The following members of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
comprised the interview panel: Larry Finkelstein, Chairman, Alexander DeMarco,
Joseph Aguila, Don Fenton and Ms. Diane Dominguez, the CRA Director for the
City of Delray Beach, Florida.
Chairman Finkelstein explained to each interviewee that the position is a new
contractual position. The City desires to establish a completely independent
CRA. There is a budget for an Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper, but currently
there is no staff. Also, office space will have to be located and furnished.
All interviewees were asked the same questions, sequentially, as follows:
Why do you want this job in Boynton Beach and what do you bring to
the table?
Describe briefly your qualifications to help advise the Board, take
direction from the Board, and work closely with third party consultants,
developers, residents, business and property owners, City staff and
CRA staff. Include any related or comparable experience.
Tell us about your experience with development, site planning, zoning
issues, grant writing, architecture and design criteria.
What proficiencies do you have with computer programs such as
Word, Excel, CAD, etc.?
5. What do you see as the positives and negatives of Boynton Beach?
According to your research on Boynton Beach, what were the biggest
Stephen C. Weeks, Sebring Florida (Interview time 10:00 a.m.)
Mr. Weeks said that he likes a challenge and that Boynton Beach offers a
challenge. He read the three projects that had been furnished to him and
these projects involved a great deal of work that would require a person of
courage. Mr. Weeks can bring to the table what the CRA is looking for.
He also has some ideas for the Martin Luther King area, especially with
regard to the housing authority.
He has been a consultant in his own business for over 10 years and has
dealt with the public and private sector. He feels confident in speaking to
persons from all walks of life and treats everyone equally. He is good at
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
taking' directions. He noted that it is important that the Director furnishes
the right information to the Board in order to make decisions. The bottom
line is what is good for the City and he acknowledged that he must s,erve
the people that he works for, even if he disagrees with them.
He has a strong background in grant writing and does grant writing for
neighborhood development projects and housing projects. He is a
licensed builder in the State and is very familiar with zoning. He is in favor
of having jobs in neighborhoods to keep people in the community. He is
familiar with future zoning, oveday zoning and architectural design and
that every community should establish its own architectural design.
(4) Not addressed.
Mr. Weeks said that Boynton Beach has a lot of positives, it has a strong
residential area and that the City could effectively bring in businesses,
industries and jobs. Currently, Boynton Beach does not have a downtown.
When he drove through the City on Saturday and Sunday, he noted very
little activity in the downtown corridor. He agreed that something was
needed in the downtown area to bring people into the City, such as a hotel
or conference center. Also, the City should strive to keep the people in the
downtown for the evening hours as well. This can be accomplished by
providing food, entertainment and activities. During the day, the offices
could support those businesses. The City needs to come up with a design
concept to include street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping and facilities.
This could be accomplished through a master and/or design plan that
would go right down Federal Highway to the MLK corridor.
Mr. Weeks felt that the original CRA Plan was very well written, but noted
that it has not come to fruition.
Each applicant was asked how he or she would handle the following two
A local developer takes advantage of the City's desire to encourage
development in the CRA and buys several properties. He then claims the
parking requirements are too restrictive and should be changed to no
parking and no fee in lieu of parking, so he can develop all his properties
to the fullest and not lose income producing square footage to parking.
The City accommodated the developer and changed the requirements for
parking and further gave the developer a grant to reduce the cost of the
operation of his proposed businesses. However, several years have gone
by and the developer hasn't developed one of the key properties that sits
as an eyesore in the middle of the upgraded downtown redevelopment
area, nor developed another property in the same area to the extent of the
drawings presented to and approved by the Planning and Development
Board and City Commission.
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
A developer comes to you and suggests that the CRA refund the future
TIF fund increment for his project for the next 20 years and also pay
upfront significant City development fees required, such as permit fees,
fee in lieu of parking, recreational fees, water service fees, etc. so as to
increase the yield on his project and allow him to overpay for additional
land to increase the size of his project.
What type of project would you consider worthy of this type of incentive, if
any, and what advice would you give the Board.
Mr. Weeks was asked to address scenario #2 first.
#2 - He questioned why the developer was allowed to overpay for additional
land uses and that technically the CRA is government money. He suggested as
an alternative, that the CRA purchase the land. He was not against providing
funding if the enterprise would provide jobs and increase tax revenue. As far as
20 years goes, he would have to take a good look at the project to see if it could
be profitable for 20 years. He felt for a deal to be beneficial to both sides it must
be a "win-win" scenario. If the deal cannot be structured, maybe it wasn't meant
to be.
#1 - He felt that this was an example of dealing with developers and not having
done our homework. He would have included language in the contract that
certain increments must be attained within a certain time and if they were not
met, some type of repayment should be provided for. Since the developer has
not lived up to his part of the deal, he would speak with the developer to
determine how the CRA can help. Consideration should be given if the project
needed some financial assistance or was it due to the lack of the developer's
ability to complete the project. It might be necessary to bring in another party to
finish the project. If all else fails, the property could be taken back by eminent
Question and Answer Portion of the Interview:
Ms. Dominguez noted that Mr. Weeks' resume stated that he
coordinated the creation of a CRA and asked what his involvement
The plans were created in the early 1980's and were very small
compared to Boynton Beach. This was a small CRA plan and was
established to obtain funds from the Small Cities Grant.
Question: Do you have a degree?
He does not have a degree. He estimates that he will earn his
degree in approximately 2 years. He is also studying Microsoft to
become a certified Microsoft professional. He is also interested in
pursuing a Master's Degree.
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Do you have any experience with eminent domain?
No. He stated that eminent domain is shunned n most industries
and is a last resort.
Sometimes redevelopment plans can have a negative impact upon
a Iow-income community. How would you handle this?
Communication is most important. There are tax credits available
for projects that could apply to the above scenario and a mixed-
income development might be beneficial. Also, housing could be
provided to persons who lose their homes.
Mr. Aguila asked in a situation where the CRA Director had to
balance a direction given by the Board, which could create a
contradictory position with a City Commissioner or City Manager,
how would you handle this?
Prior to acting, Mr. Weeks would notify the Board and the
Commissioner of a conflict and then ask for assistance.
What is the largest budget you ever prepared and implemented?
What is the largest number of staff that you have personally been
responsible for.
The largest staff supervised was 36 when he worked for a hotel
after graduating. The largest budget prepared was $1.8 million for
the City of Winter Haven. As a consultant, he has prepared
budgets for cities and as an administrator, he has implemented
Mr. Fenton asked what the applicant's involvement was with the
350 new and renovated single-family project that he supervised.
This involved a housing application for a small city and he was
significantly involved. He handled the project from the beginning to
the end.
Mr. DeMarco noted that the applicant has been doing consulting for
15 years. Is there one success story that you could relate to that
would help the downtown?
Mr. Weeks stated that his biggest success stow was dealing with a
prison, which was a joint venture between Wackenhut and DCA to
develop a prison in Glades County.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Question: -Mr. DeMarco noted that the applicant still owned a consulting
business and inquired if this would create a conflict of interest.
Answer: No, none whatsoever.
Question: Ms. Dominguez asked how he could do both.
Answer: Mr. Weeks said that he has scaled back his consulting business
and is doing work for several municipalities.
Question: Mr. DeMarco asked why the applicant was considering changing
Answer: Because of the challenge that the City offers.
Question: Do you think you can do the job?
Answer: Yes. As a consultant, t have worked in the entire State of Florida.
Question: Mr. Aguila asked if the applicant had any experience with the
Consulting Negotiation Act.
Answer: He stated that he was familiar with the Act and how it worked. He
pointed out that in Florida you have to work under the Sunshine
Question: Mr. Finkelstein asked if the applicant would continue to write grants
if the position was offered to him?
Answer: No. From the scope of the projects, this is a fulltime job.
Closing Remarks: Mr. Weeks said that he is looking forward to the challenge
and that he fairs well in that type of environment.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Beverly Tew-Circe, Winter Haven, FL (Interview time 11:00 a.m.)
Ms. Tew-Circe said she brought a presentation if the panel wished to view it.
Ms. Tew-Circe stated she was impressed with Boynton Beach and the
City had great potential for redevelopment projects. She would like to
relocate to South Florida and is trying to secure a position in this area.
Ms. Tew-Circe has done many community redevelopment projects from
the ground floor. She has experience and is very familiar on how the
Legislature works and the laws associated with redevelopment. She has
also done water-oriented programs and has neighborhood planning
She has 16 years of experience in planning and redevelopment. She has
a good working knowledge of dealing with consultants, since she was a
consultant for 8 years. She has worked with Mr. Bob Gray of The
Strategic Planning Group when she was Director of Planning and
Community Development for Winter Haven. This consultant was selected
through an RFP, which she also prepared. She has worked with many
developers and spoke at length about the City of Winter Haven's major
mall redevelopment project. This project is now complete and 100%
leased and was a very successful project. She utilized many financial
tools to get this project funded. She has extensive experience with citizen
Ms. Tew-Circe was the Director of Planning and Community Development
for the City of Winter Haven and was responsible for planning, community
development, zoning, etc. She was the person responsible for making the
presentations and making the recommendations to the City Manager, the
City Commission and the Community Redevelopment Agency. This
required that she be up-date on all legislation and local land development
codes. The City of Winter Haven's 1959 zoning ordinance had not been
updated and one of her responsibilities was to bring the zoning ordinance
into compliance. This required a major restructure of the zoning code and
has been successfully completed. She was also involved in organizing a
CRA for the City. She has extensive experience with grant writing and
submitted an urban infill grant to the DCA. She put together architectural
review and design guidelines for the redevelopment area for which an
RFP was issued. She recommended forming an architectural review board
to ensure that there was a consistency with the urban design, color, etc.
Mr. Finkelstein asked what the population was for Winter Haven and Ms.
Tew-Circe stated approximately 28,000.
4. Not addressed.
Ms. Tew-Circe was very impressed with the new bridge and marveled at
the development taking place at the Marina. She discussed the various
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
projeots that the City plans to undertake, as well as the projects already
underway. She noted that the City had waterfront, which was an asset,
and tying this in with the CBD would blend well with the plans for the CBD.
Mr. Finkelstein asked if she saw any negatives. Ms. Tew-Circe said that
she did not see any negatives, but read about them, and they are common
in redevelopment areas. When dealing with neighborhoods, the City is
going to have to deal with non-conforming lot sizes to assemble those
properties and locate a major developer to come in to do a major
redevelopment project. Assembly of property is a priority, because if you
don't have the property, it is impossible to move forward. Also financial
inducements need to be located to put the properties together. Property
assemblage can be expensive. She noted that the budget contained $3.7
million that could be used for land assemblage.
Ms. Tew-Circe had no surprises about the City. She said that she has
worked in South Florida as a consultant and knows the area well. She
pointed out the improvement in landscaping on Federal Highway was well
done. She was surprised that the railroad tracks were so close to Federal
Highway. The City will have to work with the railroad in order to make the
area pedestrian friendly and to come up with some urban design
guidelines to create some consistency.
Scenario #2
Ms. Tew-Circe felt that the incentives offered the developer were more than fair
and if this were a project that the City really wanted, this would have to be
carefully studied before any action is taken. The CRA has to avoid giving
something away and not getting anything back in return.
Scenario #1
Ms. Tew-Circe would work with the developer on the parking issue and to look at
other properties that could be used for parking. She noted that the developer was
given an advantage to do the project and the developer should do something
about the eyesore property. She would work with the City and the developer to
alleviate the eyesore. She would utilize code enforcement if necessary to bring
the property into compliance,
Question and Answer Portion of the Interview:
Ms. Dominguez asked if the applicant had any experience with
assemblage of land.
Ms. Tew-Circe said that she had a Florida real estate license and is
familiar with the rules and regulations of the acquisition of property.
She spoke about a project that involved land assemblage in Winter
Haven and how she handled it.
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Ms. Dominguez asked how the applicant dealt with people that may
be displaced because of redevelopment and increased property
values and what does she do to reassure people that they can still
remain in their neighborhood.
Ms. Tew-Circe stated that this issue did come up during their public
involvement meetings. They worked with people to relocate them
through the Federal Relocation Act. She was responsible for
securing a corporation that built affordable housing to work with the
Community Redevelopment Corporation to build affordable
housing. Their first priority was to not relocate anyone if possible.
Mr. Aguila asked the applicant how she would handle a situation
where a developer came to her with a small piece of abandoned
property that he wants to build on, but only wants to build it up
minimally. However, he cannot meet the parking or setback
Ms. Tew-Circe felt that this would not be the only property owner
that would have a parking problem and this is a bigger issue than
one parcel. She felt that it was important to provide off-street
parking and not have parking in front of the businesses, She would
try to purchase property that could be used for parking for more
than one business.
Mr. Aguila asked the applicant if she received direction from the
Board and then received a conflicting opinion from a City
Commissioner or City Manager, how would you handle this?
Ms. Tew-Circe said she would call the Chairman of the Agency to
discuss the issues. This is a scenario that could happen and was
not uncommon. She would explain to the Commissioner that his
ideas are in opposition to the CRA plan and that the plan must be
adhered to in accordance with the law. If the Commissioner's idea
was a good idea, she would present it to the CRA for consideration.
Mr. Fenton asked what was the largest budget the applicant
$3.3 million
Mr. Fenton asked why Ms. Tew-Circe left her position with the City
of Winter Haven.
Ms. Tew-Circe said that she worked for the City of Winter Haven for
many years. When the new City Manager came onboard, she
determined that his philosophy was different from hers. The City
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
-Manager reorganized her department and being the Planning
Director she had her own ideas on how she would like to run her
department. Her department was disbanded and the Director of
Human Resources was put in charge of those programs, and she
disagreed with this set up. Therefore, she decided to leave.
Mr. Fenton asked if she had any other job offers on the table.
Ms. Tew-Circe has a consulting firm pursuing her vigorously and
she has applied to two other places in South Florida.
Mr. Fenton stated that if the applicant were selected, they would
run a background check on her. Would there be anything that
would come up?
No, nothing as far as I know.
Mr. Fenton would like Ms. Tew-Circe to give a presentation on the
waterfront revitalization program that she worked on.
Ms. Tew-Circe said she would be addressing this.
Mr. Fenton noted that there is a vocal group in the City that speaks
at the CRA meetings and they are determined to stop growth. How
would you handle these people?
She noted that this same scenario also took place in Winter Haven.
She would suggest to this group that they become involved with
their government and to learn and understand what is going on and
to offer input. Development is not going to stop because of a few
Mr. DeMarco asked if the applicant had any experience dealing
with vocal groups and people that complained about the CRA
objectives? Have you had experience dealing with the news
These situations did come up in Winter Haven and she gave
examples of people's objections to the CRA plans and how she
handled them. She also has had dealings with the press, both
positive and negative and gave examples of how she handled
these situations.
Mr. Finkelstein noted that when the applicant was working for
Bromwell and Carrier, she set up and implemented two CRA areas.
Were these areas in the City of Winter Haven, or were they in other
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Ms. Tew-Circe said that one area was adjacent to the City of Winter
Haven city limits. The other one was in Polk County.
Ms. Tew-Circe gave a presentation of her accomplishments with the City of
Winter Haven and presented artists' renderings of the CRA areas that were
redeveloped and improved.
Edward Lowery, J.D., West Palm Beach, Florida (Interview time 1:00 p.m.)
Mr. Lowery said there is a tremendous opportunity in Boynton Beach to
move forward. He has been a resident of Palm Beach County ali his life
and is familiar with Boynton Beach. He feels there is a golden opportunity
to begin on the ground floor to make wonderful things happen in the City.
Mr. Lowery stated he has a law degree from the University of Florida, was
an exchange student and lived in Europe as a student, and has met
people from all walks of life. He feels that he has the ability to work with
Currently, he is the Planning and Economic Development Manager for
Palm Beach County's Community Development Program and his major
focus is on economic development and to bring business into the County.
He used to be the Director for the County's Commission on Affordable
Housing and has an in-depth background in housing development and
affordable rental development. He has spent a great deal of time with
developers working on several successful projects. He also has
experience in working with homebuyers and has developed many first-
time homebuyer programs for the County. He has worked closely with
Ms. Octavia Sherrod in providing affordable housing and SHIP dollars to
the City. He has a well-rounded background in housing, economic
development and planning, both on the local and state levels.
He is involved with affordable housing development. It is his responsibility
to make certain that the project is affordable and conforms to that
particular area. He works closely with planning, building and zoning and
attends all the development review committee meetings. He has
extensive experience in site planning. When dealing with site plan
approvals, Mr. Lowery goes into the community and talks to the people
who would actually be affected by the project. He feels that zoning is the
key to redevelopment and this will apply to Boynton Beach in meeting the
goals of the CRA.
He has a good knowledge of grant writing and has been involved in grant
writing throughout his professional career. While employed by the City of
Belle Glade as Community Development Administrator, it was his
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
responsibility to apply for grants. He has written grants through many
agencies, both local and State. He has completed the criteria for the
County's new Section 108 Economic Development Program and the
County will be receiving approximately $26 million from HUD. He enjoys
writing and applying for grants.
Mr. Lowery said that he has recently gone through the neighborhoods of
Boynton Beach and feels that a coordinated approach to signage and
advertising is critical for the City to create its own identity.
(4) Not addressed
Mr. Lowery stated that the City has put the money where their heart is and
everyone is committed to the goals of the CRA. The commitment of the
City, local churches and agencies is a positive step in making him want to
become a part of the City. He pointed out that the businesses and people
that are resisting the change have no concept of what the future really
holds. Mr. Lowery felt the biggest negative is the attitude of some
residents who do not want to buy into the changes and make temporary
sacrifices to enable the City to move forward. Something has to be done
about the conditions that currently exist in the Cherry Hills and Boynton
Terrace sections. By bringing in businesses to the City, this will help to
get the people off the streets by providing jobs.
Mr. Lowery felt that the City's Intracoastal waterfront was beautiful, but
underutilized. He noted that some of the residents on the Intracoastal
would prefer to keep things the way they are. He has also spoken to
many residents of the City and they told him that they want Boynton
Beach to move forward. He is prepared to work with the churches, the
local CDCs, the City Commission and City Manager to help each segment
of the community bring their aspirations to fruition. Some people would
like to see things happen more quickly and Mr. Lowery would like to be a
part of this.
Scenario #2
Mr. Lowery would advise the Board to look at the company and the developer
and request the developer provide the Board with three to four years of financial
statements. Often times, developers will bring a project to the City, but want the
City to pay for it. He would determine the fiscal impact that the project would
have upon the City and how many tax dollars the project would generate. After
this has been determined, then a decision could be made on how the City wants
to proceed. He wouldn't give an answer immediately until the Board has done an -
analysis of the situation and the Board needs to exercise restraint when making
concessions to developers.
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Question and Answer Portion of the Interview
Ms. Dominguez asked Mr. Lowery if he had any experience in
assembling land for projects.
Mr. Lowery stated that he provides staff support to the Westgate
Belvedere Homes CRA. He has assembled parcels of land for
stormwater drainage. The process was difficult, but was completed
by utilizing eminent domain. Residents of this area have always
wanted to be separate, but still wanted to receive the basic utilities.
Ms. Dominguez asked about his background in working with
community groups in reassuring people that they won't be forced to
leave their neighborhoods. Have you developed any programs to
assist people in staying where they are?
When he was Community Development Administrator for Belle
Glade, he held community meetings to discuss the plans for the
City since the citizens were concerned about the changes. One of
the ideas was to change the Palm Beach Canal that feeds off Lake
Okeechobee into waterfront residential property. The farmers and
commercial owners were upset because this would displace some
farming land and businesses. It was his responsibility to reassure
those people that they had a role in the process. He has even
gone to people's homes to speak with them personally.
Mr. Aguila asked if the applicant was ever fired or forced to resign
from a position.
Answer: No
Mr. Aguila asked what Mr. Lowery thought was the key element of
an effective CRA Director?
Mr. Lowery stated that the most important thing is having
confidence in your abilities. This feeling often passes onto your
subordinates. Also, a CRA Director must be knowledgeable. Mr.
Lowery felt that he would make the Board feel comfortable in terms
of his abilities and he would apply this to staff.
Mr. Aguila asked how the applicant would handle a situation where
the Board gave him direction and the next day a City Commissioner
asked him to do it his way.
Mr. Lowery said that he answered directly to the CRA Board and
that he would follow the agenda of the CRA Board. He would also
inform the Board about the conversation that took place with the
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
~City Commissioner. Mr. Lowery said that trust is very important
and that it would be the responsibility of the CRA Chairman to meet
with the City Commissioner who has a conflict with the Board's
Mr. Aguila asked what was the largest budget that the applicant has
prepared and implemented and what is the largest staff that he has
Mr. Lowery stated currently $18 million is the largest budget he has
prepared. With regard to staff, this would be about 30 individuals.
When he was the District Office Manager for the U.S. Census
Bureau in 1990, he was responsible for 1,500 employees.
Mr. Aguila asked if the applicant were given the job, would he move
to Boynton Beach.
Mr. Lowery said he would have to speak to his wife. However, if he
was given the position, he would have to consider moving to
Boynton Beach. If you don't think the community is good enough to
live in, why should you be hired?
Question: Mr. Fenton asked Mr. Lowery about his experiences as an
exchange student, which Mr. Lowery answered in depth.
Question: Mr. Fenton asked why the applicant never practiced law?
Mr. Lowery said he never intended to practice law since he was a
philosophy and sociology major. H'e wanted to try to change what
he thought was wrong with the world and he is proud of his
Mr. DeMarco asked the applicant about his tenure as the City
Manager of South Bay, Florida, which was only for a few months.
Mr. Lowery pointed out that South Bay is one of the poorest
communities in the United States. He stated that because the City
Commission had different ideas regarding housing, crime and
drugs, which he did not agree with, he decided to resign. He
remained with the City after he resigned to try to help and has
continued to remain friends with the Mayor over all these years.
Closing Statement
Mr. Lowery stated there is a golden opportunity in Boynton Beach and everyone
is anxious to see changes take place. It is the job of the CRA to get everyone on
the same page and he would like to be a part of this.
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Gary L. Worth of Bradenton Beach, Florida {Interview time 2:00 p.m.)
Mr. Worth said he is very familiar with Boynton Beach and brings to the
table about 20 years of municipal management experience as a
department head in development and as an Assistant City Managen He is
knowledgeable in community redevelopment, planning, zoning, building
inspection and code enforcement.
He has worked over the past 20 years with City Commissions, Boards and
Planning and Zoning Commissions. Being a Director of Community
Development he has worked closely with consultants and has managed
third party contracts dealing with development. He has dealt with
residents, citizens' groups and property owners.
He is an architect and has practiced architecture for many years. He then
went into municipal management, which he found very exciting. He is
familiar with site planning and was a consultant to many communities with
their development activities. He then moved on to work with a successful
architectural firm. He explained the responsibilities and duties that he
performed while employed by the architectural firm.
(4) Not addressed.
On the positive side, Mr. Worth felt that the City has accomplished a lot
within the past several years. Negatively, employment is an issue in the
City, as well as job training, and skill levels are lacking, which has an
effect upon the economics of the City.
Mr. Worth was surprised when he received the original CRA plan that
dated back to the '80s. He also read the Heart of Boynton CRA Plan and
noted the document referred many times to the Visions 20/20 Plan. He
asked for a copy of the 20/20 Plan from staff and found it very interesting.
There are a great many doable projects in the Plan, which he would like to
become involved with.
Scenario #2
Mr. Worth would ask for the financial statements of the developer to substantiate
his request for financial assistance. He would then be able to determine if the
developer was telling the City everything they needed to know. Mr. Worth would
not refund 100% of the developer's expenses. Sometimes a community doesn't
charge a developer building permit fees, which would be agreeable to him. With
regard to a fee in lieu of parking that would depend upon the location of the
development within the community. He would have to look at the project to
determine if this would apply. There may be other alternatives available. Mr.
Worth felt that the developer should be responsible for the impact fees. He
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Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
suggested that the CRA purchase the land on behalf of the developer and make
the land available to the developer, rather than have the developer over pay
the land.
Scenario #1
Mr. Worth would first want to know what type of agreement was entered into
between the community and developer to determine what the date was for the
project to be completed. Mr. Worth said that he would consider condemnation of
the land in order to sell it to someOne who would develop the land.
Ms. Dominguez asked if the applicant had any experience with
condemnation and land assembly for large scale projects.
Mr. Worth felt that condemnation was a last resort alternative and
he stated that he has been involved in a number of land
acquisitions through condemnation. He said that he had
experience with land assemblage, platting, replatting and planning.
Ms. Dominguez asked if the applicant had any experience working
with community groups to resolve issues with regard to
displacement of residents.
Mr. Worth stated he had experience with neighborhood groups and
referred to the Heart of Boynton Plan. He said that he had been
involved in these types of projects in the past. Working with
residents involves a great deal of time and he has no problem with
working with the citizens.
Mr. Aguila asked what states was the applicant registered ~n as an
Answer: Illinois
Mr. Aguila asked the applicant why he left Venture Resource
Associates in Illinois and came to Bradenton in December 2001.
The applicant stated that he owned property in Bradenton and that
his firm has been doing some work in Florida and he decided to
stay. Currently, he is working with the City of Bradenton to assist
them with the new Florida Building Code.
Mr. Aguila inquired how familiar the applicant was with Florida
Statutes 1637
He was very familiar. He has been reading the statute in depth and
stated they were similar to the Illinois statutes.
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
-Mr. Aguila asked how the applicant would handle a direction that
the Board gave him, which was contrary to what a City
Commissioner may want.
Mr. Worth pointed out that the Board employs him and that he
would have a conversation with the Commissioner to determine the
controversy. Part of his position is to act as a liaison between the
CRA and the Commission and City Manager's Office.
Question: Mr. Fenton asked what the population of Elmhurst, Illinois was.
Answer: Approximately 50,000.
Mr. Fenton asked the applicant to give an example of one positive
event that he was involved in when he was Director of the
Department of Community and Economic Development of Cape
Girardeau, Missouri.
Mr. Worth said that he enjoyed the annexation issues. They were
able to control the growth of Cape Girardeau by planning through
annexation. He also assisted with writing the disaster plan for the
City of Cape Girardeau.
Question: Mr. DeMarco asked Where the Resource Group was located.
Answer: Mr. Worth stated that was in Chicago.
Question: Mr. DeMarco inquired if he was still associated with that firm?.
Mr. Worth said that he had some ties with the firm that have to be
resolved, which are minor in nature, and it would only take about
three weeks to divest himself.
Closing Statement
Mr. Worth felt comfortable with the position and it would only be a matter of
developing a good working relationship with the Board and the City. He works
well with people and stated he was an implementer and would look forward to
bringing things to fruition that are envisioned by the City.
Mr. Finkelstein asked Mr. Worth if would have a problem with moving to Boynton
Beach if the position were offered to him and he responded he had no problem
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
Voting and Selection
The voting procedure selected was that each committee member would write
down their first, second and third choice of candidates to determine if there was
one person who would receive a majority of number one choices. A first and
second choice will be selected.
First Choice -
Second Choice-
Third Choice-
Beverly Tew-Circe (4 first choice votes)
Douglas Hutchinson (3 second choice votes and one
first choice vote)
Gary Worth (1 vote)
Discussion took place on whether only one or two of the top candidates should
be brought before the Board. It was suggested that police background checks of
both candidates should be done in the event the first candidate declines or takes
another position. Also Mr. Finkelstein requested that the references and credit
bureau checks also be done. Mr. Greene pointed that the Police Department
would do both the criminal and credit checks and he would take care of the
reference checks.
Ms. Dominguez pointed out that the Board needs to move quickly since there are
not many qualified candidates available. Mr. Finkelstein suggested telephoning
Ms. Tew-Circe and informing her that she was the Board's number one choice
and that the process is moving forward. Mr. Fenton suggested sending a letter to
both candidates informing them they are one of the two finalists and to make
themselves available to the Board on April 9% Mr. Finkelstein suggested holding
a special meeting for this purpose.
Mr. Aguila would prefer to move forward and make a recommendation of Ms.
Tew-Circe at the April 9th meeting and seek the Board's approval at that time.
Mr. DeMarco suggested checking with the Presidents of the Chambers of
Commerce, the Mayors and the City Managers of their respective cities seeking
their opinions of the candidates.
The procedure to be followed will be:
Background and reference checks done on the top two candidates.
The selection committee has a preferred candidate.
The second candidate is a fall back candidate
A letter will be prepared and sent to the top two finalists and will be signed
by Chairman Finkelstein. Mr. Greene will take care of this.
If all of the above checks out, the Board will be asked to approve Ms. Tew-Circe
as the Director of the CRA. It was decided to hold a special meeting at 5:30
.p.m. on April 9t~, which is the date of the regular meeting that routinely begins at
6:30 p.m. Mr. Greene will include with the agenda packet for the April 9th
CRA Interviews
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 22, 2002
meeting a draft form of contract to review. Also, the benefits package will need to
be worked out since the City will not employ the CRA Director.
The interviews concluded at 3:05 p.m.
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(4 tapes)
(April 4, 2002)