P resent
Betty Thomas, Chairperson Wally Majors, Recreation Director
James McMahon (arrivedat 11:45 a.m.) John Wildner, Parks Director
Elizabeth Pierce
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams
Dan Winters
Margaret Murphy, Alternate
Ed Harris
William Orlove, Alternate
Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 11:35 p.m.
Mr. Majors introduced Dr. Ananda Mitra, the consultant from Management
Learning Laboratories, who will be performing the needs assessment for Parks
and Recreation.
Chairperson Thomas requested that members introduce themselves. A quorum
was declared present.
II1. NEW BUSINESS (Addressed out of Order)
Dr. Mitra stated he has been performing needs assessments for over 12 years.
He first meets with community members, staff, commissioners and city
administrators to gain input for the questionnaire regarding the community's
needs. The questionnaire is sent randomly to residents of the City. It is
anticipated that the answers will provide a sense of residents' needs, interests,
opinions and behavior with respect to recreation.
The questionnaire will be prepared after all the input is gathered. Dr. Mitra had
met with staff earlier this morning. After meeting with the Board, he will be
meeting with City administrators and Community members. The purpose of the
Board meeting is to gain input as to what the Board members would like included
in the questionnaire.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 25, 2001
Mr. Winters said that it was very important to get the residents' attention when
they receive the questionnaire in order to get them to respond. Dr, Mitra would
like to have a person that is well known and respected in the community sign the
cover letter that is included with the questionnaire. Certain phrases will be stated
in the cover letter to generate people's interest. The letter will be mailed first
class and the envelope will contain a catch phase entitled "help Boynton Beach
plan for the future". Five days after the questionnaire is mailed, a reminder
postcard is sent out. The letter and post card contain an "800" number if anyone
has any questions.
Chairperson Thomas inquired how the people were notified regarding the focus
group meetings taking place later today. Mr. Majors replied that a letter was sent
out. Dr. Mitra stated that if any board member had any specific questions they
would like asked to let him know.
Mr. Winters felt it was a priority to take care of the children in the City, which
means offering services as inexpensively as possible. He would like to see more
money allocated to the programs to assist parents who cannot afford them. Mr.
Winters would like to see the focus taken off the cost-recovery method employed
by the City to cover the expenses of programs. Mr. Majors explained that since
1993 the City excluded incl'ad~d all revenue-generated programs i~ from the
General Fund and requested that they be self-sustaining.
Mr. McMahon asked how the budget is determined. Mr. Majors replied that the
majority of his department's budget pays for staff. The General Fund covers the
direct costs of operating facilities, programs, staff and expenses. The Revenue
Budget is directly related to running the programs, which is approximately
$550,00 this year. This year the City gave 100%, as well as 75%, and 50%
scholarships. More than $15,000 was used for scholarships for summer camps
this year.
Mr. Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant City Manager, joined the meeting.
Mr. McMahon inquired if the City has a five-year plan that includes land
acquisition. Dr. Mitra inquired if the Board would like to include a question
regarding land acquisition in the questionnaire. Mr. Wildner responded that it
should be included. Mr, Wildner pointed out that there is a recreation element to
the Comprehensive Plan and staff would like to have the needs analysis prior to
in updating the Plan. Dr. Mitra will include some questions concerning land.
Ms. Pierce stated at the last meeting of her homeowner's association she asked
people what they would like to see in the City recreationally. Many people said
they would like to have bike trails. Mr. Wildner pointed out that this was also an
issue raised by staff. Ms. Pierce mentioned that some of the pocket parks should
be upgraded to make them more accessible and better lighted. People also
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 25, 2001
questioned if some type of meeting facility would be built at Intracoastal Park for
residents' use.
Mr. Winters would like to see the old Winn Dixie Shopping Center on Federal
Highway torn down and the location used for an entranceway to the City. Also, it
would enhance the new pond and pavilion located behind the shopping center.
Secondly, it would tie in with the Promenade Project,
Ms. Murphy spoke to residents in her retirement community and they would like
to have a "heart trail" in the City for walking, similar to the one in Jupiter.
Mr. Ramnarace noted that Rolling Green has a very large park that is
underutilized and contains many facilities. Mr. Ramnarace would like to see
more security at the parks. Mr. Winters noted that the Board had discussed
employing a Park Ranger for this purpose.
Members discussed linking various parks within the City. Mr. Mitra stated this is
quite popular in communities throughout the country.
Chairperson Thomas felt that there was still interest among residents in having a
skateboard park in the City. Ms. Pierce pointed out that skateboard parks can be
dangerous. Mr. Mitra stated that the parks could be built so that they are not as
dangerous, but then they don't get used. People want skateboard parks that
offer the extreme features, but this could create liability issues. Dr. Mitra stated
this is something that could be looked at. Mr. Winters suggested that these types
of activities could be privatized and that ice skating rinks and skateboard parks
could be built by the private sector.
Mr. Winters also suggested that the City needs an amphitheater. Ms. Pierce felt
that the Intracoastal Park would be a good place for a small amphitheater.
Another suggestion brought up by Mr. Winters is that he would like to have the
local churches and charities supply the food at the G.A.L.A. Mr. Majors
explained G.A.L.A. to Dr. Mitra. Also, he would like staff to consider having
another entity other than the Chamber of Commerce run the beer and wine
concession. Mr. Winters felt that the G.A.L.A. needs to be expanded. Mr.
Ramnarace suggested holding G.A.L.A. at Intracoastal Park when it is ready.
Members discussed whether the questionnaire should be sent solely to City
residents or whether people living outside the City limits should be included. Mr.
Majors pointed out that the citizens are paying for the study and questioned if it
would be appropriate to include non-residents. Mr. Wildner pointed out that a
great many customers are non-residents. Dr. Mitra stated that if ~the Board
wished to include non-residents, it could present political problems because the
Boy~lton Beach residents are paying for a questionnaire. Dr. Mitra suggested
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 25, 2001
that the size of the mailing could be increased to include non-residents, which
would incur additional costs. Dr. Mitra felt if the mailing was increased from the
original 3,000 residents to 4,000 to include 1,000 non-residents, the cost might
be in the area of an additional $2,000. Messrs. Wildner and Majors did not think
this would be a problem.
Mr. McMahon suggested sending the survey to residents first and after their
needs are determined, non-residents could be surveyed. Dr. Mitra stated this
approach would be more costly. Mr. Wildner pointed out that some of the money
to fund the study is coming from the Recreation Revenue Fund and this Fund
receives money from all customers, many of whom are non-residents.
Chairperson Thomas called for a motion to include non-residents in the
Mr. Winters moved that the questionnaire be sent to non-residents for their
participation in the survey, the cost not to exceed more than $2,000. Motion
seconded by Ms. Murphy.
Dr. Mitra suggested leaving the dollar amount out.
Mr. Winters amended his motion to exclude the phrase "the cost not to exceed
more than $2,000."
Dr. Mitra suggested that the number of questionnaires be increased from 3,000
to 4,000 and suggested the motion be amended to "increase the mailing size to
4,000, which would include non-residents."
Ms. Pierce asked what the anticipated response rate was and Dr. Mitra stated
approximately 15% or 600 people would probably respond.
Because of current events, Ms. Pierce questioned whether the Board wanted to
rethink doing a mailing and to consider other ways to gather information, such as
through the City's web site. Dr. Mitra understood Ms. Pierce's concerns and
noted that the mailing would not take place until after the first of the year. Dr.
Mitra pointed out that if the survey was performed using a computer, you would
not obtain a random sampling, because you would not be reaching all the
population. Further, he noted when people respond using a computer, they would
have to give up their anonymity, which might discourage participation.
Mr. Winters amended his motion as follows:
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 25, 2001
Mr. Winters moved that the questionnaire be sent to non-residents for their
participation in the survey and that the mailing be increased from 3,000 to 4,000.
Ms. Murphy seconded the amended motion. The motion carried 6-1 (Mr.
McMahon dissenting).
Dr. Mitra suggested that they proceed as planned and to re-examine the mailing
process in January.
Next discussed was the length of the questionnaire. Research indicates that
anything longer than four pages would reduce the response rate. Dr. Mitra
pointed out that when the survey was performed for the City of Port St. Lucie the
response rate was around 17%. Ms. Murphy suggested that a copy of Port St.
Lucie's survey be furnished to staff for their information. Dr. Mitra said he would
provide this. Three thousand questionnaires were sent out and 460 useable
responses were received.
Chairperson Thomas inquired if surveys would be sent out in more than one
language. Dr. Mitra said that this was not necessary. The 800 number provided
on the questionnaire is available for people that have difficulty completing the
Mr. McMahon asked about the times of the focus group meetings later today.
Mr. Majors responded that the locations and times are as follows:
4:00 p,m, - Senior Center
5:15 p.m.- Boynton Beach High School
6:30 p.m. - Hester Center
7:45 p.m. - First Presbyterian Church
Mr. McMahon would like expansion of the Senior Center addressed. Ms. Pierce
noted that many seniors are left out because the current center cannot
accommodate everyone.
Mr. Majors noted that a question would be included in the survey to determine
whether the City needs a teen center. He pointed out that one of the focus group
meetings is scheduled at the High School in order to obtain the input of the
Mr. McMahon felt it was important to make sure that the residents are kept
informed of the aCtivities and programs being offered in the City. Mr. Majors
pointed out that the Recreation Department now has a marketing and promotion
Meeting Minutes ·
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 25, 2001
Mr. Wildner stated that the City Commission directed this Board to investigate the
recreational needs in the southeast section of the City and this should be
included. The City recently purchased a 2 1/2 acre site in this quadrant.
Mr. Majors stated that one of the questions that will be asked is whether people
would be willing to go into other areas of the City, The cultural diversity of the
Senior Center needs to be improved. The Hester Center has made progress in
this area.
If Board members have any other questions they would like included they Should
contact either Mr. Majors or Mr. Wildner. Mr. Wildner suggested that Board
members could bring their ideas and suggestions to the next Board meeting in
Chairperson Thomas inquired if the Board would have an opportunity to review
the questionnaire before it is sent out. Mr. Majors confirmed that they would. The
first draft should be available prior to the November meeting.
The minutes were accepted as distributed.
A. Items for City Manager's Attention - N/A
B. Monthly report -
Included in the agenda packet.
VI. NEXT MEETING: November 26, 2001 at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary ·
(two tapes)
(October 25, 2001)