O61-02ORDINANCE No. 61-2 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO RECREATION AND .PARKS; ESTABLISHING A REC;REATION AND' PARK BOARD; DEFINING ITS POWERS.AND DUTIES; ESTABLISHING A RECREATION FUND; DEFINING PARK AND FACILITY DEPREDATIONS; A PENALTY FOR PARK AND RECREATION FACILITY DEPREDATIONS, AND DEFINING PUBLIC PARKS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ~4AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. SECTION 1. RECREATION AND' PARK BOARD ESTABLISHED, There is hereby established a Recreation and Park Board, hereinafter referrec to as Board. The.' Board shall consist of seven (7) members. The City Counci shai~ appoint the members of the Board. Four members of the Board first appointed hereunder, shall serve for a term of two years and the remaining three members for a terra, of one year. Thereafter, members shall be for a !era of two years or until their successors have been appointed and qualified. The purpose of this ordinance is to combine and replace the pre- sexily existing Recreation Board and Parks and Playgrounds Board to avoid overlapping functions of said bodies. SECTION 2.~ QUALIFICATION OF BOARD MEMBERS. Members of the Board shall be residents of Boynton Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. Within ten days from ihe date of their appointment, the Director of Recreation and Parks shall call a meeting, for the Members of the Board.to organize by me " ' electing one of their tubers ChaLrman" and one of their members "Vice Chairman" of the Board. SECTION 4. POWERS AND DUTIES. ]ubject to the ~control. and direction of the City Council, the- Board:. (A). Shall act in an advisory capacity (non-administrative) to the Recr~eation Department, to assure representation of ideas of citizens who are interest~In prom'oting better recneatign and park facilities and program for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Such advisory shall include but not be to site locations, development, supervision, and maintenance of public recrea- tion and parks of the City. (B) May acquire by gift or donation, any property for public recreation or' park purposes. Any gifts or donations acquired shall go through ;he Recreation and Parks Department and shall become the property of the Dity of Boynton Beach, Florida, and title of any real property so acquired shall ~e taken in the name of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. (c) Shall make recommendations to the City Manager~ and City Coun~it, through ihe Recreali~in D~rector concerning the purchase of property by the City for public recreation and park purposes, concerning the establish- ment, maintenance, and. supervision of public recreation and parks, and con- ce~ning expenditures of the Recreational Fund hereina~!ter established. (D) Shall annually, in an advisory capacity, assist the Recreation Department in prepa~ing a proposed budget for public recreation and parks for the City of Boynton Beach. (E) Shall keep records and account of all the activities of the Boar~ and make reports throughihe Recreation Department to the City Council and City Manager whenever requested to do. so. (F) Shall make recommendations lo the Director of l~ecreation and Parks and .the City Manager ,~ to be submitted to the City Council for approval concerning employement of personnel, which will conduct, instruct, supervise activities, and ihe~ use of public recreation and park facilities of the City. SE CTION 5. RECREATIONAL FUND ESTABLISHED. There is hereby established as a part of the City Treasu~/a fund to be known as the Recreational FUnd. Ail monetary- gifts or donations to the City for recreational or park purposes shall be paid into said fund. SECTION 6. EXPENI~ITURES OF RECREATIONAL FUND. Expenditures from the Recreation Fund of the City shall be in the manner and form provided by statute of Florida and/or City of Boynton Beach for the expenditures of municipal funds. No mo.netary gift or donation to the City for public park purposes shall be expended for any purpose other than recreation and parl~s o SECTION 7. PARK DEPREDATIONS. Park depredations are hereby defined to include but not be limited to the mis- use, taking, disturbing, disfiguring, or desiroying of any public park, recrea- tional facilities, or park property. Any pers.on or persons found guilty of park depredalions shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more .than five hundred, dollars ($500. 00) or by imprisonment in the City jail not exceeding 90 days, or both such fine and imprisonment, at iht discretion.of the court. SECTION 8. PUBLIC P~IRKS DEFINED. Public Parks are hereby defined to include but not to-be limited to playgrounds play fields, indoor recrealion c~.nters, and other recreation areas and facilities which are owned or controlled by the City. SECTION 9. IIEETINGS OF THE BOAllD. Inthe performance of their duties set forth in the ordinance, the Boar:d shall hold at least one regular meeting each month in the City Hall. Special meet- ings may be called by the Board Chairman~or the Recreation Department upon prior notification. (A) Minutes shall be kept during all meetings wiih a copy given lo the City Manager and the original copy placed in the files of the Recreation Department. (b) The Recreation Department shall prepare an agenda for each meeting and shall contact the Chairman .of the Board regarding agenda. (C) Four members in attendance shall constitute a quorum before' an official meeting is declared in session. -2- SECTION 10. REMOVAL OF MEMBERS ~ VACANCIES. Marchers of the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the total members of the City Council. Vacancies or, the Board shall be filled by the City Council. SECTION 11. EXERCISE OF POWER AND PERFORMANCE OF DUT~S. In exercising their Powers and performing their duties as specified in ibis ordinance, the Board shall act through a majority of its members and the chairman of the Board is requested to sign all papers and documents requiring the signature of .the Recreation and Park. Board. SE:CTION 12. SEPARABILITY. Each of the provisions of _.this ordinance are separable: including word, clause, phrase or sentence and.if any provision hereof shall be declared invalid, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain .in full force and. effect. SECTION 13. Repealing Pr'o~iSions. All ordinances or parts 'of ordnances in conflict herewilh are hereby repealed. First reading this 16ih day of January, A. Do 1961. Second, A~ Do 1961. final reading and passage this C~TY.~F ~YN~TON BEACH,/~FLORII)A Councilman ~ORPORATE SEAL) Ciiy Clerk Councilman Color. man -3-