78-DRESOLUTION NO. 78-D A RESOLUTION O1¢ THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CIVIL SERVICE FOR SMID MUNIC IP~ LITY. WHER~EAS, pursuant to the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, lhe MLLnicipal Personnel Officer has heretofore recommended certain amendmen[s to Rules and R~gulations of Civil Service of the said City, a copy of which proposed amendments are attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed said proposed amendments and has approved them without modification; and WHEREAS, after thorough review of such proposed amendments, the City Council deems that the enactment and adoption of same is kn the best interests of efficient administration of the municipal personnel system; NOW, THEREFOR2 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~ Section 1: That tk existing Rules and Regulations Beach, Florida, attached here and the same are hereby appro Section 2: In all tions of Civil Service are here adopted and amended. PASSED AND ADO 1978. ~, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY )YNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: proposed amendments to the currently Civil Service of the City of Boynton o and hereby made a part hereof, be wed, ratified and adopted. ~ther respects subject Rules and Regula- ~y ratified and cor~irmed as heretofore ~TED this ~--- day of January, A.D., C I TY ~OF BOY N.T©N BRA CH,- FLOR IDA By fA TTEST: City Vice C'5~l~il Member Council Member llt~JRS AND REGULATIONS AND CIVIL SERVICE Requi~ed By: SECTION 72.9 of the flity Charte~ EFFECTIVE January 6, 1978 FOREWORD These Civil Semviee Rules and Regulations have been institUted to provide the best system for the 5enefit of the Citizer~, elected Officials and employees of the City of Boyrfcon Bea~h~ Be it therefore resolved that a]_l actions taken in at--ce with these Rules and Regulations are now and will slways ~e in the best interest of alt concerned° EMILY Mo JACKSON Mayor EDWARD F.- HARMENING Vice-Mayor JOSEPH DeMARCO Councilmen RICHARD CALDWELL Councilman DAVID ROBERTS Councilman FRANK KOHL City Manager W~LT.Ti~M H. SULLIVAN Personnel Officer RULE I GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1. PU/~POSE OP THESE RULES: These rules set forth the principles and proceduzes that are to be followed by the City in its personnel program to the e~d that the City~ ~ its employees may.have assurance that personnel will be dealt with o~ a~ equitable basis~ and that the citizens of the eft~ maF dez~ive the which can~be expected t~o ~sult fuz~ a · competent employee s. COVERED BY THESB RU~ES: These rues sha/i offices in the City' s~¢e as mare 5. APPRDVAL OF R~]~,w.S: These rules shall be in fozv~ a~d ' the City Council add sha.ll have the force as they apply to positions core-fed by DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these Personnel Rules and ss ~sed 'here/~ the following words and terms shall have the meaning indicated unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: SECTION 1o ALLOCATE shall mean the act of assigning eactx position to its proper class. SECTION 2. ANNIVERSARY DATE shall mean the dat~ of hire or the date as of the adoption of these rules~ or last. hi~ or ~r~eheve~ is later. SECTION 3. APPEAL shall mean a request fop a formml hea~in.q before the Civil Service Appeals Board involving fine~ suspension~ demotio~ discharge. Such appeal must be made within sev~n (7) days of tP~ ~ine, suspension, demotion, or discharge. SECTION 4. CERTIFY shall mean the act of the P~sonnel Directo~ in supplying a depa£.~ent head with the names of applicar~s who are eligible fo~ appointment to the class and po~itio~s in the classified service ~or which certification is. requested. SECTION 5. CLASS shall mean a position or group o~ positions having similar duties and responsibilities~ requi~ing similar qualifications, which can be properly designated by on title indicative of the nature of %ork and which carr~ the same salary range. SECTION 6. COP~ENSATORY TIME shall mean compensation for salaried employees in lieu of overtime pay for overtime worked over and above a 40 hour scheduled work w~ek. Compensatory time for salaried employees must be taken du~l~ the sams work ~z~ ~1% which it occurs. Shift employees i~ the Fi~e Departm~ WOILICl be eligible for compensatory time as o~t]ined ab~ p~o~cl i~ is taken within their pay cyele~ SECTION 7. COMPLA/NT shall mean fo~ai notice of dis~$faction m by an e ployee with permanent status who feels tb~t an emptoym~r~ situation is unjust, inequitable or a ~i~ndrance to effe~ve operati°n. SECTION 8. CONTINUOUS SErviCE shall m~an employm~c i~ classified se~ice~which is ~ninter~upted except for leave of absence, suspension or sepamat-io~ du~ to however~ time los.t due to leave of absence~ suspensio~ or lay- off shell not be Included in the determination of lencjth of continuous service unless approved as to i~t~ prior to ~eave. hy the City _~M~_~qe~ Authorized leave of absence without pay shall be granted to any regula~ employee drafted into t~he a~ed leave, etc.) SECTION '9. DEMOTION shall mean the assigr~nt of a~ employee to a position in a lower class having a lOwe~ maximu~ salary than the position from which the assignment is made. SECTION t0. ELIGIBLE shall mean a person listed on the active eligibility list. SECTION 3_1. ELIGIBILITY LIST shall mean an employment list, promotional list~ re-employment list or ~e-instatem~t 3oLst~ SECTION 12, EMPLOYMENT LIST shall mean a Ii st of pe~sons who have been found qualified by an entrance examination rom appointment to a position in a particular class. SECTION 13. EQ~IL EMPLOYMENT shall mea~ no person will be denied employment or prc~aotional opportunities because o~ mace~ color~ religion, sex or national origin. SECTION 14. EXAMINATION shall mean any selection instrument used tO measure the relative knowled~e~ skitls~ and abilities for candidates competing for positions which may include eveIuations of traini~ng and experience, performance tests, o~at inter~iew~ written tests, evaluations of performance appraisals ~ ete~ SECTION 15. GRIEVANCE shall mean formal notice of dissatisfaction by an employee w~th permanent status who feels they have been unjustly treated in eases involving emp!oyment conditions, relation- ,ships bet%~en an employee and his supervised or relationships w~h othe~ employees. SECTION 16. HEARING shall mean a public hearing held after public notice, at which time any person may have a reasonable opportunity to be heard. SECTION 17. JOB TITLE shall mean a definite descriptive designation fo~ a job classification° SECTION 18. LAYOFF shall mean the dism/ssal from employment because of shortage of work or funds, oz* because of changes in organization. SECTION 19. MEMBERS OF THE.CLASSIFIED SEa, VICE shall mean all personnel employed in the City Service, except those $~ving: in exempt 'positions as provided in P~ule SECTION 20. MEMBERS OF THE CITY SERVICE shall mean all persomnel, salaried a~.d hourly, employed in one of the Dob cla. ssif~catio~%s set forth in the City .of Boynt.on Beach Pay Plan, either as members of the Classified S~rvlce or as m~mbers of the Eon-Classified Service. SECTION 21. MEMBER~ OF THE NON-CLASSIFIED SEKVICE shall mean all personnel employed in the City Service in Nor~C~assified Set%rice positions as set forth in the pay plan. SECTION 22. h~POTISM shall mean no two or more individuals who have a parental sibling or spouse relationship may be employed by the City in the same department or division thereof in a la~ger department. (See organizational ~hazT for list of departments.) SECTION 25. OVERTIME PAY shall mean cash for overtime .work when compensatory time cannot be given during the same work period~ Payment shall be made at time and one-ha]~ for overtime hours worked in excess of forty (40) ac~cuat work hou_~s per work week. If less than 40 actual hours are worked, ovez4rime is calculated at straight time. Shift employees of the Fire Department must actually work hours in excess ~f their cycle sch~ule. SECTION 24. OVERTIME WORK shall mean those hours actually worked by employees which are in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. Shift employees of the Fire Department see Section 2~ above. SECTION 25. PAY GRADE shall mean a salazy range with a rain/mum and maximum pay bracket established to fairly and competitively compensate an employee or the work assigned ~dau under his specific job classification. SECTION ~6. PARTTT/~ EMPLOYEE shall mean employees hiz~d on a part-time basis will be paid for o~ly those hours actually worked and at the rate of pay for that job classification. Part-time employees receive no fringe benefits. SECTION 27. PERFORMANCE REVIEW shall mean an evaluation of the employeets performance by his or her superirisor, and done prior to the completion of p~obationary service~ and annually tb~re- after prior to the employee's anniversary date~ SECTION 28, PERM~NENT EMPLOYEE shall mean a ClassifiedSe~i~e employee who has satisfactorily completed his or hex pr~ationar~ period of service. (See also Probationar~Emp!oyee,) SECTION 29. PERMA~ POSITION shall mean anyposition vacant o~ filled which is desiunated as such by the budget or by the City Manager. SECTION 30, POSITION shall mean a group of duties a s~gned to one person or job. SECTION 3!. PROBATIObL~RY EMPLOYEES sP~!lmeanany employee who is seZ~ringhis probationary period of one (1) yea~ prior to being regularly appointed to a permanent position and class in the classified se~vice~ except promotional employees who afte~ six months are permanently appointed to the hig~rposition~ p~ovide~ they are permanent employees: othe~ise they must serve a mirJ3num of one year as outlined above. SECTION 32. PROBATIONARY PERIOD shall mean that period of time beuiruningwith ~ person's initial emptoymentintheClassified Service and normatly ending twelve (12) months thereafter. During this period an employee may resig~ or be discharged~ demoted~ o~ suspended without notice. (See also Probationary Employee.) SECTION 53 PROMOTION shall mean the assignment oran employee to a position in a highe~ class having a higher maximum salar~ than the position ~rom which assignment is made. SECTION 34. PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION shall meana~e×aminatio~or group of examinations for a position in a certain class, admission to which is limited to employees in the classified sez~rice who hold permanent positions in another class. SECTION ~5. PROMOTIONAL LIST shall mean a list of persons who have been found qualified by a promotional examination for an appointment to a position in a particular class. SECTION 36° PROVISIONAL EMPLOYEE shall mean any employee filling a position in the classified service without competition pendi~ the establishment of an eligibility list. SECTION 37. REGHLAREMPLOYEE shall mean an employee who has been appointed to a permanent position in the classified sera, ce ir~ accordance with the provisions of the rules after completing a probationary period. They shall also gain status in that class to which appointed. SECTION 58° STATUS shall mean a condition acquired by an employee completing his initial probationary period~ giving rights in the manner the rules set fo~th~ to a class~ SECTION 39, SUSPENSION shall mean the separation ~th or ~ithout pay of a Classified Service employee for a period of time. SECTION 40. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee holding position other than permanent. SECTION 41. TEMPORARY POSITION shall mean all positions the. t a~e not designated permanent. SECTION 42. VACANCY shall mean a pgsition existing om newly cr~ated~ which is not occupied~ and for which funds are available~ and fi1 ]fng o~ which a' valid requisition has bee~ received by the Personnel ~irector. SECTION 4~. PHRASEOLOGY Thai:term ?~his~~' "heP~" or "employee~ is not intended to denote a specific sex, but rather is .used only for clarity and content. RL1T,~. ~ ORGANIZATION FOR PERSONNEL ADMINT.~TRAT!ON SECTION lo THE CITY COUNCIL: T~ City Council shalI: Ao Appz~ve the Pemsonnel B; Approve the pay plan ~nd all amendmen=s the~et~ C. Make and confirm appointments to and ~move fr~ positions in the exempt semvice SECTION 2~ TB~ CITY ¥~C~R: The City ~anage~ A. Be ~esponsible to the C~t.~z Coun~ ~ . -~ . ~ fo~~ the administ~at/on of the pe~soru~el system ~ject t~ thes~ B. A ' o~ depaz%~ment heads, office~s and provisions o~ these ~.es and proviSionSsel~rice, o~ the Chat~ce~ excepting those /n the exempt C. Pemfoz~s such othem duties and have and exez~ise such othe ~ ~owe~s in pe~sonnei administration as may be p~esci~bed by taw and these re~onne~ m~ ~ . ge ~ ~ ap o~nt o c~o~ who s , P . . - '.. , '"~ ~= ~'=~FOn~D~Le the admin/st~ive, and techr~cal di~e~- -= ~- ~. t7_Hanage~ fo~ p~og~am. ~e shall be known as t~ m~ki~-¥~ne A. dnin~,ste~ the provisions o~ these ~ules, B, Develop and administe~ such ~ee~itment and e×am~nati0n programs as may be necessary to obtain an adequate supply of competent applicants to meet the ~eeds of the City service. C. P~eparo and ~eeo~nend a Classification Plan and amendments to the Classification Plan so that, it will ~e~leC~ on a eu~ent basis the duties being pe~ormed by each employee in the City service and e/ass to which eae~h position is al~oCatedo D. AdminiSte~ the pay p/an including the pe~i~ ~eview of salary an4 wage levels in the area to the e~cent that such levels a~fect City employment and the pe~odic nve.s~9'atson of factors affecting the eeonomi~ level~ E. P~ovid~ a system of checking payr%lls, so as to deten~ine that all persons in the City service have been pz~pe~ly appointed and a~e being paid in accordance with these rules, F. P~ovid~ fo~ the establishment an~ maintenance of all emplOyees in the City service. G. P~ovide such forms and p~oeedu~es as he may eonside~ necessary~ appropriate, o~ desi~ab!e to ca~y out the personnel pz~g~em. H. Develop~ and estab/ish in cooperation with the City Manage~ and venous depa~-U~ent heads such tmaining and educational Section 5. Me The Personnel Director_ con~inue~o programs for employees in the Oit~, sez~ic~ as oondition~ warr~/lt o Prepare annual reports rega~ the wo~ of the department ~ Attend all meetings of the Civet other activities with ~e~e~ence to personnel not inconsistent with the City Chal~e~ as the City F~nager ma~ di~eet~ o~ as may rec~m~nd s~h ~les o~. amendments to the an(~ purpo~e~ of 9roDe~ly catty o~c th~i~ duty RULE IV POSITIONS INCUJDED IN PERSONNEL SYSTEM SECTION 1. THE CITY SE~ICE: The City Sei*vice s-PmJ~% eom~z~se all offices and positions in the City eJ~ploy~ no~ existing o~ hereafter e~eated~ The City Service is divided i%%to the exempt and classified services. A. Exempt Service. The Exempt Sez~vice shall include th~ following positions a~d level~ to wit: 1. Elected Officials 2. The Oity Mana~e~ 3. ~ and ~ss~stant City Attoz~eys 4. ~ c/~ite_c~s~ auditoz~ ad~sory bo~vds ~ pro~esaional pay om not for pay. B. assigned the duties 'of a Civil C. The Classified eomp~i~ al~ othe~ positions now speeifieally included exemp~ ser~i~e o SECTION 2~ STAT~S IN T}~ CIT~F hol~g posi~ona sez~ce on the e~fec~ date of these r~es~ ~d who~ n~y ~votve eon~o~ year ro~d f~ ~ se~e~ ~ w~ ~e se~d cont~uo~sty ~o~ a pe~ of t~lve months ~ately pr~ to ~ date o~ adop~on o~ these ~es $~ be co~i~d to be pe~ent.~ e~y~s~- ~ - ~d as. such entit~d to th~ ~ghts~ be~fts to su~ ~pl~ees by the ~ C~te~ a~ t~se All persons holding positions in the classified service o~ the effective date of these l~ules and whose positions nor~aally involve continuous yea~ ~o%~ad full time se2vice and who ~ve not sex-red continuously for a period of twelve montha immediately p~io~ to the date o~ adoption of these rules shall be considered to be probationary emp.l.oyees and ~S smch subjee~ to the pz~visions of these rules relating to satisfactory co3mp3b~tion of a p~obationaz~ period. All persons holding positions in the classified sez~ice w~ch do not involve continuous yea~ ~ound full ti~ service sbm~lI be considered as temporary employees. t~UT.~. V T~E CLASSIFICATION PLAN SECTION 1. THE FdRPOSE: The Classificatio~ Plan pzovide.~ a p~ete inventory of all positions i~ the Ci~f service and accu~te descriptions and specifications fo~~ eac~h e/ass of emp!oyme~. plan standal~dizes titles~ each of which is ind~'cative of a defir~e range o~ duties and responsibilities and has the same me~ throughout the City service, SE.C?~ON 2. CO~POS~TION OF THE C~aSS~CATION PLAN: The Clasai~i- cation Plan consists of: Classes 6f positions which a~ established by positions which a~e basibaR2Ly simila~ in the kidd of and level of difficulty and z~sponsib~t%ty~ which ~equire and trainln~ at' t~e of recz~zitment~ D range Class and , o~ the ~ of in simila~ working conditions. are descriptive o:~ the wo~k performed ~ each class. ~ fo~ each class of positions the. natume of the %~k an~ of' ~ pOsitiOnS in, the allocated to the class~ abilit~-e s and skills necessary for of the work~ and a statement o~ experience and ~rtd~'.~ment into the class. ~ the class title of each positior~ as identifie~ by the name of the ~ that SECTION ~. CLASS TITLE: Class titles shall be ~sed in ail pez~ sonnel~ accourfcir~ budget~ approp~rLation~ a.n~. fina~.c'.~t, rec.ords. No pe~son s~ be appointed to, or em. ployed i~_, a positio.~.mn .the classified se~ice under a title not included in the Class~catior~ Plan. Titles used in the course of departmental routine to indicate authgrity~ status in the orgasd, zation~, or administrative ~ank may continue to be used fo~ such purposes.. SECTION 4. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS: Specifications are to be inter- preted in thei~ entirety and in z~tatio~ to others in the Class- ification Plan. Particulam phrases or examples a~e not to be isolated and treated as a whole definitio~ of the class. Specifica- tions are deemed to be descriptive and explanatory of the kind of work performed and not necessarily inclusive of all duties perfo~. SECTION 5. MAINTENANCE OF THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN: The Personnel Director is charged with the responsibility for the proper and continuous maintenance of the .Classification Plan so tb~t it will re~lect on a curTent basis the duties being perfo~ned by each employee in the City service and the class to which each position is allocated. The Personnel Director shall periodically review the ulassification of positions and upon the basis of his investigation, he recommend to the City Manager appropriate and necessary amendments to the Classification Plan in the form of ne~ olasses, ~evisions existing classes and the a~olition of classes no Ior~e~ ~e~ui~ed in the plan, Su~ ~I~.~o~mended amendm..~nts shall be effective when approved by the City ~em providing that pz~io~ thez~to the City Ma~age~ s~ll not have disapproved them. Allocations and re-allocations within the appreved Classification Plan shall he made as follows: The Personnel Directo~ $?~ll study tP.~ d~ctas ~ud ~espon- sibilities of ea~ ~w posi~ as i~ is ~at~ and ~ . t~ basis~ o~ t~$ study p~ ~d po~o~ in t~ a~ate ~ss ~t~n t~ C~Ss~ic~o~ P~. fo~ t~ d~e~ to be C~es in t~ d~ies ~d ~s~ns~es of a in~g eit~r t~ a~tion of new as~~ o~ the ~i~ away o~ mo~tion of e~s~g as~nts s~ If these a~ dete~n~ to be pe~t~ ar~ mo~ t~ e~ssi~ea~, the Pe~so~l D~e~or s~ a~e~ consent of the City M~nagez~ ptaoe such position, i~ its appZ~P~iate class. RULE VI COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION 1. EFFECTIVE DATE OF PLAN: This plan willbe effective' on adoption of the personnel system. SECTION 2. SALARY SCHEDULES: To provide'for adequate recognition of growth on the job~ andreeognlzlr~' ' that the City expects all employees to educate and train themselves so they may be mor~ . pmodUCtive and Valuable, the following method o~ advancement will app!y: A. Employee gro.wt.h in knowledge anR diversity. B. Employee efficiency and a~sp.ecif-ic demoh~x~ation~ act or perfOrman6e that clearly .%ndicates to ~he depa~nt head superior attainments. A one (1) step increase may be approved by the City Manag~er at any time during the anniversary year for performance outlined in above, The above, schedule Will provide incentive fo~ adva//cement of skills through education and training and tenu~e~ and at the same time will p~ovide meltit increases where merit is justified, To insume systematic progression, each classification has been assigned to a Salary Range contaihing five (5) steps of approximately 5%° All normal advances wi 11 be made automatTcalty to the next step in the assigned ~ange~ one (1) year- f~ tt~ employm~n~i date° Rpon activation of this plan, all persor~uet Will retain their p~esent aruniversary date and all new employees~ ann/versa~y date will be the date of employment~ Ail new employees Will sta~c at the first step for his class~ unless it is impossible to ~ecruit at the starting step. The City Manage~ may approve a higher starting rate or adjust an individual rate whe.m ha deems it in tha best interest of the City p~o~rided funds ar~ within the. approved budget. Longevity increases beyond Step 5 will ~e authorized as follows: Service r- 'ffY y ea zn Step Three (5) years in Step L-3 is the final step in the pay SECTION 3. PROMOTIONS: When an employee is p~Dmot~d to a position in a higher c!ass~ they Will be advanced the ec~_iva!ent o~ one additional step provided the re xt successive step in the pay plan appears in the new range~ otherw%se they will begin in Step "l" of the new range. The original employment date or anniversary date will be retained. SECTION 4. DEMOTIONS: The Salary range and step will be a p~vision of the demotion~ and will be approved by the City Manager prior to notifying the employee. SECTION 5. REINSTATED EMPLOYEES: A reinstated employee witlbe paid at a salary rate within the approved salary range fo~ the position in whio/a he is reinstated ahd shall be at a step cOmpa~b~e to the one previously held. SECTION 6. PART-TIME F/4PLOYMENT: When employment is on a pa~c- tim~ basis, only the proporti~ate par~ of the.rate rom the %-ime actually employed will be paid. The persons filling this position~ wilt not be eligible for s~ck leave, vacation or other benefit-s° SEC. TION 7, OVERTIME: Ovez~cime will not he authorized except by ?riot approval, of the Department P~ad o~ City Fhva%age~. If ms of a ~.~ur~. nature~ the .Department Hea~ will s~eu~ blar~ ~approval ~n wmitzng from the City F~nager prio~ to authoz~o ~n the case of the Department Head may appmov~ time provided o~ the next regular pay for overtime will be on a time and~ one- actually wo~ed forty (~0) not used to calculate he womk w~ek. If less then forty (40) hours ~s actualI work~d, _~r~gard!ess of ~PaY~ over~mme will be calculated at Straight time. All employees ~a!led to wo ~k after completion of their ~e~ula~ Work day will 7be compensated for minimum of one (1) ~u~ at thei~ present .rate of pay plus actual time worked. An accurate of Overtime %~orked ~11 he maintained by the Depart~ent Mea~ r ~ne s~ua~lon p~events the employee from taking time o~ the regular pay pe~iod~ they must be authorized paid ove~. · by the Department H~ad not la. ret tbmn the next uegu!ar~ pay perio~ after the time is worked. No accumulation for ovel~cime will authorized or recogn/zed beyond the next rec3-ular pay period pay o SECTION 8. INTERPRETATION: The City~(ar~ger shall be z~sponsible for interpreting the application o~ the compensation plan with regard t? pay problems whichare not specifically covered by this plan, uslng the p~ineiples expressed herein as a po!icy guide. SECTION 9~ INITIAL AD~dST~.~N~ TO THECOMPENSATION PLAN: The Personnel Director, using the general principles set forth in this plan, will place the salary o~ each employee in the appro- priate step and range for the class to which his position has been allocated. After the initial step has been established, an employee's grade and st~p may not be c.h~nged other than. by the procedure outlined herein~ or by authorization of the City Manager. SECTION 10. SEVERANCE PAY: An employee with permanent status may~ upon term/nation o~ employment with the City provided the termination is in good standing, be paid for unused accumulated vacation leave not to exceed the maximum authorized accumulation and unused sick time as outlined in Rule XI. Severance pay for any other reason may be approved by the City Manager. However, if not specifically authorized w-ill be referred to the City Council if in excess of two work weeks. 1978 To: Mayor and Members of the City The revised edition of the Civil Service Rules and R~g~_IatiOns of ,the City of Boynton Beach now reflect a consolidation of the various amendments from the 1972 printing to date. This will eliminate flipping through pages which were inserted that respited in a confusing and often time frustrating experience. F~ny of the employees, in the past, complained they h~,~ Ios% t~eir ~endments andtherefore were not apprised of changes which may have been i~ effect. This new book also expands the definition section which will help when reading various sections. There have been other revisions put in, most of which have been recommendations resulting from civil service hearings or simply to clarify what has been ambiguous statements before. This book also has an index in the bad~ which will help the employee find specific sections and topics~ The employee grievance procedume has been expanded which, I believe, will give the em~Ioyees more participation as the Grievance Board will be established an~ maintained by them° FK:rf SECTION 11. RETIREb,?.NT: Provisions applicable to the retirement plan is specifically outlined in the current t~tiremer~c Plans. SECTION 12. REVISED SALARY SCHEINdLE: The ~ity F~nager will provide a revised salary schedule upon approval each yea~ to each Depaz.~ent p~ior to submission of rheim budget review. This schedule %~ill include the Class Titte~ the New Pay !~ange, and other revisions that might be a change in policy or' app!ieation of the Compensation Plan~ In extreme cases only, will consideration be given to adjustment durir~ the budget year. All requests of this nature wi!l-~e refe~d to the City Manager with eomp!ete justification in w~iting~ SECTION 15. MERIT INCREASES IN SALER~: The City Manager is authorized To approve or rescind merit ~creases in salary when m~rit increase is justified in %r~iting b~ the Department Head~ This application of increase in salary will not affect the employee's pay grade and step, however, in o~dem to compute the ra?.e.of i.~r~rease, the next step in the.a~s_igned .ran~ge..would be aGGeG or zr at the top o~ the range~ will ~e assmgned ~u approxi- mate 5% increments only. Funds for me,it increases ~It be budgeted as a separate allowance and administered unde~ the direct control of the City Manager. Employees are not a~tomatically entitled to merit increases-and Only one merit increase will be a] ~owed during an employee's anniversary ~ear. This approach is a system where top performance can be ~eeogr~ze~ by the invaediate supe_~visor and prompt z. ewards ca~ t~a made at thc descretion of supervisors~ provided the Department I{ead concurs with these justifications. The City Manager shall ~ecommend to the City Council in writing al! merit increases in salary relative to Department Heads. The City Manager shall also have the authority to remove a merit increase if justifiable cause can be show~. The above paragraph will remain in force and effe~t~ however~ no employee will receive a merit increase aa out!ined~ after Septembe~ 30, 1975. SECT_ION 14. BONTdS INCREASES: The City Manager is authorized to approve a bonus of $500.00 when such a 5on~s is ~ustified in writing on the prescribed ~o~ms by the Department Head. This bonus ~!! not affect the employee's pay grade and step. Funds for bonuses will be budgeted as a separate allowance and admi~is- teTed Under the dir~t control of the City ~anager. Employees are not automatically entitled to bonus m.~ney and only one bonus will be allowed to an employee afte~ permanent Civil Service status has been attained during his service with the City. Employees that received merit increases in salary as outlined in Section 15 are not eligible ~or a bonus as outlined in this Section 1~o This approach is a system where top performance can be recognezed by the immediate supervisor and prompt rewards can be made at the discretion of the supez~isor provided the. department head concurs. This top performance must be substantiated by the supervisor and the Department Head usir~ the prescribed fo~ms t3. Section 14. Bonus Increases - continued. furnished by the City Manager. t~at should top for perfo~mance~ Whenever the said bonus is awarded as aforesaid~ payment thereof shall be made in four (4) sequal qua~ce~-annual installments of $125.00 each with the first such instal!meRt of $125.00 to be paid to the employee with his or her next ensuing salary payment and each installment of $125.00 shall be paid quarter-annually thereafter until the total of $500.00 has been paid in fu!lor for so long as the employee continues his or her po~ition~ fo~ any p~orated has given co~cinno~s top Rtlt,w. VII APPLICATIONS SECTION 1. ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXAMINATIONS: Public Notice of ent=ance examinations shall be given at least tw~ weeks in advance of the ec~a~tti~ lb.Yn tP~tio.n in a.t.least one .new?p. aper of ~eneral ~y, Dy posting an exam~nat~o~ announcement on the City Hall bulletin board and in such other ~$ and such other manner as the Personnel Director may dee~ advisable. SECTION 2. FILING OF APPLICATION: All appJ/cants ~o~ positions in -' be lr~ctor. SECTION 5. CITIZENSHIP: U~ited States. Ail applicants must be citizens of the SECTION 4~ RESIDENCE: There shall be no requiDament o~ residence for fil/~g appl/cation for a position in the classified service. consu~raTmon with the ~epartment heads concerne~ prescribe such of age and othe~ specie-lc requirements~ physical c~ othel~ise~ as in ~_s3~'~dg_~nt ~ r.eq~%~'r?d b.y the~nature of t. he work to be pe~foz~m~do un z~qulz~Jaents s~aJ_~ De s~own In the examination announcement° SECTION 6. REJECTION OF APPLICATION: The Personnel Director sP~Ii reject any app//cation or applicant when he has determined: Ac That the application was not filed within th~ peziod speci~ lied in the examination announcement or was not filed on the prescribed fO~no B. That the. applicant lacks any of the ~eq~ired qua//ficatior~$ set fox*ch in the examination announcement. C, That the applicant is physically unfit to peI~orm effectively the duties of the position in which he seeks employment. D. That the applicant is addicted to tt%e b~bitual excessive use of drugs or intoxicating liquor; o~ has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving mo~al, turpitude or o~ a felony~ provided the sentence ha& not beer~ completed o~ the period has been violated. E. That the applicant has made a false statemen= of a material fact, or practices or attempted to practice an5, fraud or deception on his application o~ test o= in attempting to secure appointment, or, if appointed~ may cancel the cert-i. fication and in effect cancel the appointment. F. That the applicant was previously in the City service and was removed for cause or resigned not in good standing. G, That the applicant after notification, did not p~omptly present himsel~ at the time and place designated for the examination. 15. That the applicant has a work record f~ previous employ not consistent with the Standards expected of a City employee. I. That two or more individuals have a parental sibling spouse relationship and therefore may not be employed by the City in the same depa;-t~ent a larger department. (See organizational char41 for list of departments) This rule shall not apply to emp/Dyees of the City at the adoption of these rules. SECTI. ON..7. POS~PO~ ~d~D CANCELLATION OF EXAmiNATION.: Any ~exam~narlon.may De postpo~ne_d or cancelled at the: descret~o~ oS the ~e_r.s~nnel D!rector. In e~the~ case each appl%ean/z~ ah~[~e z~otif-iec~. o~ the postponement~ or canceTiation and the re~so~ SECTION 8. VETERAN'S PREFERENCE. A. "VETERAN" DEFINED. A veteran is any person who _has served in the [knited States Army~ Air Fo~ce~ Navy, Ma~i~e Corps, or Revenue Marine Service (Coast GualxI) Navy Nurse Corps~ in tLme of war~ or %~no served under the uqu~ an~ WhO nas recezved an honorable discharge or a .eer~i~fi~ate of honorable active service.. Fora p~oses o~ .eligibility~ a "veteran~= must have semved between the per~zods, from Decembe~ 7~ 194.1~-to Dece~he~ 31~ t945~ and/ o~ June 27, 1950, to January 3t~ 1955~ and/or the duration of the Vietnam era, August 5~ t964~ to ~May ?~ I975. B. VETERAN'S PREFERENCE AND CREDITS: Any such vete~an~ taking his first competitive examination only~ shall receive five (5) points credit added to the passing earned rat/ng resulting from his examination for his- first test only as outlined in the P!orida State Statue 295~08 and 295~09o To receive such eredit~ a certificate or other ~U~hentic proof of service and honorable discharge mus~ be shown at the time of filing applieation~ SECTION 9. RESIDENT'S PREFERENCE: Those persons who are curr~ntly residents of the City of Boynton Beach and whose current ~esidence in the City has been continuous for a period of one o~ mol~e full years and who present satisfactory proof of such residence and who receive a passing grade on entrance examinations shall have additional points added to such grade, as ~ollows: A. Residents who do not receive veterans preference - I point B. Residents who do receive veterans preference - 2 points 16. RULE VIII' EXAMINATIONS SECTION 1. RECRUITMENT BY EXAMINATION: All appointments in the classified service shall be made acco~ing to me,it and fit~ness~ Merit and fitness sh~31 be ascertained by examinations which shall be p~epa~ed by or under the direction of the Personnel Di~eetor~ All examinations shall be impartial and shall ~elate to t~Ose matters which ~11. test fai?ly the capacity.and fitness of t~ applicants to ~scnarge efficiently the duties of the positions be filled. Examinations may, be assembled or non-assem~led~ an~ may iht/adc written, oral~ physical test's~ pez~ozman~e teats.. - -~ O~ any comD~naL~on o~ ~he. seo ~hey may take into in the lacrosse of app/ieant s ~ take mnto consideration the quality to any or ail of the abo~e The City Council shall be empowered ~o waive an examinatio~ for any ~o the lack of an t ........ is .ne. cessa~y to ~eemutt. f~o~ the public o z~_ _Jr~ a posmrlOn ~ue to a e~eatmon, a p~omotior£ om a va~, p !vided all other specified ualificatio .. ~ q ns and/oz- m~u~rem~nts f appointment are complied with. o~ SECTION 2. IDENTITY OF EXAMINEES CONCEALEB: The identity of all ?~rsons .taking. a _c~mpetitive w~itten.t.est .shall be concealed ~ne examiners by the use of an identification r~mbe~ which shall be ~sed on all examination papers, This numbe~ shall be ~ the AC_ginning of the. ex~..~natzon u~_tzl all test papers have bee~ rated. ..ny papers carzy~ng =he name o~ the a lic~nt om ~ ~ x · -- .. PP . any other identi r~ea¢~on ma~ or any app/~cant who reveals his~'~nt~f~{nn numbe?.to, t~ Personnel Director. or. to a~y member -~f---~-~$ ..... staf~ d/.z~c~.=~y, or indzz~ctly, shall be d~squalified and the ao~ ' not:', fiec[. SECTION 3. FATING EXAMINATIONS: Appropmiate scientific techniques .and pronouns s~ be used in rating in 4ete~ng the ~tive ratios o~ ~sul~ ~.ex~ti~ a~ ex~tion ~rades s~l be e~ssed on a s~le possible attai~ent and 70 percentile the ~q~d passi~ ~ade. In the case of a~ ex~tio~ veterans p~fe~nce~ ~sid~ee othem c~t s~ll be in addition to t~ ~ove ~ of 70 ~en~ as o~]~d in Section 9 ~d 10 of Rule VII. If a posi~on adve~ised at least in 2 newspapers and appears a~ ~ to atta~ a 70 pe~enti~, the Ci~l Semite B~rd poi~ ,n?_~. th~ 60 peree~ fo~ one (1) t~s~ cyc~ o~y 17. Section 5. Rating Examinations - continued. The final matings of successful competitors who have attair~d a below .50~ the next lower rating; (i.e, 81.51 equals 82; 81.40 equals 81.) SECTION 4. MINIMI~ GRADES ON EACH SECTION: The Pe~sonnei Di~ectom have fa~I~ the exam~a~ examined on ar~y fuz~l%er~ pa~s~ if any a~e SECTION 5. NOTIPICATZON OF RESUg~S~ Each ap~3~rnw ~l~v exami.r~,t~on shall be g~ven written notice of %he ~esults and~ mf successful, of his fxnat earned ratin~ and his position on the list. -- SECTION 6. INSPECTION OF PAPERS: Any applicant sfmll have the ~ight to make one personal inspection o~ his examination papers wn_'thin one month f-z~m the date of establist~ent of the Iist~ unless the examination is ~eseheduled within that i~%itiai one month in which case the applicant may review his test up to one week prior to the day of the examination~ A manifest e~ro~ in rating a test or test procedure shall be corrected if called to the attention of the Personnel Director within the inspection _p_e~.~_o.~ ,Such_co~ct~on,s sh.a.ll~ not invalidate any appointment p~v~ous~y maGe ~Ix)al suel% a J2~St. SECTION 7. PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATtONS~ Vacancies in f~hem positions in ..... the classified serv~c.e shall be f~lled bv the promotion n~ ~mnl~ in the service whenever in the ~ud~ement of-t~e o$~, u,-_~_L-__-~'=-~ t~he Personnel Dlrector ~t ~s ~n the best intergsts of the City to (~o so. -- When the determination is made that there will be a promotion, the Pergonnel. Director. shall~ designate. . the lower . class or e/asses to whmch the promotmonal exam~natzon is to be 9-iron,. The Director.may also prescribe other reasonable ~equi~ements in the examination announcement. SECTION 8~ ANNOU~NCEMENT OF PROMOTIONAL EXamINATIONS: All p~omotional examinations shall be publicized at least ten calendar days in advance of the examination by posting announcements on a bulletin board in the City Hall and in such other places and in such other manner as the Personnel Directom deems advisable. Copias of all such annoUncements shall be furnished the department affected. SECTION 9. SERVICE CREDIT IN PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS: Regular employees who receive a passio~ grade in prC~otionat examinations shal~ have a credit for continuous city service added to such grade which shall be computed as follows: one-fourth of o,ne point shall be added for each full year of uninterrupted service up to a max- iml~n of twenty years of such sez~v-ice. 18. SECTION 10. ~NSKILLED AND SEMI.sKILLED LABORERS, DO~2STtC OR COSTODIAL WORK: Unskilled .... _ ....... ATTENDANT attend~ ...... ~^~._~ _ ~= ~LG se~,~ s~l~ea J~bo~e~s, domestic comgetitive tests of fitness as the Personnel Di~ecto~ may pr~sc~ibe.' SECTION 3-l. NON-ASSEMBLED EXAMINATION: Co A A. Whenevem the Personnel Di~ecto~ detez~/nes that possible applicants a~e not available in sufficient numbers to he may condunt Classes on a cont~nuou~ nor~assem~Iecl basis. Bo The names o~ successful aDplicants shall be placed on , //st in orde~ o~ thei~ in om ~ o~ o~squal~ed f~om a non, tO SECTION 12. APPLICATION FOR POSITION IN canal/dates ~or the entrance examination ~or pat~Olme~n diploma from a standard high school om ha~e In the absence of pmoof of successful high school General Ed%~cation Development (G~B.D, } T~sts: Standaxds and Tz~ining Degree o~ t~ansc~ipt verif/eation years of colleg~ work fr~a a~y state accmedited by a state exemption to those to Decem~e~ 31~ 1974 (U.S.A.F.I school time as d~termined by the ~e~sonnet Director,, .~ Ail have a O~ He_~/ht 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 A. Not less than twenty-one yea~s o~ age at the date of examination. B. C~ndidates he.ight (%~[thout sho~s) shall cor~oTm to rheim weight acco~/ing to the following ' - helgh~r-weight table: MALES (inche~) ~ 100 140 102 145 6! 96 3_97 103 150 62 ~8 129 105 160 64 lOG 165 65 104 140 107 170 66 106 144 3_li 175 67 109 147 Section 12. Application for Position in the Police Department - Cont, MALES FEMALES Weight ~8 181 68 112 152 69 ~9 186 69 115' 158 70 123 192 70 118 t62 71 127 197 71 12 168 72 131 203 73 135 209 74 139 214 75 143 219 76 147 225 77 151 230 78 153 255 Candidates must be free from any bodily defects,-deformity~ or disease and must be certified as fit f~r se~viaebyalieer~ed Florida physician at the candidate's expense~ Candidates will also be required to pass a physical agility test~ w~itten test, psychological test~ baekgmound investigation and an oral examination. Failure to pass any portion of the above z~quire- ments will result in the applicant being eliminated from any further consideration for the pa~ieutar testing cycle~ No person shall be admitted to an examination for eithe~ Detective or Corporal until he shell ~mve served a minimum of eighteen (18) consecutive months as Patrolman on the local force. No person shall be admitted to promotional e×ami~ation for, Sergeant ~ntilhe shall have served a-minimu~no~ three (3) con- secutive yeams on the local force as a Comporel o~Detective, Sergeant appointees to the Detective bureau must pmesent proof they have completed specialized course wolak in investigative techniques. No person shall be admitted to promotional examination for Lieutenant until he shall have se~ed a minimum of t~wo (2) consecutive years~as Se~eant on the local force. Sergearfc appointees to the Detective Bureau must present proof o~ specializedknowledge o~ modern investigative techniques, methods and procedures gained through co~p!etion of college-~ level courses and:possess considerable kr~wledge of investigative techniques. All candidates for tP~s position must have taken areeognized course in basic supez~ision. Candidates to enter promotional e×aminatio~ for Captain who ha~? earned a si~ (60) credit hour associate's deg-~ee in ~o~%ce-re±ated s.uD3eots~ includi~g~ but not limited to: ~olice Science~ Law~ Aecounting and Business Administration at a recognized and accredited college o~ub~versity 20. Section 12. Application for Position-in the Police Depa~-~tent - Cont. and who shall have served a minimum of two (2) consec~aive years as 'Lieutenant on the local force shall be dacta~ed eligible. Cs~ndidates who have ccmpleted thiz~cy (50) cz~dit hours in, poliee-~elated subjects at a ~e~ognized a/id acc~edite~ college or university as outlined above and who have ~se~ved a minimu~ of foum (4) consecutive years as Lieutenant on the local foz~e shall also be declared eligible. Candidates with tess than thm~t7 (30) ~e~it houz~ related above shall not be eoneide~e~ semved a minim~~ of~ six (g) rive yea=s aa Lieutenant on the local ~o~ce. No pe=son below the mank of Captain shall be admitted to promotional examination fo~ Deputy Chief of Police. Candidates who have earned a 120-hou= bachelor,s degree police-related subjects~ including but not limited to: Police Science, Law~ Accounting and Business Adm~nist~ati~r~ at a recognized and accredited college o~ unive~sity~ and who have served a minimum of two (2) cor~secut±ve yea~s as Captain on the local force she/1 be declared e~i~ible. Candidates who have earned a 80-hou~ associates degr~ in police related subjects at a ~ecognized and accDedited college or university as outlined above and who have served a minimum of six (6) consecutive years as Captain orz the local. force shall also be considered eligible~ No person below the rank of Deputy Chief of Police s~mll be considered eligible for pz~motion to Police CT~ef and even these candidates will not be declared eligible ~les$ they meet the following time~i~nTg~ade requi~ments~ minimum of two (2) years as Deputy Chie~ of Police on the local force. Candidates must also present p~oof of police p~actices and other related abilities and skills gained thz~ugh tion of a 120-hou~ bachelor's degree in Police Administration or a related ~ield at a recognized and accredited college university. The appointing authority may, however, select and appoint a Police Chief from outside the city service pro'~ided the candidate meets all stated requirements except that his service is not locally attained~ if in the authorityr$ opinion, such selection is in the best interest of the Citsz of Boynton Beach, and holds a certified certificate o~ requi~ed number of hours training by the State of Ptoz~ida. In the event that circumstances or conditions arise that make it impossible to certify an individual police officer, om 21. Section 12. Application for Position in the Police Department - Cont. police officers for entrance to p~omotionalexaminations for the next higher position because of lack of time-in- g~ade~ and the waiver of such ~equi~ement is deemed essential in o~der to efficiently administer the CityTs memit system, the City Manager may, at the mequest of the Personnel Director~ recommend that time-in-grade require- ments be waived by the City Council~ p~ovided however, that the applicant o~ applicants involved possess all .othe~ qualifications requibed by these rules fo~ p~omotion. SECTION 13. APPLICATION FOR POSITION IN THE P/l%E DEPARTMENT: All ~equi~ementSo A. No less than eighteen (18) years of age at the date of the exsminaTion. andidates hemght (without shoes) shall confom to their weight according to the following height-weight table: (see Height & Weight Cha~tSectzon' 12~) Candidates.must be. free fmom any bodily defeets, defomity or disease and must be certified as fit for service by a licensed Plorclda physici~al at the candidate's expense~ Candidates will also be required to pass a physical agility test, written 'test, psyahologicat test~ background investi- gation and an oral examination. Failure to pass any pomtion of the above requirements wilt result in the applicant being eliminated from any further consideration for the particular testin~ cycle. P~omotional ~equirements within the Fire Depa_r~ment have not been finalized as of p~inting date. Until they are issued, the procedures in the 1972 Civil Service Rules and Regulations will remain in force and effect. These rules are as follows: FiRE PROMOTIONS: Plx~notions in thm Fire Department shall be from class to class~ f. rom the lowest to the highest. 1o No pe=son shall be admitted to an examination for Pire Prevention Officer until he shall have served a minimum of one (t) yea~ as Firefighter on the local for~e and shall have eaTned at least six (6) college credits in the major study area at an accredited junior college or upper level %tniversity offerd_ng a degree pro,am in Fire Engineering or Fire Science. 2. No person shall be admitted to an examination for Fire- fighter/Dr~ver until he shall have served a minimum of two (2) consecutive years on the local fOrce and has successfully completed 22. Section 13. Application for Position in the Fire Department - Cont. course work and tests in the following: equipment loeations~ all apparatus, Fi~e Depa~hment hydraulics~ streets and building locatlons~' d~r~ve~'s ~o~_d t.e.st a~nd~..pump operator'? field test, as.given by the aep~£.u~en~ Training urr~cer. Grades ~n the above sub3eets must be ce~cified by the Training Officer before candidates will be peunitted to enter promotional examinations. field ~f ~ tion phot0graphy. 3. No person shall be admitted to an examination fora Fi~e Prevention Officer II until he shall have_ served a minimum of t~ee (3) consecutive years on the local fo~ce~ one (t) yea~ of which must have been semved as Fi~e Pz~vention Officez- I~ and shall have earne~ at (12) college Credits ~in, ~he m~jo~ st'udy area at an accredited rsity o~fe~ing ; shall have :raining p~o~ams co,ducked by in the and ~i~e Pmeven- working knowledge ~ baJic 4. No person shall be admitted to an examination ~or Fire- fighter/Me=hanie until he shall have served a minimum oF three (3) ~o~nsec?tive .yea.~.s 0n. the local force and sha~l have completed the o~_towlng eeuca=monal and training requirements; minimum o~ sixty (60) hours intensive t~aining at the Pto~id~ State Fire College in Fi~e DepaI~ment Mechanics and completion of Florida State Fire College COurse in Fire Apparatus and Pumps. 5. No person shall be admitted to pmomotionat examination Lieutenant until he shall have served a minimum of three (5) consecu= tire years on the lo~al force and.shall have earr~d at least twelve (12) college credits in the majom study area at -an accredited Junior College or upper-level university offering a degTee pI~3g~ in Fime Engineering or Fire Science° Candidates must also have completed all training requiTements for Firefighter/D~ive~. 6. No person shall be admitted to p~omotional examinations for Fire Marshal until he shall ~have served a minimL~n of two (2) consecutive years as Fire Prevention Officer II and shall have earned at least eighteen (18) college credits at an accredited Junior College or uppe~-levet un/versity in Fire Engineering or Fire Science, sucP~ credits shall be in the major study ar~a~ shall have successfully completed specialized training p~ogTams conducted by the department and/or the State Fime College in the Fi~e Inspection Praetices~ Arso~ Investigation~ Fire Prevention and Protection; shall have an e.xtensive background in related fi~e pmoteetion p~ograms inc!uding~ Wate~ Distrib~ion Systems, Con~aunity Fire Defense s Alarm Systems~ Automatic Fire Protection and Extiusuishing Systems~ Building Construction, Hazardous Materials and Chemicals~ Advanced Photography, Public Relations~ Administration and Report Analysis. Section 13. Application for Position in the Fire DepaDt,=ent -Cont. 7. No person shall be admitted to promotional exam/nation for Captain until he shall have served a minim%~a of three (3) consecutive years as Lieutenant on the local force and shall have earned at least eighteen (18) college c~edits in the major study a~ea at an accredited Junior College or upper-level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science; shall have successfully completed specialized training p~og~ams conducted by the depa~-ment and t-he State Pi~e College i~Pi~e Ins~ction~ ~etection and Cont~ol~ Mode~nMethods of ~i~efighti~.g~ Pub±~cRetatlons, Administration and Repomt Analysis. 8, No ('5) years on ~ been served shall have accredited degree program shall be in the be in the Ordir shall be admitted to pz~motional examination a mirdmumoffive :wO (2) years of which must have classification of e~.ual statu~e; - credits at an a Fire Service~ such emedit$ shall area ~ shall have successfully Complete? ~ Service Inst~u~or Training, Proteetion~ Hydmaulies ~ Management ~ 9. No person shall be admitted to p~omotiona! exam/nation Deputy Chie~ ~ntil he shall have served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years as Captain or in anothe~ ran=k of ec~al stature on the local force and shall have earned at least forty-five (45) college ereditstoward a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Credits esmned in Fire Engineering orF'~re Science. at' an accredited Junior College may be eoum. ted toward total c~edits requi~ed~ 10. No person below the rank of Captain .shall be declared eligible for promotion to Fire Chief and even these candidates will not be declared eligible unless they meet the following time-in-grade requirements; C~ptain - minimum of three (3) years as Cap~ain on. the local ~orce, D~ll M~ste~ - minimumo~ three(5) years as Dr~ll }~aster on the local force; Fire Marshal~ minim%~ of three years as Fire Marshal on the local force. Candidates also must present pz~oo~ of specialized training in mod~r.n fiz~ administration~ staffing~ fire prevention~ inspection and contI~!~ modei~n fire practices and procedures and othe~ related abilities and skills gained through completion of a 120-hour Bache!or~s Degree in Business Administration~ Fire Administration~ or a related field at a recog- nized and accredited eotlege or university. The appointing authority may, hog~ver~ select and appoint a Fire Chief from o%~side the City service~ p~ovided the candidate meets Section 13. Application fop Position in the Pire~Depa~.t~nt - Cont. all stated ~equir~nents except that his service is not locally attained, if~ in the authority's opinion, such selection is in the best interest of the City of Boynton Beach. 11. In the event ciraumstaneesor conditions arise that make it ~possible to ce~tifyan individual fi~ officer~ or fi~e officers for entrance 'to promotional examinations ~or the next higher position because of lack of time-in-g~de~ at, I the waiver of such requirement is deemed essential in o~der to efficiently_ administer the City'sMe~it System, the City Managem may~ at the ~equest of the Director~ ~ecommendthattime-in-~rade ~equirements be City Couneil~ provided that~ ~ involved possess all ott~ qualifications ~equired rules ~or p~omotion~ 22C. RULE IX ELIGIBILITY LISTS SECTION t. ESTABLISHMENT OF ELIGIBILITY LISTS. The Pers,onneI needs of the Service. Each list shall contain the names of those persons who a~e deemed vi~cue of t~ examination process to be qualified to the specific - class. Such persons shall be notified their z~ tative sco~e list SE.CTION 2. DURATION OF LISTS: The term of eligibility of each eligibility list, and the names appearing thereon s~ll be for two years. SECTION 3. RE-~4PLOY~,~NT LISTS: A z~galar employee who ~ms been involuntarily separated from the City Service ~<thout fault or delinquency on his part shall have his name placed on a re-employment list for the same class of position he held at the time o~ his separation. The name of such employee shall be placed upon the list in the o~der of his total continuou, s time served in the class~ Such employee shall be eligible for ~e-employment fora a period of two years ~rom the date of separation~ SECTION 4. REMOVAL OF NAMES FROM LISTS: The Personnel Director may at any time, remove the name of an eligible from a list for any one or more of the following causes: A. At the request of the eligible. B. Failure to respond to notice to appear for inte~v-iew within the time limited in such notice. C.Dec._tnau~ont' ~' of permanent appointme~c. D. Failure to notify the Personnel Director of a change of addre s s. Appointment to a permanent position tB~ough specification f~om a list for anothe_~ olass at the same or higher sa!ar~. In the case of promotional lists, upon separation~ other than layoff, from the City Service. In any case where the Personnel Director finds th~ ~uu eligible is or has, in any manner become disqualified for the class which he is listed, in ac~o_~danee with Rule %~I~ Section 6, of these rules. 23. SECTION 5. RESTOP~AT!ON OF NAPES TO ELIGIBILITY LISTS: ~enever any person's name is removed from an eligibility list for any one or more of the causes mentioned in the preceding section~ he shall immediately be notif~ed thereof unless his whereabouts a~e unkno%~mo Such person may~ within five (5)days f-~om date of ~emoval, make a written request to the Personnel Director for restoration of his name to such ilst for the duratmon of his eligibility. The request shall set forth the reasons for the conduct resulting in removal of the name from the list and shall further specify the reasons advanced from restoration or the name. The after full consideration of the ~equest, .lity lis~ o~ may refuse The Pemsonnel. Director s action° 24. RULE X APPOINTMENTS SECTION 1. PROCEDRRE FOR FILLING VACANCIES: All vacancies in the classified service shall be filled by original appointment~ promo- tional appointment ,' provisional appointment, ~e-employment, ~e- instatement~ transfer or demotion. Whene~er a vacancy is to be filled the department head shall make a ~equisition To the Personnel Director for eligihles for appointment to the e_lass of position for whic.h the vacancy exists. Such requisition shell be upon the form provided by the ~ersoru~el Director. If the position is permanent the i .~ depaz~ment head the- ~th~r kind of or authorize some SECT/ON 2, PRIORITY OF LISTS: Certification shall be ~mde from existing lists in the following order of preference: A. Re-employment lists B. Promotional lists C. Employment lists D. Re-instatement lists .P~.-instatement lists may rank before or after employment lists at time of certification by specific request of the appointing authority. SECTION 3. CERTIFICATION FEDM THE LIST: '~pon ~eceipt of a valid requisition for an eligible to fill a vacancy, the Persorunel Director shall certify to the requesting depaz~ment head the names and addresses of those eligibles on the list fDr the class, who have indicated willingness to accept appointment in accordance with Section 2 above and based on the ~Rule of Tk~ee Sco~e$~w. The "Rule of Three Scores" means that the name's associated with the three highest scores as detezlninad by Rule VIII~ ~Section 5~ and Rule IX, Section 1, shall be certified to a vac~y with one addi- tional score being certified for each additior~l vacancy p~ovided, however, thet a fewer number may be certified when there is not the required number on the list. In the case of insufficient sco~es on a promotional list the Personnel Director may augment those scores by a sufficient numbem from the appropriate employment list in order to make a complete certification. The department head shall select from the eligibles certified to him, the number of persons ~equired fo~- the vacancies to be filled and recommend to the City Manage~ through the Personnel Director that they be appointed. Should the depa£.~ent head express dissatisfaublon with the fiEst three (3) names, a second list of three (3) eligibles in the order of their standing on the employment list sbmlt be certified and this shall continue until the position is filled. After the eligible's name has been submitted three times and rejected to the rules~ bis name sP~ll be dropped from the list. 25. Section 3. Certification from the List - Continued. It is the duty of evemy depa£-t~,~ent head who rejects a list of eligibles ful~nishedhim by the PersonnetDi~ector to state~n w~iting and in exact, specific and preciseteImshisTeasons fo~such~ejection of list. SECTION 4. INCOMPLETE CERTIFICATION: When the number of names (irrespective of the number of sco~es) available for fi]~l~ng ~any vacancy is fewer than three, the department head, with the approval of the Cit~ decline c~tification for that vacancy and' filled by p~ouisional, appointment, ox in any other manner p~ovided ] these ~leSo SECTION 5. a vacancy ~ the etass due t.o .similar Classificatibn list The Persor~ml Director may certify to lists of classes other- than sts a~e appropriate vacancy~ SECTION 6. name of notice of ELIGIBLE: Whenever the the eligible shall be sent written SECTION 7. WAIVER OF CERTIFICATION: Eligibles may waive certification upon filing ~easons satis£acto~y to the Personnel Director. Waivers must be filed with the Personnel Director within five (5) ~days f~om the date of notification of cePtification and if appmoved, the name of such eligible shall not be certified until waiver has been with~ drawn upon w~itte~ request therefore ~ Failure to execute a. satis~ factory waiver o~ to report for interview within the time indicated shall be deemed sL~fficient cause for removing the name of such eligible from the list. SECTION 8. PRDVISIONAL APPOINTMENT: Whenever there a~e u~gent ~easons for filling a regular position in a class for which priate lists or the ~equired numbe~ of eligibles are not then available, the City Manager may authorize the vacancy be filled by a provisional appointment. In such case~ p~efe~ence for provisional appointment shall be given first to persons whose n?mes a~e on apprep~iate lis~s~, secondly~ to persons in the City serv~ae whom the Personnel Directom finds to be qualified~ thi~dly~ to persons who bmve applied for appointment as regular employees and whom the Personnel Director believes to be qualified. Provisional appointments shall be te~Tainated at such time as the required celVcification and appointment can be made from a list and shall be for not longer than six (6) months. SECTION 9 o TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT: Temporary appointments may be made of persons whose employment is expected to be of a seasonal nature or whose services are required for a special job o~ project and when it is expected that the services of such persons will no longer necessary at the close of the season or upon eom~Ietion of such special job or project for which tP~y have Seen appointed, also be made to fill vacandias frc~ authorized leave of absence, Tb~ City Pemsons fit/lng .= hours actually wobked. not be eligible for sie_k leav~e ~ vacation om other benefitS. Such from the appmopriate lists insofam SECTION lO. ~.~..RDENCY APPOINTME.}~.: Emergency appointments may be made by the ~ity Manager or in his absence, the Mayor in 'case of riot, conflagrations or other emergency which threatens li~e~ prope~ or the general welfare of the City~ Such appointments shall continue only ldUming the pemiod o~ such emergency and shall not continue longer than thirty (30) calendar days,. SECTION 11. TRANSFER: A position may be ~illed by tranafe~Ting an employee from another position of the same class or similar class with essentially the same basic qualifications excepting that in no cas.e shall an employee be t~ansfer~ed to a class having a higher max/mum salary than the class ~rom which the transfer is made, unless the employee is qua, lified in the new class and is on the reg~ste~ for that posi~n.~ .The City Manager may transfer an employee Eom ,ma~..y reas?_ns, i~cludzng but not limited to the ~ollc~in~.~ better utilization of personne~ in lieu of departmentai Transfers must be approved by ~the depaz~ment heads affected, the Personnel Director and the City! Manager and shall be executed on p~ese~ibed form. Any such transferee shall be on probation s~x (6) mo~ths in sa~d departme~to SECTION 12: DEMOTION: A. A position may be filled by the demotion o~ a regula~ employee in accordance with the procedure fo~ demotion as outlined in Section 5 of Rule XII. B. An employee may also be d~moted upon his own ~litiative with the approval of the Personnel Director and depaz~ment head concerned and shall receive status in this new class, if he has status in present class. SECTION 1~. PROBATIONARY PERIOD: The probationary period shall be reg~a.~ded as an integral part of the examination utilzz ...... process and shall be e~ rom c-ose&y observing the employee's work, for secumin~ the most effective adjustment of the new employee to his position and ~or rejecting any employee whose performance does not meet the required standards. 27. Section 1~. Probationary Period - Continued. Ail appointments shall be probationary and subject to a probationary tPeriod of one year after appointment except those positions filled brough promotion. Probationary period shall then be si.x (6) months. The Personnel Di. mector may grant st.atus to persons aPPOinted f~om a re-employment list without a probationary pe~iodo The depaz'Lment head shall make such periodic ~epo~ts during an employee's probationary period as the Personnel Director ma~ requiz~ an~ shall notify the Personnel Director at least 15 calenda~ d~ys prior to completion of the the. services will cor~in~ the sPmll be on the p*esc~ibed form and a copy ~mployee.. If a.permanent employee promot&d to a highe~ class as a ~esult of appo!nt~ent from a pz~otional li$~c or other li~ is ~d ~s~ted ~e ~n~at~ to ~s foyer pay grace arid step in t~ ~ass ~m which he ~s. p~oted. ~ pe~s~ filing the. ~sition of ~ ~pl~ee that ~s been p~moted ~11 hold t~.t position .con~ngent om t~ ~ed ~ployee successf~y ~p!eti~ his six (6) month p~o~ ~onal p~bationa~ pe~od. If.the pr~oted e~yee fo~ any ~ason is ~tu~ed to his loner position t~ person filling that position ~d in tu~ be ~turned then ~ ~s ~o~em position. If no vac~cy exists the n~e of such emp~yee s~ be p~ced ~ the app~p~ate ~-emplo~ent ~st. SECTION 14. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS: Applicants ~or positions in the City service may be required to undez~o a medical examination to determine physical and mental fitness to perform work in the position to which appointment is to be made ~ All employees of the City during their period, of employment may be required by their department head with the approval of the Persor~uel Director, to undergo periodic medical examinations to determine their physical and mental fitness to perfonm the work o~ the position in which they are employed. Such peDiodic medical e×aminations shall be at no expense to the employee° Determination of physical or mental fitness will be by a physician or physicians designated by the Personnel Director. When an employee of the City is reported bY the examinin~ physician to he physically or mentally unfit to pemform work in the position Which he is employed, s6ch employee may within five (5) days from the date of his notification of such determination by the examining physician, indicate in writing to the Personnel Director his 28. Section 14. Medical Examinations - Continued. intention to submit the .question o.f his physical oF mental unfit- ness to a physician of his own cholceo In the event the~e is a difference of opinion between the examining physician and the physician chosen by the employees then a physician shall be mutually designated by the exam'lrd_ng physioia~ an~ the physician chosen by the employee whose decisior~ shall be final an~ binding as to the physical or mental fitness of the employee to perform the womk of the position in which he is employed. The City shall pay it the ' physician~ and t App.3~.'~ants and eligibles detexm/ned to ~e unfit for ~ervic~ emP.l.oyee finally Continue accordance with tbmse x~les sheet1 pay a' p id by the l~se~ ~ or mentally An RLLLE XI GENERAL PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROVISIONS SECTION !. HOURS OF 9DRK: The City Manager shall establish hours of WOrk which insofar as practicable shall be unifom within occupa- tional groups which shall be determined in accordance with the needs of the service and which shall take into account the reasonable needs of the public who may be required to do business with various City departments. tPaY status !m~ediately before and after the holiday. Pa~t t~i~.~, ~nporary: an~ emergency appointed employees shall not be ent~tted to holidays with pay. SECTION 2. LEGAL HOLIDAYS: Legal Holidays to be observed by the City's enployees unless such employees are requi~ed to be on regula~ dn~ty are New Year's Day~ Washington's Birthday, P~mo~ial Day~ Inde- ~ende~n?e. Day~ L~abor Day~ Columbus Day~ Veteran's Day~ Thanksgiving ~y~ u.nrlstmas ~ve and Christmas Day and such other days as may be specif~eal!y designated from time to time by the City Council~ The %ty Manager .and Council rese~ve.s the r~ghC to declare these and any othe? ho!zdays on a date designated by them;..such date does nor necessarmly have to be on the specified traditional date ~ but on a date that meets the best interest of the Ci~y~ Hours paid for holidays are based on the formula for determining sick 'leave in Section ~o SECTION 3. VACATION LEAVE: Each full time employee shall earp~ vacation leave at the rate of one working day per month du~ing the first two years service. Each employee shall at the end of each year thereafter be credited with one-half day~ (g hours) per year additional vacation leave for each full year of continuous service~ but no additional credit shall be earned after bis o~ hem 15th year of service. Employees on probation may accrue vacation. Vacation leave is computed on the employee's anniversary date. For purposes of vacation leave~ each shif~c member of the Fire Department s_hal! receive the equivalent of six (6) shift days per year vacation. Each shift member of the Fire Depa~b~aent shall earn one (1) shift day additional vacation for each four years of continuous service, but no additional credit shall be earned after his sixteenth (16) year of service. 30. Section 3. Vacation Leave - Continued. In computing vacation leave earned, no increments will accrue for any pay week which includes three or mo~e days of leave of absence without pay. For uniformed member, s of the-Fire DepartmeDJc no increments will accrue for any nine day cTcte which includes five or more days of leave of absence without pay, oF the appropz4_ate percentage of the cycle Changes. Vacation leave may be taken as earned sUbject to t~ approval of the department head who shall schedule vacations so as to meet the operating requirements of the department, eal~ed ~ with the result that the maximum~ he may abse. nt himself from work, aftc~r givi,r.~g his s.u.pel~riso~ ~0 days notice, in o~der to prevent the loss of vacation leave beyond the m ' ax~mum. Provisional employees shall be entitled to the same vacation leave allowance to which regular employees are entitled in accordance with the p~ovisions of this se~tion~ pro%ridecl t~ey attsn[n p~bation- ary status° Regular. employees, and the. aforesaid, probationary., e mp logy ecs who upon leaving the City's service mn good standing, be compensated for vacation leave accrued to the date of separation. In computing vacation taken, all employees shall be charged one. (t) hour leave for each hour not worked. SECTION 4. SICK LEAVE WITH PAY: Sick leave ~th pay shall be granted to regularly employed full time employees at the rate of one working day for each completed month of ser%;ice. Such leave shall be computed on an employment year basis° Sick leave pay will be paid at the same rate as a regu!a~ work day. ~nlimited accumulation of sick leave is authorized~ Sick' leave shell not be considered as a right which an employee may use at his discretion, but rathe~ as a p~ivilege wb~.ch shall be allowed only in case cf personal ~ickness or disability, legal quarantine because of exposure to contagious disease~ or in the case of illness within the immediate ~amity. No more than five working days in any caleddar year may be taken as sick leave because of illness 9~thin the immediate family, Foz, purposes of this rule "immediate family" shall consist of the employee~s spouse, parents and children only. Sick leave ~11 not be 9-manted if it falls on regular days o~f or on a holiday. Sick leave is credited as follows: One fifth (1/.5) of the assigned average work week excluding overtime, holiday time, etc. ~ per month. 51. Section 4. Sick Leave With Pay - Continued. In order to be granted sick leave with pay an employee must meet the following conditions: Notify his immediate supe~tsor not later than one (1) hour after th~ beginning of the scheduled workday of the reason for his absence or within lesser limits if required by the Department Head. B. Permit such medical examination, nu~sir~ visit or inquiry whichthe City deems desirable. Ce File a written request for such sic/cleave on tP~ form and in th~ manner to be prescribed ~ D. Requests for more than three (3) days sick leave must be accompanied by a doctor's certificate. If excessive sick leave is taken in such a way as to indicate a pattern, random or otherwise~ the employee will be placed on restricted sick leave and a doctor's certificate will be required for a one day absence. Employees serving a probationary period on an orig-inal appointment shall accrue sick leave in accordance w~th the provisions of this section. In computing sick leave no increments willaccrue for any~ek which includes three or more days of leave of absence without pay. For uniformed members o£ the Fire Department no increments will accrue for any nine day cycle~nich includes fi~e (5) or more days of leave of absence ~thout pay, or two thirds of the pay cycle if other than nine days. In computing sick leave taken, all employees sha!lbe char~ed one hour sick leave for each hour not worked beca-useof iltness~ Permanent employees that have exhausted their accumulated sick leave and are still unable to return to work~ may draw against their annual leave account. Such request must be made to the Department Head by the employee, who in turn must notify the Personnel Director on the prescribed form. Claiming sick leave when physically fit ~hal! be cause ~or discharge. Employees that have attained permanent civil service status and are regular employees will have payment made ~or unused sick leave at the rate of one half (t/2) of the total number of hours accumulated not taken, upon termination or retirement. ~art-time~ temporary~p~obationa~y and pro%~_sional employees are not eligible for benefits outlined in this paragraph. Section 4o Sick Leave With Pay - Continued~ LIGHT DUllY - Employees may return to work with a Light Duty Certificate and/or letter from their physician prov{ded there is work available within the Department that would ccmply with the doctor's requirements. If there is no such work available the employee will remain on sick leave status until he has a full release to return to work from his doctor° SECTION 5. LEAVE WITH PAY: Jury Duty/Witness Fees -- A/I paT granted under this section must be approved by the City Manager. Leave with pay may be authorized in order that regular empl~jees may serve required jury duty or a subpoena to appear as, a witness on cases relevant to the City~ provided that Such leave--is reported in advance to the Pemsonnel Direato~ In o~r~e~ to receive pay for suc~h leave the employee must deposit the which he receives for jumy duty or-as a witness with the CiTy Finance Director. Employees can keep only travel expense monies. Employees subpoened as witnesses in cases unrelated to City business may take vacation leave in order to receive-pay. Military Leave: Full-time permanent employees in the City sez~rice who are members of the military reserve units and who must attend annual training sessions are entitled to leave of absence full pay. The City of Boynton Beach pursuant to ¥tor~ida Statute 115.07 - Officer's and Employee's leave of absence g~ants up to seventeen (17) calendar days with pay ~ach year in order that such employees may fulfill their military obligations, Full-time permanent employees in the City service who are calIe~ to per~orm military service may at the discretion of the City Council be granted leave of absence without pay for such sez-~ice in accordance ~rith the provisions of Public Law 93~508, Section 2021 - Right to re-employment of inducted persons; Section 2024 Rights of persons who ehlist or are called to active duty; zesez~es, On The Job I ° · n3urY. Whenever an employee is tota.tly disabled from duty ~or a per~od of no more than seven (7) workln~, days because of an injury determined to be compensated under, th~ pr<r~ision of the Workman's Compensation Act, he shall be ~ntit!ed to fu/lI regular pay. If the period of disability is greater the~ seven (7) working days, the employee may elect to receive, accrued sick leave in accordance with his regular hourly wage~ to the extent that his combined sick leave and womk~an's compensation benefits equal his regular weekly net salary~ The employee must contact the payroll clerk to qualify for this co~)ined cheek, Leave with pay for injury while on official duty on behatf of the City w~!l not be charged to vacation leave, however~ accumulated sick leave will be char~ed to insur~ the employee received the difference between work~an~s compensation and the amount o~the normal pay. Compassionate Leave: In the event of the death of the mother, ~ather, foster parents, brother~ sister, husband, wife~ so~ Section 5. Leave With Pay - Continued. daughter, grandparents, grandchi!dr~n, mother-in-law or father- in law of a permanent employee, such employee shall be entitled to paid compassionate leave not'to exceed three (3) consecutive calendar days for any one death. However, if it is necessary for the employee to leave the State in connection ~ith the interment 'of the deceased, five (5) consecutive calendar days shall be allowed. Employees must verify attendance in writing in order to.be eligible for this article. %~e City Manager may gran~ additional leave under this section~ exceot that such additional leaVe shall be debited against the e~p!oyee~s a~d sick or annual leave. ~regnancy Leave: pregnancy leave will be authorized without pay'' and will begin when the employee b~inqs in a certificate fro~ ~ - the doctor stating that it is in the best'interest of the.employee's health to begin a leave of absence. Sick leave ben, fits ma~ be used after the Personnel Director is notified tbmt the employee has gone to the hospital to give birth and will continue for a maximum of 30 working days if the employee has the acorued time. The employeemust notify the Personnel Dizectorin writing before th~ ead of 30days after child birth of her intent to~etua*a to work or her intent to resign. Inservice Traininq: Any permanent full-time employee may be accorded leave with pay to attend an authorize~ training program~ p~ovidedthat: Leave is requested by the employeers department head and approved by the City Manager. When such leave is granted, the Personnel Director shall be promptly noti._~ied of the reason for such !eave~ the course work to be completed, and the plobab!e date of the employee's return to duty. Leave shall be for time required to complete the course. In no event shall any leave be approved or granted under this rule except where there are adequate, unencumbered fu~nds available in the depart~nta! budget which are sufficient to cover the cost of such training. Completion of such training will considerably impreve the employee,s job knowledge and substantially increase his efficiency. In the event the final examination is failed or the course not comp!eted~ employees granted leave under this rule shell reinfoUrse the City for one-half the cost of such training course. If the employee leaves the City service within one (1) ~ullyear after completion of such training, he shell reimburse the City for the total cost of such training course. Employees granted leave ~der this rule shall continue to accumulate both sick and annual leave at their regular rate during the period of training. Section 5o Leave With Pay - Continued. The City bLanagem.musr approve a.3~. payments made on leave, vrith pay but mn no case will more than thirty (30) days be approved without approval of the City Council° SECTION 6. LEAVE WITHOU~ PAY: A regular employee may be 9~anted leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed one year' for sickness, disability om other good an~ sufficient ~easons which are considered to be in the best Such leave shall require the prior approval tI~ Personnel Director and the City Manager° Except under unusual circumstances, volunta~ sepaz~tion f~om the C,ityls.ervice .in order to accept ~ employment not in the City sez~rice snail be considered as insufficient reason for approval of a request rom leave of absence without Pay. If for any othem-~eason, leave of absence without pay is given~ such leave of absence may subsequently be withdmawn and the employee recalled to service. All employees on leave of absence without pay a~e subject to applicable previsions of these SECTION A. 7. PROHIBITIONS: No person shall be appointed or pr~)moted to, or demoted o~ dismissed from any position in the classified service, or in any way favored or lscrlm~nated against with ~espect to employment in the classified ser~ce because of his political or religious opinions or affiliations or his mace~ sex~ age: or national origi_no No person om employee shall seek or attemp~ to use any political endorsement or influence in cOnnection with any appointment benefits or othe~fa%~$toany positio~ in the classified service. No person shall use or p~omise to ~se~ di1~eetly directly~ any official authomity or influence, whethem possessed or anticipated, to secure or attempt to secnz~ for any person an appointment to a position in the class- ified service~ or an increas~ in or other ad%~ntag~ in employment in any such posit~on for the purpose influencing the vo~e or political action o~ any person~ or for any consideration. No employee in the classified semvice, and no member of the Civil Service Board shall, directly or indirectly, pay or promise to pay any assessment, subscription or contribution for any political organization om purpose, 35. Section 7. Prohibitions - Continued. or solicit or take part in so!icitingany assessment, subscription or contribution to any political parCy or cause of any employee in the classified service~ No employee in the classified service shall be a candidate for nomination or for election to any public office, or shall take part in the management of a~fairs of any political party or in any political campaign, except to exercise his riuht as a citizen privately to express his opinion and to cast his vote. No parson elected tQ public off-ice sha!l~ du~ng the term for Which he was elected, be appointed tO any positio~ in the classified ser%~ceo No person shattmake any false statement~ certificate, mark, rating or report with regard to any test~ certi- fication or a~pointment-made under any provision of the Charter and these rules~ or in any manner commit or ~ attempt to commit any fraud preventing the impartial execution Of provisions of the Charter and these rules. No person shall, directly, or indirectly, give~ render, pay, offer, solicit or accept any money, service om other valuable consideration for o~ on account of any appointment, proposed appointment, promotion or proposed promotion to, or any advantage in a position in the classified service~ No employee, examiner~ or other person shall defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in his right to examin- ation, eligibility, certification or appointment under the Charter and these rules, or furnish to any person any special or secret info~ationfor the purpose of affecting the rights of prospects of any person with respect to employment in the classified service~ J. Any officer or employee who violates any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit his o~fice or position. SECTION 8. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS OF APPEAL: ~pon the suspension, fine, demotion or dismi ssa! of any employee in the c!assi~ed service, the City Manager shall within twenty-four (2g) hours~ give the employee a ~itten statement of the reasons fo~ suc/~ suspension~fine, demotion or dismissal and shall immediately file a copy thereof %~ith the Civil Service Appeals Board. If the employee desires, he may wit.bin seven (7) days after such suspen- sion, fine, demotion or dismissal file a request for a hearing before the Board, setting forth in detail in his petition~ the basis of his appeal. Section 8. Employee Rights of Appeal - Continued. On receiving such petition of appeal the Board shall within ten (t0) days~ set a date for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be served upon the City MaD~ger and the employee personally or by registered mail at least five (5) days prior to the hearing date. The Board shall conduct the hearing at the time set, which hearing shell be public and may adjourn.the hearing from time to time upon cause shown or upon its own motlon~ provided that such adjornme~t shaltnot extend beyond thirty (30) days from date of the suspen- sion, fine, demotion or disndssalo Both the affected employee and the City Manager shali be given full opportunity to be heRrdin person and~ at the option of each, to be accompanied by counsel; provided'fur~hem~ that should the City }fanager elect to be accompanied by legal counsel, the affected employee shall be notified of his right tO.be acCompanied by legal counsel prior to the commencement of the hearing. The Board shall sit as a body%o consider such evidence as it deems pertinent in determining the facts in the case. The City Manager and the Department Head shall first present their e%~dence, the employee shall present his evidence and both sides sha!!have the opportunity for rebuttal. The Board shall determine, on the basis of the evidence submitted, the merits of each case. The Board shall follow the Rules of Evidence, 'and shell avai 1 itself of an attorney-at-law of its choice whose compensation shall be fixed and paid by the City of Boynton Beach. All testimony presented in a hearing before the Board shall be presented under oath. For such hearing the Board shall have the power to subpoena the attendance and test~ony of witnesses and the production of books and papers relative to the ease in question. Such subpoenas are to be served by a membem of the Boynton Beach Police Department and it shall be unlawful for any person to ~ail or refuse to respond to such subpoena issued by the Board without a legitimate excuse. All testimony given at a hearing before the Board shall be recorded and transcribed by a court reporter or by such other means of recording as may be acceptable to the Board° Ail %~tnesses demanding witness fees for attendance at any hearing shall be entitled to a per diem of one dollar ($1,00) such sum to be paid by the City of Boynton Beach. No employee of the City of Boynton Beach summoned by the Civil Service Appeals Board to testify at a hearing shall be entitled to any compensation for such service. The Personnel Officer shall spread upon the official minutes of the Board the facts contained in the appeal~ the Board:s findings, and its decision ~nich sba!l be final; provided~ however: that either party may petition the Circuit Cou~t in and for Palm Beach County~ 37. Section 8. Employee Rights of Appeal - Continued. Florida for review by ce~ciorari of the ruling of said Board. Such petition shall be filed within forty-five (45) days fz~m the date of the Board's rendering of a decision. Final decisions of the Board shall be transmitted to the City Manager and executed by himi c!asstrle~ service nas been unjustifmably dismissed~ ku~pended, fined~ or demoted and their decision is not reversed by a ruling or decision of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beac~County, Florida, said employee shall be returned to the position he held prior to the suspension~ .fine, demotion or dismissal o Compensation at the ~egular range and STep for his classification at the time of his sd~pension~ fine. demotion or di~m~=~ o~ h~ pald uo the employee ~r the time he has been declared ~ustif-iablv s spe,~ded, f!ned~ demoted or d~smlssed by the Board~ provided that the Board s decls~on has not been superceded by a'decision or ~uling of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Flori'da.- See also, the City Charter~ Section 72oll and 72.t2~ S~C_.ION 9. G~EVANCE ~PROCEDLLRE: POLICY: It shall be the policy of the City of Boynton Beach to provide a procedure for the presentation and mutual adjustment of points of disagreement which may a~ise between employees and their supervisors, and to assure employees that their problems and complaints %~1t be considered fairly~ honestly, and without reprisal. The followuing are exclusions for presentation: (See Section 10 - Grievance Board) PURPOSE: The primary purpose of the gri-evance procedure is to determine WHAT is right rather than %~5q0 is right. Free discussion between employees and super~isora %W_ll lead to a better understanding by both of the practices, policies and procedures which affect employment. It will also serve to identify and help eliminate condiEions which may or conceivably have, caused mis~nderstand~s and grievances. The purpose is defeated if a spirit of conflict enters into the consideration of a grievance. Supervisors and employees alike must v_~atize and recogr~ze the true purpose of a grievance procedure if such pro- cedure is to have value in promotin~ the weftI~bein~ o~ the City Service. DEFIN~[TION OF A GRIEVANCE: A grievance is a complaint, a view, or an opinion pertaining to working conditions or employment~ tO retationsP~ps between an employee and his supervisor or to relationships with other emp!oyees~ but EXCLI1DING grievances arising from an employee~ s suspension fine, demotion or dismissal. 38. Section 9. Grievance Procedure - Continued. PP4DCEDLLRE FOR PRESENTATION OF A G~RIEVANCE: The employee shall first take his problems conp!aint or grievance to his immediate supervisor who shall review the p~ob!em~ make a decision, and advise the employee of his decision within three (5) Working days. tt is neither necessary nor desirable that the grievance he presented in writing at this point° Supervisors ar~ encolhraged to consult with their department b~ads or any individual wP~ maybe able to offer assistance and/or information relative to the grievance. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satis- f~ct~on~ by,the supe~v~sor, or if a decision is not made within the time specified, ~he employee may submit his grievance in writing to his department head. It shall be the responsibility of the department head to consult with the Personnel Director to determine whether or not grievance is subject to established Ordinances~ Re~otutions~ admifllstrative regulations, or these rules. Rpon receipt of notice f~om the Personnel Director that the grievance is not subject to any of the above mentioned limiting laws, the department head shall investigate the grievance and make a decision in w_~iting, within three (3) Working days. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satis- faction bY the department head, or if a decision is not made within the tin~ specified, the employee may take his problem to the Personnel Di_~ector, and it shall be incumbent on him to thoroughly investigate the grievance and to render a fair and impartial decision within five (5) working days. If the grievance is not resolved to the-employee's satis- faction by the Personnel Director, or if a~decision is not made Within the time specified, the employee may request a review of his case by the City Manager. All such requests must be made in %~riting and a copy sent to the Personnel Director. Such requests must be filed b~ the employee with- in three (3) ~rking days after receipt of the PersoruleI Director's decision, and, in any case, not later than ten (10) working days after he~ made his original request to his department head. If the grievance is not resolved to the emp!oyee~s satis- faction by the City Manager~ within three (3) working days~ or if a decision is not made ~ithin the time specified, the employee may request that his grievance be submitted to the Employee's Grievance Board. Ail such requests must be made in writing and a copy of such request furnished to the City Manager. It shall be the duty of the Employee's Grievance Board, after carefully weighing all facts contained in the employee's 39. Section 9. Grievance Procedure - Continued. written statement of grievance and written statements containing decisions reached by his supervisor, depart- ment head ~ the. Personnel Director and the City Manager, to ~udge each case fairly and impartially~ solely on the merits of the evidence presented° After reaching a decision, the Grievance Board shall present their decision to the City Manager, the employee, and all other parties in the action. The City Manager sha~_l ~ender a final decision based on. the findings of the Employee's Grievance Boar~ and ali other finding in the case o Should the' employee's complaint az. ise f~om his suspension~ demotion or dismissal, it shall not be ~eferred to the Employee's Grievance Board, 5ut shall be immediately referred to the City Manager for apprepriate action as outlined e!sewhe~e in these rUles~ SECTION I0. ESTABLISHMENT OF EMPLOYEE'S GRIEVANCE BOARD: PttOCEDURE: A seven (7) member Grievance Board to review employee conplaints relative to employment or working conditions shall be established. The following are exctu~ sions for presentation: grievance arising fr~ the employee's suspension, fine, demotion or dismissal; which are solely the responsibility of the Civil Service Board; or employees that use a union or other grievance procedure can not have their case reheard by the Employee Grievance Board~ or visa versa. In order to establish fair and equitable repDs- sentation on said Board, the City se~ce shall be divided into Units, so far as is practical~ and-each permanent employee in the Unit shall vote fo~ a representative and an alternate to the Board using a sealed 5attot box. Votes will be tabulated by the Personnel Di~etor and members of the Civil Service Board. The City sez~ice shall be divided into ~nits as ~otlows: Unit t: A~ministrative: All depa£.6n~nts in City Hali: civilian personnel i~ Police and Fire, administrative of General Se~ices and ~ti!ities. ~nit 2: Fire Department Unit 3: Police Depa~t~ent ~nit 4: General Services Hnit 5: Htilities Department Unit 6: Recreation, Library Ilnit 7: Building, Engineering, g Planning Section !0. Establishment of Employee's Grievance Board - Continued. Elections to the Employee's Grievance Board shall be held every two (2) years during the first week in December. No personsha!l serve more than one (1) consecutive term on said Board, either as representative or alternate. No department head nor employee exercising supervision over the v~rk of others may be elected to the Board. Representatives and alternates shall take office imr~ediately after ~!eetion results are certified. In the event that the employment of aDy Unit repre~entatiue or at=ernate is terminated for any reason during his period ofserviee .on tt~_'s Board~ the Unit shall within four (4) weeks ho!d an election and select a replacement and shall notify the Personnel Director Ofsuch selection~ I{otiem o~ any replacements on this Board shall be p~omptty repomted to the C%ty Manage~ the City CouneiI~ and to every depart- ment in the City service. All elections and functions of the Board shall conform to these rules. ELECTION OF BOARD ~,~MBERS AND ALTBRNATES: Eaah U~it in the City service shall nominate three (5) candidates for representatives and three (3) candidates for alternates who will serve during the absence of said representatives. All candidates must be permanent employees. After all Unit nominations are received by the Persor~ei Director, he shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, .ballots for each eligible employee in each of the several thnits, indicating the specific Unit?s nominees for .repre- sentative and alternate. Eligible employees shallindicate thereon their choice for one (1) representative and one (1) alternate from the slate nominated by their Ur~t. Ballots shall be placed in sealed ballot boxes ~y ~he employees. After the ballots have been tabulated~ a list showing repre- sentatives and alternates for each Unit shell be prepared by the Personnel Director and copies of said list for~mrded to the City Manager, members of the City Council and to every department in the City service° MEETING OF THE GRIEVANCE BOARD: As soon as possible, aftem each election, and in any case within two (2) weeks there- after~ Board representatives shall hold an organizational meeting and name a Chairman who shall preside at all meetir~¢s; said Chairman to have an equal vote in all de!~berations and decisions of the Board. Notice of the selection of such Chairman shall be forwarded promptly to the City Manager~ members of the City Council and the Personnel Director. The Grievance Board shall meet on call as requested to review all grievances submitted to them and after true and careful deliberation of each individual case~ present thei~ Section !0. Establishment of Employee's Grievance Boa~d - Continued. findings, in writing~ to the City Manager, the Personnel Director, and the employee who requested the Boar~ review of his case° SECTION tt. E~fPLOYEE PERFORMANCE RATING: Employee performance rating repo~ts relative to, but not limited to, the conduct, capacity~ and performance of all regular employees, shall be made by depa_~ment heads at least once each year on the fo~a and in the manner prescribed by the Personnel Director. The employee pe~f6rmance rating will be used to indicate the e~igibility of an employee for their annual salary increase. If an employee fails to ~eceive an increas~ due to a poor evaluation r~po_~C~ or if the employee is on extended leave ~ said employee would he eli~Ie for ~eeonsideration uP0.n~ reeei.pt ?f the_~evaluation repoDt cove~in~ the follow, lng three men, ns per!od, or wb~.n the emptoyee'retu~la to. work. This exter~sior~ would not mnterfere w~th the employee's next annual increase which would be due on his anniversary date. Such ratings may be considered as a factor in promotional examina- tions and as a factor in any other personnel transactions where it is not contrary to the City Charter or these rules. Any employee, upon application to the Personnel Director~ during regular working hou~s~ may ascertain his ova~ performance ~eco~ds as maintained in the Personnel Office. He may also, with the consent of the Personnel Director, inspect any ~eports made by his supervisors concerning him. He may also place w~itten responses to such reports in his file, a copy of which must go to his department head. SECTION 12. PERSON~LFILES: The individual personnel records of employees of the City of Boynton Beach shall be open-to inspection only by persons who can show good reason or cause why they a~e entitled to such information; but may be made avaiiable to adminis~ ~ation o~ficials of the City in connection with the performance of their duties. No public disclosure of information from such records shm]~ be made except with the approval of the Ci~i! Service Boa~d and the City Council and only after a determination that such disclosure is in the public interest. RULE XII .SEPARATION AND DISCIPLANARY ACTION SECTION 1. RESIGNATION: Any employee wishing to leave the City ~ee~r~'c~. in go.od ?ta, ndir~, sh?~ file .~.'th his department head, at asr t~ weeks Perone leaving~ a W~itten ~esignation sta~in~ the dat. e the ~eslgnation shall become effective and the ~eason f~ leaving. Failure to comply with the p~ocedure may be-considered cause f~ denying such employee future employment 5y the Citvo lL~autho~6 abse.nce f~xxa wo~k for a pe~10d of three (~) wo~/cing days may be considered by the depaz-tment head as a resi t-ion. De · gna p - ent heads of ~esignation t~) the Personnel SECTION 2. LAYOFF: The City Manager may lay off any employee i~ the c~ssifi~d service whenever such action is made necessary by z~ason of sho~cage of w~k o~ funds~ the abolition o~ a positio~ o~ bec~se o~ t.o~ganizat.ion~ however, n.o .~egula~ empioye.e shall be ~aid here a~e Temporary, p~ovls~onal o~ p~obationa~y employees sel~ving in the same class of position fo~ which the ~egula=-employee is e//gible and available. /hive~.~' ~_h_e _]~_y_of? ?~ on.e.o.m .m.o~e~employe?s .shall become necessa~; ,~uy s~a. nage. m snal-_no~lry ~ne rerso.~.el Directo~ at least ten ; ~ays ~n aGvance o~ the intended action and the ~asons shall thereupon fu~ish to the appointing the names of the employees to be laid of~ in the o~de~ in which such layoff ~hall be effected. Such layoff shall be made within classifications of positions and depal~cments when p~obationa~y and ~egula~ employees a~e involved. Temporary and pTovi.sional employees, imrespective of depar~ment~ sha~ be laid o~f~ ~n that o~dem p~ior to layo~ of p~obationazs~ o~ ~egUla~ employees. The o~de~ of layoff shall be in ~eve~se'o~dem of total continuous time se~ed upon the date established for the layof~ to become effective, For reductions in fo~ce affecting police and fir~ unifozmed cIasses~ the foregoing p~ocedume shall apply with the exception that Senio~ classes will displace Junio~ classes~ Example would be: if a Potiee Captain's position i.s to be abolished~ the incumbent (in senio=ity and me~t) would displace a Police Lieutenant~ who would displace a Police Sergeant who would displace a Police Office~ who would displace any pmo~ probationary om pmovisional om tempo~az~; ~ o~ be sepa~ate~l as tk~ case may req~i~e. SECTION 3. SUSPENSION: The City Managem may~ fo~ discipI~nary pu~poses~ suspend a ~egula~ employee without pay fo~ such length of time as the City Manage~ considers appropriate, but not to exceed sixty (60) days in any twelve month period. A w~itten statement of the reason fo~ suspension shall be submitted to the Personnel Directo~ and to the employee affected in each case, such statement to be submitted within 24 hours o~ the time the suspension becomes effective, excludinU Saturdays, Sundays~ om general holidays as previded by the z~lles. 43. Section 5o Suspension - Continued. A regular employee may be suspended by the City Manager without pay for a longem period pending the investigation om tmi&l of any charges against him. Such employee 'determined to be innocent of the charges against him may be returned to duty ~th full pay' for the period of suspension. SECTION 4o DISMISSAL~ FINE~ DEMOTION AND SUSt~r~NSION: Any employee in the classified service may be dismisSed~ fined~ demoted om suspended by the City Manager for cause. AlthoUgh such, action maybe based on other causes~ any one om more of the following sba!lbo sufficient: A Incompetency and/or lnef~lelency in the perfolmance of dutie s ~ B. Conviction of a cmiminal offense or of a misdemeanor involving moral turPitude. C. Violation of any of the provisions of the Charter or these rules. D. Violation of any lawful and reasonable regulation~ order or direction made or given by a superior officer° E~ Public intoxication or d~inking any intoxicating beverage while on duty, being addicted to the use of narcotics or under the influence of any drug om narcotics or having alcohol on the b~eath when ~epo~ting to duty. F. Offensive conduct or language ~owa%-dthe pubtie om fellow officer or employees or abusive pub!lc critici~n of his superiors or public officials. Carelessness or negligence in the use of the property of the City or who steals or misuses any equ/pment~ materials~ property or other thing of v~lue belonging to the City of Boynton Beach° H. Failure to pay or make reasonable provision for the future payment of just debts° Attempting to i~duce any officer or employee of the City to commit an act in violation of any lawful om reasonable regulation. J. Conduct: either while on or off duty~ which reflects discredit upon the City. K. Hindering the regular operation of the depaf-~ent om division because of excessive absenteeism. 44~ Section 4. Dismissal, Fine, DemotiQn & Suspension - Cor~inued~ Incapacity for the proper performance of duties because of a pezmanent or chronic physical or m~ntal ailment or defect. M. Being absent %~thout leave or failing to report after leave of absence has expired. N. Failure to maintain a satisfactory appearance. O. No ~mp!oy~e can receive.his satio~ w.hile on duty.. Such salary' plus outside cc~xpen- outsid~ comtoensation must be turned over to the City. Has used~ or threatened to.use~ or ~£~cempted rouse political influence in securing promotion, leave of absence, transfer: classification change~ pay increase~ or character of work, or uses such inf!uenceto by-pass department chain'of command. Has intentionally falsified the records or failed to report absences from duty to his supervisors in accordance with prescribed procedures. R. Has been habitually tardy without Sufficient cause, thus hindering the regular operation of his department. Is willfully antagonistic in his attitude toward super- visors or fellow employees, continually criticizing orders or rules issued or rules adopted by his supervisor~ or conducts himself so as to interfere w~th the proper coordination of the work effort in his depaz~aent to the detriment of efficient public service~ - Who upon the expiration of earned sick leave fails to report his inability to return ~o work to his department head or to file or to request filing of a request for additional leave withou~ pay or transfer of earned vacation time %v~thin a reasonable lenqth of time not to exceed three (3) workiDg days. Has been convicted of the unlawful possession, use~ dispensing or sale of any narcotic~ barbiturate, mood-elevating, tranqualizing or hallucinogenic dru.~ either ~n-duty c~ off-duty. SECTION 5. DEk~DTION FOR IhU~BILITY AND/ORUNSATISFACTORYPEP~ORMANCEOF D~TIES: The demotion of an employee involving the change f~om a position in one classification ro a position in another classification for which the maximum rate of compensation is !ower~ shall be considered a classification demotion. 45. Section St Demotion for Inabilityand/or Unsatisfactory Performance o~ Duties - Continued. Such demotion may be ma~ upon the emp.l~oyee's written request with the aPProval of the department head~ City Manage~, and Personnel Di~ecto~m o~ may be made by the department head in writing to the City Mana~e~ with a copy to the Personnel Direeto~. In either case the department head must ~orwa=d his ~ecOmmer~datio~ to the City Manager with a. copy to the D±rectom. Demotions may also be made in li~ employee and the approval of' D{~ecto~. A reason fo~ demotion shall he submitted to the employee ~ to the Personnel DireetO~o SECTION 6. DEMOTION FOR PPffSICAL I~CAPACIT¥: Whenevem a pe~ma~ant i~nitiative, request appointme.nt to a positio~n in a lo,em classi- fication, duties of which he is able to perzorm~ pzovided such ~ i ~ p., ~ o ~s no lOnge~ physically or mentally ~c~pa~,l.e.of pe=rf~o~nn.!n~his assigne~d duties to a Iowe= ctas.si, fication, rne mu~es o~ wnzch the empIoyee ~s able to per~orm, pro~ided such position is available. Such demotion shall also be considered a classification demotion and must be approved by the City Manager° 46. RULE XIIi EMPLOYEE ASSOC/ATIONS SECTION 1o The City of Boynton Beach will ad_here to the section of Florida Statutes~ Chapter 447~ which deals with public employees right to organize along with thedez-~%ztior~ ...... and te~m~ entitte~ Rules of the Departmen~ of Commerce Public Employees Relatio~s Commission. 47. RULE XIV AMENDMENT OF PERSONNEL RULES SECTION 1. AMEN~,~NTS: Amendments om revisions to the rules may be recommended for adoption by the Personnel Direeto~ and the City Manage.~. Such amendments or ~evis±ons of the ~ules sk~lt become effective after appmoval by the City Couneil~ R~]LW. XV SAVING CLAUSE If any section om pa~t of a section of these mules is held by any cou~t to be invalid or uneonstitutional~ the same shall not invalidate om-impair the va!idity~ force and effect of any other section om pa~t of a section of these mules unless it cteamly appeams that suck othem section om pa~t of a section is wholly o~ necessarily dependent ~or its operation upon.the Section om parc of a section so held invalid om ' UnconSti%utlonalo 49. INDEX Abolishing Positions (see Layoff) Absence, Authorized .............................. XI Absence, Without Pay ............................. XI Alcohol .................. . ................... . III ~XtI Allocate ......................................... II~V AMENDMENT OF PERSONNEL RUT,w.S ..................... XIV Anniversary Date ............................. . .. ~II~VI,XI Appeal Announcement of Examinatio s Citizenship AttitJde . II XI V/II VIII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XII XII Bargaining ~nits (see Employee Associations) Bonus I~creases~....~o.o.~..o.~o..~o~o~. Budget Subn~ssion Date ........................... Call Back Time (see Overtime) Certification .................................... Certify Oitizenship ...................................... XIII X II vii 30-35 35 15 ~ 4~ 1~t1~42 1 36-38~ 19-~ 15~16 15 16 15 15 25-29 26 25 27 27 26 28 26 25 25 26 27 27 26 45 45 47 1 15 RULE City Council ............................ ~ ..... I,III ,VIII City Manager ............................... o o o o o. III City Service ..................................... IV Civil Self, ice Board ................. Class ............................................ II Class Specifications ............................. V Class Title ...................................... CLASS!FiCAT!©N PlAN .............................. Class Specifications ........................ V Class Title ................................. V Composition of .................... V ai cer e .......... ,?ose ......... . ........................... v Classified Service . II,IV Compassior~te Leave., COMPENSATION PLAN ................................. VI Adjustments to .............................. Vt Bonus Increases ................... ..o ....... VI Call Back Time .............................. VI DemOtion .................................... VI E ffeotive Date VI I~erp~etation .................... VI Ove~cime .................................... VI ........ . ................. Employee tions .................................. VI ReinStated Employee i Ret rement .................................. VI Re.vi sed Schedule ............................ VI Salary Schedule ............................. VI Severance Pay ................................ Vi Compen.sato~y Time., .............................. Complaint ( see also G~ievance) ContinuOus Service - II Course (see Inse~vice Training) PAGE(S) 1,6,17 6 8 35~3G-3~ 9 6,9 9 9 9 9 9 33-34 12 11 lI 11 I2 13 2 2 2 Death in Family, Leave ........................... DEFINITIONS ...................................... Demotion ......... ... .... ... ....... Disciplanaz~ Action (see Separation Diseiplana~yAction) Dismissal ........................................ Dmugs...o............................o........... XI 33-34 II 1-5 II,VI X,XI! 28~44~45 36,37,44~15 44,45 Education (see tnservice Training) ELIGIBILITY LISTS ................................ Duration of ................................. Establishment of ............................ Re-employment List .......................... Removal of Names ............................ II,IX 2,25-24 I'X 2~ IX 23 IX 25 Eligibility Lists Cont, Restoration of Names ........................ IX Eligible ......................................... II Emergency Appointment.., ......................... X EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATIONS ............................ XtII Employ_ ee Grievance Board ......................... )ti Employee Oz~janizations (see Employee Association) Employee PeF.~ormanee Rating ....... Employment List .... . ....... ~ ............... . ...... IIfX Eq~ai Employment.. .... . .......................... Ii, XI EXAMINATIONS ..................................... V/TI Assembled ............ . ................ ~ ..... VTTT Fire Department ............................. %riII Identity of Examinees ....................... I~s~ection o~ Papers.. ? ........ . ............. V/2[I Minimum Grades .............................. VIII Non-Assembled ............................... VIII ot~f~cat~on of Results ............... Olice Depa~ ~ment ........................... VIII PO stponement/Cance 11ation ................... ~II Promotional. VIII Ratings. .................................... VIII t cr~ment ................................. VIII e~Viqe C~edits.... ......................... VIii Lh~s~ed~'" ~'~ Workers... ........................ VIII Exempt Se~ce~ .............................. o Fine ............................................. X! ~ XII Fire Depaz~-ment~ Appl~cations/Qualification,,o XIII Funeral Leave ................................. ~:: XI GENERAL PERSONNEL POLICIES & PROVISIONS .......... XI Co~passionate Leave ........................ ~ XI Employee Performance Rating. o Employee Right o~ Appeal .................... XI Establishment of Employee's Grievance Board, XI G~ievance Procedure ......................... XI Hours of Work ............................... XI Inse ~rice Training .......................... XI Ju~y Duty/Witness Fees ...................... Leave With Pay .............................. XI Leave Without Pay ........................... XI Legal Holidays .............................. Military Leave ............................... On-The-Job Injury ........................... XI P~egnancy Leave ............................. MI Prohibitions ................................ Sick Leave With Pay ......................... VaeatTon Leave .............................. XI Witness Fees ................................ PAGE(S) 24 2 27 47 40-42 42 2,35 2 ~7-22 ~7 22-22C ~7 ~8 ~8 ~9 18 19 18 17 ~7 18 19 8 56,44-45 22-22C 33-34 30-42 33-34 42 36-58 40-42 38~40 30 34 33 30-35 35 50 33 35-36 31-32 30-31 33 RULE GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................... I Greding Exam/nations ............................. VIII G~ievanee ........................................ II~XI G~ievanee Board .................................. Xt Hearing ............................... , ........... II.XI Height/Weight ChaTt (Police & Holidays ............................... Hours of Work (see also Overtime) ................ XI Inability to Perform Duties ...................... XIt Incompetency or Inefficiency in Performance of Duties ........... , .......................... XII Injur~ On-The-Job.. ~. ............................ XI Insem .vice Training ............................... y~ Intoxicating Liquo~ ~, ( see Alcohol) ~ Job Title ........................................ II JOb Description (see also Classification Plan).., Ju~y Duty ............ . ........................... Labo~ O~-ganizations ........ . ..................... XIII Layoff ............................ , ......... ~,, II~ XII Leave....,.....,.......,.,.....................,, Compassionate ................................ XI Death-In- Family .............................. Jury Duty ................................... Military .................................... On-The-Job Injury .... , ...................... XI P~egnancy ................................... Sick ............................... ~.~ ...... XI With Pay ................. Without Pay ..................... Witness Fees ................................ Legal Holidays ................................... Light Duty C ' ' e~t~fmcates .......................... Member Classified Service ........................ II Membe~ City Service .............................. II Membe~ Non-ClasSified Service .................... II Medical Examinations (see also Light Duty Certificate & Sick Leave) .................... X Me,it Increase ................................... VI Military Leave ................................... Minimum Qualifications for Application ............ VII Nepotism ......................................... II,VII Non-AssembledExamlnatmon' ' ........................ VIII Non-Classified Semvice ........................... II PaGE(S) 1 17 2~8-40 40-42' 3~36-38 19. 30 ~0 45-46 45-46 33 3 9 50-35 33 33 33 33 31-32 30-35 35 33 ~0 33 3 3 3 28-29 33 15 3,16 19 3 RULE On-The-Job Injury ................................ XI ORGANIZATION FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION ........ III Overtime ......................................... VI Overtime Pay ..................................... II Overtime Work ....................... ............. Part-Time Employee ............................... II Pa~-T~me Employment .............................. VI Passing GTade. VIII Pay Grade ........................................ II Pay Plan (see Compensation Plan), Performance Rating, Employee ..................... XI Per~or~ance Review ............................... II Permanent Emp~l?~.ee, o~ .......... It' Personnel D~ector III V File . ............ iii[ .......... ' Phraseology ...................................... P~hY~ ~b~ eal Incapacity .............................. XII ~y~caz ~q~me.nts (Police. & .~i~) ............ P~tit%cal Af~il.iatlons, P~ohibitions of .......... XI R01ieies &.Provisions ( see General Personnel Poti~ies ,,a~ Provisions) POSITIONS INCLUD~D IN PERSON1TEL SYSTEM ........... IV Positions ........................................ II P~egnanay Leave .............................. XI p. oyee ............ ][ [[ ............ II,IV P~bg~t~ry Pe~od ..... . ...... II,X PT°m°tion ........................................ II ,VI Pr°mot~onal Examinations ......................... II ~ViII P~om6t~onal List ...... , ....................... II ~ Pr°~ S!o~at Appointment ........... ~2 ............ ~ P~Ovisional Employee ........... II ~-Employment Lists ..................... IX, X gul~ Employee... ...... ~] ~i ii i ......... ~ ...... [ II Reinstated Employee VI 'n Rem statement List ............................... X Rejection of Application .................. VII Res%gnation .................... . .......... 7~/I Retirement ................................ VI Rule~of-Three Score .............................. X Salary Schedule (see Compensation Plan) SAVING CLAUSE .................................... XV School Courses (see Insel~rice Training) Scoring Examinations VIII Semi-Skilled Laborers ............................ VIII .PAGE(S) 6-7 12 3 12 17 42 5 4-6 19 8 4 4,8 4,27-28 35-36 4,tl -4.,18 4~26 26 24,25 4 12 25 15 :'-- zs',z6 43 13 25 iV- 18 19 RULE PAGE(S) SEPARATION g DISCIPLANARY ACTION ................. X// 43-46 Causes ..................................... Inability to Perform Duties ................. XII 45-46 Layoff ...................................... XII 43 Physical Incapacity .................. ~ ...... XII 46 Resignation ................................. XII 45 Suspension ................................... U=-nsatisfactory Performance of Duties ........ XII Severance Pay .................................... VI Sick Leave ................................ . ...... )CE 51-55 Sickness in Family, Leave ........................ XI Status ........................................... II,IV 4~8 Suspension ..................................... II~XI~XII 4~37~44~45 Temporary Appointmen~ ............................ ~ X ~7 Temporary Emp~?~.ee..o .......... ~o: ............... II~rV~X 4~8~27 Tem~ora~Pos~t~on~ ............................. II 5 Testing (see Examinations) Training (see Inse~viee Training) Transfer ......................................... X 27 Unsatisfactor~ Pemfo~mance of Duties ............. XII Unions (see Employee Associations) Unskilled Workers ................................ VIII 45- 46 19 Vaeancyo II Vacation Leave ................................... XZ Veteran's Preference ............................ VII,VIII 5 30-31 16~17 Waivers ................. .o.o.o... .... ooo... ...... X Witness Fees ..................................... Workman's Compensation ........................... 2G 33 33