Betty Thomas, Chairperson Wally Majors, Recreation Director
Jim McMahon John Wildner, Parks Director
Ed Harris
Elizabeth Pierce
Dan Winters
Tom Williams
Margaret Murphy, Alternate
William Orlove, Alternate
Bali Ramnarace
Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
The roll was called and a quorum was declared present.
The minutes were filed as distributed.
A. Needs Assessment (participation by the Board)
Mr. Majors distributed informational material, which had been prepared by the
consultant hired to undertake a needs assessment. The assessment will
determine the City's needs, both present and future, for recreation and parks.
The information garnered will also be used to update the Comprehensive Plan.
It is estimated that the process will take 16 weeks. From the information gathered
at the focus group meetings, a questionnaire will be sent to approximately 3,000
residents, staff would like to have the focus groups represent four different
quadrants of the City: northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest. Included
in the information distributed was a timetable of meetings with the consultant on
Thursday, October 25th. ~
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 24, 2001
The selection of the 3,000 people will be done randomly from the various
quadrants. The following is a sample timetable for October 25th:
9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Staff meeting
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Advisory Board Meeting
Afternoon Individual meetings with political leadership
4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Four (4) Focus group Meetings
Mr. Harris inquired if there was anyone on City staff that could prepare a
questionnaire. He further inquired about the cost for the consultant. Mr. Wildner
responded that staff would be preparing a list of concerns and the Board
members will also be asked for their opinions. After reviewing all the concerns
and comments, the consultant will develop the questionnaire. Board members
will be asked to provide names of people that they would like to invite to the
focus group meetings. The consultant recommended that only 12 to 15 people
attend a meeting at one time. The cost for the consultant is $20,500 and was
approved by the City Commission.
Members felt it was very important that the focus groups be publicized to attract
attendance. Mr. Wildner said that places being considered for the meetings are
Fire Station #3, Ascension Lutheran Church, the Senior Center and the Hester
Center. Mr. Wildner said it was not necessary for the Board members to attend
the focus meetings, but if members wished to attend a meeting, they could.
With regard to publicity, Mr. Majors stated they would utilize newspapers, flyers
and the City's newsletter. A notice may also be placed on the City's utility bill.
Mr. Harris would like to have one of the focus meetings concentrate on the youth
of the City and members felt that one of the meetings should be scheduled at the
new High School. Mr. Harris questioned whether one day was if enough time for
the consultant to gather input from the citizens. Mr. Majors stated that he spoke
to other cities that had needs assessments performed by the same consultant.
Everyone he spoke with felt that they were very beneficial.
The following places and times were set for the focus group meetings to be
held on Thursday, October 25th:
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Senior Center
5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. Boynton Beach High School*
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hester Center
8:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Ascension Lutheran Church
*This meeting will be geared to the youth in the City. Mr. Majors will contact the
Advisory Board on Children and Youth to participate at this meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 24, 2001
The times for the meetings may be adjusted. Members will be notified of any
changes as soon as possible. Members were requested to furnish staff with the
names of people they would like to invite to the focus group meetings.
B. Palmetto Greens Park Expansion
C. Wilson Center Land Acquisition
Mr. Wildner reported that community meetings were held. The City is applying for
a grant for expansion of the park and acquisition of land surrounding the Wilson
Center. The public was very enthusiastic about the plans for the parks and their
expansion. The grant application will be submitted on the due date and the
match for the grant is included in the budget. The grant application is being
made to the Recreation Development Assistance Program. If an applicant meets
the minimum number of points, which is 52, the funding is usually approved. Mr.
Wildner anticipated that the City's grant application will be way over the minimum
required points and should receive the grant.
Ms. Pierce inquired why staff was now focusing on the Palmetto Greens
expansion before completing Boat Club and Intracoastal Parks. Mr. Wildner
noted that these two parks will be under construction long before the plans for
Palmetto Greens and Wilson Center begin.
F. Boat Club/Intracoastal Parks (out of order)
Mr. Wildner reported on the following:
· Plans for Intracoastal Park are currently being revised.
· The bid for Boat Club Park was approved by the City Commission at
$945,000, with a contingency of up to $1,100,000.
· Construction should begin within two months.
· Seventy-five additional boat trailer parking spaces will be added.
· A holding dock will be added at the lagoon to facilitate boat loading.
· The ramps will be completely renovated.
· Maintenance dredging of the channel from Boat Club Park to the inlet out to
the ocean will be performed.
· A new picnic shelter is under construction and another picnic shelter is being
relocated to the east side of the present building.
D. Hester Center Breezeway Enclosure, Pavilion, PAL Pressbox
Mr. Majors reported that there would be approximately a four-week delay in
completing the breezeway since the original design did not include sprinkling
certain areas. The Fire Department, during a routine inspection, determined that
sprinklers were necessary; therefore, sprinklers are being added to the design to
cover the entire new enclosed area. The pavilion is complete and is now being
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 24, 2001
Mr. Williams reported that the large shade trees along the walkway to the new
breezeway prevent grass from growing. Mr. Wildner will follow through on this to
determine if trimming is necessary.
E. Senior Center
The Senior Center will be celebrating its second anniversary and many events
are being planned. New computers have been added through a cooperative
effort with the Library. Mr. Williams complimented the Senior Center staff on
doing a wonderful job.
Vice Chair McMahon inquired on the status of the grant for Phase 2. Mr. Majors
said that he and Mr. Wildner will be meeting with the Palm Beach County
Legislative Delegation on this. Also, the City's Grant Coordinator will be
reapplying to the Lattner Foundation for an additional grant.
Chairperson Thomas noted that the Area Agency on Aging has no representative
from Boynton Beach and requested that this be added as an item for the City
Manager's attention. Chairperson Thomas felt it was very important that the City
have a representative on that committee. The representative has to be appointed
by the Department of Elder Affairs. It was agreed that this item would be added
to the list for the City Manager's attention.
F. Boat Club/Intracoastal Parks (previously addressed)
G. Special Events
Mr. Majors reported that the bid for the holiday lighting was under $40,000. It
was originally projected at approximately $80,000. The lights will begin on
Ocean Avenue from 1st Street down to 6th Court and then north towards the
pond. Thero will also be many freestanding decorations throughout that corridor.
The Season of Peace and evening Holiday Parade will be on Saturday,
December 6th at 6:30 p.m. Other events planned are a concert, a choral contest
and the holiday decorating contest. Ms. Pierce reported that the Holiday Concert
is scheduled for December 21st at Mangrove Walk.
A special events media luncheon had been scheduled for September 12th at the
Banana Boat, to which all the local media had been invited to showcase the
City's events for the next year. Because of the events of September 11th, the
luncheon has been rescheduled for Wednesday, September 26th at the Banana
Boat from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The First Annual Teen Conference, which is being organized by Carolyn Sims, is
scheduled for Saturday, September 29, 2001 at the Civic Center from 3:00 p.m.
to 7:00 p.m. A variety of programs and events will be offered.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 24, 2001
Mr. Orlove suggested holding movie nights, which are very popular throughout
the country, and could be held at the Children's Museum Amphitheater.
Chairperson Thomas distributed a letter she received from former Mayor Jim
Warnke suggesting names for the Intracoastal Park. Mr. Warnke also suggested
having a statue to honor Nathan Boynton. Mr. Wildner stated that a memorial is
being planned for the veterans at the Intracoastal Park.
Chairperson Thomas stated that at the last City Commission meeting, Ms.
Virginia Farace, chairperson of a City Initiatives committee to establish an Arts
Commission, provided a status report. Mr. Majors and Mr. Wildner were also
members of the committee. A copy of that report was distributed. -
H, Greenways Network
A consultant's study for $60,000 was approved in the CIP Program. It is intended
to tie together existing traffic patterns and pedestrian walkways into a Greenways
Network to connect preservation areas, park areas and other greenspace. The
intent is to come up with a series of pedestrian and bicycle paths that would
interconnect the greenspace.
I. Items for the City Manager's Attention
Mr. Winters commented that the City does not have an entranceway. He
suggested that the shopping plaza at the end of Boynton Beach Boulevard be
razed and a public park put in its place. This would make the pond area visible.
Boynton Beach needs something to get people off the highway into the City. Mr.
Wildner pointed out that this was within the CRA boundaries and discussions
about this area have been taking place.
Mr. Winters suggested that the Board's regular October meeting be combined
with the luncheon meeting scheduled for October 25th.
Mr. Winters moved that the regular October meeting be changed to Thursday,
October 25th at 11:30 a.m. Motion duly seconded and unanimously carried.
Mr. Williams raised concerns regarding the curve located at 17th and Seacrest.
Mr. Williams would like to see a traffic light installed to allow people to cross the
street safely. Mr. Wildner said that the Public Works Department has been
coordinating with the County to have a light installed. Mr. Wildner will report on
the status of the light at the next meeting.
Members thanked staff for their nameplates.
Meeting Minutes ',
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 24, 2001
J. Monthly Report
Not discussed.
A. Guest Readers for After School Program
Mr. Majors reported that the Recreation Department received a grant from the
Downer Foundation for a reading program at Rolling Green School. Guest
readers are being recruited to read to the children during the months of October,
November and December. The readings take place every Friday from 3:00 p.m.
to 4:00 p.m. at the School. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Ms.
Debbie Majors at 742-6241.
Place to be announced
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)
(September 25, 2001)