81-VVVRESOLUTION NO 81-V ~ V A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING PAY PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981/1982 AND ESTABLISHING JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR CERTAIN MUNICZPAL POSTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the municipal employees' pay plan, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, raG'ified and approved. Section 2-- That the job descriptions for the following municipal posts, attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby adopted, ratified and approved: Accountant I, Accountant II, Accountant iii, City Treasurer, Administrative Assistant, Utility Mechanic III, Deputy City Clerk, Animal Warden I, Animal Warden II, Building Inspector I, Building Inspector II, Electri- cal Inspector I, Electrical Inspector II, Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector I, Plumbing Inspector II. All other job descriptions outlined in the pay plan are on file in the Personnel Office and have been previously adopted. Section 3: This resolution shall become effective -- , 1981. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of October, 1981. CITY OF BOYNTON/BEACH, FLORIDA. Mayor y ATTEST: City Clerk (Corp. Seal) ACCOUNTA~T I ~_TURE OF THE WORK This ~s a para-professional job maintaining the central ao~o~mtm~,= and auditing records of the City. This employee Would be directly under the supervision of the Finance Director and w~td assist %he~ Finance Dire~a. tor in the supervision of the detailed operation and analysis of,~ the accoun.ting p/stems as well as in the maintenance of the centralized, accounts. Cbnsiderable independent judgment and initiative must b.e exercised. TASKS (NOTE: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this class. The omission of-specific statements of duties does not exclude them from this position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment tO the departments f~emction). Prepares adjusting entries, trial balances and financial statements. Prepares periodic financial and statistical statements and reports for other govermmenzal agencies~ trustees, etc. A~d~ts daily cash reports from cashiers which include receipts from a!l revenue sources. Assists in maintenance of general and subsidiary ledgers. Performs related work as required. Thorough knowledge of modern office management procedures and practices as related to accounting and auditing operations~~ Ability to:advise and train employee's in CitY accounting and auditing work. Ability to fol!~,v co~p!ex instractions w~th a minimum of supervision~ Ability to a~t~oiish and maintain. effective working relationships with the general public and fel!~v employees. Considerable knowledge of municipal accounting, auditing principles and practices, and of public financial r~Porting~ ~RZENCE_AND TRAi~NING Graduation from a standard high school supplemented with college level courses from a recognized institution in accotu~ting~ or three years of direct exoerience in gover~ment finance or any equivalent combination of training and expe~ience. 10/12/8i .N~TURE OF WORK ACCOUNTANT II This is a professional and technical job maintaining the central %ccounting and auditing records of the City. 'Th~S employee would be direct~y under the supervision of the Finance Director ~nd would assist the Director in the ~pervision of the detailed operation and~analysis of She accounting m/stems as well as in the maintenance of the cent?R!ized accounts. Some phases of this work will be the direct responsibility Of the a~c~autanto Donsiderable independent judgmentand initiative must~be exercised. I~LUSTP~T~E TASKS (NOTE: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this class. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from this position if the work is s~m~la~, related, or a logical assignment to the departments function). Prepares adjusting journal entries~ trial balances and financial statements. Prepares periodic financial and statistical statements and reports for other governmental agencies~ trus~ee~, etc. Implements internal control ~.ctions. Analyzes external sources o£ revenues~ including governmental and non-goverr_- mental agencies and companies, to detemuine, accuracy of revenues received. Assists in the maintenance of general and subsidiary ledgers° Performs related work as required. K~OWLEO~ES~_~L~TI$S AND S×ZLLS Thorough knowledge of modern office~ management procedur.es/and practices as related to accounting and auditing operations. Thorough knowledge of modern principles of accounting with special emohasis'~n mumicipa~-accoum_ting. Ability to advise and train employees in-City acco-mnti~ and auditing work~ Ability to follow coco!ex instractions with a minimum of suoervisiono 2~oiii~ to establish and maintain effective wor~ming relationships w~th the general public and fellow employees. Knowledge of statutes, City charter, ordinances, resolutions and regulations governing'fiscal procedure. ~ DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AN~ TRAINING A degree with major in Accounting or Business Administration from a four year accredited college or university, or five years experience in the ~' ~ ~ ~ie~d of accounting in a suoerviso~y level~ or three'years _ ~ ~ ~ exoe~n~e in m~unici~a! accounting~ oran equivalent combination of experience and trainim~. AoCOUNTANT III ll~%URE Ow WORK Specialized technical work in the investigation and appraisal of internal controls over financial transactions, and materials and properties control of City operations. ~ Employee in this class audits, analyzes, and recommends procedures in oro~ retting, amending, and improving the financial procedures of the City. Audit assignments may cover any City- activity thgt could influence the accountability of revenues or operating costs, with the results and mendations being prepared_ in writing'for review and app~op~_aze-~ ~ : action by proper department head. Work is reviewed by the'Finance Director through reports and effectiveness of operation. Work is performed with latitude for the use of independent judgment subject to policy directions of the Finance Director~ (NOTE: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various vypes of work performed in this class. The omission of specifih statemenZs of duties does not exclude them from this position if'the work is simiiar, related or a logical assignment to the departments Domction). Assembles budget estimates and assists in preparSng_b~dget document. Analyzes and aids in creating and improving reports, forms, and paper work of the various departments and agencies of the City~ in an ef£6rt to constantlyimprove operating efficiency~ Investigates various procedures; audits arv and all assets, including cash~ for accountability; makes proper rsports on all findings and any recommendation deemed necessary. Prepares~ on pre-audit basis~ various financial reports and statements necessars~ for the external audit of City records°. Audits for accuracy all utilities re- portingfranchisafees and all utility companies remitting utility taxes to the City and filing a comprehensive audit report on results Cotained. Uses practical method possible to work in close liason with the State Cigarette Tax Divisioa in obtaining accurate cigarette tax returns to the City, reportir~ all errors discovered so that proper corrective action can be taken. Performs related work as required.. ~~ABILITIES_A~ND SK%~ Extensive knowledge of the principles~ practices, methods and procedures of governmental accou~uting, municipal organization and operations. Ability to communicate findings and recommendations concisely in writing or orally. Ability to plan, organize and execute important audit work in ar~ department where needed~ conducting such~ assignments on a professional level. B~iiity and desire to keep abreast of needed changes within the local organization and any nationa! trends that could improve local operations. Ability to establish and maintain effective worki~ relationships with departmental officials, other emptoyees~ professional groups, and the general public. DESiP~a_BLE_ EXPEP~ENCE AND TP~ii~_NG Graduation from a four year college or university with accounting, and considerable responsible experience in mu~ici~ai and auditing work; or an equivalent combmna ~mon of trainir~s and experience. iO/12/Si CITY TRF.&SURER ~?URE OF WOR~ This is professional administrative worM' 'in the supervision and ~intenance of the monetary controls of the City.- Work involves the ~upervision of personnel engaged in collection of revenues, maintenance .of related records, verification and audit of checks coverings.payments and payroll~ Work is subject to administrative direction and :review Sy th~ Finance Director with wide latitude for the use of independent judgment in the .selection of work methods and procedures. I_.LLUSTRA?/VE TASKS (NOTE' These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this class. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from this position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the departments function). Plans, assigns, and directs the work of ]subordinate employees engaged in a ~ariety of clerical utmes lnc~Iuding cOllecting and depositing City revenues, and maintenance of certain subsidiary accounts. Supervises and participates in'the City's consolidated banking activities, including daily investment of funds and the complex distribution of interest earnings to-all funds on a dai~- basis. Deposits revenues to proper 'accoun:~ and funds, and signs-checks withdrawing funds ~ ' Supervises and participates in the preparation of certain periodic financial statements and reports~ Recommends regarding the investment of City funds. Performs related work as required. ABILITIES AND SKILLS_ Thorough knowledge of the practices and procedures of governmental accounzing, auditing, and general fiscal controls. Considerable kn~iedge of statutes, City code, 0rdinances, resolutions, and regulations governing fiscal procedures such as,, collections, disbursements. investments, bond issues, etc. ' Ability to prepare complex financial reports and statements. Ability to plan and supervise the work of accounting and clerical employees. Ability to establish and maintain effective working-relationships with other employees and the general public~ DESIRABLE EXPERIENC~E AND TRAINING_ ' Graduation from college or university with major c~se in accoumzimg and considerable experience in accotuutir~ and fiscal management~ includi~ responsible assignments at the administrative and/or supervisory !eve[~ or an equivalent combination of training and experience. lO/12/Sl ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Under direction, performs difficult s~ecialized mhd responsible secretarial and paramprofessional work~ The employee is responsible for relieving the supervisor of operational and administrative details and works with considerable independence within the scope of established departmental[po!icies ~nd'~rocedures. Performs other work as requested. (NOTE: These examples are intended only~as i~us~rations of the various types of work performed in thi~ class. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from this position if the work is ~imilar, related, or a logical assignment to the departments function). Acts as assistant to the head of a large, complex department; interprets adminis- trative policy amd decisions as explained and directed~ relieves the department head of clerical details, routine operational .administrative matters~ transmits orders and instructions with the authority'of the Supervisor~ Performs public relations functiohwith the public, departmeht heads, officials and personnel and visitors; schedules and coordinates meetings, conferences and appointments for the department head. Prepares and maintains divisional records~ correspondents, reports; takes calls and an~vers specialized inquiries, oversees and/or collects public accounts and records as dictated by departmental needs. ~ May super~se and schedule other clerical and/or departmenta!~ordinate emp!~yees. ~N~$LEDGE~ _ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of modern office practices and procedures in ptanning~ organizing~ directing and controling work to meet departmental goals and objectives. Ability to communicate effectivelywith the public, and subordinate persoDmelo Ability to use mathematical skills as departmental needs dictate. Ability to operate or learn the use of a wide range of modern office equipment ~ach as computer terminal, word processing unit~ microfilm, addinE machine~ calculator, typewriter. Skill in dealiD~ with supervisors and effectively integrating the needs and goals of the department throughout the organization. D__ESIRABLE EXPERI_E_N~C_E~ AND TRAINING_ High school diploma, GED, or equivalent combination of training and experience; supplemented with academic coursework and/or specialized knowledge through responsible work experience in the specific area of departmental concentration. UTILITY 9~HAN_C i~i Under the general supervision of the Water Treatment Plant SuPervisor. perfo~s a wide range of ski!l~d work in the maintenance and repair of w~ter and'wastewater treatment plant mechanical equipment and systems. Incumbent ma~ supervise others in the use of tools and maintenance proceduros; schedule and assign work. In- structions are received either orally or im.~riting an~ m~y'ba ~ ~=~- so~.~e,,:_~ ~ complex in nature. Work may be reviewed while in progress-or ~£uon ~o~] =+-' o~ other work as requested. - ~-~-. .... Performs ~TAS~ (NOTE: These examples_ are intended on~ as illustrations of the various =oyp~s= of work performed in this class. The omission of specific szatemenzs of duties does not exclude them from this position if the work is simiiar, related or a logical assignment to the departments function). ' Petrols routine and complex preventative maintenance tasks. Tests movors and pumps; identifies any needed repairs and executes. Perfo_~s como!ex maintenance and repair tasks to telemeters,, receivers and related electronic-aris shortwave frequency related equipment. Checks control panels, dehumidifiers and pumps. Rechecks any problem areas. Tests auxiliary generators and pumps. Repacks pumps. Must be ~roficient and experienced at electrical welding of all kinds of metal pipes a~d well as proficient and experienced at acetylene weldin~.~ Assigns sm.d schedules the work of' semi-skilled and ski!!ed~orkers to assist in any or all of the above tasks. Maintains current files and records of repairs and preventive maintenance. D~SIRABLE EX?~RIENQE AND~RAINING Working experience of a master mechanic~ preferable on hea~7 eeuioment; graduate -of a standard high school or vocational s~hool supplemented witch ~u= ~- = ~o and Giesel mechanics at an. advanced trade school; or ar~- equivalent combination of training and experience. Must possess a current valid Florida Driverrs License or any other certificates as required by regulatory agencies. ~,DG ABIL~TYAND ~KILLS Yeaowledge of electrical andmecnanmcal' ' equipment used in the department. Knowledge of basic prinoiples of water and wasteWater treatment. ]~now!edge of occuoationa! hazards and safety precautions applicable to the job. - Ability to service and repair pumps, chlorinators, re!emetic%- and other o!ant and lift .station equipment. Ability to supervise employees of lesser rank ~n complex maintenance and routine manual lsbor tasks. Abi!izy to underszand complex oral and written instructions. Ability to read simple diagrams, b!uep~i~ts or con- str~ction plans. -" - continued - Page 2 - UTILITY ~C~L~NIC III - continued Skill in the repair of motors, pumps, 'chlorinators, generators, ~=*~~ .... ~.~ and other mechanical equipment. Skill in the use of welding tools~ cutting torch and related equipment~ - .. Kn~vledge of and skill in using the following equipment and inszruments' Electronic fluke Simpson or equivalent ampivolt meter Electronic tube, Diode & Resistor tester 2 lO/12/Sl DEPUTY CITY CLERK OF WOrX This is responsible and difficult"' h,~a~rical wor~. '~W~rk of sm emm!oyee in this class involves performances of more complex clerical operations and ~eq,mires appli- caticm of judgment based upon knowledge gained through experience. Such decisions are made, however, in accordance with .eStablished precedents or departmental pbI~ icies. The variety and difficulty di,ffers._somewhat among positions and deoartments, but when work ~is repetitive the~.e i~ added responsihlity for finality of a~tion~ The more diffi-cult and important work is performed under close superv!sica. Advice is given the employee on unusually difficult of important matters. Some supervision may be exercised over the emplc~ees assisting with routine details. ILLUSTRAT!U~ TASF£ Assist'.~zng the City Clerk':in the performance of' her duties when requested to do so. Attend C~mucil meetings in the absence of the City Clerk and follow up with after meet~,~dstails. Index all Ordinances and Resolutions and'.place them in the original books. During electica time, assist in typing letters, notices, getting electim~ material together, sometimes going to all precincts to check on what is needed, help people in voting absentee, help on election, night to tally votes to take before Oouncil ~. Make monthly reports on tax. collections, special a~sessments and dog tags. Type a monthly report~ i~e.~ cemetery reports, tax .cotlector~ special assess~ ments, etc. ~j~pe a yearly Unpaid Ba!smce report on-cemetery contracts mud give co~y to Finance ~ Prepare a tax collectors annual report each year covering amounts co~cted and other miscellane~ms figures during 'the fiscal year. Perform related work as required~ Thorough knowledge of modern office practiQes and proced-mres. Considerable knowledge of bookkeeping~ business English~ spelli~, and commerical aritkmetic. Ability to keep accurate records~ Ability to operate typewriter, calculator, ~and allied business machines with speed and accuracy; good judgment in making decisions in accordance with laws and regulations. Ability to establish and maintain effective workdng relationships with other employees and the general public~ Considerable kn~vledge of municipal tax stractures as applied to general taxat~on~ DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAI~NG' Considerable experience in general office and c!ermcaz' ~ work of a responsible nature~ graduation from a standard high schoo!~ preferably o~ ~= a=' ~ · ~u~p ..... n~m oy c~2rses in business practices or administration~ or may have equivalent combination of experience and training. AN~L~L WAPJDEN i This is semi-sk~_lled manual work invol, ving ~pbjsical apprehension of stray and/or ~mulicensed animals. Work is performed ~mder the general supe~zision of the Sanitary Officer or'his delegate. Assignmen.ts may be received in oral or written form. Work requires considerable understanding o£, smd t'~tct in explaining ~manicipal animal licensing regulations. _~f_,LUSTP.~TI'~Z~E TASKS (NOTE: These examples are intended oni_y?as i~s~.rations of the various types off work performed in this class. The omission of specifi~ statements of duties does not exclude them from this position if the work is ~imi!ar, related, or a logical assignment to the departments ftmction). Answers calls from residents to apprehend stray or unlicensed animals. Surveys City for stray or unlicensed animals~ either wild or domestic. Cares for animals a~ desiEnated area until claimed. Takes unclaimed animals to assigned disposal area. Prepares and submits acitivity reports as requested. Perfo~s related work as required. ~K~NOWLEDGES., ABIL_ITIE~S A__ND SKILLS Good physical condition~ considerable physical agility. Good understanding of municiDal regulations pertaining to licensing of animtls_. Ability to work effectively with animals. Ability to explain and enforce licensing reguiatioms with firmness and tact. Ability to handle complaints in ~urteous, efficient manner. Ability to prepare activity reports as r~quired. Ab~!ity to operate light truck~ possession of valid driver's license issuedby the State of Florida. Ability to establish smd maintain effective working reiat±onshios with other employees and the geners~l public. ~~NCE A~ND T_RAINING Completion of 8th school grade. Some experience or natural aptitude in working with animals. The ability to follow written and oral directions. lO/i2/S! ANLMAL WARDEN II Under the general supervision of the Sanitaby Officer, performs a variety of specialized tasks im the apprehension a~d/or care of stra~, unlicensed, or in~ured animals. Position requires the ability to work ef~ective!y with animals and to m~intain a courteous and efficient reletionship ~i%h the general public. ILL~STRATIP~ TASKS (NOTE: These examples are intended only~as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this class. The omission of specifi~ statements of duties does not exclude them from this position if the work is similar, related or a loeica! assignment to the departments function). ~ ~ Assists in training Bmimal Warden I on job duties and assignments. Records and responds to lost pet inquiries. Advises the general public of City Codes and Ordinances that relate to ~nimals, birds~ or other exotic pets. Responds. to and follows up on animal bite calls in ¢onjumctiom with %he C~anty Health Dept. Cleans and maintains cages~ kennels, and trucks. Feeds, cleans, and orovides general care for animals at the shelter. - Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES,. A~B!LI- _~IES AND SKILLS ._ ~ Knowledge of departmentsazety~ rules~ regulations, and ~rocedures~' Skill in working with a wide variety of wild and domesticaYed birds~-animals and reptiles in a variety of situations. Ability to physically apprehend domestic and/or wild animals, birds~ or reptiles Thorough knowledge of City and County Codes and Ordinances as they a~iy to ' animal control and licensing~ -~ ~ust possess a current valid Florida Driver's License. Ability %o work effectively with animals. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with. other employees and ghe general oublie D~~ENOE AND TRAINING F~r years of High School. Work or equivalent supplemented by some exPe~en~e or natural aptitude in working with animals~ and the ability to follow wri%zen or oral directions. lO/12/Sl BUILDING INSPECTOR I This is inspection over municipal COnstruction and; in addition, is skilled in securing compliance with city ~inances and regulations govern- ing the building industry. The inspector inspects a variety of types of' construction to insure maintenance of standards governing quality 6f n~terial, workmanship and safety precautions ~as set forth itl ci'ty ordinances and the Standard Build- lng Code, The employee normally wor-~ independently on field inspections ~ making decisions requiring the use of technical judc3rent and discretion~ Basic knowledge of zon/ng, licensing, and other mur~cipal, ordinances associated wi~h the Building: Department activities is essential o Insures tb~t work dore in the field complies with plabs and to all ap- plicable code requirements. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Chief Inspector. ILLUSTR~I~IVE ~TASKS .... IDspects all cor~truction w~rk done by city employees. ~_ Makes inspections of n~w and existing construction in residences, build- ings, bot3c~ public s~dprivate, for conformance with safety standards, laws and ordinances. Ir~ures that the applicable permitJ have been secured by contractor prior to making inspections. Checks plar~ and workmanship to see that construction complies with all ordinances and regulations~ Prepares. reports and maintains records'~f work perfo~ned. ~ne Senior Inspector will also perform the additional duties of Chief Buiidir~g Inspec~uor and assist the C~efInspector' in code interpretations as required, and assign the delegation of the days' inspections to the other inspector (s)~ Follows up on complaints~ violations, and their satisfactory completion. Perfor~ related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING CODES Considerable ~owledge of the methods and ~ ~ ~ p~ac=_ce~ in%~Ived in hhe construction industry and maintaining same. Considerable knowledge of possible defects and faults in construction and the knowledge of when such defect~ a~e most easily located and rer~d/ed. Ability to consult with building owners, contractors and others and to effect and maintain satisfactory and effective %x~rking~relationshi's p on inspec- tional and regulatory matters with firmness/~act and imPa_rtiatityo Ability. to establish and maintain effective worR/ng relationships with other employees and the general public. Ability to prepap_e reports ~nd maintain records. Ability to read, understand and interpret plans, draw~qs, btueprints~ specifications and related oonstruction documents and identi~ them to construc, tion in progress. Ability to cc~manicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, and to prepare concise, accurate records~ and reports' Must possess a contractors license acceptable in the state of Florida within (2) years of date of employment. MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS Frost ~=et minimum requirements as se~ forth in Standard Building Code with Boynton Beach City ad, end,ans. BUILDING INSPECTOR Ii This is inspection over municipal constr~ction and, in addition~ is skilled in securing compliance with City Ordinances and regulations gove~.ing the building industry ~ Inspects a variety of types of construct~8~ to ~nsur~ maintenance of standards governing quality of material, workmanship and safety precautions as set forth in City Ordinances and the Standard Building Code. The employee normal~M works independently on-field insoections~ making decisions requiring the use of technical judgment and discretion] Basic knowledge of zoning, licensing~ and other municipal_ o~dmnances' is essential Meets with Building Contractors~ Architects~ amd Engineers for pre-construction conferences to insure compliance with Codes and Specifications. Issues citations for violations of City Code of Ordinances. Insures that work done in the ~field compliSs with plans and to al~ apo!icable Code requirements. - ~ Work is performed under the general supervision of the Chief Inspector~ (NOTE: These examples are intende~'~on!y as illustrations of the vari~as types of work performed, in this class. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from this position if th~ work is siffi!ar~ related, or a logical assignment to the departments f'omction). ~kes inspections of new and existing construczion in residences, buildings, both public and private, for conformance with safety standards, laws and ordinances~ Insures that the applicable permits have been secured by contractor orior to maki~ inspections. Checks plans and workmanship to see that const~-~ction complies with all ordinances and regulations. Prepares reports and maintains records of w'ork performed. The Senior Inspector will also perform the additional duties of Chief Building Inspector and assist the Chief Inspector in code~interoretations as required, and assign the delegation of the days~ inspections to ~he other insoec~or (s)~ Follows up on complaints~ violations, and their satisfactory completion. Performs related work as required~ - continued - ~Page 2 - BUILDING INSPEOTOR II - continued 2i%IQ~LEDGE., ABILITIES~ AND SKILLS ~PPLICABmE~ TO ~UILDiN~' -~ ~ .... onw~o Considerable !cn~ledge of the methods' and practices involved in the construction indusvry and maintaining same. Kurtz!edge ~of Depart~nta~ Safet~ Standards- ~ast possess a current Valid Florida Driver's ~L&cense. Cons~derab!e ~.owledge of possible defects and faults in construcvion ~nd'the knowledge of when such defects are most easily located and remedied. Ability to consult with building owners, contractors, and others and to effect and maintain satisfactory and effective working relationshios_ on inspectional and regulatory matters with firmness, tact, and impartiality. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationshios employees and the general public. Ability to prepare reports a~d maintain records~ Ability to read ~nderstand and interpret ptans~ drawings, b!ueprints~ ' spe~Ii!ca- tions~ and ~ + progress, r=~a~ed construction documents and identify them to cons~r~ction in Must maintain an up to date knowledge of changes in state laws =~ 'L · ~ecz~_~ the construction industry. Also must maintain an up to date ~owledge of the rapidly- changing Florida ~odel Energy Code. Ability to communicate effectively~ both verbally aad~in writing, and to pre_mare concise~ accurate records and reports. Also must maintain the ability tomake Code interpretations. Further, inspectors are required to maintain the ability~ knowledg% and diplomacy in solving field related problems ~in the absence of one of the three officials. D NDATOR~Y~UAL~IFICATIONS Must meet minimum requirements as set forth in Standard Bui!di~ ~od~~ = with Boynton Beach City Addend-mns. Also must be able to be certified within a twelve month period of time by the Building Officials Association of the State of Florida in his given field. i0/12/8i ~CAL INSPECTOR This is supervisory work over municipal electrical, installations and~ in addition, is skilled in securing compl±ance with~ city ordinances and regulations governing the installation and oper~tion'of-electricat systems and equipment. The Lnspector inspects a variety of electrical installations to insure maintenance of standards governing quality of materiai~ workmanship and safety precautions ~s set forth in city and National Electrical Codes. employee normally works independently on field inspections~ making decisions requiring the use of technical judgment and discretion. Basic knowledge of zoning, licenSing~ and other municipal ordinances associated with the Building Department activities is essential. Checks plans during pla~ r~view for compliance of electrical code re- quirements and insures that work done in the field complies with plans. Work is performe~ urger the g~nerai supervision of the Chief Inspector. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS ,_ ~ Inspects ail electrical ~rk done by city employees~' Makes inspections of ne~ and existing wiring and ~lectrica! installa- tions in residences, buildings, both public and Private~ for couform~nce with safety star~ laws and ordinances. Insures that the applicable permit~ have been secured by contractor prior to r0aking inspections. Checks plans and ~Dr~mznship to see ~hat electrical work complies with all ordinances and regulations and re~ds methods of correction. Prepares reports and maintains records 'of work perfoz~ed. The Senior Inspector will also perform the additional duties of Chief Electrical /nspector and assist the Chief Inspector in code interpretations as required, and assigns the delegation of the days inspections to the other inspector (s) ~ Follo%~ up on complaints~ violations, and their satisfactory_ completion. Performs related work as ~equired. ABILITIES AND SKILLS APPLICABLE TO ELECIqR/CAL CODES Considerable knowledge of the methods and practices involved in constructing, installing., maintaining and operating a ~variety of electrical installations, equipment and applicances. ~ Considerable knowledge of possible ~efeCts and f~uI~s'-in-electrical wiring and construction or electrical ir~tailation and the k~owledge of when such defects are most-easily located and remedied. Ability to consult with building owners.,_ contractors, electricia~ and others and to effect and maintain satisfactory and effective v~rking relationships on inspe~tional and regulatory matters with firmness, tact and inpartia!ity~ Ability to es~mblish and maintain effective worP~ing relationships with other employees and the general public. Dbility to prepare reports and maLntaLn records. Ability to read~ understand'and interpret plans, drawings, blue{tints, ~- .specmfications.and related constru~ ction documents and identify them oD construction progress. Ability to communicate effectively~ both verbally and in writing~ and to prepare concise~ accurate records and reports.. ~st possess a Master's Electrician License-'accqptable ~ the State of Florida, within two years of date of emplo~t~ MAA~TORY. QUALIFICATIC~qS Must meet nfanimum requ/rements as ~set forth in Standard Building Code with Boynton Beach Electrical addendums. ELEcTRIcAL INSPE~0R II This is supervisory work over municipal electrical installations and, in addition~ is skilled in securing compliance with City ~rdinances and Regula- tions governing the installation and opera%ion of electrical ~3stems and equipment. The employee inspects a variety of electrical installations to ~nsure mainten- ance of standards governing quality of material, wor!~.~anship, and safety precautions as set forth in City and~Nationa! Electrical Co~2es. The employee normally works independently on £ield inspections, makip~ decisions requiring the use o~ technical judgment and discretion. Basic knowledge of zoning, licensing, and other municipal ordinances is essential. Meets with Building Contractors~ Architects, and Engineers for pre-construction conferences to insure compliance with codes an~ soeci- fications. Issues citations for violations of City Codes of 0rdin~nces. Checks plans during plan review for compliance of electrical code requirements and insures that work done in the field complies with plans. Y~so makes in- spections for occupational license, F.H.A. code compliance for sale of homes, and inspections For minimum housing code violations for Palm Beach County Housing Authority~ Work is performed under the general'supervision of the ~_ief Inspector. ILLUSTRA?IVE TASKS (NOTE: These examples are intended only as illustrations of ~ va-~{ous types of work performed in this class. The omission of specific statements of duties does no~ exclude them from this posi~io~ if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the departments function). _Makes inspections of new and existing wiring and electrical installations in residences~ buildings, both public and private, for conformance with safety standards~ laws and ordinances~ Insures that the applicable pad--its ha~e been secured by contractor, prior to making 'inspections. Checks o!ans and wor~anship to see 'that electrical work complies with all ordinates and regulations and recommends methods of correction. Prepares reports and maintains records of work performed~ ~ The Senior Inspector will also perform the additional duties of Chief Electrical Inspector and assist the Chief Inspector in code interpretations as required, and assigns the delegation of the days inspections ~o the other inspector(s). Follows up on complaints, violations~ and their satisfactory completion. Performs related work as required. - continued - ~Page 2 - ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR II - continued KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES ~ND SK!LL~ APPLICABLE TO ELECTRICAL CODFS_ Considerable knowledge of the meth~da and practices imvoived in constructing~ installing, maintaining and operating a v~riety of electrical installations, equipment and appliances. Knowledge of D~artmenta!.~S~fety St~dards~ possess a current valid Florida Driver's License. Considerable knowledge of possible defects ~nd faults in el~'m~!~= wiring and construction or electrical installation and the 'knowledge Ofw~he~ ~ such defects are most easily located and remedied° Ability to ~onsult with building ~ners, contrac{ors, e!e~or_c~s~ ~ '~ and others and to effect and maintain satisfactory and effecmive working relationships on inspectional and regulatory matters with firmness, tact, and~mpa Ability to establish and maintain effective worki~ relatiomshios with other employees and the general public~ Abil~ty~to prepare reports and maintain records. Ability to read, understand and interpret plans, drawi~s, blueprints, specifications and related construction documents and idamtify them to con- struction in progress. Must maintain an up to date knowledge of changes in state laws effecting the construction industry~ Also must maintain an up to date .knowledge of the rapidly changing Florida Model Energy Code~ Ability to communicate effectively~ both verbally and ij~ Writi~, and to prepare concise, accurate records and reports~. Also must maintain the ability to make code interpretations. Further~ inspectors ara required to maintain uhe o~oy~ ~now!ed=e and diotomacy in so!v~ng f~e~d related ~ ~ ~ ' absence of one of the threeo~c~a~s.~'~' ~ ' NDA~ T ~ORY_~ .UALI?ICA__TIONS Must meez minimum requirements as set forth in Standard Building Code with B~ynton Beach City Addendums. Also must be able to be certified within a twelve month period of time by the Building Officials Association of the State of Florida in his given field. PLUMBING AND ~ECHANICAL INSPECTOR. NATURE_ DF %YORK: Under the general direction 6f.{he~-Chief Building Insoector~' performs plumbing and medhanical inspections to ensure compliance w{th City ordinances amd regulations governing the installa%i6n and operatDon of p!umfsing and mechanical systems and equipment~ Empi$~e works independently on field inspections, making decisions requiring the'use of technical judgment and discretion. Performs other work as requested. _ILLUSTRATIVE EX~IPLES OF Inspects all plumbing work done by city employees. Inspects new- and exisiting plumbing installations in residences, buildings, both public and private for conformance with laws and ordinances° Insures that a~plicable permits have been secured by contractor prior to making inspections. Checks plans and workmanship to see that plumbing work comolies with all ordinances s~nd regulations ,an4 recommends methods of improvement. Performs all mechanical inspections. Prepares reports and maintains records of work perfOrmed~ The senior Plumbing Inspector performs additional duties of Chief Plumbing Inspeotor and assists the Chief Inspector in code interpretations as required~ and assigns the delegation of the day's inspection to the other inspector(s). Follows up on complaints, violations~ and their satisfactory resolution~ Patrols for zoning and ordinance v%olations sucl ~§ trash, weeds or junk vehicles. KNOWLEDGES~ AB~IL~TtES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of the methods ~nd practices involved in constructing, installing maintaining and operating a variety of piumbir~ installations arid equipment. Knowledge of possible defects and faults in plumbing systems and the ~a~v!edge of how such defects are most easiiy~loDated and remedied~ Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Ability to prepare reports and maintain records. Ability to read, understand and interpret plans~ drawings, blueprints. specifications and related construction documents and identify them to con2 struction in progress~ Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, and to prepare concise, accurate records and repo~s~ Skill in consulting.with building ~vner, contractors~ plu~oers and others and to effect and maintain sazisfactor~ and effective working relationships on inspectional and regulatory matters with firmness, tact and impartia!ity~ High school diplom% GED, or other certificate of competency~ and must be certified as a Plu~nbing Inspector by Building Officials Assoc. of Florida within one year from date of empl~g-ment~ Must mee~ minimum requirements as set fo~o~ in Standard Plumbing Code wi~h B~ynton Beach City Addendmms~ iO/i2/~i ~Page 2 ~ PLb~B!NG INSPECTOR II - continued ~_JNOWY=EDGE: ABILITIES AND _S.K!L?_S APPLICABLE TO ~U~ZNG CODES Considerable knOWledge of the methods and' practices ~nvolved im cOnstr~cting> installing, maintaining and operating- a variety of plumbing installations and equipmemt~ Knowledge of Departmental Safety Standa~ds.~ ?[mst possess a current valid Florida Driver's License. Considerable knowledge of possible defects and faults in ~!umbir~ s~ystems and the knowledge of how such defects are most easi!3~ located-and remedied. Ability to consult with building ova~er, contractors, p!u~2sers and others and to effect and maintain satisfactory and effective working re!ationshi~s on inspectiona! and regulatory matters with firmmess, tact, and impartiality. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Ability to prepare reports and maintain records. Ability to read, understand and interpre~ plans, drawings, blueprints, speci- fications, and related constTu~tion documents and identiffy them to constraction in progress~ Must maintain an up to date knowledge of changes in state laws effecti~ the construction industry. Also must maintain an up to date kn~.v!edge of the rapidly changing Florida Model Energy Code. Ability to communicate effectively,"both verbally and i~.writing, and to prepare.concise, accurate records and reports. Also must maintain the ability to make code interpretations. Further, inspectors are requirsd to maintain the ability, knowledge, and diplomacy in solving field' related pr601ems in the absence of one of the three officials. MANDA_T ORY QUAL__~I~0A~ON~ Must meet minimum requirements as set.forth in Standard Building Code with Boynton Beach City Addendums. 'Also must be able to be certified within a twelve month period of time by the Building Officials Association of the State of Florida in his given field. 10/la/Sl ~COMPENSATION FOR CLASS OF EMPLOYEES: Ail rates prescribed in the compensation schedule represent the standard rates of compensation for the classified (full-time employees) and non-classified (part-time employees). Employees hired as part-time, temporary or seasonal will be paid the rate indicated for such job title, hour for hour, and are not eligible for any City benefits. Addition or deletion to the Pay Plan will not effect members of bargaining units unless ratified as an amendment to their current contract. Current contracts that specifically deviate from this pay plan will supersede that area noted. In no case can the union contract and the pay plan be used together for the same issue. Unless it is outlined in the contract, the pay plan is the final indicator in the administration of payroll matters. ENTraNCE AT THE MINIMUM RATE OF PAY IN THE CLASSIFIED AND NON-CLASSIFIED SERVICE- The minimum rate of pay for a classification shall be paid any person on his original appointment to a position except when the City Manager determines there has been demonstrated an inability to recruit at the minimum rate of pay or the new employee possesses exceptional qualifications warranting employment at a higher rate in the pay range. GRADUATED RATE OF PAY IN THE CLASSIFIED AND NON-CLASSIFIED SERVICE: CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES' Employees entering step one (1) through step five (5) will remain at each of these steps for one year. Employees entering step Longevity One (L-I) will remain at that pay level for two (2) years. Employees entering step Longevity Two (L-2) will remain at that pay level for two (2) years. Employees entering step Longevity Three (L-3) will remain at that pay level for three (3) years. Employees entering step Longevity Four (L-4) have reached the final step in the pay plan. Additional increases would be achieved through promotional increases or budgetary salary adjustments effecting the pay plan. NON-CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES: Employee~ will spend a year each in the first two steps, then two years in the next step and final out in the fourth step. CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES' HOURS OF WORK, OVERTI~E, CAI.Y. BACK AND COMPENSATORY TIME: HOURS OF WORK: The City Manager shall establish hours of work which insofar as practicable shall be uniform within occupational groups which shall be determined in accordance with the needs of the service and which shall take into account the reasonable needs of the public who may be required to do business with various City Departments. Employees shall be paid for legal holidays and those called to work shall also be paid for the time worked as provided. Hourly rate employees must work their regular work days immediately before and after the holiday in order to receive pay for the holiday or be in an authorized with pay status immediately before and after the holiday. Part-time, temporary, and emergency appointed employees shall not be entitled to holidays with pay. - continued - page 2 OVERTIME: Overtime pay or compensatory time may be given only for authorized or directed time worked in excess of the employees normal work week and is subject to budget limitations and approval of the City Manager. Overtime will not be granted for less than a fifteen (15) minute period. The choice of whether to grant overtime pay or compensatory time rests solely with management and depends on the most efficient and economical delivery of service. Employees are eligible to be paid at the rate of time and one half (1½) for any hours worked over their regular work week of forty (40) hours or fifty-two (52) hours for the sworn combat members of the Fire Department. If the employees work on a holiday, theywill be paid for the holiday if the City Manager approves and will be paid for the hours worked at the time and one half rate. In calculating hours actually worked forthe purposes of overtime, paid leave benefits such as holiday, sick and vacation leave shall be counted as hours worked. Leave without pay shall not be counted as time worked and overtime hours worked during such a pay period would be authorized at straight time. Such overtime will be subject to the rate as outlined above unless such employee is covered under the provisions of a union contract. CALLBACK: Any emplOYee who has physically left work (punched out) and is called back to work by his Department Head or the Department Head's designated represen- tative for a regular or emergency department related assignment, shall be com- pensated for one (1) hour of call back pa~, plus the time worked in excess of the first fifteen (15) minutes. Such overtime will be subject to the rate as outlined above unless such employee is covered under the provisions of a union contract. GOMPENSATORY TIME: An employee eligible for overtime in accordance with the pay plan may be granted compensatory time off at the same rate it was earned, i. e., straight time for straight time, time and one half for time and one half for each hour of overtime worked. Department Heads will not allow the eligible employees to accumulate over forty (40) hours of compensatory time at any one time. Ail department records must sh~ date compensatory time was earned and date it was taken. Employees who are not eligible for overtime payment as indicated in the plan, are expected to work the necessary hours to complete their assignments. These employees are eligible for such limited compensatory time off with permission of the Department Head or City Manager. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Employees are eligible for a five percent (5%) increase with a promotion or what- ever % is required to attain the entrance range. If an employee does not fulfill his six month probationary period on a promotion they will be reinstated in the pay grade and step they were promoted from. This increase does not affect their regular anniversary increase. Employees demoted whether voluntarily or not, will be placed in the step of the grade of the lower classification that the employee would have normally attained for that position based on their number of years of service with the City. - continued - Page 3 Employees that are promoted from a pay grade of 28 or less to a pay grade of 30 or over will receive a minimum of 6% increase. Employees that are demoted would be reduced a minimum of 6% plus whatever other % is required to attain the new grade and step as outlined above. Members of the Police Department who are authorized and qualified by the Chief to operate the motorcycle will receive 5% hazardous duty pay. Part-time employees filling regularly established classified positions under this pay plan receive no benefits and accrue no seniority. Persons filling vacancies created by regular civil service employees on leave of absence are considered part-time. Employees may be reclassified at the start of a new budget year only if such reclassification has been approved by the City Manager and City Council during the budget sessions for which the reclassification is scheduled. The only exception to this rule would be the sworn police and fire department personnel. New appointments to a classified position may be designated as "apprentice" or "trainee" provided the position isn't classified as such and shall be paid at a rate of one step below the normal minimum pay rate for that classification for a period not to exceed six months. Whenever the employee attains the proficiency or certification during the six months they can be advanced to the normal starting rate of pay and will receive their next regular pay adjustment on their anniversary date. DISABILITY: Employees who are on disability leave will have their positions held for a maximum of six months after date disability claim is accePted and approved by the proper agency, after which they wil! have their name placed on a re-employment list as provided under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. In no case, however, will a position be held open longer than nine (9) months from date of incident. If the employee fails to comply with any provisions required by the agency handling the claim, they will waive theirrights for reinstatement in their open position or any other position. · W__OWT~.~$_' _P,O~W.~T,q~mTON: Whenever an employee is totaly disabled from duty for a period of no more than seven (7) calendar days because of an injury determined to be compensated under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act, he shall be entitled to full regular pay. If the period of disability is greater than seven (7) calendar da~s, the employee will be eligible to receive a sum of money up to an amount equal to the difference between his workers' compensation check and his normal net take home pay~ The injured employee will be eligible to receive the salary supplement for a period not to exceed three (3) months from date of injury. - continued - Page 4 At the end of the three months, or sooner, the City Manager, Department Head and Personnel Director will review the case for a determination of the employee's physical ability to perform his City employment after a report from the C±ty physiciam and considering all other relevant factors. In mo case will the salary supplement be extended beyond s±x (6) months from date of injury. The injured employee may elect to receive accrued sick leave and after exhausted vacation leave, in accordance with his regular hourly wage, to the extent that his combined sick leave or vacation leave, City supplement (if less than the full amount authorized) and workers' compensation bemefits equal his regular weekly net take home salary. The employee must contact the payroll clerk to qualify for the combined check. It is incumbent on the employee to make application for pension disability in accordance with the pension plan they are members of. Failure to do this automatically cancels the additional City benefits. If the appropriate disability pemsion board denies the claim, the additional City salary supplement benefit wil!be canceled. If the appropriate disability pension board accepts the claim, the salary supplement will be canceled after issuance of the disability pension check or at the end of the time duration outlined above which ever comes first. If an employee who is receiving workers' compensation payment along with the City supplement, sick, or vacation leave, is found to be working or receiving compensation for his services, during this period, will be subject to reimbursing. the City for all medical expenses and supplemented, sick, or vacation pay taken. 0 ct- PAY PLAN--1981/82 GENERAL CLERICAL 0101 0110 0120 0125 0130 0140 0150 '0160 0170 CLERK I ...................................... 15 CLERK II ..................................... 17 CLERK III .................................... 19 SHIFT CLERK .................................. 18 SWITCHBOARD INFORMATION CLERK ................ 15 SECRETARY I .................................. 18 SECRETARY II ................................. 19 SECRETARY III ................................ 22 RECORDING SECRETARy.i.~ ....................... 22 ADMINISTRATIVE/GENERAL 0275 0280 0290 ~0295 DEPUTY CITY CLERK ............................ 26 *CITY CLERK ................................... 33 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ..................... ENERGY COORDINATOR ........................... 30 FINANCE 0301 0310 0315 0325 0330 0355 0350 0360 0361 0362 0380 PAYROLL CLERK ................................ 20 ACCOUNTING CLERK I ........................... 18 ACCOUNTING CLERK II .......................... 19 CASHIER I .................................... 15 CASHIER II ......................... ' ........... 16 DEPUTY CITY TREASURER ........................ 22 CITY TREASURER ............................... 24 ACCOUNTANT I ................................. 20 ACCOUNTANT II ................................ 22 ACCOUNTANT III ............................... 26 *FINANCE DIRECTOR ............................. 38 DATA PROCESSING/UTILITY BILI, ING 0321 0370 0371 0322 0373 0372 0335 0340 0341 COMPUTER OPERATOR ............................ 17 PROGRAMMER I ................................. 27 PROGRAMMER II ................................ 28 DATA ENTRY CLERK ............................. 17 PROGRAM ANALYST .............................. 30 *DIRECTOR OF DATA PROCESSING .................. 33 CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK ....................... 22 CUSTOMER RELATIONS CLERK I ................... 17 CUSTOMER RELATIONS CLERK II .................. 19 Resolution Effective: Proposed & Effective 4/1/82 -- 37 -- 27 -- 28 -- 22 -- 26 -- 28 -- 39 -- 20 -- 34 Page 2 · soNN ,VPU CHASiNG 0420 0440 ~0480 PERSONNEL TECHNICIAN ......................... 22 ASSISTANT PURCttASING AGENT ................... 23 *PURCHASING AGENT & PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ........ 35 INSPECTION-BUILDINGAND ZONING CODE AND LICENSE INSPECTOR ................... 20 BUILDING INSPECTOR I ........................ 26 BUILDINGINSPECTOR II ....................... PLUMBING & MECHANICAL INSPECTOR I ............ 26 PLUMBING &MECHANICAL INSPECTOR II ........... ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR I ...................... 26 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR II ...................... PLAN CHECK INSPECTOR ........................ 27 CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR ..................... 30 *DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL ..................... 32 *BUILDING OFFICIAL ............................ 35 05O5 0510 0515 0520 0525 0530 0535 9540 0560 0570 0580 ENGINEERING 0601 0610 0620 0630 0680 ENGINEERING AIDE I ........................... 20 ENGINEERING AIDE II ......................... 25 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR ........................ 25 *DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER ......................... 34 *CITY ENGINEER ................................ 37 UTILITIES ~'880! 0805 0810 0820 0830 0831 '"0832 0840 0880 0885 0901 0910 0920 0930 0950 0980 1105 1110 1120 1130 WATER METER READER ........................... 19 INVENTORY & RECORDS CLERK .................... 20 WATER METER REPAIRMAN ........................ 20 UTILITY SERVICEMAN ............................ 23 UTILITY MECHANIC I ........................... 22 UTILITY MECHANIC II .......................... 24 UTILITY MECHANIC III ......................... 26 PIPELAYER .................................... 18 *UTILITY SYSTEM SUPERVISOR .................... 32 ASSISTANT UTILITY SYSTEM SUPERVISOR .......... 27 WATER PLANT OPERATOR TRAINEE ................. 20 WATER PLANT OPERATOR I ....................... 23 WATER PLANT OPERATOR II ...................... 25 WATER PLANT OPERATOR III ..................... 27 ASSISTANT WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR ............. 30 *WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR ....................... 32 LAB TECHNICIAN TRAINEE ....................... 20 LAB TECHNICIAN I ............................. 23 LAB TECHNICIAN II ............................ 25 LAB TECHNICIAN III ........................... 27 -- 27 -- 37 -- 28 -- 28 -- 28 -- 31 -- 34 -- 37 Proposed UTILITIES - continued 1001 1010 1201 1210 1220 1280 1380 WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR TRAINEE ............ 20 WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR I .................. 23 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCEMAN I ................ 22 LIFT STATION MAINTENANANCE MAN II ............ 24 LIFT STATION FOREMAN III ..................... 26 *SUPV. OF MAINT./LIFT STATIONS W.W. TR. PLANT. 32 *UTILITIES DIRECTOR ........................... 39 PUBLIC WORKS 1420 ~_~ 1425 1440 1445 1450 1460 1470 1480 1485 REFUSE COLLECTOR I ............................ 18 REFUSE COLLECTOR II .......................... 19 SANITARY OFFICER ............................. 30 ANIMAL WARDEN I .............................. 19 ANIMAL WARDEN II ............................. *SANITATION SUPERVISOR ........................ 30 *STREET SUPERVISOR ............................ 30'' *ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... 32 *DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ..................... 37 SKILLED TRADES 1510 1520 1525 1545 1560 /~1570 SIGN SHOP OPERATOR ........................... 20 MECHANIC I ................................... 20 MECHANIC II .................................. 24 BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II ............. 24 *BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR .............. 31 *AUTOMOTIVE SHOP SUPERVISOR .................. 30 GENERAL LABOR & EQUIPMENT OPERATION 1401 1410 1415 1427 1601 1610 1620 1430 1432 1434 CUSTODIAN I ..... ............................. 16 MAINTENANCE WORKER I ......................... 17 MAINTENANCE WORKER II ........................ 18 CREW LEADER .................................. 20 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I ......................... 19 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II .................... i... 21 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III ....................... 23 FOREMAN I .................................... 22 FOREMAN II ................................... 24 FOREMAN III .................................. 26 -- 20 -- 38 -- 33 1 Ol 1710 1715 1720 1730 1740 1780 LIBRARIAN t .................................. 22 LIBRARIAN II ................................ 24 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II ......................... 18 LIBRARY ASSISTANT III ........................ 19 *LIBRARY DIRECTOR ............................. 33 RECREATION AND PARKS 1801 1805 1810 ~1820 1830 1840 1850 1855 1860 1880 1870 LIFEGUARD I .................................. 21 LIFEGUARD II ................................. 23 LIFEGUARD CAPTAIN ............................ 25 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I ...................... 22 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II ..................... 24 RECREATION SUPERVISOR III .................... 27 RECREATION LEADER ........................... 15 RECREATION SPECIALIST ........................ 19 *PARKs SUPERVISOR ............................. 30 *RECREATION & PARKS DIRECTOR .................. 36 *PARKS ~SUPERINTENDENT ......................... 32 PLANNING 2280 2290 *CITY PLANNER ................................. 33 *ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER ....................... 25 POLICE DEPARTMENT /'"'2020 2040 2042 2050 2060 2070 /"2075 2080 POLICE OFFICER ............................... 25 POLICE DETECTIVE ............................. 28 EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN .......................... 22 POLICE SERGEANT .............................. 28 POLICE LIEUTENANT ............................ 30-4 *POLICE CAPTAIN .............................. 33-4 *DEPUTY POLICE CHIEF .......................... 36 ~P@LICE CHIEF ................................. 38 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1910 1920 1925 1930 1926 **FIREFIGHTER ................................. 24 **FIREFIGHTER/DRIVER .......................... 26-2 **PARAMEDIC OFFICER I ......................... 30 **FIRE LIEUTENANT ............................. 30 **PARAMEDIC OFFICER II ........................ 31 Proposed -- 37 -- 38 -- 37 -- 28 -- 39 ~age~ 5 F~IRE DEPARTMENT - continued proposed 1940 ~1950 1960 1980 1987 **FIRE CAPTAIN ................................. 33-2 FIRE INSPECTOR ............................... 30 *FIRE MARSHAL ................................. 33 *FIRE CHIEF ................................... 37 *EXECUTIVE OFFICER ............................ 33 -- 39 -- 35 * Not eligible for overtime ** 52 hour work week .3 CL >- UJ ~' CL UJ z t O000N ,O O' ,.C u'-. 0 c',,I Lf'x O- 0 Lr~ ' co 0 0 c',4' ~ ~D cD ,-4 - CD LA .0 r'- O ,; j g d 3 CD ~JJJ t J,;jJ .;JJj J, jjj ~ I 1 ,0 oc' -..~- [ JgJg ~0 ~ C~l I re'} 1 041 rq C') 0 ,,J' ~J · 43 ~ h~ 0,1 L"~, O' ,43 jg 'j .... I ] : -.1- i j~jji