ON MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 2001 AT 7:00 P.M.
Betty Thomas, Chairperson John Wildner, Parks Director
James McMahon, Vice Chair Barbara Meacham, Landscape Planner
Ed Harris (/eft at 7:30 p.m.)
William Orlove, Alternate
Elizabeth Pierce
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams
Margaret H. Murphy, Alternate
Dan Winters
Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Chairperson Thomas called the roll and declared that a quorum was present. Mr.
Wildner and Ms. Meacham were also introduced.
The minutes were accepted as distributed.
A. Recreation and Parks Plan (Southeast Quadrant of the City)
As previously reported, the City Commission requested that the Recreation and
Parks Board consider a master plan for the southeast quadrant of the City. The
Commission, at the recent Capital Improvements Plan meeting, revisited this
request and consideration is now being given to updating the master plan for the
entire City. This would be combined with the needs' assessment that has been
assigned to the Recreation and Parks Department. This should be completed
sometime after December. Once the results of the assessment are determined,
the Recreation and Park's Master Plan would be updated.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2001
The needs assessment will encompass the entire City and will include focus
groups comprised of residents from various sections of the City. Chairperson
Thomas recommended that the Board take a tour to view the parks throughout
the City. Mr. Wildner pointed out the City parks and properties maintained by the
Parks Department on the plan provided.
Mr. Williams inquired if there were any plans for the southwest side of the City.
Mr. Wildner stated that expansion of the Congress Avenue Community Park is
being considered. There is a lot of land that the City has accumulated over the
years, but funding sources for expansion need to be determined.
Vice Chair McMahon complimented staff on the great amount of information
contained in the FunFare Magazine and noted that staff received an award from
the National Association of Special Events.
Chairperson Thomas distributed tee shirts to the Board members that were
supplied by Commissioner Fisher from his discretionary funds. She requested
that the Board prepare a letter to Commissioner Fisher thanking him for his
generosity. Mr. Wildner will follow through with this.
B. Hester Center Breezeway Enclosure, Pavilion, PAL Pressbox
Mr. Wildner reported that the breezeway is nearing completion. The pavilion is
open and approval for the PAL Pressbox has been secured. The funds from
SPRINT should be forthcoming and staff is proceeding with the plans.
C. Senior Center
The anticipated grant did not materialize and only a $48,000 grant was received
from the Lattner Foundation. These funds will be used for a fitness room and
equipment. Staff anticipates reapplying next year.
D. Boat Club/Intracoastal Parks
The bid for Boat Club Park has been received and is slightly over $900,000. The
Iow bidder's references are now being checked. Staff will be making a
recommendation to the Commission in the very near future to approve the
project. This includes 75 additional boat trailer spaces, improvement of the ramp
system and adding holding docks. Permitting on the waterside of the Park is still
pending and there are no problems anticipated. Improvements to both sides will
be done simultaneously.
Mr. Williams questioned if there would be a need for a traffic light. Mr. Wildner did
not think that a light would be necessary. Members felt that the new parking
arrangements would be an improvement to parking trailers on the street.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2001
Ms. Pierce inquired where decals would be sold and Mr. Wildner stated they
would be available at the bait shop. It is anticipated that many of the decals
would be purchased in advance of the fee, so that people could be waved
through without having to stop. Only people paying the daily fee would be
required to stop, similar to the process at the beach. If traffic problems arise, this
will be addressed.
Ms. Pierce inquired about the problem of obtaining the permit for the dredging.
Because the City worked with the County and the State on the project, the
County's engineering process took longer than anticipated and resulted in
delays. However, everything is now coming together. Mr. Wildner received a
letter today from Palm Beach County informing him that the bids for the dredging
and replacement of the channel markers have been received at a cost of
$23,000. This is within the grant amount received from the Inland Navigation
District. Dredging should begin in December. It is anticipated that dredging will
be performed every three to four years.
Decals will also be available for purchase at City Hall in the Mall. Proof of car
registration will be required. The decal must be placed on the vehicle that tows
the trailer. Members questioned why the decal wouldn't be placed on the boat
itself. The purpose of placing the sticker on the towing vehicle is to allow staff the
ability to give out parking tickets.
With regard to the Intracoastal Park plan, staff continues to work on the revised
master plans, which should be before the City Commission for approval in the
near future. Chairperson Thomas inquired if a name had been chosen for the
Intracoastal Park. No name has been selected, but it is anticipated that the park
would be renamed at some point.
E. Special Events
No report
F. Greenways Network
Mr. Wildner presented a greenways map. Currently, a consultant is conducting a
study. Potential greenways were pointed out and discussed. Some of the
properties are City owned and some are targeted for acquisition. The intent of
the greenways is to link up certain properties in the City. After the study is
received, it is hoped that there will be some recommendations for funding
included. It is also anticipated that at some time in the future the City's pathways
would be connected to greenways in surrounding communities.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2001
Ms. Pierce suggested that the City bus stops need to be equipped with trash
receptacles to prevent so much litter. Mr. Wildner noted that the bus stop
stations are private and possibly when the contract was negotiated, trash
receptacles were not included.
Chairperson Thomas presented a copy of a letter that Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick sent to
Commissioner Ferguson regarding greenway link-ups.
Mr. Orlove questioned if the second rail being added to Tri-Rail would have an
impact upon the greenway plans. Mr. Wildner replied that this would have some
impact because Tri-Rail would utilize rights-of-way that could have been used for
G. Items for the City Manager's Attention
Chairperson Thomas read the letter that she sent to each of the City
Commissioners in support of naming the Ezell Hester Park Football Field and
Pressbox in honor of Board Member Tom Williams, which was recommended by
the Board at its July meeting. The Board's recommendation has been forwarded
to the City Manager. To date, there has been no response.
Chairperson Thomas said she received a recommendation that the City should
have a statue or plaque to honor Nathan Boynton. The Library and Woman's
Club both have a portrait of Mr. Boynton. It was suggested that the statue could
be located on Ocean Avenue in a "Founder's Park".
Vice Chair McMahon asked about the status of the charter school that was being
recommended to be placed on property intended for a park. Mr. Wildner noted
that the residents in the area were against the school and it appears that the
operators of the school have not pursued it any further.
Mr. Williams would like the Recreation Department to acquire another bus
because of the expansion of the summer programs. He did not feel that one bus
was sufficient for City needs. He was informed that Mr. Majors is working to
acquire a second bus. Chairperson Thomas requested that this be added as an
item for the City Manager's attention. Ms. Pierce heard that either Dade or
Broward County purchased new school buses and perhaps the old ones might
be for sale.
H. Monthly Report
Chairperson Thomas complimented staff on preparing an excellent report.
Mr. Orlove mentioned that a slide at Oceanfront Park is broken. Mr. Wildner said
that the slide will be repaired and the part has already been ordered. Mr,
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2001
Williams suggested that whenever a Board member notices anything broken or in
need of repair at a playground or park that they report it.
Ms. Pierce asked about the status of the Park Ranger. Mr. Wilder reported that a
part-time person is being hired to lock the parks in the evening. The position has
been included in the budget for the new fiscal year. At some time in the future, it
is anticipated that this position could evolve into a Park Ranger position.
A. Needs Assessment
Previously discussed.
B. Palmetto Greens Park Expansion
A bikeway, small park with playground equipment and restroom are now located
on the far east section of the park. It is now being proposed to extend the linear
park west of Seacrest Boulevard to 1-95. This will be accomplished through a
grant through the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program. One of
the requirements of obtaining the grant is to make a presentation to the
Recreation and Parks Board. A meeting is scheduled for September 5th at
Poinciana School to discuss the expansion with the neighbors.
Mr. Wildner pointed out this area on the artists' renderings and noted that Wilson
Park will be expanded and combined with Palmetto Greens Park to create a
larger park facility. In order to accomplish this, it will be necessary to acquire
property located at the end of Palmetto Greens Park. When this acquisition is
accomplished, it would also form a link to the Barton Memorial Park.
A fishing pier would also be built west of Wilson Park and would overlook the
canal to allow cane pole fishing. The South Florida Water Management District
has agreed to this. It is anticipated that the expansion could cost up to
$300,000. Two grants would be necessary because land acquisition is separate
from development.
C. Wilson Center Land Acquisition
Wilson Park is located in the middle of the expansion of Palmetto Greens Park
and the Wilson Center is in need of an upgrade. One alternative is to demolish
the Wilson Center and to place a picnic area and playground on that spot. The
Wilson Center would be relocated further south where the basketball courts are
now located. In order to accomplish this, more land acquisition would be
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida August 27, 2001
Another idea being looked at is to tear down the locker rooms and to place an
aquatic center on the land, which would be combined with the existing Wilson
Pool Many municipalities now have successful aquatic parks. Mr. Orlove
inquired if there would be a charge for use of the water park. This is something
that would be looked at and would be a decision based upon community input
and how the park was funded. Consideration is also being given to utilizing the
Wilson Center to provide social service programs.
Mr. Orlove asked about the timeframe. Mr. Wildner responded that they would
be applying for the grant on October 12th. If the grant were approved, the funding
would probably be available next spring. After approval, construction drawings
would be prepared. Construction of the Wilson Center probably would not begin
for two years.
Mr. Ramnarace asked Mr. Wildner when the cricket field would be completed at
Rolling Green. Mr. Wildner said there was a delay in getting the field ready
because the School Department was doing construction at the school. There is
also the possibility that if the cost would be more than $10,000, it would have to
go out for bid. Mr. Ramnarace would like to hold the South Florida tournament
next February at the field. The field has four pitches and meets international
standards. This would be a great attraction for the City and could accommodate
soccer as well. Mr. Wildner will include the field in the tour.
Chairperson Thomas requested that this be added to the Items for the City
Manager's Attention since the funding is in place from a prior budget year.
VI. NEXT MEETING: September 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Ms. Pierce announced that the Holiday Concert will be held at Mangrove Walk at
the Marina on December 21st
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary
(2 tapes)
(September 6, 2001)