O59-06 ORDINANCE #59-6
SECTION 1. The rates, fees and charges (herein sometimes
called the ,~Sewer Service Charge~') for the use of, and for
the services and facilities furnished or to be furnished by
the Sewag~ Disposal System, to be paid by the o~er, tenant
or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which may be con-
nected with cr may use the sewage disposal system by or through
any part of the Sewer System of the City, ~shall be bzsed or
computed upon the n~ber and kind of pl~biug fixtures in use
in the premises connected with the Sewer System and shall be
as follows:
Each dwelling unit, for five (5) fixture's or less, $3.50
· · five (5) fixtures 35 cents for each addi-
per mom_tn, all over
tional fixture Der month.
~acn establishment for five (5) fixtures or
_ ' ~ s 35 cents for each addi-
per months all over ~ive (5) flxuure ,
tional fixture per month.
SECTION 2. Within the meaning of this ordinance, a fixture
is a plumbing fixture or drain that connects to the sewer, in-
cluding a toilet, wash basin or lavatory, bath tub or shower,
laundry tub, kitchen sink, slop or wash sink, washing machine
drain, or any fixture, machine, equipment or device cornaected
to or dischargiug into the sewer.
SECTION 3. ~~Ser.- 'ce_: There shall be no free
.services rendered by the Sewage Disposal System and all users ~
of the service and facilities of the Sewage Disposal System
~ -~-~ the
shall pay for h e of such services and ~ac~l~ies at
established rates.
SECTION 4. I-~d~us~rial Us~: In cases where the character of
sewage from any manufacturir~ or industrial plant, building or
premises is such tkat it imposes a burden upon the Sewage Dis-
oosal System in addition to the burden imoosed~ by the~ average~
Sewage entering the sewer system, s~uch additional charge shall
be made therefor as the City Council shall, with the approval
of the consulting engineers, deem to be fair a~d equitable to
meet the additional cost of coliectio~, treatment and disposal
of such sewage, or the City Council may, if it deems it advis-
occu~ of such manufactur-
ac_e, com~e! the owner, tenant or
ing or industrial plant, building or premises to treat such
sewage in.such manner as shall be specified by the City Council
before discharging such sewage into the Sewer System of the City.
In cases where the Character of the sewage from any manufac-
turing or industrial mlant, building or premises is such that
it imposes a burden upon the Sewage Disposal System, the City
Council may, with the approval of the consulting engineers,
grant such reduction in the amount of the sewer service charges
as it shall deem fair and equitable.
SECTION ~. The sewer
service charges shall become effective, as to each lot or parcel
of land. which may be co~mnected with the Sewage Disposal System
by or through any part of the Sewer System of the City, upon
the placing of the Sewage Disposal System in operation and the
construction of all connections thereto from the sanitary sewer
serving such lot or parcel.
in all cases where water is furnished by the Water Depart-
ment of the City, the amou. nt of the sewer service charges shall
be included in the bills for water rendered by the City. In all
cases where water is furnished by any plant or system other than
the Water Depa_tmenu of the City, bills shall be rendered for the
amount of such sewer service charges in the same manner as bills
are rendered for water.
If any bills for sewer service charges shall not be paid be-
fore the 20th day following the original date of billing, a
charge equal to ten (10%) per centum of the amount of such bill
shall be added thereto, ~ed if the amount of such sewer service
charges shall not be paid within thirty (~0) days from the re"~di-
tion of such bill, the City shall discontinue furnishing water to
such ~remises and shall dlscor~uect the same from the waterworks
system and shall proceed forthwith to recover the amourzt of such
sewer service charges in such lawful mark~er as it may deem ad-
If any bill for sewer service charges rendered in corunect!on
with any premises not cor~neoted with the water system shall not
be paid within thirty (30) days from the rendition of such bill,
the o~er, tenant or occupant of such premises shall cease to
d!sDose of sewage or industrial wastes or_gmnaumng from or on
su~n premises by discharge thereof directly or mndirec~ty into
the Sewer System of the City until such sewer service charges,
with interest, shall be paid, and if such owner, tenant or oc-
cupant shall not cease such disposal at the exoiration of such
thirty (50) day per~od, then the City shall dlscoznae~ such
oremises from the Sewer System and the City Co~oil shall pro-
ceed forthwith to recover the amo~yt of such sewer service
charges in such lawful marnaer as Ut may deem advisable.
SECTION 6. The owner, tenant or
occupant of each lot or parcel of land within the City which
abuts upon a stree~ pr other public way containing a sanitary
sewer served or wh_on may be served by the Sewage Disposal
System and upon w~i~h lot or parcel a building has bee~ or
shall .be construcue- for residential, commercial or industrial_ of the
use, sna.z, within thirty (30) days after the placing
Sewage Disposal System in operation a~d the construction of all
oor~eotions thereto from such sanitary sewer~ or within thirty
(50) days after the construction of such buiidi~g, comzmect such
building with such sanitary sewer, and shall cease to use any
other method for the disposal of sewage, sewage waste or other
po!luti~mg matter.
SECTION 7- ~: The owner, tenant or occupant. ~ of each
lot or narcel of la~d w~thin the City who is ob!mgate~ to pay the
sewer service charges set forth above shall, withi~ thirty
days after the placing of the Sewage Disposal System in operation
and the construction of all oo~ections thereto from such sanitary
sewer, or within thirty (30) days after the construction on such
lot or parcel of a building for residential, commercial or indus-
trial use, make a deposit with the City Treasurer of an amount
not .less than the amount which the City shall estimate as the
total sewer service charges to be paid by such o~mer, tenant or
occupant in the next ensuing two (2) months, to insure the pay-
ment of such sewer service charges as the same become due and
payable, and such deposit shall be subject to application by the
City Treasurer to the payment of such sewer service charges if
and when delinquent. If such deoosit shall not be made and main-
tained, the City shall discontinue furnishing water to such premises
and disconnect the same from the waterworks system or shall shut
off the supply of water if such oremises shall be supplied with
water by any plant or system other than the waterworks system.
SECTION 8. ~ay person who wrongfully, or without authority
enters any enclosure or buildings of the Sewage Disoosal System
shall be deemed to have entered with the intention of committing
a trespass on said !and, and buildings, and every person so tres-
passing shall be imprisoned not to exceed ten (10) days or fine
not to exceed ~50.00
SECTION 9. If any parts of this ordinance are for any reason
held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of
the remaining portions of this ordinance.
m~: ~11 ordi~manoes or parts
SECTION t0. ~with are aereby repealed.
-~eading this ~ day of , 1959f ~
Seoo~d~ f~al r~a~g a~d passage
~-- U1T/~/ ~ ....