Agenda 06-26-24 Y pdt, ifro14o City of Boynton Beach BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Date: June 26, 2024 Location/Time: City Hall, 100 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Commission Chambers at 6:00 p.m. I. Call to Order—Stephanie Colaianni, Chair II. Approval of Minutes—March 2024 and April 2024 III. Correspondence and Communications IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) V. Chair's Report—Board Chair VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing update Career Online High School Program Update—Jeannie Taylor VII. New Business Introduction of Brianna Tabil, Public Technology Trainer Discussion of proposed Business Hub space in the Library VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics April and May 2024 Monthly Reports IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting—July 24, 2024 NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING,HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND,FOR SUCH PURPOSE,HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.(F.S.286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (561) 742-6060 OR (TTY) 1-800-955-8771, AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE ADDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE. INFORMATION REGARDING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA AFTER IT IS PUBLISHED ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. Minutes of the Library Board Held on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, Commission Chambers 100 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida Present: Stephanie Colaianni, Chair Jeannie Taylor, Library Director George Feldman Tiffany Pagan, Assistant Director Joel Barsky Margaret Newton Absent: Marcia Levine Ellen Jones I. Call to Order— Stephanie Colaianni, Chair Chair Colaianni called the Meeting to Order at 6 P.M. Roll call was taken. A quorum was present . II. Approval of Minutes — February 2024 The Minutes were accepted by consensus. Ill. Correspondence and Communications - None IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) None. V. Chair's Report— Board Chair Chair Colaianni advised that she wanted to sign up for a wreath making class and noticed that 20 people were already wait listed, which she thought was fantastic and that she will take the April class. She also advised that she saw Ms. Pagan giving a tour to iCare personnel. VI. Unfinished Business: Introduction of Jacob Rabinowitz, Archivist Librarian Jeannie Taylor, Library Director, introduced Jacob Rabinowitz, the new Archivist Librarian. Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 27, 2024 Mr. Rabinowitz announced that he has been with the City since November and that he has been familiarizing himself with the archives as he is the custodian of historical materials. He explained that his work also involves processing new collections and providing coverage for the Reference Desk. He stated that he was trying to add to the Library's Oral Histories Collection, which interviews local residents about the City's history and noted that the City is over 100 years old. Ms. Newton inquired who Mr. Rabinowitz confers with and spoke about Victor Norfus. Ms. Taylor explained that Mr. Rabinowitz was working on the Unity Project and trying to obtain more Black History interviews. She said that Mr. Rabinowitz was available for appointments and his contact information is on the City's website. She advised that currently, he was trying to conduct outreach for community engagement and to obtain old photos. Further discussion followed that the Library obtained grant funds, which were used to digitize old newspapers and about Mr. Rabinowitz' work history. Career Online High School Program Update —Jeannie Taylor Ms. Taylor announced that two more graduates will be recognized at the next City Commission Meeting, bringing the number of graduates to 23. She commented that there are still 10 students in the program and that one is almost finished and happens to be the son of one of their first graduates. Mr. Feldman asked if staff helps the graduates to gain employment or assists them with creating a resume. Ms. Taylor responded that Career Source is available on Tuesday's at the Library, and they assist graduates when requested. VII. New Business City Commission ratification of Chair and Vice Chair Ms. Taylor conveyed that the City Commission has to ratify the Board's nominations for the Chair and Vice Chair. She mentioned that it was scheduled to occur at the March 19th meeting, which was cancelled and she did not anticipate any issues. Chair Colaianni stated that she will attend the meeting. Board Participation in Library Programs. Ms. Taylor passed out information about April programs. She stated that the members are free to participate in any of the Library activities and can serve as Ambassadors for them. 2 Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 27, 2024 Mr. Feldman stated that he enjoys serving on the Board and suggested members should meet the Library staff and have name tags. Ms. Taylor commented that the members should have received an email invitation to the Volunteer Recognition Dinner on Thursday, April 11th, at the Arts and Cultural Center at 6:00 P.M. She advised that she would try to obtain name tags by then and she agreed to speak with the City's Marketing staff in order to have the City's logo on them. Ms. Newton advised that she signed up for the Memoire programs held on Wednesday at the Library and she requested the programs be repeated. Ms. Taylor stated that they will contact the individual to try to get them back. She praised the Children's Librarian. Chair Colaianni stated that if the Library needs an extra volunteer, she would be interested in helping. VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics February 2024 Monthly Reports Ms. Taylor announced that the information is in the meeting backup and if the members have questions, they can ask. She noted that the upcoming Solar Eclipse said that they have solar eclipse glasses that will be distributed to card holders. She advised that no more than one pair of solar glasses will be given to each family. She commented they had applied for a grant for the glasses and staff will provide an educational flyer with them, as required by the grant. Mr. Feldman stated that he would like to donate a cake for the City's upcoming volunteer dinner. Ms. Taylor responded that she will notify the events person handling the event and convey the message about the donation. She noted that the Quilting and Friends of the Library Volunteers will also attend the event. IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting — April 24, 2024 Ms. Taylor announced that the next meeting is April 24th, and the May meeting will be held on May 22nd. She spoke about the Garden Within, that meets at 11:30 A.M. for a discussion group. X. Adjournment followed by tour of the Youth Library Virtual Zone Motion 3 Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 27, 2024 Mr. Feldman moved to adjourn. Ms. Newton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 4 Minutes of the Library Board Held on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, Commission Chambers 100 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida Present: Stephanie Colaianni, Chair Jeannie Taylor, Library Director George Feldman Tiffany Pagan, Assistant Director Joel Barsky Margaret Newton Marcia Levine Dr. Ellen Jones I. Call to Order— Stephanie Colaianni, Chair Chair Colaianni called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. and announced all the members were present. II. Approval of Minutes — March 2024 The minutes were not available. Ill. Correspondence and Communications Mr. Feldman commented on the Study Rooms at the Library and said that two people overstayed their allotted time in them, in spite of there being a sign-in/sign-out sheet. Ms. Taylor mentioned that even with reserved time, it is sometimes difficult to get the occupants to leave and when that occurs, staff tries to find them another quiet area for them to use. She explained that the rooms are being repurposed and that Brianna uses one of the rooms for her office and for equipment for the Creative Edge and Virtual Reality studios; another room is used for sewing programs, another room is used for interviews, and another room to check out unusual items. She advised that the Study Rooms were not working out. Mr. Feldman stated that he thought that there could be a better use of the rooms. Ms. Taylor explained that the rooms are an extension of the Makers Space. She noted that Ms. Graves was promoted in May and it has not been thriving since. Dr. Jones suggested that there should be space for community members to use. Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach. Florida April 24, 2024 Mr. Feldman said that there should also be space where people can take a call as there is nowhere to have a private conversation. Ms. Levine suggested putting this item on the agenda next month under New Business or Future Agenda items. Mr. Feldman commented that he thought this was communications and discussion followed that today's adults are different and there is a different culture. Motion Dr. Jones moved to put use of the Study Rooms on the next agenda under New Business. Mr. Feldman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Further discussion ensued later in the meeting. Mr. Feldman said that he felt that Item 3, Correspondence and Communications, was misleading. Ms. Taylor explained that it is for informational, or written communications to the Board. The heading was broad, but structured the same way as the City Commission. The item includes correspondence to the Board from the public and anything pertinent to the Board related to the Library. There was also discussion that items can be added to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting under Agenda Approval, Additions, Deletions, and Corrections, which should be between items two and three on the agenda. IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) None. V. Chair's Report— Board Chair Chair Colaianni stated that she had no report to give, but that she attended the Volunteer Dinner and that it was a great event. VI. Unfinished Business: Staffing update Ms. Taylor stated that the Library does not have a Creative Edge Studio Librarian. She said that staff adjusted the job description to allow an equivalent Master's Degree to fill the position. She announced that they have a part-time position available as the individual vacating the position was promoted to a full-time position in Customer Relations. Career Online High School Program Update — Jeannie Taylor 2 Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach. Florida April 24, 2024 Ms. Taylor announced that they have Graduate # 24 ready to complete his studies and noted that he is the son of Graduate #2. She said that she still has scholarships available and students accepted to the program can work on their diploma from home. VII. New Business Introduction of Christina Graves, Senior Librarian Customer Relations Ms. Taylor introduced Ms. Graves who presented herself. Ms. Graves stated that she did handle the Creative Edge Studio and that she loves her new position. Ms. Newton stated that she would like to know more about the Friends of the Library. VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics March 2024 Monthly Reports Ms. Taylor stated that staff likes to share data and she agreed to provide statistics to Chair Colaianni, who requested she receive them. IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting — May 22, 2024 Ms. Taylor announced the meeting date. Ms. Newton pointed out that May is Mental Health Month and she asked the members to spread the word. She said that there will be a book club discussion on the book, The Garden Within. Ms. Taylor added that there will be a display at the Library, commemorating the event. X. Adjournment Motion There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Levine moved to adjourn. Mr. Feldman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:46 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 3 Meeting Minutes Library Board Boynton Beach. Florida April 24, 2024 4 Boynton Beach City Library Business Hub Room Proposal Objective: Boynton Beach City Library is a resource for small business owners and job seekers. Libraries now help patrons with resumes,cover letters and printing important documents and job applications. Boynton Beach City Library wants to provide a specific space designed for those who need more privacy than the public computers offer. The Boynton Beach City Library proposes offering a "business hub" that will provide a dedicated, quiet work space for entrepreneurs,freelancers, small business owner and job seekers to conduct interviews, virtual meetings and other business-related activities. Boynton Beach is a huge supporter of small business owners within the city,the library would like to accommodate their needs. Potential Uses: • Interviews:A quiet, professional setting for conducting job interviews or client meetings. • Meetings:Space for small business teams to hold strategy sessions, brainstorming meetings,or project discussions. • Remote Work:A place for freelancers and remote workers to focus and complete tasks without distractions. • One-on-One Consultations: Ideal for private consultations between professionals and clients, such as legal advice, financial planning, or coaching sessions. • Teleconferences:A quiet space equipped with audio and video conferencing tools for remote meetings,interviews, or webinars. • Productivity Boost:A space for individuals seeking a quiet environment to complete high- concentration tasks or work on important deadlines. Guidelines: 1. Eligibility:The Business Hub is available to individuals and small business groups(up to four people)for business-related activities only. Users must have a library card. 2. Age Requirement: Users must be at least 18 years old to book and use the room. 3. Purpose of Use:The room is intended for professional activities such as meetings, interviews, consultations, and remote work.The Business Hub is reserved for two hours,the room is not sound proof and does not guarantee exclusive privacy It is not available for social gatherings, personal events, or non-business-related activities, that includes tutoring 18& Under. 4. Technical Assistance: The library does not have anyone available for technical assistance. Users should bring their own devices or arrange for support independently. 5. Security: Users are responsible for their personal belongings.The library is not liable for any lost or stolen items. 6. Exit Protocol: Users must vacate the room promptly at the end of their reserved time to allow the next reservation to begin on schedule. Page 1 of 2 Rules: • Reservation Required:The room must be reserved in advance through the library's online booking system or at the library's public technology trainer. • Booking Limit: Each user can book the room for a maximum of 2 hours per week to ensure availability for others. • Check-In Policy: Users must check in with the front desk before using the room and provide a valid Library Card. • Cancellations: Reservations must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance. Repeated no-shows may result in a temporary suspension of booking privileges. • Quiet Environment: Users must maintain a quiet and professional atmosphere at all times. Loud conversations, phone calls, or disruptive behavior are not permitted. • Room Capacity:The room can accommodate a maximum of four people. Exceeding this limit is not allowed for safety and comfort reasons. • Cleanliness: Users are responsible for keeping the room clean and tidy.All personal items and trash must be removed at the end of the reservation. • Food and Drink:Only covered beverages are allowed in the room. No food is permitted. • Equipment Use:Any equipment provided in the room,such as teleconferencing tools or whiteboards, must be used responsibly and left in good working order. • Respect Library Policies:All users must adhere to the general rules and policies of the library. Failure to comply may result in the loss of room privileges. Proposed Schedule for the room: 9a—11a 9a—11a 1p—3p 1p—3p 1p—3p 4p—6p 4p— 6p Page 2 of 2 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 1 Administrative Activities Library Director,Jeannie Taylor, attended: Commission meeting, Library Advisory Board, Seflin Board, Friends of the Library Board and Annual Meeting, and Staff Training Day Customer Service and Circulation Statistics - Ellen Mancuso Current Month Same Month Percentage Previous Year Change Customer Visits Adult 9319 8510 +9.5 Customer Visits Youth 7027 6350 +10.7 Total Customer Visits 16346 14860 +10.0 Total Circulation* 12642 13033 -3.0 Adult Circulation 5208 5275 -1.3 Young Adult Circulation 472 677 -30.3 Juvenile Circulation 2824 4813 -41.3 ILS System Circulation (Print 10071 10771 -6.5 Materials) (Total items checked out kiosks and others in-house) Checkouts on Kiosks 4920 5004 -1.7 EBook Circ(Overdrive, Cloudlibrary) 1098 1236 -11.2 eAudiobook Circ (Overdrive, CloudL) 781 472 +65.5 Overdrive Magazines 388 151 +157.0 Audiovisual 849 982 -13.5 Users registered 312 258 +20.9 Online user registration 35 39 -10.3 Onecard Cards 0 1 -100 Number of Reference Transactions 1023 850 -20.4 *includes ILS, Ebooks, Freegal, OD mags, Gale legal forms BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT-APRIL 2024 2 Digital Resource and Database Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Freegal Streams 984 1475 -33.3 Freegal Users (new) 4 0 Freegal Downloads 303 379 -20.1 Kanopy Streams 524 344 +52.3 Learning Express Sessions 20 86 -76.1 Gale Legal 1 24 -95.8 Gale Infotrac Sessions 40 231 -82.7 Gale Infotrac Retrievals 700 69 +914.5 Transparent Languages Users 10 12 -16.7 Transparent Languages Sessions 17 64 -73.4 Learning Express Job Career 17 83 -79.5 Sessions Knowledge City Logins 9 18 -50.0 Brain Fuse 29 7 +314.3 A to Z total records viewed 520849 1181 +44002.4 Boynton-Beach.org/city-library pageviews (pulled from Google Analytics, this is the number of views our library website has received) Palm Beach Post Views 700 1483 -52.8 (Newsbank) BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— APRIL 2024 3 Collection Management Discarded Items = 666 Items Added to Collection = 794 Customer Relations/Curbside Pickup Statistics - Christina Graves • Curbside appointments made: 7 • Curbside appointments picked-up: 6 • Solar Eclipse glasses: 500 glasses received and distributed. • Glasses obtained through a grant from S.E.A.L (Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries) through the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. • Adult Read-a-thon: 73 participants have picked up their prize • B.I.N.G.O: 5 participants • SEFLIN Step-up Postcards: 7 participants BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— APRIL 2024 4 Social Media Statistics - Tiffany Marshall lnstagram fofbwn •IIw Ullwa L Pon•Norrn.M P.C."'M.P.,.fid 1,448 29 192 7.57% followers followers engagements engagement rate Profile Impression. PnNit.Nsift P.v/ile re.eb W.bsid elidts 5,873 168 2,250 18 impressions views users website taps Continued on the next page... BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT —APRIL 2024 5 Facebook P.t.Pnpr.ulam Pate Tarr lam Pap now followers Pap new ilkfs 20,873 5 8 5 impressions new fans new followers likes Pate past Imprenioru Pap mach Post.ngapmwrt rata 14,451 13,671 3.81% impressions users engagement rate Twitter Followers : 0 Tweets Net new followers 372 177 -3 followers tweets followers BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 6 Linkedln Page reach Page engagement Page engagement rate 878 86 16.67% connections engagements engagement rate 0 Followers • • 125 followers BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 7 Outreach - The Friends Annual meeting and Board meeting for The Friends of the Library Public Computer Usage Statistics Adult Computer Use: 1303 Adult Computer Average Time Per Session: 42 min Youth Computer Use: 759 Youth Computer Average Time Per Session: 35 min Adult Laptops Total Use: 47 Teen Laptops Total Use: 41 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT-APRIL 2024 8 Archivist Monthly Report - Jacob Rabinowitz Archives' Monthly Report—April • Intern: o This was Karmelysa's last month here.The bulk of the work she did during her tenure here was updating/homogenizing the formatting of our finding aids, and adding folder-level descriptions of our physical collections. Most of our collections do not have folder descriptions in the finding aid, nor had the folders been numbered. This is an incredibly important foundation that will help in the future to provide better access to our materials for potential future users and make my job much easier on multiple levels. Currently in the process of reviewing her work before updating the finding aids/collections she worked on (and then updating our website with those),there's quite a bit I have been working through on that front.She managed to knock out quite a few of our collections for these matters which is great and certainly saved me a load of the heavy lifting there. Bye Karmelysa,thank you for all the help! • Digitization: c The Wolverine MovieMaker Pro 8mm film digitizer arrived and I have started digitizing a lot of the 8mm films we have in the archives. Working in tandem with this, I am beginning to build space on the library/archives' website to host all of our A/V materials, where I will eventually migrate our other digitized A/V materials as well (Oral Histories, other videos, etc. stored on Omeka/Archive.org/Flickr). I am additionally doing some video editing of these materials in Adobe Premier to stabilize, clean up, enhance, and compress the digitized videos for optimal web-based viewing. • Planning to work with Mike N. soon to hopefully have our newly digitized (and old ones too!)movie clips rotate on the screen we have above the exhibitions for patron viewing pleasure! • Outreach/Research/Reference: c Continuing to provide research/materials to Dani Moschella; Director of Public Affairs for the City's social media for the city's social media outlets—sent a large packet of research I've conducted on the Woman's Club, Boynton High School/Cultural Center and digitized images we have of them for her. o Chelsea Sanabia;Public Affairs Coordinator, requested historical information and photos of the Boynton Beach Fire Rescue for the City's centennial celebration of them. Did a bit of historical research and dug up archival materials and photographs of the Fire Dept. that we have here for her. o Provided Tiffany M. a handful of photos and research pertaining to the newsletter's April focus on 'Move More Month' c Put together a presentation on the archives intended for PBCLA, unfortunately I missed this due to illness (sorry '), but we do have a nice presentation on standby to do for groups/individuals giving a rundown on the archives, our materials, and goals to use in the future if/when the opportunity arises. o Christina Graves gave me a good tour/once over of the resources I can use in the Creative Edge studio; I am planning on making duplicates of some of our archival materials to put up in the new exhibitions I'm working on so we can keep our originals in BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 9 good shape and stored appropriately, as well as making some signage and other fun stuff for our upcoming exhibitions! The new exhibits for the display cases should be up soon, I just finished my research, didactic write ups for tombstones/placards of materials in display cases, and materials selected. Next step is to deconstruct current ones, return materials to respective collections, and begin setup of newbies. o Beginning to process the(LONG) backlog of acquisitions of the archives that need to be processed eventually into collections;some stuff will go into new collections (Jeannie's dad gave us some great materials!), and some into existing collections (more Stan Sheets photographs of fishing from the 50's/60's, etc.) and plenty of other stuff as well. Beyond the handfuls of other endless small tasks here and there, this is the gist of April for y'all. Please let me know if anyone has any questions or needs clarification/elaboration on anything. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — APRIL 2024 10 Creative Edge Studio - Christina Graves and Rebecca Schiebel Programs: Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards: 8 Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards (evening): 8 Sewing Beginner Lesson: 5 Sewing Intermediate: 6 (full class) Crafting in the Library (Rainbow Loom): 7 Appointments: With Christina: 0 With Studio Assistant: 9 Creative Bug: Active Users: 3 New Users: 1 Hours Watched: 0 hrs The sewing room is slowly getting more action. It is a struggle while the Creative Edge Studio is closed, but the part-time Studio Assistant is doing a phenomenal job keeping things moving as we continue the search for a new Studio Librarian. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 11 Public Technology Training Programs - Brianna Tabil April Classes:14 Dates: Times: # Rag#: Waft List? What is a QR Code? Monday,April 1st Sp-6:30p(FL RMI 6 4 N 2f---311414-R444 '- 7 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,April 4th 10:30a-11:30a 2 0 N Power of Ri et Tables Meeri ril8th. Cr... Ap . 6 0p![I �R1) t * Basic Computer Skills-DAY 3 Wednesday,April 10th 2p--3p(FL RM) 6 7 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,April 18th 10:30a-11:30a 4 5 N Power of Pivot Tables Friday,April 12th 10a-11:30a(FL RM) 2 5 N What is a Notary Public? Monday,April 15th Sp-6:30p(FL RM) 14 15 Intermediate MS Word Tuesday,AprIl 16th 2p-3:30p(FL RM) 0 7 N 4.10-3110.414.-R444 * • N Fsseirtiat-iP d Apps •` Sp--6:30p(FL-RM) ' • N Stammers Tuesday,April 23rd 10a-11:30a(FL RM) 0 4 N Tech Talk Thursday Thursday,April 25th 10:30a-11:30a 0 2 N Essential iPad Apps Friday,April 26th 2p-3:30p(FL RM) 7 7 N Power of Pivot Tables Monday,April 29th 5p-6:30p(FL RM) 2 6 Lunch&Learn:Virtual Tuesday,April 30th 12p-Sp(VIRTUAL) ' ' * Total Attended: 43 (1:1) 16 Tech Talk Thursdays: APRIL AGENDA: April 4th—Apple Myths Debunked April 11th—What is 5G? • April 18th---NO CLASS-- April 25th—Cybersecurity:What does it mean? Tech Talk for April 2024 has slowed down significantly. The April 25'class was the first time I had absolutely zero people show up. I am considering creating classes with these topics because I feel like they would be useful classes to have—especially the Cybersecurity class. A few people who go to the senior center have become regulars at my Tech Talk. 16 One-on-ones: I was contacted by a gentleman that he needed help navigating his new phone. He just got a new phone and shattered the screen and needed help making an insurance claim through his cell phone company. During our time he also told me that he thought he was being scammed through a dating site. We went over the facts and all the methods that he was communicating with this person. We were able to determine that it was a scam based off of the resources that provide in my Protect Yourself Against Stammers, Spammers& Hackers class. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 12 I was approached by a woman who was having trouble with her resume.She just found out that the company she has worked with for the past 15 years was going out of business. She hasn't had the need for a resume in over 20 years and didn't know where to start. We met twice during the month of April.The first time we met,we worked on her resume and talked about the new methods of interviewing and how to condense over 15 years of experience into one page.The second time we met, I showed her how to use Indeed.com and post her resume and do job searches on the website. Other Notes: May will be my last visit to the Senior Center until September.The last time I went there,only three people showed up. Since the SnowBirds have gone back north, I thought taking the summer off will help. Adult Services Programs - Tiffany Marshall Program Sessions Participants Learn German 2 6 Book Buzz Adult Book Club 1 13 Jumpstart Your Memoir 1 4 Email Marketing 101 1 10 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT-APRIL 2024 13 Youth Services Programs - Sonia Chaudry & Bianca Incledon Youth Library Statistics Summary-April 2024 YOUTH PROGRAMMING TEEN PROGRAMMING #Participants #Participants Bilingual Storytime 1 50 Teen Tuesday 1 10 Outdoor Storytime 1 (Dia) 60 Teen Tuesday 2 4 Suzy Hammer Storytime Cancelled Teen Tuesday 3 4 Bilingual Storytime 2 30 Teen Tuesday 4 6 Teen Tuesday 5 7 Picture Book Club 25 Community Helpers 53 Make and Take 17 Read it/Grow it/Create it 40 Virtual Zone-Sound Booth 49 Bones to Books 14 Seed Library 10 Family Fun Night 27 Freedom Shores Elem Outreach 60 Bring your child to work tour 44 • TOTAL 420 TOTAL 90 PC Reservation PC Usage Report Total Uses Total Tlmo Average Seselon 759 445:49:00 35.242 REFERENCE AND TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS STATISTICS WEEKLY SAMPLE Dae 11-18 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total: Reference 27 30 29 39 6 16 147 Techology 3 17 0 15 3 7 84 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT-APRIL 2024 14 CAREERSOURCE PBC SERVICES 04/2/2024 SESSION I Name Job Title Service Administrative Assistant RA Claim Assistant Kitchen Helper Workforce registration(New client) Construction Laborer Work registration/job search(New client) Warehouse Worker Work registration/job search HR Analyst RA Claim Assistance/Work registration Housekeeping Work registration (New client) Housekeeping/kitchen Work registration(New client) helper Total:7 04/9/2024 SESSION II Name Job Title Service Store Manager RA Claim Assistance/Resume review/Job search Kitchen Job Fair Referral Helper/Housekeeper HHA/Kitchen Helper Job Fair Referral Restaurant worker RA Claim Assistance Housekeeper Job referral Total:5 04/16/2024 SESSION III Name Job Title Service Collections Specialist Resume review/Mock interview BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT-APRIL 2024 15 English Teacher Job Search (New client) (overseas) Flexible(Retiree) Job search- Remote HHA Work registration(New client) Laborer Work registration(New client) Pharmacy Technician Information on training Kitchen Helper Job search Total:7 04/23/2024 SESSION IV Name Job Title Service Accounts Payable RA Claim Assistance Driver(regular license) Work registration(New client) Customer Service RA Claim Assistance Medical Assistant Internship program AARP Foundation Work registration/Resume builder Referral Total: 5 4/30/2024 SESSIN V Name Job Title Service General Laborer Work registration(DCF) GIS Analyst Overview of CareerSource Services BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT—APRIL 2024 16 Adult ESOL AmeriCorps - Devynn Fletcher In my beginner's class, we started April learning about what we all love—food! One of my students was very sweet and surprised us with fake food. My students loved this, as they were able to physically hold the food as they learned the vocabulary. With the plastic food, we were also able to label it ourselves. With that base knowledge established, we asked each other questions about what food we like or don't like, which led us into learning how to say and use "do, does, don't, doesn't." It was great to see my students get to know each other through the universal language of food. We then pretended we were at a restaurant and learned how to order food as I waited on them. We did the same practice with shopping at a grocery store and with clothing items and accessories. They learned how to ask an employee for help, to say, "I'm looking for..." and to ask how much something is if there is not a visible price. I really enjoyed teaching these lessons! It was very easy to use real-world problems and experiences for them, which helped them to understand and process everything better. Next, we revisited "this, that, these, those" and learned the difference between "over here" and "over there." We are ending the month and going into May learning furniture vocabulary. I gave my students post-its and encouraged them to write the English BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT—APRIL 2024 17 word and put it on the corresponding furniture piece to study. They said they did and liked it! For my intermediate class, we also started this month with food on the brain, but we went over the difference between "make" and "cook." We made a list of what foods and meals could be "made" but not "cooked" and vice versa, while adding in "bake." We also talked about what foods we like and don't like. Then, we went into a difficult lesson that I had to do more research on. We started to go over the difference between "did" and "have," and their negatives. This is where it became difficult for my students (and for me to see them so discouraged!). So, I told them to take deep breaths, that they can do it (as our affirmations say) and that we will come back the next day with a fresh start to know when to use "didn't" and when to use "haven't." I watched a very informative video on YouTube from an ESOL teacher, and it helped me immensely. The next day, my teaching flowed a lot better with this new information/methodology of teaching, and they got it! We still revisit it to make sure our understanding is locked. Next, we had fun discovering American slang, which was pretty easy for them to understand (wanna, gonna, gotcha, etc.). They had fun using this slang, and they use it every now and then after learning about formal versus informal speech and where and BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— APRIL 2024 18 where not to use it. Lastly, we are finishing the month talking about our daily routines and housework we do (mowing the lawn, cleaning the windows, etc.). We will continue this lesson into the first two days of May. For tutoring, I am helping one of my students study for the citizenship test! I am very proud of him. We made flashcards, are going over the questions on paper, and are taking practice tests online. He's doing a great job! His goal is to apply later in the year, and I'm going to help make that happen! For my advanced student, he specifically told me that he wants to work on his pronunciation, reading and writing. I have tailored the tutoring sessions to these things, where I read a sentence and he repeats it. We are also reading a chapter book together. We read it together and then he continues the next day, and then he tells me what happened in the book. What excellent students I have! #blessed BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— APRIL 2024 19 AmeriCorps K-6th Tutoring Monthly Report - Chelsea Michaelson The month of April was a good month. I had a steady amount of students come in for homework help and tutoring. I had about 35 students, and all came back twice, sometimes three times a month. Since the school year is ending, I am being more accommodating with having the students come more than twice a week, and helping them get reading for their last tests. I have had the majority of 2nd-4th graders come for support, but I have had three students who are in pre k, and are preparing for kindergarten. Parent's have been doing a good job at keeping time and staying in the library, and I keep reminding them as well. Coming towards the end of the school year, I am seeing my students come with less homework, but I have worksheets and educational games for them, as well as plenty of books to gain reading confidence. Seeing the progression of my students has been such a joy. My students that have started in August and have continuously come to tutoring have been exceeding in school, and their reading comprehension has advanced as well. Some students don't even need my help BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT—APRIL 2024 20 anymore, they just enjoy coming to the tutoring room. It's been such a privilege being a tutor and it is bittersweet that it is ending. Going into the month of May, I know that this is the time crunch to make sure my students are set up to move on to the next grade, and they will be testing so we will be focusing on preparing them for success with test, and also to be able to comprehend the questions they are given. I do know the students are excited for summer break so they may get a bit antsy and too excited towards the end of May, but I know that May will be a great month and I will make sure the learning done in the tutoring room is still fun and engaging. Highlight of the month: I have a student who has only been tutoring for about three weeks, and he only speaks Haitian Creole. I have been using a video tool that is for children to learn english while the person also speaks creole. As a result, the student has been more engaging and is starting to learn slowly how to say hello, and to learn his colors in English. When the teacher in the video says a word he repeats, and then after the video I review with him in English to see if he remembers and he slowly is getting the grasp of it. I am hopeful that as I work with him in May, his confidence will improve and he will speak more words in English and understand what he says. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- APRIL 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 1 Administrative Activities Library Director, Jeannie Taylor, attended: Commission meeting, Library Advisory Board Customer Service and Circulation Statistics - Ellen Mancuso Current Month Same Month Percentage Previous Year Change Customer Visits Adult 7747 9609 -19.4 Customer Visits Youth 6208 5357 +15.4 Total Customer Visits 13955 14966 -6.8 Total Circulation* 11808 13049 -9.5 Adult Circulation 4582 5325 -14.0 Young Adult Circulation 463 610 -24.1 Juvenile Circulation 4003 4261 -6.1 ILS System Circulation (Print 9063 10213 -11.3 Materials) (Total items checked out kiosks and others in-house) Checkouts on Kiosks 4160 4558 -8.7 EBook Circ (Overdrive, 1160 1775 -34.6 Cloud library) eAudiobook Circ (Overdrive, 650 360 +80.6 CloudL) Overdrive Magazines 616 192 +220.8 Audiovisual 780 1064 -26.7 Users registered 236 251 -6.0 Online user registration 36 41 -12.2 Onecard Cards 2 0 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 2 Number of Reference Transactions 494 659 -25.0 *includes ILS, Ebooks, Freegal, OD mags, Gale legal forms Digital Resource and Database Statistics Current Month Same Month Percentage Previous Year Change Freegal Streams 1019 2246 -54.6 Freegal Users (new) 0 3 -100.0 Freegal Downloads 319 356 -10.4 Kanopy Streams 564 364 +54.9 Learning Express Sessions 25 37 -32.4 Gale Legal 0 6 -100.0 Gale Infotrac Sessions 7 15 -53.3 Gale Infotrac Retrievals 0 24 -100.0 Transparent Languages Users 7 12 -41.7 Transparent Languages Sessions 74 64 +15.6 Learning Express Job Career Sessions 18 34 -47.1 Knowledge City Logins 9 5 +80.0 Brain Fuse 57 0 A to Z total records viewed 492849 11160 +4316.2 Bovnton-Beach.org/city-library 5,168 pageviews (pulled from Google Analytics, this is the number of views our libtary website has received) Palm Beach Post Views (Newsbank) 541 2038 -73.5 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MAY 2024 3 Collection Management Discarded Items = 583 Items Added to Collection = 955 Customer Relations/Curbside Pickup Statistics - Christina Graves • Curbside appointments made: 10 • Curbside appointments picked-up: 9 • Curbside appointments no-show: 1 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 4 Social Media Statistics - Tiffany Marshall yM 0 Facebook<V/fnstagram®Llnkedln V X Twitter 0 Page followers 0 Page fans O Page new followers 0 Page new likes 1,561 1,399 17 12 followers fans new followers likes 0 Post clicks 0 Post likes 0 Posts f- Followers 324 139 21 1,509 clicks likes posts followers 0 Tap posts •Post engagement rate +' ummer R do, ailligrE• Party KE t NtiTTHP . - ,-,.• Bnvntnr5vephClty Lib Oro O Berta,St.hGiytbun 0 arelan Pew hCey, s 6.87%i6 w.,4L3:. engagement rate The Communiry Baby Shower was a avowal School's out for the sum mer,but the library (Post with no description) We Lame together to celebrate,educate,and a open and ready for adventure!We have empower new!smiles by connecting them programs for eeploren of all ages.4 16 lies and react ons 14 likes and reactions 13 likes and reactions •Post likes •New followers •Post engagement el Followers 229 62 278 135 likes followers engagements followers 0 Post shares •Profile visits •Website dicks m Page dicks 18 364 7 232 024 shares views website to ps clicks BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 5 % Top posts Page reach 4 lit 644! t, . e., err , . 11. 4)1 1111 4,. . ....... •bt . ark ®bbettyrrhrere bbrityhbrary 1,101 v.,a 4! connections The Community Baby Shower was a success! Join user celebrating Haitian Heritage Hey,there!Stop by to see us soon •100 We came together to celebrate.educate,and Month!Stream lrPe movies on @kanopy to East Ocean Ave.,Boynton Beach.FL 33435 e empower new families by connecting them dire into the rich history,vibrant culture,end Monday Thursday(morn B AM-7:30 PM a 34 la,es 30 irks 25 likes ®Page engagement rate © Page impressions 0 Page new followers 11.5% 2,179 10 engagement rate impressions new followers 0 Post shares et)Top posts ii '� ,_ '` 6 M . ➢q Gry4c shares today was incredibly rewarding as several The soft launch of our Virtual Zone for small The Community Baby Shower was a success! departments of the Cay of Boynton Beach business owners"s officially a wrap!rtr.Don't We came together to celebrate,educate,and had the opportunky tc partkipate in caret, mkt r, 'on thK game-thane nt orveru:r", er^eovr=rev.Tangles by connecting them 17 Mattie at 13 reactions 9 reactro,s 0 Followers 0 Net new followers 0 Post engagement rate Post engagements 390 18 1.76% 68 followers engagement rate 0 Post link clicks Top tweets nBBCItytibrary -- @88Cityuhrary , , it,le 1100 BOYNTON al I., Family Movie Matinee I Wednesday, p-3 Outdoor Storytrme Wednesday,June 5 at If Junes I;-'� Lil' AM https7/bbfpl.libalcom/eeent/12552290 hdps.Ubbflpl.libcaLmm;olendar/programs/ r`- 21 summerfampymovie clicks Happy May!View this month's programs here. p / http`sy/bbbhpliibcal.comjcalenderlprograms A 40.91% engagement rate 16.67%engagement rate 15.79%engagement rate BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 6 Outreach - Tiffany Marshall, Outreach & Marketing Manager Rolling Green Elementary and Congress Middle School L -- • 41 i •R6 ba )11 ‘ ‘ 11 1 —41 I Sp ... 4 °#'9.4V ' c Y : , cl) Public Computer Usage Statistics Adult Computer Use: 1152 Adult Computer Average Time Per Session: 45 min Youth Computer Use: 773 Youth Computer Average Time Per Session: 38 min Adult Laptops Total Use: 61 Teen Laptops Total Use: 59 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 7 Archivist Monthly Report - Jacob Rabinowitz Archives' Monthly Report-May Digitization: • Have spent quite a bit of time working through the backlog of 8mm films we have this month, making a good dent in our collections. Next step will be to clean up some of the digitized films in Adobe (stabilizing,and any other necessary editing), and then adding them to our online digital collections for access. Yay! Society of Florida Archivists: • Attended the annual SFA annual meeting; did a lot of networking with other local archivists, vendors, and historical societies. Got a lot of great ideas from some of the lectures/presentations regarding digitization initiatives, resources and grant opportunities, community/patron outreach, and diversity/representation in archives. Good stuff! Oral History: • Was connected with Clyde Harris through Craig, met with him a couple times and chatted for a while. Making plans to conduct an oral history with Mr. Harris,timing TBD, ball is in his court at the moment. • Setting up groundwork with Tiffany Marshall to interview potential community members May/June. Thanks Tiffany! Housekeeping: • Updating the archives' disaster plan which hasn't been for many years. • Still finding broken bits on archives'website,ongoing process fixing this still. • Working on processing my backlog of new gifts/acquisitions/donations/etc. and determining what collections to add them to,or create new collections. Research/etc.: • Writing some short-form blurbs for the Boynton Beach Historical Society which will be published in their newsletters once they get them rolling out again. Working with Anne Rimier on this one, thanks Anne! • General reference requests;digging up photos and historical info for the huddled masses— nothing too crazy to report here. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 8 Creative Edge Studio - Christina Graves and Rebecca Schiebel Programs: Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards: 8 Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards (evening): 9 Sewing Beginner Lesson: 4 Sewing Intermediate: 5 Crafting in the Library (Decoupage jute wine bags): 9 Appointments: With Christina: 0 With Studio Assistant: 10 Creative Bug Active Users: 3 New Users: 2 Hours Watched: .06 hrs The one video that was watched was in the category of Sewing (wardrobe basics) The Creative Edge Studio remains closed as we work to find a new Librarian to manage the Makerspace. The part-time Studio Assistant has done an amazing job of facilitating all programs and handling appointments of already established Studio users. We are taking a break from programming in June to allow a rest and to get organized for the programs to come through the end of the calendar year. Sewing will take a break in July as our sewing instructor will be unavailable. This would be a great time to push CreativeBug and show what classes they have available BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 9 Public Technology Training Programs - Brianna Tabil May Classes:13 Dates: Times: # Reg#: Wait List? i{.th43 Learn Vnrioal we estiay,-A4ay444 12p 10V48T4+40.t) 0 4 i. N 2p-3:30p 0 7 N 4i444-ilharsday--•Sefro-ity 34,0f4r14y.-May-2s:d iii TOa -1-440a 0 N h&L arm:Virtual T1+4srsay;-May--2-nd T?p 4WR-T-14 0 0 0 N Welc-ome 1e pewe 4o,fk Mrxuiay,-May-oU. 4p g=am 0 N W444144C.xrva? 304 -41:30a 0 3 N + -y 4 y ^10 10is30aa-111:30a u 0 N Excel-For s Menday,May 13th 5p 6:30p 0 8 N Rusinest ar 4+*.A1ay;-May 3446 30--338p 0 7 N Excel Formulas Friday,May 17th 3p-4:30p 2 8 a Cutting the Cable Monday,May 20th Sp-6:30p t 15 E:4pior-i-lig-4444.4)1 7rre4.44y,- Maya4s4 -.4)-.430p 0 15 N Tech Talk Thursday:Video Calls Thursday,May 23rd 1010a 11:10a f N Stammers Tuesday,May 28th 2p-3:30p / 8 N Tech Talk Thursda :Social Media Thursda ,May 30th 10:30a- 11:30a :. 4 N Total Attended: 22 (1:1) 10 Tech Talk Thursdays: 10:30a—11:30a Join us every Thursday by the couches at the front of the library where we will discuss technology and how to use that tech.This class will be a brief 60-minutes chat along with instructions on how to use different technologies. Registration is required and limited to five seats. Others may drop-in but the five registrants will be given seats.This class will be held in the pop-up area of the library. APRIL AGENDA: May 2"—Home Safety&Security Devices May 9th—The Digital Library May 16th—**NO CLASS!** • May 23"d—How to make a video call May 30th—Social Media 101 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 10 10 One-on-ones: I've been meeting with a regular,who I have worked with since I started working here.When we first started working with me, she was in the process of getting her citizenship and wanted to learn how to use a computer. We started weekly sessions where I taught her how to type.We started off with typing answers for the citizenship test.As time went on we moved to typing paragraphs. Last year she got her US Citizenship!After that,she came to see me on and off. In March she returned to pick up where she left off. We have been working on improving her typing as she takes English classes. She has improved so much and has started acing the typing program that I have her using. Other Notes: Due to absences due to medical issues numerous classes had to be cancelled. 10 out of the 13 classes for the month of May had to be canceled.The classes that were canceled have been rescheduled for June and July. I have been keeping in touch with a few of the people that registered to let them know when the class they were registered for will be rescheduled. The final Park Ranger Computer Literacy class has been rescheduled for June 26th at 2pm. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - MAY 2024 11 Adult Services Programs - Tiffany Marshall Program Sessions Participants Book Buzz Adult Book Club 1 11 Pages of Hope - Mental Health Book 1 5 Discussion MailChimp 101: Building a Simple Email 1 5 Campaign BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT - MAY 2024 12 Youth Services Programs - Sonia Chaudry & Bianca Incledon Youth Library Statistics Summery-May2024 YOU1 H PROGRAMMING TEEM PROGRAMMING IMP *Participants MParticlpanta 22 Suzy Hammer Storyime 90 3 Vrtual Zone Showcase Business 8 Outreach 12 Southlech 188 Owners-Adults TOTAL 98 TOTAL 193 PC Reservation PC Usage Report Total Uses Total Time Average Session 773 477.51.00 37.091 REFERENCE AND TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS STATISTICS WEEKLY SAMPLE May 20-25 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total: Reference 11 6 8 13 5 18 61 Techalogy 12 5 13 5 2 4 41 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 13 CAREERSOURCE PBC SERVICES 05/7/2024 SESSION I Name Job Title Service Cook/construction Laborer EF Registration/Resume Assistance Administrative Assistant Help with resetting EF UN/PW Customer Service Resume Review Mapper Info on Career Source Construction Laborer Work Registration assistance Total:5 05/14/2024 SESSION II Name Job Title Service Prep Cook Resume Assistance/Job Search HR Analyst RA Claim Assistance/EF Assistance Medical Biller&Coder Resume Assistance Hospitality/Team Member Work Registration Assistance Retail Info on Training Total:5 05/21/2024 SESSION III Name Job Title Service Family Advisor Resume Review/Training Information Customer Service EF Registration/Veteran Intake BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 14 Total:2 05/28/2024 SESSION IV Name Job Title Service Kitchen Helper Resume Assistance Kennel Technician Work Registration Assistance Warehouse Associate Resume Assistance Total: 3 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT — MAY 2024 15 Adult ESOL AmeriCorps - Devynn Fletcher In May, we finished up our lesson on furniture. The students drew their own house or apartment and labeled the furniture inside (beginner's only). Then, we started our unit on prepositions. I used things in the classroom to demonstrate, and I made up another fun, interactive game where they use an object or their hand and I say, "Show me [preposition]." This is always a great way to gauge their understanding. Next week, I introduced money—the vocabulary and how to say how much something is or ask how much something is. I printed out fake bills and credit cards to practice a money exchange. Then, we ended the week learning about the land we live in. I printed out a U.S. map for them all, and we went over a few demographics of America and learned the states and capitals. I was impressed with their pronunciation! I showed both classes a YouTube video on the states, so they were able to see how each state is different. The following week, we practiced asking questions and answering them. In my intermediate class, a student exclaimed, "Teacher! My English is better!" It brought tears to my eyes! It's every teacher's dream to hear this and realize that their growth is real. My beginner's class had a whole five minutes where I did not intervene or correct them, and they conversed in English, which is huge for them! Their confidence BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MAY 2024 16 was amazing! Lastly, I borrowed laptops from Brianna and taught basic computer skills for the week. My intermediate students thanked me for such a helpful class—they really loved learning all the vocabulary and picked it up very well! Two of my beginner's students' last day was on the 28th, so we threw them a little graduation party, and my students were so sweet and thoughtful and went ahead and celebrated my birthday early. I am very blessed to be the teacher to amazing people! For my intermediate class, we also started this month with food on the brain, but we went over the difference between "make" and "cook." We made a list of what foods and meals could be "made" but not "cooked" and vice versa, while adding in "bake." We also talked about what foods we like and don't like. Then, we went into a difficult lesson that I had to do more research on. We started to go over the difference between "did" and "have," and their negatives. This is where it became difficult for my students (and for me to see them so discouraged!). So, I told them to take deep breaths, that they can do it (as our affirmations say) and that we will come back the next day with a fresh start to know when to use "didn't" and when to use "haven't." I watched a very informative video on YouTube from an ESOL teacher, and it helped me immensely. The next day, my teaching flowed a lot BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MAY 2024 17 better with this new information/methodology of teaching, and they got it! We still revisit it to make sure our understanding is locked. Next, we had fun discovering American slang, which was pretty easy for them to understand (wanna, gonna, gotcha, etc.). They had fun using this slang, and they use it every now and then after learning about formal versus informal speech and where and where not to use it. Lastly, we are finishing the month talking about our daily routines and housework we do (mowing the lawn, cleaning the windows, etc.). We will continue this lesson into the first two days of May. For tutoring, I am helping one of my students study for the citizenship test! I am very proud of him. We made flashcards, are going over the questions on paper, and are taking practice tests online. He's doing a great job! His goal is to apply later in the year, and I'm going to help make that happen! For my advanced student, he specifically told me that he wants to work on his pronunciation, reading and writing. I have tailored the tutoring sessions to these things, where I read a sentence and he repeats it. We are also reading a chapter book together. We read it together and then he continues the next day, and then he tells me what happened in the book. What excellent students I have! 72 #blessed BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MAY 2024 18 AmeriCorps K-6th Tutoring Monthly Report - Chelsea Michaelson It amazes me that the school year has ended. My students had a lot of testing the first weeks of May before their last week of school. The students I had came for review and some guidance with words they still didn't understand or didnt understand their definitions. Many of my students told me they got 3's and 4's on their reading, math and science test diagnostics, so they were all excited to know they would be moving on to their next grades. I did have a few new students come that are going to be entering kindergarten so I worked with them on abc's and some sight words so they could get a headstart of knowing what to expect for school. The parents that were with the ones going to kindergarten asked for advice as well for what they can do for the summer to get a head start, so I showed them some book options, and gave them some printed materials so their students can learn how to write words, read , and also to keep them engaged. I told the parents it is important to keep the students engaged, but also to let them know they are doing a great job. Most of the students need that bit of encouragement to continue to learn. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT— MAY 2024 19 As the school year has ended, I have learned so much as a tutor and so much from my students. I've learned to be patient, learned that all students need their own plan in regards to how they learn and process information, and to be present when tutoring occurs. I am beyond thankful for the opportunities AmeriCorps has given me, and that the library has been the most welcoming to me since I started serving here in August 2023. Since being here I have gained so much knowledge on how to be a team player, a better leader, and to continue learning as I have helped my students learn as well. Seeing many of the students grow, and seeing them reading on their own, doing work on their own and moving on to the next grade brings me a lot of joy. I hope that the next school year will be just as great for them. BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT- MAY 2024