ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.
James McMahon, Vice Chair John Wildner, Parks Director
Elizabeth Pierce
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams
William Orlove, Alternate
Betty Thomas, Chairperson
Ed Harris
Margaret Murphy, Alternate
Dan Winters
In the absence of Chairperson Thomas, Vice Chair 'McMahon presided and
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
A quorum was present.
Mr. Wildner said that staff was going to review its procedure on mailing the
agenda and minutes to members. Ms. Pierce suggested adding the time and
place of the next meeting to the minutes when they are sent out.
The minutes were placed on file as received.
A. Needs Assessment
Mr. Wildner reported that the Needs Assessment was mailed out to 5,000
people; 3,000 City residents and 2,000 in unincorporated Boynton Beach. It is
anticipated that a report will be made to the City Commission either at the last
Commission meeting in March or the first meeting in April.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 25, 2002
Ms. Pierce inquired how the names of people chosen to receive the
questionnaire were determined. Mr. Wildner thought that the most recent
census data was utilized. Ms. Pierce pointed out that the prior owner of her
home received one, but he hasn't lived there for almost seven years. Mr. Wildner
will check into this. When the exact meeting date for the presentation is known,
Mr. Wildner will inform all members so that they could be present.
B. Barton Memorial Park Recreational Trail - A Greenways
Expansion Project
C. Palmetto Greens Park Expansion
A grant application was made to the Recreation and Trails Grant Program
operated by the DEP, but there has been no response to date. As previously
reported, the DEP is requiring a 25-year lease on property that the City doesn't
own. Barton Memorial Park is located on a right of way owned by the DOT. The
DOT is not wiling to give the City a 25-year lease. The same scenario exists with
the Palmetto Greens Park grant application. That grant request was also made
to the Recreation and Trails Grant Program operated by the DEP. This land is
located along the C-16 Canal and the South Florida Water Management District
is not willing to give the City an exclusive 25-year lease.
Mr. Wildner pointed out that this is creating a problem for other municipalities as
well, since most ~recreational trail projects are adjacent to canals, railroads or
some type of right of way. Mr. Orlove inquired about the width of the rights-of-
way, and Mr. Wildner responded that they would be 75' or less.
There is always the possibility of funding the expansion of the Palmetto Greens
Park by using other funds. The City's Neighborhood Specialist, Mr. Dan
DeCarlo, may have some funds available for this project.
Mr. DeCarlo is also interested in the Wilson Center Project that would tie in with
the Heart of Boynton Project. This project would involve changing the name of
Cherry Hills to Poinciana Heights and improving the area, with Wilson Center as
the focal point for the neighborhood. It is also anticipated that Palmetto Greens
Park would be expanded along the canal to create waterfront property. This has
been successful on the east side of Palmetto Greens.
It is anticipated that the old Wilson Center will be demolished and a new one
would be rebuilt, as a combination social service and recreation center.
Vice Chair McMahon read in the newspaper recently about the greenways
expansion. Mr. Wildner said that an RFQ has been issued to establish a
greenways plan. This would involve setting up a greenways network for biking
and walking that would connect through various recreational locations. The RFQ
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 25, 2002
is due April 1st. When the RFQ is received, the City will be able to determine what
the cost would be for a greenways network throughout the City.
Another project being considered is to create a walkway from the Marina
beginning at the bridge to Mangrove Park.
D. Wilson Center
Staff learned that there were grant monies available to acquire land adjacent to
the Wilson Center for the expansion. Two of the lots, south and east of the
Center, will be acquired with the grant funds. Unfortunately, there is one
"holdout." There may be other lots east of the "holdout" property available for
Ms. Pierce inquired if the City had any interest in the property that was for sale
just south of the Library on Seacreast Boulevard. Ms. Pierce felt that this could
be a nice location for expansion of some of the City facilities. Mr. Wildner will
check into this.
E. Hester Center Breezeway Enclosure
The project is now completed and was very successful. The computer lab is full
all the time and staff now has new office space.
F. Senior Center
Mr. Wildner reported that they are applying for a grant from the Lattner
Foundation. Consideration is being given to naming the Senior Center after the
Scotts, who were the owners of Lucille & Otley's, since the Lattners were friends
with the Scotts. The lot across the street from the Senior Center is still owned by
the Scotts' son. It is still anticipated that the Senior Center will be expanded.
G. Special Events
The most recent special event was the HeritageFest. This included a visit by the
FAMU Band, which was a big hit. The event took place at the new Boynton
Beach High School and was made possible through a partnership between the
High School and the HeritageFest Committee.
Currently, the City is working on an agreement with the school to donate $40,000
to the athletic department to upgrade the track field. The actual cost of the track
is $80,000 and it is hoped that the County will contribute the other $40,000. The
City has an excellent youth track program that the High School could utilize.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 25, 2002
Mr. Williams pointed out that the basketball team is number six in the State,
which is unique for a new school.
The Fourth of July Fireworks will take place at the High School. Members felt
that having the fireworks on the beach offered a better view. It was pointed out
that the cost for the barge alone was $8,000. This year, due to the construction
of Intracoastal Park, it is not possible to have the fireworks display on the water.
This will be re-evaluated for the following years. Because the fireworkS will be at
the High School, more events will be scheduled and more vendors will be
accommodated, Also, the High School offers more parking.
Ms. Pierce inquired about the mounds of dirt still remaining at Intracoastal Park.
Mr. Wildner said that construction should begin in June and the dirt would be
taken care of at that time. Mr. Wildner distributed copies of the project plan for
Intracoastal Park. Currently, staff is at the final plan review stage. The State and
County have reviewed the plans favorably and they are now going to the City for
review. According to the schedule, construction should begin June 15th. The bid
process should begin at the end of March.
A meeting has been scheduled with Commissioner McCarty next week to finalize
the $1.7 million that the County is contributing to the project. At that time, the
plans will be presented to Commissioner McCarty and then an Interlocal
Agreement will be entered into between the County and the City to proceed with
the project.
Mr. Wildner announced that there will be a ceremony for the destruction of the
buildings on Morey's Lounge property at the site on Tuesday, March 5th at 10
o'clock. Commissioner McCarty will be in attendance.
It is anticipated that the property would be used for five parking spaces and
largely for additional landscaping.
H. Greenways Network
Previously discussed.
I. Items for City Manager's Attention
Mr. Ramnarace inquired about the bus stop that he mentioned at the last
meeting. Mr. Wildner said that he referred this to the Public Works Department
and will follow through on this.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 25, 2002
Ms. Pierce reported that Mr. DeCarlo attended their INCA meeting on Thursday
and discussed the placing of trash cans along Martin Luther King Boulevard. He
indicated that there might be grant monies available to purchase them. Ms.
Pierce presented a catalog of various trash cans that could be utilized and
maintained by the various neighborhood associations to keep the neighborhoods
J. Monthly Report
Mr. Wildner distributed the reports.
Mr. Wilder announced that G.A.L.A. will be taking place March 23rd through the
24th. The G,A.L.A, will be located closer to the water on Ocean Avenue and will
extend west to the railroad tracks. The main stage will be located in front of Bank
of America. A second stage will be set up at Veteran's Park on the west side of
U.S. 1.
VI. NEXT MEETING: MARCH 25, 2002 at 7:00 p.m., SENIOR CENTER
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(February 27, 2002)