved with the library since he was little. He advised that he has been on the Board for a few Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 months now and he mentioned that he hoped the Library receives the Library of the Year Award, every year. George Feldman stated that he has lived in Boynton since 1996 and he has served on the Board for more than two years. He said that he loves the City and the new City Hall is a dramatic change. II. Approval of Minutes — December, 2023 Motion Chair Feldman moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Barsky seconded the motion. III. Correspondence and Communications Thomas Devlin Resignation Ms. Taylor announced that Mr. Devlin sent her correspondence stating that he resigned from the Board. She believed that he was appointed to serve on another Board and noted that people can only serve on one. IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) None V. Chair's Report — Board Chair Mr. Feldman commented that recently, they had horrendous weather. He hoped in the future that people try to make the meetings. He also explained that he has heard that the State is trying to remove any books that have images of nudity. Ms. Taylor responded that the State had not contacted the Library informing her of the change. She pointed out that most of what the State deals with regarding books has to do with the schools. She also stated that she attended a Director's Meeting in Tallahassee in January and no such direction to that effect was given. VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing Update — Jeannie Taylor Career Online High School Program Update — Jeannie Taylor Ms. Taylor explained that they have anew Archivist. She advised that she likes the Board Members to meet each new librarian and he will be at the next meeting. She advised that one customer relations staff member retired, so they will be hiring for that position. She added that they usually post these positions internally, because they have long-time, part- timers with lots of experience looking for full-time work. 2 Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 Ms. Taylor commented that they have not been successful hiring a new Digital Librarian to operate the Creative Edge Studio. The responding applicants did not fit the bill or turned the position down. She advised that they will approach two state universities where librarians obtain their masters and advertise the position there. She noted that they have had success doing so in the past. Ms. Taylor reported that the Career Online High School is booming and Graduate Number 22 wants to celebrate her graduation and she is trying to get them on the City Commission agenda in March. She said in the last three weeks, she had three new students on scholarships and that there has been lots of interest in the program. The criteria for the program is the student has to live or work in the City, be over 19 years old and have a library card. Since they are using local budget funds for the scholarship, only residents can be funded. She said that occasionally, they receive funds from the State, but they are usually cut. She announced that if funds from the State are received, they open up the program to residents of Palm Beach County She stated that they will continue to apply for grants to fund the program. Dr. Jones stated that her background is in grant writing and she offered to help with grants. VII. New Business Nomination and selections for Chair and Vice Chair Board Participation in Library Programs Chair Feldman commented that the election of Chair and Vice Chair occurs every year. Mr. Barsky said that he is interested in serving as Vice Chair. Ms. Taylor stated staff keeps the Board up to date about data so they can see what people are doing and using in the library, what is going on with the community and what the Library has to offer. She said that Board Members serve as Ambassadors and that if members see a library activity they like, they can participate in it. The members can also convey what the public would like to see at the Library. She noted that there are a lot of activities at the Library. Ms. Taylor explained the Chair runs the meeting and Vice Chair sits in his/her place to run the meeting when the Chair is absent. She noted the Chair also makes a presentation to the CC once a year. Motion Chair Feldman moved to nominate of Ms. Colaianni as Chair. Dr. Jones seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. The motion passed unanimously. 3 Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 Motion Dr. Jones nominated Joel Barsky as Vice Chair. Ms. Colaianni seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics November, December 2023 and January 2024 Monthly Reports Ms. Taylor explained she included the Ordinance in the Board packets. She noted that November and December meetings were combined. Ms. Pagan explained that when they apply for a Library State Aid Grant, they are required to include annual statistical reports. Dr. Jones stated that would like to see trend statistics over time and new programs offered. She said it may help with other grants outside of the state money. Ms. Taylor explained they recently applied for two grants for graphic novels and for programing related to it. She said that the second grant was for more items for the Virtual Zone. She advised that they always work with economic development to support small business. They have the sound booth in the Teen Virtual Zone, but wanted to see if they could get small business owners to use it for pod casts and they needed video equipment, a green screen and other equipment to obtain needed equipment to be used for small business in the mornings when children are in school. Dr. Jones stated that she can help with any data that shows Boynton has unique needs, because she does that for the county. Mr. Barsky said that h would like to see the equipment and software they have. Dr. Jones also would like to visit. Ms. Taylor said that they would set something up. She commented that if Bianca is working the evening of the next meeting, they can view it after the meeting IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting — March 27, 2024 Chair announced next meeting. Ms. Colaianni said that she will be out of town in May. Mr. Barsky spoke about finding new DVD's in the Library. Ms. Pagan explained how the Library handles the materials. She noted new material is depicted with a sticker. They can also be found in the online catalogue and even if it was ordered but not yet received, it can be put on hold. 4 Library Board Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2024 X. Adjournment Motion Dr. Jones moved to adjourn. Mr. Barsky seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 5 4/19/24,9:51 PM Health&Harmony: Scammers have seniors in their sights;here's how to outsmart them-News-The Coastal Star Sign Up Sign In The C astaY(� 0 .w _Y A H arHOME BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS CLASSIFIEDS EVENTS LETTERS NEWS PHOTOS STORE VIDEOS YOUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS MYPAGE CONTACT US All Posts Featured Posts UActivity Feed Hoolth Horroym CC�rrrS ho�o seniors i The Coastal their Sights; here's how to outsmart thorn Star posted a Posted by Mary Kate Leming on April 3,2024 at 8:14 blog post South Palm By Jan Engoren c Arrest made in fatal Spoofing, spamming, scamming, robocalls, ransomware, spyware, hit-and-run bots, phishing and pharming are all methods criminals use to get your Tuesday information in an effort to defraud you. "There's a scam for each of us, and seniors are especially vulnerable," says Brianna Tabil, public technology trainer for the city T o s I of Boynton Beach. "Scammers do their homework." bStar posted a blog post Gulf Tabil gives a class titled "Protect Yourself Against Scammers, Stream: Traffic tic is Spammers and Hackers" at the Boynton Beach City Library. dismissed against driver https://thecoastalstar.com/profiles/blogs/health-harmony-scammers-have-seniors-in-their-sights-here-s-how-t 1/6 4/19/24,9:51 PM Health&Harmony: Scammers have seniors in their sights;here's how to outsmart them-News-The Coastal Star Some of the scams purport to involve investments, who crashed into computer tech support and Medicare. cyclists In the "grandma" scam, a caller will try to Apr9 convince the target that a loved one has been kidnapped or is in financial trouble. ' The Coastal posted a Those impersonations tap into Al technology to '� �` Star p duplicate a loved one's voice. Experts suggest blog post Tabil setting up a "safe word" and asking the person on Highland the phone to verbalize that word. c / Ir ay Beach: Al For seniors, their kindness and desire to trust makes them an easy roadwork south target," Tabil said. "Scammers target seniors because their of Linton knowledge may be limited." Boulevard postponed until at least For example, in one type of scam, a caller will pretend to be from late May Medicare or another government agency to trick you into sharing your Medicare or Social Security number. Apr 6 Tabil says this scam is used to gather personal information and commit identity theft. Mary Kate . Leming posted According to the National Council on Aging, taxpayers lose more a discussion in than $100 billion each year to Medicare fraud. DELRAY Along the Scammers may interest you with free items or services, or pressure you Coast: to switch your Medicare plan so they can get your personal Clearing information and file fraudulent claims such as for genetic testing or books of a prescription drugs. racist s The NCOA says scammers may offer valuable medical equipment, Apr 3 persuade seniors to share their Medicare number, and use that information to file high-cost Medicare claims in the beneficiary's name. The Coastal b Star posted a They may entice you with offers of better benefits, saying you are photo "pre-approved" for a new health care plan or drug plan with lower I 's premiums or better benefits. swearing i ceremony: But, remember, Medicare will never call you to sell you anything or Serious, but not visit you at home. so serious Apr 3 Other scams include sweepstakes and lottery scams where the caller or email claims you've won some money; social engineering scams aiming to steal your personal information; online crime using fake bank websites; robocalls; dating and romance scams; fake seller scams; insurance scams, and even puppy scams, where scammers The Coastal pretend to be dog breeders and take your money without sendingStar posted a the promised breed or puppy. blog post Along the Coast: https://thecoastalstar.com/profiles/blogs/health-harmony-scammers-have-seniors-in-their-sights-here-s-how-t 2/6 4/19/24,9:51 PM Health&Harmony: Scammers have seniors in their sights;here's how to outsmart them-News-The Coastal Star During the pandemic, Tabil was the target of a fraudulent Clearing the books unemployment scam, where someone was seeking to obtain her racist s personal information. But she recognized the email as suspicious. Apr 3 Judy Smith, a retired office worker, and Larry Berdoll, a retired airline pilot, both from Boynton Beach, said they learned from the class. Mary Kate After her computer was infected with a virus from a fraudulent bank i posted website, Smith had to reset her computer to its factory settings. a discussion in LANTANA Lynn Berdoll, a Friend of the Boynton Library, said she's tech savvy, Lantana: but wanted to keep both herself and her husband abreast of the Boaters win evolving scams. fighto keep Intracoastal access What to do? Apr 3 Tabil says to report suspected fraud and create a separate email address for solicitations and promotions. She suggests signing up for the Federal Trade Commission's Do Not Call Registry, which takes onlyMary Kate a moment. Leming posted a discussion in Personally, she subscribes to the Robokiller app for$4.99 a month, DELRAY which weeds out spam phone calls. Delray Beach: It's 'Tom,To Do not provide personal information to someone who calls out of the and Juli' blue and asks for information, such as Medicare numbers, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers and bank account numbers. Apr 3 Check suspicious emails carefully. Tabil says there are clues to determine whether the email is from a trusted source. Check the Mary Kate �,...,. address, the grammar and spelling, the links in the body of the email L i posted (don't click on them) and whether they're asking for money. a discussion in HIGHLAND If, by chance, you sent money in response to a scam or phishing BEACH email, Tabil suggests alerting your local police department, the FBI, Highland the Better Business Bureau, the FTC and in Florida, the Florida attorney c / Ir ay general at MyFloridaLegal.com. Beach: State launches Tips to avoid being scammed include blocking unwanted calls and yearlong texts, hanging up immediately, not divulging personal or financial project o information, not downloading attachments from unknown sources or widen, r surf c 1 clicking on links from suspicious emails, and stopping to think before handing over money. Apr3 Resist the pressure to act immediately. Never pay someone who insists you pay with a gift card or money transfer. No legitimateMary t business will ask to be paid with a gift card. Leming posted / photos Coco Also, common scammer requests are for payments with P2P (peer-to- Gauff gives tips peer) apps such as Venmo or Zelle. to kids at https://thecoastalstar.com/profiles/blogs/health-harmony-scammers-have-seniors-in-their-sights-here-s-how-t 3/6 4/19/24,9:51 PM Health&Harmony: Scammers have seniors in their sights;here's how to outsmart them-News-The Coastal Star AARP recommends using these apps only with people or services you Pompey Park,Easte know, because these transferred funds are difficult to recoup. Use a Sunrise bank credit card, so if charges are fraudulent, your bank can assist you with reversing them. Apra So, should you buy that longed-for 70-inch flat-screen smart TV with all the bells and whistles from Facebook Marketplace? The Coastal b Star posted a "Be wary," Tabil says. "Know that you and all of us are potential blog post victims. Lantana: Boaters win "Do your due diligence and be smart. Know what to do if you get fight scammed." Intracoastal access If you suspect you are a victim of fraud, call the AARP Fraud Watch Apr3 Network at 877-908-3360. To report Medicare fraud, call 800-633-4227. Mary Kate Leming posted To sign up for a class at the Boynton Beach City Library, visit / a discussion in www.boynton-beach.org/204/Libraryand click on "programs," or call ACROSST 561-742-6390. BRIDGE Editor's Note: Embrace Jan Engoren writes about health and healthy living. Send column chancesto ideas to jengoren@hotmail.com. learn from histo o0 :i health&harmony,column,senior,scams,boynton beach and E-mail me when people leave their comments— Follow Apr 3 You need to be a member of The Coastal Star to add comments! Mary Kate Join The Coastal Star Leming posted a discussion in GULF STREAM Coastal Star: First on scene at cycling crash I ins how lifesaving effort was part of job Apr 3 Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in SOUTHL BEACH Letter to the Editor: https://thecoastaIstar.com/profiles/blogs/health-harmony-scammers-have-seniors-in-their-sights-here-s-how-t 4/6 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 1 Administrative Activities Library Board Meeting and Commission Meeting Customer Service and Circulation Statistics - Ellen Mancuso Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Customer Visits Adult 8630 9263 -6.8 Customer Visits Youth 6698 8875 +20.1 Total Customer Visits 15328 14838 +3.3 Total Circulation* 13628 14441 -5.6 Adult Circulation 6046 6660 -9.2 Young Adult Circulation 450 583 -22.8 Juvenile Circulation 4398 4921 -10.6 ILS System Circulation (Print 10923 12200 -10.5 Materials) (Total items checked out kiosks and others in-house) Checkouts on Kiosks 5396 6332 -14.8 EBook Circ (Overdrive, 1111 1153 -3.6 Cloudlibrary) eAudiobook Circ (Overdrive, 653 509 +28.3 Cloud L) Overdrive Magazines 598 163 +266.9 Audiovisual 945 1195 -20.9 Users registered 314 263 +19.4 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 2 Online user registration 40 38 +5.3 Onecard Cards 0 0 0 Number of Reference 792 2088 -62.1 Transactions *includes ILS, Ebooks, Freegal, OD mags, Gale legal forms Digital Resource and Database Statistics Current Month Same Month Percentage Change Previous Year Freegal Streams 989 2030 -53.3 Freegal Users (new) 3 4 -25.0 Freegal Downloads 324 404 -19.8 Kanopy Streams 596 358 +66.5 Learning Express Sessions 1 34 -97.1 Gale Legal 19 12 +58.3 Gale Infotrac Sessions 42 32 31.3 Gale Infotrac Retrievals 29 73 -60.3 Transparent Languages Users 8 26 -69.2 Transparent Languages Sessions 12 129 -90.7 Learning Express Job Career 1 27 -96.3 Sessions Knowledge City Logins 8 66 -87.9 Brain Fuse 21 6 +250.0 A to Z total records viewed 8137 6231 +30.6 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 3 Boynton-Beach.org/city-library pageviews (pulled from Google Analytics, this is the number of views our library website has received) Palm Beach Post Views (Newsbank) 570 1549 -63.2 Collection Management Discarded Items = 281 Items Added to Collection = 766 Customer Relations/Curbside Pickup Statistics Curbside appointments made: 10 Curbside appointments picked-up: 8 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 4 Social Media Statistics - Tiffany Marshall Instagram 0 Followers 4) New followers Post engagement Page engagement rate 1,432 22 163 5.86% foHowers followers engagements engagement rate 0 Profile impressions Profile visits CO) Profile reach Website dicks 4,583 147 1,745 20 impressimis oews Users mpeb5ite taps Continued on the next page... BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 5 Facebook Page impressions Page new fans Page new followers Page new likes 14,692 5 7 5 impressions yew fans nem fr Hoovers tikes Page post impressions Page reach Post engagement rate 121330 10,412 4.28% impressions users engagement rate Twitter ,,k=' Followers lis Tweets `} Net new followers 373 150 0 followers tweets followers BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 6 Linkedln Page reach Page engagement Page engagement rate 934 74 10.19% connections engagements engagement.rate Followers 122 followers BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 7 Outreach - Wellness Wednesday Lecture at Woolbright Corporate Center Karem Zafra-Vera, Lecturer Tiffany Marshall attended the lecture to connect with local small business owners in Boynton Beach. The attendees were in the health field, specifically nursing. Information about Learning Express, a resource accessible from your own device 24/7, to help you study for licensing and entrance exams including the NCLEX-RN and PN, CNA exams, the NLN-PAX. ............ -17 tN 114 q M A 1A 1i A, BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 8 Public Computer Usage Statistics Adult Computer Use: 1302 Adult Computer Average Time Per Session: 42 min Youth Computer Use: 979 Youth Computer Average Time Per Session: 36 min Adult Laptops Total Use: 67 Teen Laptops Total Use: 42 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 9 Archivist Monthly Report - Jacob Rabinowitz • Oral History Stuff: o Conducted & Recorded Oral History with Gillian Wimbourne Davis (we have a collection of her materials, and m:.fltile videos of her performances online as well) on her time in Boynton Beach running a dance school, and her time working with the local TV station. Currently working on editing audio recordings and uploading them to our online Oral History Section. • Research: o Finished taking inventory of our current 8mm film holdings; researched &submitted proposal detailing options/prices to digitize our films (3rd party services & purchasing in-house equipment) ■ Related to this; Mike N. wheeled out the PowerScon2000 that we have—which hasn't gotten much use in the past unfortunately. It's a VERY nice piece of equipment and can scan/digitize microfilm/fiche, cartridge, 16mm/35mm film. Basically,this machine can work with almost all of our analog materials BUT the notable amount of 8mm films we possess.This opens up a lot of future projects for the archives.Yay! o Expanded further with ongoing research into Coquimbo shipwreck& associated Brown Bag Lecture/Potential standalone presentation;further researching into the early Boynton Beach buildings built here that used lumber from the shipwreck, added images/articles/prose to presentation on this as well. Very difficult to find reliable information on this. o Putting together research & materials from our collections to switch up display cases that still have exhibits Georgen put up (thanks Georgen!). I expect these to (HOPEFULLY) be up by around the end of April if I can make the time for it; ■ Local Shipwrecks: collaborating with maritime archeologist/wreck-diver/author Steve Singer on materials he has relating mainly with the Coquimbo, however, there are several other local shipwrecks as well that he has images/video for and artifacts he may donate to the archives (I'm working on it!)). ■ Boynton Beach High School/Arts &Cultural Center:we have two sizeable collections relating to these two which both occupied the same building; gathering photos, artifacts, and other ephemera to put in display cases. Should be fun! Will be a good opportunity to showcase our collections. ■ Expanded local history& photos relating to fishing/boating/tourism in Boynton. We have TONS of photos on these topics,from the late 1800's up to present day. Plenty to play with here; people love old photos! • UNITY Project/Arts&Culture Center: o Finished project working with Pastor Sapp of St. Paul AME on curating/enlarging/printing contemporary/historical photos of the church and its constituents for the UNITY Project. This took QUITE a bit of time, had some hurdles, and a bit of back&forth as well. Clear Copy dropped the ball and I had to cancel with them and go through a different vendor. o Researched &wrote draft for a historic marker honoring city figures/employees Carolyn Sims&John Denson of Boynton Beach • Intern: BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 10 o Karmelysa is continuing to (slowly)work on appropriately labeling/numbering folders in our physical collections, and inputting this data into the collection's finding aids. She probably won't finish this before her internship is up, but will have gotten a significant chunk of the work out of the way for me. • Website: o All of the archives' subpages are now back to their former glory.This included repairing all of the remaining subpages on the Historical Information section (Black History Resources, Mayors of Boynton Timeline, Sanborn Maps, etc.), all of the Research Links subpages, and the InformationlFA- subpages o Beginning to set up the initial framework to migrate all of our off-site digital collections onto the website& putting together a migration plan with site layout design considerations. • Other Stuff: o Met with, and introduced myself to the Library Advisory Board,talked a bit about myself, the archives, and what I do. o Handful of reference requests from patrons and various branches of the city for general historical information and old photos. Everyone loves old photos, and we have em! o Started working with Dani Moschella (Director of Public Affairs)to provide interesting materials/info to post on the City's social media platforms (yay archives outreach!) on a weekly/bi-monthly basis. Creative Edge Studio - Christina Graves and Rebecca Schiebel BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 11 Programs: Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards: 10 (full class) Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards (evening): 7 Sewing Beginner Lesson: 6 (full class) Sewing Intermediate: 6 (full class) Crafting in the Library (Spring Wreaths): 10 (full class) Appointments: With Christina: 0 With Studio Assistant: 13 Creative Bug: Active Users: 10 New Users: 1 Hours Watched: 7.15 hrs The most popular category is Art & Design! Followed closely by sewing and crochet. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 12 This month in the intermediate sewing class, a patron from the waiting list showed up with her own machine. She understood the rules, but asked for some help in getting to understand her machine. The Studio Assistant sat with her before the class started and showed her how to thread her machine and how to wind a bobbin, the essentials to getting started. The patron was not able to attend the program, but she left happy with a better understanding of her sewing machine. Public Technology Training Programs - Brianna T bii BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - MARCH 2024 13 March Classes: 13 Dates: Times: # Reg#: wait List? Monday,All Thi-1-5,1--acebook Mar-Gh 4th -5p 620p Mastering Google Apps Wednesday, March th 10a-11:30a(FL RM) 7 10 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,March 7th 10:30a-1120a 8 S N Free Small Business Resources Monday, March 11th 5p-6:30p(FL RM) 1 4 N introduction to MS Word Tuesday,March 12th 2p-3:30p(FL RM) Tech Talk Thursday Thursday, March 14th 10:30a -11:317a 6 5 N lntemet Safety Monday,March 18th 5p-6:30p(FL RM) S 6 N 1 Introduction to MS word Tuesday,March 19th 2p-3:30p(FL RM) 6 9 N Basic Computer Skills-DAY 1 Wednesday,March 20th 2p-3p( L RM) ' 6 7 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday, March 21st 10:30a-11:30�a 3 5 Scar niers Monday,March 25th 5p-6:30p(FL RM) 8 10 N Basic Computer Skills-DAY 2 Wednesday,March 27th j2p-3p(FL RM) 7 7 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,March 28th 10:30a 11:30a 3 S N Total Attended: 60 (1:1) 16 Tech Talk Thursdays: **UPDATED TIME: 10:30a—11:30a** Join us every Thursday by the couches at the front of the library where we will discuss technology and how to use that tech.This class will be a brief 60-minute chat along with instructions on how to use different technologies. Registration is required and limited to five seats. Others may drop-in but the five registrants will be given seats.This class will be held in the pop-up area of the library. MARCH AGENDA: March 7th—iOS vs Android March 14th—Home Safety& Security Devices • March 21st—Internet Lingo 101 March 28th— How-To's: Come with your own questions! It's getting harder and harder to keep track of the Tech Talk classes. A few of the regulars have stopped registering—and this might have been my fault because every once in a while, I would tell someone they don't need to register for the tech talk since the registration was full. I think they started to get comfortable with that. I don't mind it too much, but it does hinder how many handouts I need to print out. 16 One-on-Ones: BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 14 1 had a few sessions with a real estate agent that needed help using Canva to promote their business. I was able to show her that if she connects her social media accounts to her Canva account she can schedule social media posts without having to do it manually herself. We worked on updating her business profile on Facebook and Google. Finished my last session with a Canadian snowbird who has come to see me every season for two years now. Our final project was collecting numerous documents and helping her learn how to scan those documents, label them and save them to her computer. I met with an older gentleman that needed help relearning Excel. He came in with a workbook that he needed help with. He actually knew a lot more about Excel than he thought he did.We worked to figure out where his formula went wrong, and then I was able to show him how to input large amounts of data in a short amount of time. Other notes: Tech Talk at the Senior Center is getting more and more popular. Brenton told me that a bunch of the seniors keep asking when I will be back. A number of them have started attending my classes at the library. I have three regulars that have attended every single tech talk I held at the senior center so far. I started to bring simpler tech topics, since the ones I had previously were a little too complex for just a short amount of time. March 20th—Started a 4-week computer literacy program with the Park Rangers. Attendance has been amazing and the dedication and attention they give me during the class shows a huge willingness to learn. I wish the sessions could be more than four weeks,there is so much to show them.The first class went over the basics of the laptop—what all the ports mean, how to turn on the devices,what all the buttons mean.The second class, March 27th,they learned how to access their e-mail via Outlook, how to use the calendar and a brief look at MS Word. I have been taking IBM SkillsBuild courses through IBM. In the month of March, I completed the following courses: • Natural Language Processing& Computer Vision • What is Cybersecurity? • Cryptography • Hackers& Cyber Attacks • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence • Al Ethics. I am still working through Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals,where I will earn a credential through IBM. Adult Services Frogs - Ty Marshall BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 is Program Sessions Participants Learn German 3 7 Book Buzz Adult Book Club 1 17 Jumpstart Your Memoir 2 8 Brown Bag Lecture Series - The Healing 1 35 Benefits of Sound Baths Brown Bag Lecture Series - Meet the Author 1 18 (Jeff Keene 11) Brown Bag Lecture Series - Meet the Author 1 12 (Mel Taylor) Great Decisions 4 9 Branding and Marketing Tips for New and 1 10 Aspiring Authors Youth Services Programs - Sonia Chaudry & Bianca Incledon BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - MARCH 2024 16 Youth Library Statistics Summary-March 2024 YOUTH PR�GRAIVIIMI`NG`N TEEN PROGRAMMING Participants Participants Outdoor Storytime 1 Cancelled Teen Tuesday 1 5 Outdoor Storytime 2 27 Teen Tuesday 2 Cancelled Bilingual Storytime 1 15 Teen Tuesday 3 6 Bilingual Storytime 2 20 Teen Tuesday 4 Cancelled Picture Book Club 16 Mindful Monday 6 Community Helpers 30 Bones to Books 18 Make and Take 12 Virtual Zone -Soured Booth 33 Family Fun Night 10 h y 11 Puppet Show 50 Stuffed Animal Sleepover 16 TOTAL 214 TOTAL 61 u.u.t22 �S�tt1 uS 1` 1 .u: t(u�Su� tu�Su9,v Adult Cards (new) 49 Youth Cards (new) 46 TOTAL 95 PC Reservation PC Usage Report Total Uses Total Time Average Session 979 579:23:00 35.509 REFERENCE AND TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS STATISTICS WEEKLY SAMPLE March 18-23 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total: Reference 32 21 10 25 11 15 114 Techology 12 11 9 1 2 4 39 CAREERSOURCE PBS SERVICES BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - MARCH 2024 17 03/5/2024 SESSION I Name Job Title Service Home Health Aide Resume update/Job referral Home Health Aide Workforce registration (new) Communication Work registration/job search Total:3 03/12/2024 SESSION 11 Name Job Title Service CSR/Sales Job Search (New client) Feeds Technician at Newsmax Job Search (New client) Marketing-Aviation RA Claim Assistance Executive Assistant RA Claim assistance Electrician Work Registration/RA Claim Assistance Security Guard Resume Review(New client) Server Job Search Office Manager Resume Review(New client) Total:8 03/19/2024 SESSION III Name Job Title Service Kitchen Helper/Cleaner Job Referral English Teacher(overseas) Job Search (New client) Grocery store stocker Work Registration Culinary industry Information on Ticket to Work program TTW Sign Shop-construction Reentry program/job search Admin Assistant Resume Review Total:6 03/26/2024 SESSION IV Name Job Title Service Restaurant Hostess Overview on CSPBC services/Job Fair/Work Registration Customer Service RA Claim Assistance/Work registration Total:2 Adult ESOL Amorps - Devynn Fletcher BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 18 1 added three new students (from Haiti) to my intermediate class. They are two brothers and a sister, but the youngest—who is eighteen—is starting high school now, so they will no longer be coming. I also added a third tutoring spot for an advanced student (also from Haiti). For my beginner's class, we went over possessive nouns. Then we had a fun week learning about adjectives and their opposites. This was fun to do with Pictionary. After spring break, we learned how to ask and talk about the weather for the new students and asked about the weather in each other's home countries. We went over extreme weather too, like tornadoes and hurricanes. We then ended with a fun birthday celebration for one of our students. For my intermediate class, we went over tenses again for my three new students—to see where they are at. Then, we also went over adjectives, like "hospitable" and "talkative." After spring break, we too dived into the weather. We talked about extreme weather as well and what to do when we're in the midst of a dangerous storm and practiced writing and talking about the weather in complete sentences. From a request from my student, we went over the difference between whose and who's and punctuation. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 19 1 am so proud of my students! They are taking my words to heart and are studying and practicing to make learning English easier. They are amazing students and amazing people! AmeriCorps K-6th Tutoring Monthly Report - Chelsea Michaelson BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 20 March was a short tutoring month since there was spring break and many students went away early. This month I saw about 30-40 students, and I had some new students as well. For my new students, they came for reading comprehension and math. The new students have been enjoying their tutoring sessions and are excited to come see me so they can understand what they are reading better. It's nice that my students are driven to learn and become better readers and thinkers. For the students that have been coming since August, I have noticed many of them have excelled in school, and their level of reading has gone up so much. Even if a student comes once a week, or maybe takes a week or two off and comes back, I can see that they have improved. I have a first grader who wasn't the best at reading and was discouraged whenever they got a word wrong, or didn't understand a question to a story, and now this student understands more words, and sometimes come to tutoring but wants to figure out the reading homework on their own, even if it's difficult, before I step in the guide them. I'm proud of how far the students that have been coming to tutoring are succeeding, and though it's only nine more weeks of school, there is still some work to do and I'm excited to see how my students excel in this last stretch before the school year ends. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MARCH 2024 21 1 know that these next two months will be crucial for my students as they are starting to learn new material, but also are preparing to move on to their new grade level, which is exciting for them. As their tutor, I will continue to encourage them and help them in the areas that they may still be struggling with, but also encourage them through it because the students that have been coming have done amazing work so far, and I know they will continue to do so. I am excited to see what the next two months will bring. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MARCH 2024 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. CREATED: 03/31/2024 10:29 AM WB ACCOUNT STATUS REPORT PAGE: 423 MS JEANNIE TAYLOR BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 E OCEAN AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 CREDITOR: 1581 -- BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY DATES LISTED: 01/01/1900 TO 03/31/2024 ALL AMOUNTS LISTED Accounts Submitted 3,198 Dollars Submitted 232,713.72 Dollars Received 46,935.94 Bankruptcies 0 Dollars in Bankruptcy 0.00 Material Returned 45,792.02 Incorrect Addresses 580 Dollars in Skiptracing 31,080.85 Dollars Waived 13,413.37 Patron Disputes/Suspends : 1 Dollars in Dispute 37.00 Accounts in Process 2,617 Dollars in Process 187,457.75 # of Accounts Activated 1,576 Total Activated 120,436.16 % of Accounts Activated 60.22% % of Dollars Activated 64.25%