Larry Finkelstein, ~Chairman
jeanne Heavilin; ~ice Chair
Jos~ Aguila
Alexander DeMarco
MicheHe Hoyland
Don Fenton
Henderson Titlman
Douglas Hutchinson, CRA DirecTor
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
I. Call to Order
Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
Ill. Agenda Approval
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to approvethe agenda. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion
that carried unanimously.
IV, Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes of May 14, 2002
,,M, s. Hoyland wishf~d to add a clarification on page 15, third paragraph, first line, to read:
'Ms. Hoy and tho[Jghtparking for apartments and town homes should be based on the
number of bedrooms provided."
Mr. DeMarco wished to add a clarification on page 7, sixth paragraph, where he stated
that he asked ab.out the appraisal, not the assessment. Chair Finkelstein stated that the
Record n§ Secretary would make any changes, as appropriate, after listening to the tape
recording from the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11,2002
B. Authorize the Chair and Director to acquire office space and furnishings for CRA
headquarters and hire additional personnel, previously approved and budgeted.
C. CRA Accounting Management
1 ) Direct staff to move the balance of CRA funds to CRA bank account.
2) Authorize Director and Chair to open operating account with dual
signature control
Vice Chair Heavi,l~n s~ggeAt~..t, hat there be three signatures, ip case oile of the
signatories ~as ,~ut of~wn.~..;:~Chair Finkelstein noted tf~at-.it.:shoUtd state that in the
absence of (he Chairman, the ¥ice Chairman could sign.
Ms. Hoyland moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Vice Chair Heavilin
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
V. Director's Report
Chair Finkelstein introduced and welcomed the new CRA Director. Douglas Hutchinson.
A. Financial
1 ) May Financial Statement
Reports were provided to the members in their agenda packets.
B. Project Updates
1 ) Federal Hi.qhway
The City Commission approved on first reading ordinances for inclusion of Mixed Use
High and Mixed Use Low zoning districts, as well as a new infill PUD zoning district in
the Zoning Code.
2) Heart of Boynton (MLK) Plan
Staff continues to work on a Comprehensive Plan amendment for submission to the
Department of Community Affairs in July.. Staff is also in the process of identifying
property to De acquired in the first phase of plan implementation. The City Manager's
office is continuing its discussions with the County regarding the transfer of the Cherry
Hills Public Housing site to the City.
3) Ocean District
Staff is preparing a report on three alternative development scenarios based on ideas
and recommendations from separate visioning sessions with the public and City staff.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
4) Marina/Promenade/Riverwalk
A rev sed Mar na Deve opment Agreement is tentat ye y scheduled for discussion at the
August 2002 City Comm~sston meetng The revsed development plan has been
submitted and is currently being reviewed by Oity staff.
5) Wayfindinq Siqnaqe Proqram
The City of Hollywood has advisea that they will be unable to be a consultant for the
Wayfinding Signage Program for the City of Boynton Beach. Accordingly, the City's
Public Works Department has prepared a Rec uest for Qualifications (RFQ) that will be
distributed to local design firms.
6) Property Acquisition Update
Report to be provided by Real Estate Administrator, Jim Nardi, of the Urban Group.
C. Future Agenda Items
Scheduled for July 9. 2002 will be the Lighthouse Academy - Conditional Use, and
Sunbelt Hydraulics - New Site Plan.
D. Commission Action Update
On May 21. the Ci~ Commission approved the annexation of .76 acres of vacant land at
Old Dixie Highway anc Miller Road as well as a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a
rezoning for CKS. The Commission atso approved the site plan and height exception for
the First Baptist Church. On June 4 the Commission approved a[ first reading the
ordinances amending the Land Development Regulations. establishing the new Mixed
Use Zoning Districts, and the Infill PtD Distdct in the Federal Highway Corridor.
E. CRA Director Status Report
In the first week on the job, Mr. Hutchinson worked on office set up. Temporary office
space is located in the City's Utility building on the second floor. The current projects
are 1) space, since the current space is only available for sixty days; 2) hidng of an
assistant who will help establish an accounting ~rocedure for tracking the funds that will
be transferred to the CRA; and 3) acquis tion of items on the equipment list. Regarding
his contract,-he is pursuing insurance and bonding quotes and should have them in 'the
near future.
Mr. Hutchinson is working on:
· A visioning program that includes program content and projects
· An excellence in retailing program
· Developing loan funds and grant programs
· Business retention and attraction programs
· Bricks and mortar projects
· Focus Strategy
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
· Project Development Profile and Targeting
· Sample Programs ano Attraction Concepts,
· opei~atiohs - Policy ~nd Procedure Manual. Job Descnptions; PurchaSing Policy
ar~ being compiled and edited
· Meeting, with the Board members; the City Manager. the Mayor. Commissioners.
City Departments, state and County officlals
· Joining the Florida Community Redevelopment Association
Chair Finkelstein noted that he 'did not have the backup he had requested for an $800
amoUn~f0r~rid~,acquisition~i~ tl~eAp~b,fiC~ancial~statement. ·
Property Acquisition Update, Jim Nardi, Real EState Administrator of the Urban
Task Authorization No. CRA-02
Mr. Nardi reported that at the previous board meeting he had been asked to obtain
quotes for appraisals on CRA properties. The Board members had copies of the
quotations in their agenda packets.
Vice Chair Heavilin mentioned that the three properties listed in an attachment to Task
Authorization No. CRA-02 were not properties that the CRA had previously identified.
Mr. Aguila asked how these properties were identified and Chair Finkelstein stated that
City starff had identified them, Chair Finkelstein noted that these properties were in the
area that the CRA had added to its Core Area recently.
Quintus Greene, Development Director, gave the board the rationale for proposing the
acqUsition of these properties. The properties in question are alt roughly .at the
interseCtion of Seacrest and :Martin Luther King Boulevards and were identified because
they are corner properties that are backed up by vacant parcels. The acquisition of
these properties is key to creating a developable parcel(s) and would have the added
benefit of addressing long-standing concerns in the community about two of the
properties. The acquisition of these parcels would put the CRA in the position of being
activein the Heart .of Boynton in terms of commercial properties, something the CRA
had not done. The Heact of Boynton was the fundamenta reason for the creation of the
~i'. DeMarco asked if the proPerties were potentially commercial-properties .and Mr,
ardi replied that they.were. Ms. Hoyland asl(ed if it were the intent that the CRA would
buy the properties for tater development or marketing to a develooer and Mr, Greene
responded that this was the intent, Ms. Hoyland asked if additional properties would
have to be ac, fluired to make it more attractive to a deve!oper and Mr. Greene remarked
that this woul¢ probably be necessary. Mr. Aguila: suggested that the Board have a
workshop to consider t~e potent at uses of properties they are currently considering for
Chair Finklestein was not against acquiring, the properties but was opposed to the
methodology being followed. He did not think it was ,prudent to spend thousands of
dollars on an appraisal when it was not known whether the seller would be interested in
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
selling and at what pdce. Ms. Hoyland asked Mr. Nardi what the cost would be to
proceed as Chair Finkelstem had suggested regarding property acquisition. Although
this was discussed, r~o definitive conclusion was reached. It was Mr. Nardi's
understanding that the Board intended to commit to pumhase these properties
regardless of any other consideration. He a so believed that .if the Board made such a
commitment, getting an appraisal prior to entering into good faith negotiations was the
proper way to proceed, even though it required money. Chair Finkelstein w,a.s not sure
that the:Board had th s commitment and resPectfully disagreed with-Mr; Nardi s preferred
Chair Einkelstein wanted to see the B~ard acquire the properties, u~derstood .the
rationale for acquiring them, but did not agree with the methodology of spending ia lot of
money:for appraisals before price and willingness to sell could be ~eterr~i.n. ed. An owner
could, be' willing to sell but at an exorbitant price. Mr. Aguila agreed, noting that.some
property owners might be adamant that they would not sell regardless Of price. This
would result in $6-gK:for an appraisal done beforehand being wasted.
Mr. DeMaroo as a professional realtor said no two properti ~es were alike and that it
would be difficult !o make a decision about ~Nhat to do in a ;way that W°~ld app!y to all
p~operties, Mr, DeMarco thought each property should be anal;yzed indiyidually tofind
out if, and when an appraisal should be done and that the decision to do so should be
discussed ,with the director.
Ms. Heavilin asked if any of the property owners had been contacted since the last
meeting and Mr. Nardi replied that they had not and that he had been waiting for the
Board's initiation ko go ahead.
Vice Chair Heav~lin moved to direct the Urban Group to do some background work on
the parcels, survey like commercial parcels, obtain a cost per square foot of similar
properties, determine the tax-assessed valuation, and obtain comparable sales
information. When this investigation is complete, the Urban Group will approach the
owner, determine his or her willingness to sell and at what price. If the price is
reasonable, the Board .could obtain an appraisal and perform due diligence at that time.
If the owner would be willing to enter nto a. contract, that contract could I~e presented to
the Board for ratification. The contract should be a regular sates contract and not an
option contract. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion that carried 5-0.
Task Authorization No. CRA-01 - Due Diligence Proposal - Boynton Lodge, Inc.
a/Ida Relax Inn
The Board discussed Mr. Nardi's summary report on this subject. Chair Finkelstein did
not agree, saying that the proposal was made out to the Urban Group so if the CRA
decided to move forward with this. he wanted the CRA to be the First Party to the
contract or he would like a "Reliance" letter made out tothe CRA. Mr. NaCdi said that the
CRA would be the First Party.
Chair Finkelstein stated that there was an earnest money deposit and an option
agreement. They bought an option to purchase the property at a certain price, for
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Flori,da
June 11, 2002
certain terms and conditions. Mr. Nardi agreed, saying that the option agreement
included an earnest money deposit.
Mr. Aguila asked what would happen if they found asbestos and whether there would be
an additional charge in'thet'Case for preparing an abatement procedure. Mr. Nardi stated
that f asbesto. S,Were to be found, ' there ,would be a se[~arate management plan about
how to maintain it =or, in demolition, how to.abate t~ and there wouid be an additional
cost.; This assbssment would · debt fy what~ s on ~he. site, f~anyth ng Ms Hoyland
required about the 120 davy due d~l[gence penod and what the Board s opt ons weu d be
if they decided not to purchase the pr.ope~.. Mr. Na~dJ.stated ~hm~the'~aY the optio~
waS.~i~i~t~,t~e Bea~d:.WOuild~ba(,e;'fin~l~app~. ,o~1 ~f,;~l~ra~ct.',.w,hether~to, exe~bise; it Or
any:'ite~; ,~be)~6acd;WeUB ;b'e:ab~ to retai~,:the~same~t ~oney?depdsJt ;~ut,wab[d ,.l~se
th~ $1,;o00 ~t~n m~neY: .
(ee note
whether a
Vic,e Chair Heavili.n. asked if some problem were to be fou?d~ whether the CRA would
have.the opl~0rtbnity t(~ ~e~negot ate the contrac~and Mri' N~i'rdi;agCe'ed :that this was s0.
Mr. Aguila moved to authorize the Urban Group to proceed with Task Authorization No.
CRA-01, Due Diligence Proposal, Boynton Lodge, Inc. a/ida Relax Inn ~ Environmental
site Assessment and Asbestos Survey at a cost not ~o exceed $2,500, Pursuant to the
discussion of this item, the CRA will be Rrst Party to the contract, vice Chair Heavilin
seconded the motion that carried 5-0.
Unfinished Business
Public Hearings
Land Use Plan AmendmentJRezoning
Project Name:
Kensington Place
Vince Zabik. Showcase Contractors, Inc.
Vince Zabik, Showcase Contractors, Inc.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
South side of SE 23r° Avenue between Federal
Higi~way and the Florida East Coast Railroad right-
Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future
Land Use Map from Local Retail ComF~erciai (LRC)
to High Density Residential (HDR) and; Request to
Rezone C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to PUD
Planned Unit Development
Board Attorney Lindsey Payne administered the oath to all who would be testifying at the
rDiCk Hudson, St. Planner, Planning & Zoning Department, reported that thee issue was a
equest tO reclassify the subject property from Local Retail CommerCial (LRC) to High
Density Residential (HDR) (10.8 du/ac), and rezone from C-2, Neighborhood
Commercial to Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Mr. Hudson summarized the Staff Report and stated that staff recomrqends that the
request :be approved. Mr. Hudson stated that the South Flodda housing market has
e~perienced a growing popularity of townhouse developments as a resiUential unit of
choice. Developments similar to the proposed, with a small number of units, provide
excellent opportur~ities for infiil development and redevelopment in the Cpastal area of
the City. The detailed Staff Report is attached to the odginal minutes on Ifile in the City
Clerk's office.
Mr. Aguila asked Mr Hudson to confirm that staff was encouraging this residential use in
a busy commercial area. Mr. Hudson remarked that this area ~NaS supposed to migrate
from residential to commercial, but that this had never happened. Mr. Aguila thought the
site was too narrow and that there would be a number of issues whert the site plan
comes up for consideration. Ms. Hoyland did not think that the placemen~ of this project
would really "aSsist in supporting the downtown area and general econo~ic expansion",
as detailed in the Staff RePOrt. She envisioned the downtown area as somewhere near
Boynton Beach Boulevard and Ocean Aveue.
Mr. D6Marco ag~ed with Mr. Aguila that the area was more suited f~r commercial
projects than residential ones. He also thought that exposing a residential' complex to
the no ses of a train that operates at all hours of the day and night would b~ unwise.
Vice Chair Heavil~n differed in that she believed there was a real need for fee simple
housing, in ~i~ ar~a Since everything else seemed to be "rental only." C,hair Finkelstein
agreed and.said he wo~ld' not have a problem with changing the Land U~se designation
but did ha~ Some questions about the product that he would hold for the site plan
Mr Aauila :asked why PUD versus R-3 or R-2 Mr Hudson stated that ~Jnder R-3, fee
s~mp e townhomes would not work because the setback req ,, rements wer~ too h gh.
of Showcase Contractors, Inc. stated that this Was a positive
;ince the commercial properties that are there are in bad shape.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
Cha~ Finkelste~ opened the floor ~r Pub#c Hearing. S~ce no one w~hedtospeak, the
Public Heanngwas closed.
Vice C.h, air Heavilin moved to approve the LUAR re~Jest for Kensington Place for
Agend~ Item VJl-A. The m0tion died for [ack of'a ~econd.
Mr. Aguila moved to deny the LUAR request for Kensington Place for Agenda Item VII-A.
The motion died fo[ lack of.a second.
Chair Finkelstein passed the gavel to the Vice Chair and moved to approve the LUAR for
Kensington Place for- Agenda Item VtI-A. Vice Chair Heavilin could not second, the
motion as she had the gavel. The motion died for'lack of a second The gave was
returned to Chair Finkelstein.
~ice Chair Heavilir moved to approve the Land Use Amendment Rezoning re(~uest for
ensington P~lace, reclassifying the subject property fro Local Retail Commercial to High
Denst~ Resdenta (.10 8 du/ac), and rezone from C-2 Neghborh0od commercJa to
Planned Unit Development (PUD). Ms, Hoyiand seconded the motion that carried A-l,
Mr. Aguila dissenting.
Zoning Code Variance
Project Name:
Robert Richardson Duplex
Burl Gentry
Robert Richardson
Hathaway Park, Block "E". Lot '19
Request relief from ,the City of Boynton
~3each Land Development Regulations,
Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6. C-3, requiring
a minimum lot frontage of 75 feet for a
dup ex home within the C-3 zoning district,
to al ow for a variance of 15 feet, and a lot
frontage of 60 feet
Request relief from the City of Boy~nton
Beach Land Development Regulations
Chapter 2, Zoning Section 6, Co3, requiring
a minimum ct area of 9,000 square feet for
a duplex home within the C-3 zoning district, to
allow for a variance of 1.800 square feet, and a lot
area of 7200 square feet.
Maxime Ducoste, Planner, explained that this property had qualified for hardship
reasons since the City had, in its zoning change, created a non-conforming situation.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, FIorida
June 11, 2002
The applicant is making an attempt to bring the subject parcel and use into conformance
with current regulations. Staff recommended that the requested vanancas be approved.
subject to the condition listed in E.,khibit "E" of the Conditions of Approval. The detailed
Staff Report is with the original minutes on file in the City Clerk's office.
Chair Finkelstein asked that the language of Exhibit "E" be changed to read: 1. Should
the subjem property be converted to a permitted commercial use in the C-3 zoning
district, the applicant shall be required to satisfy all code requirements pertaining to
commercial properties...' Mr. Rumpf agreed, noting that it had been a typographical
Burl Gentry, of Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc,, spe~ak~ng for the
applicant, stated ~hat the applicant was in agreement with the one ~oh3ment in the
Conditions of Approval.
Chair Finkelstein opened the Public Hearing. Since no one wished to speak, the Public
Hearing was closed.
Mr. 'DeMarco moved to approve the variance requests in agenda item VII-lB, Richardson
Duplex. Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the motion that carried 5-0.
The Board formed a consensus to hear the Kensington Place New Site Plan, Agenda
Item VII.F out of order so that the applicant could leave.
New Site Plan
Project Name:
Kensington Place
Vince Zabik. Showcase Contractors. inc.
Vince Zabik, Showcase Contractors. Inc.
South side of S.E. 23r° Avenue between
Federal Highway and the Florida East Coat
Railroad right-of-way.
Request new site plan approval for 17
town homes on a 1.62 acre parcel.
Maxime Ducoste, Planner, presented the Staff Report on this application and stated that
Staff recommends ;[hat this site plan request be approved, contingent upo~n the approval
of the concurrent land use/rezoning rec uests and all other comments included,, in Exhibit
'C", Conditions of Approval. The Technical Review Committee recommends that the
deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for
building permit.
Chair Finkelstein aske¢ the agentJowner if the Conditions of Approval were understood
and whether the agent/owner agreed with them.
Vince Zabik, Showcase Contractors, Inc., stated that he understood and agreed with
all 38 comments in the Condition of Approval
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Bo=ynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
Mr. Zabik responded [o Mr. DeMarco's concerns about sates along the railroad tracks,
saying that he had just built the exact same units right along the ~'acks in Deerfield
Beach:. They sold all .the rJnits,before the ,building was buil~t.: The noise frQm, the tracks
has not been a detereenL Mr Zab k ~xpected a sim iar result in B~yntor~. Beachl .
Chair Finkelstein opened the Public Hearing. Since no one wished to speak, the Public
Hearing was closed.
Ms. Hoyland commented that she wanted to make specific recommendations, beyond
the Condition of Approval app ed by staff,, pertaning to the elevations. A list of Ms.
Hoyland's comments fotlows:
Modify roofline - very long - dormers not sufficient,
Need more landscaping between the units and the sidewalk that accesses the
Consider shifting the parking lot five feet to north to get more landscaomg; would
not have problem with drainage due to location of swales.
Alexander palms and coco plum hedges not sufficient to soften appearance of
such a long building - consider shade trees.
Location of dumpster weak. If necessary, shift and properly screen with more
landscape buffer.
Bdng photographs of project in Deerfield Beach.
Mr. Aguila's comments were:
Shift the dumpster for head-on pickup and keep gates closed and in good repair,
to assist Public Works.
Do offsets of the units, shifting one unit back five feet and the next one or two
forward five feet or some similar arrangement to relieve "barracks- like"
Possibly slide the south edge of the parking lot to the setback line.
Mix: the landscaping to avoid long lines of one type of plant material to add
interest to the building
Consider adding shade trees in front.
Vacy the roofline - only three dormers on 230 feet of building length.
Chair Finkelstein's comments were:
Suggest banding around the windows ana elsewhere
Agreed with other comments
Vice Chair Heavilin's comments were:
Too few windows on front - only one per unit
Agreed with other comments
Mr. DeMarco's comments were:
noise from the railroad tracks
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11,2002
wanted To see picture of Deerfield project
Chair Finkelstein noted that it was ~i3e job. of the CRA to upgrade the hopsing stock in
the City. He understood the price 3oint the builder was going for but could suggest
similar units at similar pdces that had a lot more architectural appeal.
The Board decided that the product needed more work and that they would like To see
the applicant come back wth improved ste elevation plans landscaping plans and the
shifting of the du.m, pster. Chair Finkelstein stated that another color rendering would not
be required if the Board~ could read the blueprints. He also suggested tha~ the applicant
request a copy of the minutes to see the various comments that were made.
Applicant comments as follows:
Units in Deerfield Beach very attractive and identical to this.
Was against moving the dumpster as he did not believe it would look attractive
when driving into the complex.
Originally had more landscaping but was restricted by the native plant
In referen .ce to comment on wir~dows, there is a large vaulted ceiling area in the
front and the one window is for the bathroom. ~
Had tried rfsets on ar)other de~velopment and those units were tl~e last ones to
sell because people did not waot to lose space in their backyards.
Did not know if parking ot cou d be sh'fted due to dra'nage and s'te serv'ce
Ms. Hoyland moved to table the proposal, directing the applicant to look at: 1) making
offsets in the building elevations, setting ,every other or every second or[third unit back
five to ten feet, 2) shifting the parkinig ,area to the north to get an exl~ra five feet of
landscaping adjacent to the buildings,.3) modifying the roof line, 4) the dumpster
location, 5) and striving for a mixture of plant material instead of one long line of each
Mr. Aguila seconded the motion but added that it would be tabled until the CRA's July 9
meeting. Mr. Rumpf suggested that the applicant return to staff with the revised
drawings within two weeks to allow time to prepare for the next agenda. Ms. Hoyland
and Mr. Aguila agreed to these amendments to the motion.
The motion passed 5-0.
Zoning Code Variance
Project Name:
Woolbright Grill
Joe Peterson. Slattery& Associates
Restaurant Holdings, Inc.
S.E. corner of Wootbright & Federal
Highway at Riverwalk ~laza
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
B0ynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
Project Name:
Request relief from Chapter 2 Zoning
Sect ~n 4.J.8~ all~)Wing a maximum
encroachment of an a~qing ~nto the rear
setback ~f 2.5:feet, to allow a 7.Sfoot
variance, and an awning encroachment of
ten (10) feet.
Reque, st;relief from Chapter' 2, Zoning,
en~c~'m;e~t~-~an~wrfing j nt(~ the. Side
setback of 2.5 feet, to allow a 5.5 foot
~arian'~; and. ~n~aWning;encro~hment of
Project Name:
and~a side
fora restaurant
in a C-3 zoning
2. Zoning,
idng a six (6)
~j buffer wall where
a residential
~ih chain-link
along the
New Site Plan
G. Project Name:
Woolbright Grill
Joe Peterson, Slattery & Associates
Restaurant Holdings, Inc.
SE comer of Woolbdght & Ffederal Highway
at Riverwalk :)laza
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
Request new site plan approva~ for a 7.829
square foot two-story, sit-down restauram
on a 0.6912-acre parcel.
Maxime Ducos[e. Planner, presented the Steff Report on the awning variances; agenda
item VIi. C. The eastern awning will be to cover an outdoor seating area and the northern
awning will be to cover an ooen sen/ice area for the use of the restaurant. At this point
the Planning & Zoning Department suggested .hearing the S te P an first, followed by the
other Woolbngnt Grill items and the Board concurred.
Eric Johnson, Planner, gave the Board an overview of the Sta;ff Report on the Site PlaN,
the deta led version of Which is attached t~the odgi~ial minutes ~on,file.in the City Clerk s
office. He explained that the RiverWatk Plaza;: had, been developed in 1960 b.ut that the
two parcels in question had never been deYetOPed. One.parcel will be u~ed for parking
and the other for a two,story building housing a restaurant' with a pedestrian ,walkway
runn ng a ong the ntracoastal Waterway from ~he parking lot to the' restaurant bu Iding.
The project will be required to make i.mprevementS to the Riverwalk Shopping Plaza
nc ud ng relocating a dumpster(s), the shared use ,,of the drive ais]e'~to the rear of the
Winn-D x e buidng and reconfiguration of the Pa~king §paCes;: The-parking issue
requires the ,consent of the R~verwatk: Shopp ng Paza owner who was present. Any
project approval would be cont ngent on obta n ng-th s approval In order to make those
off-s te mprevements the owner will have to submit a Minor Site Plan modification
request and this has been, submitted but cannot be reviewed until the site plen is actually
Mr, Johnson noted that staff had added Condition No. 38 as follows: No. 38. The
placement of the proposed signage s¢all be limited to the walt area only. a~_d not the roof
as shown on the west elevation. Staff recommends that sign type and colors be
compatible with those already present at the,PdVerwalk Shopping Plaza,
Staff recommended that the site plan request: be approved: contingent upon the approval
of the corresponding requests; for four (4)' var~iances (t~o awnings, a buffer wall, and a
bu ding setback)and, also subject ito the, icamments-inclUded in theConditions of
Approval.' The l Technical Review IComrnttee recommended that thle deficiencies
identified in the Conditions of ApproVal be corrected on the set of plans submitted for a
building permit.
Vice Chair Heavilin asked i[ any of the bu Iding woud be v s b e over the Winn Dixie
building, when looking to the west. Mr. Johnson d d not have that mformat~on. The
~)uilding is 30 feet high and the chimney is 34 feet high. She also asked i~ the parking ot
to the south would have an exit behind Winn Dixie to come back into the ma~n parking
ot? Mr Johnson stated yes, that the ddve aisle to the rear of the Winn Dixie would be
the main focus;and wOud be two-way. Mr. Johnson believed that the south parking lot
would be usec~ primarily for valet parking and the applicant confirmed this.
Mr. Aguila commented :that Condition of Approval No. 17 should be amended to reflect
the Florida Building Code (FBC) instead of the Standard Building Code (SlBC).
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 1t~ 2002
Mr. Johnson asked that the record reflect this change as follows: No. 17 Place a note on
the'eleva'tien-'view d~'awings; indicating that the wall openings and wall construction
comply with the 2002edition of the Florida Building COde.
Paul Slattery, AIA, of Slattery and. AssOCiates, introduced himself, his associate and
landscape ar~chitect. Joe, Peterson and ithe owner of the proposed restaurant. John
Therien.- Mr. Slattery stated that Mr. Therien had:0wned·the property for close to twenty
years:and submitted an aPplication in 1985 to.bui!d the restaurant but changed his mind
because at the time the garden center .of;the ~K~Mart store was in..a state of
deter oration The site is small bu( complex, due ti9 the shape of the sites.
Mr.-~lattery showed :the,Board'::a'i~ri~::p~'ese~tatiQn, :0~n, theever;ianqes, starting with the
~ ~a[!a~ ~ce. %~f~or-~.~n,!ng. eO :!~ n.~ s de ~f:~he; ,bud ng that ~1t
coV~:a: ~ ~t :of ~ h:~ ~1oo~ se~,~a~:~i ~t~p,~ep ~·V~bo~cr~s 't he~'idge w' be 'ook'ng
e ~f~p~m ~a~he gh~ 9f;[~ftee~:~t~ twegty f~eet above ~t The awning
teen ife~ttl~.e. ·~erN!:ce~ yard, .to~ e~banc~::the ~ew: of the service yard
from the people drivi 'rg across the:bridge.
There iS·~lSo;!a ¥~ia~f~or~a~aWgi~in~ith;erear~ or, the site:.,-Because of the constraints
of~Ee ~;':~t~¢~dd!~'~m~,~lp~'~ ~e:,prope~ ,hne s~ack, which ~ns parallel to
the ,Ip~t',;~a~a~h,~h~ ~iqg~oU!d provide ,some ~emd se~ing ~for t~
patrons'.; ; '
The :th [<1 variance deals! with. a reque,sbto provide a fence along the southern property
line ab~jtting the residential property ~0~ tl3e south. Theexisting Shopping center does not
have a wal! along its ent!r~e sotJth ~oPe~tY line and they are requesting a'fence in lieu Of
a wa~i;:~here area iot ofi, mang~o~/es i'n the area and the constructior{ of. the walt would
inte~fer~·Wi~h them·
The last variance is for a,building setback along the north property tine. ~When they first
presented their plans t~ the City, the building did sit within its setbacks and no variances
~vere re~quired...Ddrir'~cJ! the..d!SC~s~c~Fs ~ith ~taff, sqme detailed discusSions to0k place
w th'. the owner df ;the shOPping :Centeriahd. some ~of h iS~ tenants and at the request of the
shopp ag center owne~ the prQpose~ ~u~ dng was:sh fled to tt~e north, nto the setbac
area~by approxlmateiy~ten~ feet to allo~N~some off. the tenants to retain them ~ntracoastal
In resp,.o, nse to the question ~about whether the proposed building could be seen from
Federai'Highway, it does extend north of the shopping centerand wheh you!approach
I¥om the north y~)u will be. ab e to see it until you go farther south, when il; will be blocked
by the shopping center.
Mr ,~. attery noted that Mr Therien was the developer and owner of the Banana Boat.
He also developed and bu It b0th' F~iffh Avenue Grills in Delray Beach 'and Lighthouse
Point and the 0Id Caiypso R~staurant in. Delray Beach. Most ~f those restaurlants have
valet parking. They ~.,annot stop pe0p~e from trying to park elsewhere but this is Why
theyipr°Vid(~ a bOardWalk along the Waterfront so that people :parking in ithe south would
be able to experience the' walk to the ~e~taurant along the lntracoastal W~terway.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
Mr. Aguila asked about the service area. It seemea that the dumpster was at the
southernmost end of the restaurant, which means that there would De a lot of
accumulation dunng working hours that would have to be carted down to the dumpster~
He was aJsoconcerned about the narrow driveways and service deliveries.
Mr. Slattery stated that a service area with a remote dumpster sounded
other restaurant owned by Mr. Theden has the same situatior Frequer
trash from the restaurant to the dumpster are made. '[hey had create(
enclosure to house the dumpster. Mr. Aquila asked about can washing
would be done Mr. Siat~ery stated that this wou d be done in the se~ice
Mr Agu a supported the awning on the north side but~ fet it wes impE
developer to make a commitment, followed up by vigorous,enforcemer)t. [
see that the servicf,· yard was maintained ina clean,orderly,~and odor-)~ree
it would still be visible from the bridge and, there is a lot of pedestrian traf
~dd but every
transfers of
a dumpster
and where it
r~iva outside.
e for the
y the City, to
?~shion, ~since
: crossing the
Mr. Aguila asked about boat access and Mr. Slattery said they were no[ sure. They
were working with some of the State agencies at this time and it would ~e some time
before they would know for sure. The Intracoastal is rather shallow in places.
Mr. Aguila asked how consistent the site lighting was with the existing lighting patterns in
the shopping center. Mr. Slattery stated that they were only consistent in the southern
parking lot. They were asked to meet standards set by staff for shoebox qn pole lighting
with a set amount of foot-candles. Albng the boardwalk they had createdlow-level light
wth bo ards There will be no high-intensity light fixtures along the boardwalk area.
There are some building-mounted decorative fixtures on the buiding but no higi~-
ntens ty I ghts. They were sensitive to the neighbors tothe eas'c on this issbe.
Mr. Aguila asked about an unmarked room on the second flpor and it,~ purpose. Mr.
Slattery said the area would be part mechanical and part wine storage. Mr. Aguila asked
for and received assurance that this would not be for addifJonal seating for the
Mr. Aguila asked~ about the outdoor speakers and Mr. Slattery stated they would be
lim ted to background music. Mr. Slattery also nd cated that there, would be no live
Mr. Aguila was concerned about the building elevations on the east and west sides, the
reOnger section of roof over the main dining area. T~h s area needs some embellishment,
specially when the sign is gone. Mr. Sl~tery stated that they would be pleased to Iook
into that,
Ms. Hoyland referred to the north or left elevations and stated that from the tree line up,
she would like to see some kind of feature like square windows in sets of two or three,
since it will be visible from Woolbright Road. Mr. Slattery thought tha~ would be an
appropriate area for the sign on the building, He noted that they did not know what they
were going to call the restaurant - Woolbright Grill was being used for application
purposes only, so they did not know the graphics of the signage, He stated that they
would look at it carefully.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
B0ynto'n BeaCh, Florida
June 11, 2002
Ms. Hoyland inquired about the status of the shopping center owner's consent for cross-
access parking and the cross-access agreement. John Therien, owner of the property,
n0ted ~[hat l~e'had be~n ~0rking with M~'~ Rob ,bevy. the owner of the s~epping !Center, for
the past thEee or' four months and he expected :the cress-parking agre~m~nt~with the
shopping center should be signed in two weeks. The parties ale in agreement on all
MS,' Hc
y~nd Was Concerned a~bout the oUtdoOr music and thodgl~t~the Board might wish
?i~i timi~, ? th6 musiS:for th;e evehing bo(ii%. M~. Ther~ 's~d:th~:t~
n~as~:4 ;¢ He ;belied-ed ~b~0uld=;be~ ~lm~ impo~siblC~f~r' ~: res~en~.,~n~.t~e
Chair Fi.n~lstein asked if the applicant.disagreed with any of the staff commen.t~s.:or
required~fu[ther, clarif ca~i~n.-°,n any .of ~e.m.:i M~ Sl~ry said they .understood them 'and
agreed" ~itl~,t:i~e"rn; n'~d"udi~ ;C~hd't'(Sn 38:~t the~¢s'~Jn~ge, - '
Chair FinkelStein Opened:~e Public Hearing~.
Char Fhkeste n noted that alt:the Wo0bdght Grill agenda items would be open for
comment:by the public: ~t this time.
Board Attorney Payne stated that staff had p[esented one variance and the site plan.
Char F nkels~ein ~uggested tl~at the publ!C ~;dmment on :all the agenda items on this
topic and the Board ~ill C°me back to add'tess each one individuall~ and make motions
accordingly Mr RUmpf $~ated that the agent had given a pretty thorough explanation of
the variances already and the reports were before the Board. If they had questions of
staff, they s!o.od ready to ansWer them. On the buffer wall variance, staff followed the
same rat on!a e as :th~ had when the .R verwalk Shopping Plaza had requested relief
from the buffer Wa ~e~Uirement allow iiga fence to substitute for the Wall until such
time as the property to the south were to be devetoeed.
Char Finkelstein asked Mr. Rumpf: if staff recommended approval of~ all the variances,
subject to any conditions that had been app led, and Mr. Rumpf replied in the affirmative.
Maureen Goldstein, 5530 N. Ocean Boulevard, Ocean Ridge, spoke as a
representative of the 149-unit Crown Colony Club of Ocean Ridge, located directly
across the ntracoastal Water f~m the proposed Woolbdght Gdll. They have examined
the plans and drawings at city Ha larid are concerned about the impact on their
community. Because the water cart es noise, they still feel that despite the assurances
of Mr. S attery and Mr. Therien, that th~.new restaurant will greatly impact their complex
with added n~ se and ght emanating fr,~m the ProD0sed restaurant. For the good of the
community, they requested the CR~ and the ciiy Commission to reject a~y outdoor
activit es, music or sound systems'at'the; restaurant. They were Co~cemed about the
outdoor' lighting and the soil erosion in regard to the stability of the bridge. They were
also Coh~erned wth potential boat do?~ge and congestion at the restaurant, which
Could adversely affect their seawails an~l d~;ks righ[ ac~oss the Waterway. Other
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton~ Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
concerns were debris in the water from the restaurant and disturbance of the
Jason Mankoff, Weiner and Aronson, 102 No Swintorl Avenue, Delray Beach,
spoke on behalf of the adjacent property owner to the north, Gulfstream Harbor
Apartments. LLC. a community of 160 units. It was not their intentiod to stop the
development or rnterfere with vested rights. They asked that all staff conditions of
approval be adooted. A list of their concerns is summarized as follows:
Put condition of no outdoor live or amplified music in wdting.
See that nq music or amplified sounds from the interior of the building be audible
from adja.c~nt properties and that eXteriOr doors and windows not b~left open.
See that the :background music noise is limited and seta time limit on same
Use beepers to announcetables that a~reready.
Insulate dOuble.parted glass windows to muffle noise emanating from the
Extend the landscaping on the north side further to the west
Eliminate beeping sounds from the delivery trucks or tim t deliveries between 9
p.m. and 9 a ~ and suggest method Of, enfOrcement
Shielding of mechanical equipment
Have the wall around service area and the landscape area eight feet high.
They have similac concerns about the actual construction of the project. They asked for
clarification of how the mechanical ,equipment would be shielded. They are extremely
concerned that thisJ equipment could be Very loud.
Ken Hall, S.E. 3'" Avenue, Boynton Beach, proposed that the pedestrian
path/boardwalk from the south parking lot up to the front of the restaurant be widened to
eight feet. outfitted with benches and bike racks, and made available for the general
public, as well as the restaurant patrons, to allow enjoyment of the Intracoastal
Waterway environment. Waterfront property is scarce in the City and very expensive.
Mr. Hall thought th s project would proviso an opportunity for a rewarding public/private
venture and give the developer an OCp°rtunity to give back to the City. He also
mentioned that people would probably use that area anyway, poss b y for some fishing.
Stephanie Setticasi, one of the owners of Josie's Restaurant, expressed concern
about the lack of !~arking at the shopping center, the congestion in the driFe a s es, the
loss of their lntracoastal Waterway view, how deliveries would be made. and the
proposed relocation of their dumpster.
Ms. Setticasi shat,ed some pictures with the Board members,of a full ;~arking lot in the
shopping center at night. She also showed photographs of a semi/tractor trailer delivery
truck having a hard time making it a~round the corner of the Winn Dixie Bbilding, which
she said was often scraped by the. trucks as they tried to get around it. She thought that
the parking situation was a dangerous one and that there will be a lot of .Confusion and
congestion, She did not know where any trucks would come to make deliveries. Ms,
Hoyland inquired ab_out the timing of;deliveries and whether the Winn Dixie trucks come
all day or just in the morning. Ms. setticasi said they come all day and that it would be
~mpossible for a the deliveries to be made before 10:00 a,m.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11, 2002
Mr. DeMarco asked how many seats were available in Josie's Restaurant and Ms.
Setticasi replied that they had 150 seats. He asked how she found the parkinc~ now.
She stated that the parking now was.!nsufficient. She felt that when the plaza was fully
occupied: it would be even ,worse :' He: dqu red abOUt:the capacity of ttie ne:~-building
but was adv sod to hold off unt I after pubtic audience.
Ms, Sett~casi stated that she-was aware of 'a cross,parKing agreement: but thought ~that
people would use af~y space they felt like,,,induding theirs.~-, They do a ;let o( business in
take-out a.n,d it will be inconvenient for their customers tO pick up food in a hurry. With
theWendy sgoing in howe it ,will ,,be~e~e~,:~yor. s~, She asked that,the CRA consider the
negativ~ i~npact, ~is~p[O/ect ~ould~have On ~beir tsusin~ss:
Paul .T. uck, 5594No, Ocean ,~Boul~¥a~d,',0C~ .e~ge, jives in the property direcuy
across t? waterWay. ~hey am~ !he ~C~[ afC~e~?pi~pl.e in. the area; He commended
~ , ~ h~ d~ made ~o a odate ther needs. He asked the
the apph~ton..the~eff0~ ~ ~ ~, ~ . .~
C~ to do what they ~uid to minimize the noise, the outdoor dlummafion, and the
Chair Finkelstein closed the Public, Hearing.
Mr. Aguila stated that if the music was backgrounc~dn nature and them was no public
address for announcing seats, he did not have aproblem with the music. He felt that
doub e-pane, insu ated glass was overki I, out ,that;keep ng the doom closed was not an
unfair request. He thought that extending the:hed~,e to t~e west was not to~o much to
ask. He was concerned about the s X-fo~t high s~r;cice wail and thotcght the applicant
should consider mak ng it at least eight feet high, except that'it would not be allowed
under the current Code . He assumed that alt;:iof tl~e mechanical equipment was
shielded, that it was ntemal, and.that there ~fe,n~)outdoor units. Mr. Sla~terY stated
that this was correct.
Mr. Aguila asked about their hours of operation and delivery expectations. Mr. Thenen
stated that de ivories are done before 12:00 p.~4:bas cally ~etween 8:30 a,m. and 11:30
a m The r Vendors know this and act accordingly. The hours of operation at the
restaurant will be from' 11:30 am. for lunch ~dd: ~xten~l until midnight, seven days a
Mr. Aguila asked :if the applicants had analyzed the-turning radius on their driveways. Mr.
Slattery responded that this had been the topic of discussion at many meetings between
themselves, Planning, and Engineering. They were able to move the drive aisle eight to
ten feet to the south, wden it from the south to the north, and that this would open up the
entire area. and allow ng two-way traffic. Eng needng was very satisfied with this.
Mr. Aguiia noted they were adding [we new dumpsters and there were [hree ungated
ones. according to the drawing. He asked whethe[ the applicant would gate them and
Mr. Slattery answered in the affirmative.
Chair Finke!stein pointed to page 3 of the awning variance Staff Report. second
paragraph. Where t now says. "Staff also acknowledges the existence of a bridge ramp
abutting the north property ne of the subject parcel that separates the parcel from
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
.une 11, 2002
the adjacent multi-family residences To the south." He thought this should say "north"
instead of-"south" and Mr. Rumpf agreed with this correction.
Chair Finkelstein thought the shopping center had a standard, galvanized chain link
fence .an'd he WOndered if they could have green vinyl or colored fence tl~at would fit in
with the landscaping better. He complimented staff and the applicant for addressing
many of the fears of the residents to the north ano easT. He asked that if the City should
ever develop a ~oardwalk that goes down the Intraccasta Waterway whether the
applicant would a~llow the City to connect to that boardwalk and make ~t public, as
Tuscany Apartments~agreed to recently. Mr. Slattery Statec that the applicant would be
in favor 0f this.
Chair Finkelstein asked staff if there were any existing restrictions at the shopping center
nOW in regards to lights, sounds, hours, noise, outside speakers, deliveries~, and so forth.
Mr. RUmpf stated that he was not aware .of particular requirements applicable to them
other than the major site plan modification Otherwise they Would be suSje~;t to the City s
Ms. H0yland asked whether moving Jos els dumpster was a result of someth ng the
appl cant was do~r~g or the shopping center,wrier. Mr. Sattery sa~d it was a bit of both.
He was surprised ~hat they disagreed with t~e location and tho~Jght they wbuld be happy
with. the move. sin~ce the, dumpster wa~ cu.r'¢ently located righ~ across fr0~ the outdoor
patio of the restaurant. Ms. Hoy, land. ask,~d the applicant to see if a loCation more
acceptable to the owner of Josie s could be found. Mr. Slattery said there were other
locations and that they would work with staff to come up with alternatives.
Chair Finkelstein asked the shopping center owner, Mr. Rob Levy, if he had anything he
wished to add and Mr. Lev~ said he had no commems.
Mr. DeMarco asked about the capacity of the proposed restaurant and w~s told that the
seating capacity was 210 seats. He thought [hat it was great that the applicant was
working with the neighbors and trying,to COoperate. He thought the noise and lighting
were not going to be a problem, either thi~ough Code Enforcement or working with the
neighbors. He was, however, concerned about the parking. One good thing is that
compare(3 to five or. ten years ago the shopping center has been greatly improved and
he was glad that everyone was ~3usy. He had stopped there and noted h~ow well it was
kept many times. He thought if the parking problem could be resolved, the project should
be approved.
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request for relief of LDR regulations, Chapter 2,
Zoning, 4.J.8, agenda item 7C for the encroachment of the awning into the rear setback.
subject to ail staff comments. Vice Chair Heaviiin seconded the motion. The motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Aguila suggested that the first motion cover the encroachment of the second awning
as well and Vice Chair Heavilin agreed. The Board voted unanimously to have the first
motion include both awning variances.
Meeting Minutes
COmmunity RedevelOpment Agency
B~Yntbn BeaCh, Florida
Mr: Aguila moved to approve the request for relief from the City of Boynton BeaCh LDR
regUlatiOns Chapter 2; zoning, s~ci~n 6iC 3 agenda tem~ Bi, r~q~{¢i~g,a thi~ (30)
M~: ABUiia md~ed;':tb app~o~ ';reqd~st fo~ ~lie~ fr°m Cha~ 2~ Zoning,: ~e~ti°n 4 E,
this meeting aboUt no Sigf
from t
:: with the fo!loWing
csa~ re,sas
that the hedge W be extended
H. Project Name:
M ~, L Roofing
Riza N Altan, P.E,
Mol Lewe -
163~ Industr a Avenue
,R~q~8~t ~ major site plan modification
T~ ~d8!;:8~283 ~qU~are feet to a 2,275 sc uare
~5~ e~isting ligl~t industrial warehouse
b¢ldin'g ~Oi' altotai 10,558 square feet on a
~0.64 a~:r~ parcel '
Staff made attempts to contact the applicant, who was not present.
VIII, New Business
A. Appointment of Board member to Selection Panel for LDR Consultant
Ms. Lusia Galav requested that the Board designate a member to represent the CRA on
the Consultant Selection Committee for the rewrite of the LDR. The committee will meet
in July, during the day, for consultant interviews.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 11,2002
Ms. Hoyland moved to appoint Jos~ Aguila to the Consultant Selection Committee. Vice
Chair Heavilin seconded the motion that passed 5-0.
VII. Site Plan Modification - M &L Roofi ng (continued)
The applicant could not be reached.
Ms. Hoyland moved to table the major site plan modification for M & L Roofing until the
July 9. 2002 meeting. Vice Chair Heavilin seCOnded the motion that passed 5-0.
B. Reception for new CRA Director
cAediScuss~on ensued about when and where to have this event. The Board tentatively
cided that a wine, cheese, and fruit reception would be. held at the V~/0man's Club,
pend ng availability, on June 21 2002 at 6:00 p.m. The Development Department will
ssue the invitations and make the arrangements, with the CRA budgeting a not-to-
exceed amount of $2,000 for the event. Chair Finkelstein thought it would ~3e appropriate
[o combine this event with an appreciation party for the former CRA Director, Quintus
C. Director's Priority List
Chair Finkelstein referred to a list of priorities for the new CRA Director that had been
pulled from the Board's Goals and Objectives, for his use as a starting point.
Ms. Hoyland asked Mr. Hutchinson if he had started the hiring process of an
administrative assistant. He responded that he had begun the' process I~ut the issue of
Space and equipment was the first priority. He thought it would be prudent to hire
someone from a temporary agency first, to see how it would work out, befpre getting into
a contract. The amount to be spent for this was discussed but Mr. Hutc?inson said the
budget line item for salaries was lumped together. He will bring this to tt~e Board again
because he was not sure how many hours would be involved. Chair Fihkelstein noted
that the Director's Priority List was not prioritized.
IX. Other
A. CRA Legislation Activity
Chair Finkelstein noted that he had received a Florida Redevelopment Association
newsletter called The Banner, Spring 2002 edition, containing information pertaining to
recent amendments to CRA legislation in the Florida Statute 163. The changes are
summarized on pages 6 and 7. Mr. Aguila stated that due to the date this CRA was
I:ormed, the changes would not affect this Board.
Florida Redevelopment Association Annual Conference on October 16,
2002 in Jacksonville
Meeting Minutes
Commun[~ Redevelopment Agency
Boynt°h ~:ach, Florida
Vice Chair Heavilin stated that she had receivea notification of this event and asked if
the other members had gotten the invitation also, Mr. Hutchir~son stated that he had to
go and invited any Board member tha~ al§rO wished't0 attend, ir~ 0th~er distti~;ts he had
been in, if the Board Director w~$ne~to go, the body they serve,0~ usua!ly picks up the
cost of going [o the conference. He asked if thai Was the Way't'worked here. Mr.
Greene said there was a line item in. the budget for this. The reason everyone was
getting The Banner now is that he had put the Chair and the:Vice~ Oh~ii-as tl~e contaCt
Persons for the Florida RedeveloPment Association, pdor to the arrival of Mr.
Hutchinson. Mr. Hutc~ins~n, wili, ,ha~e~ ~p j~.in.that organiz~ation.tO, Mr. Hutchinson wanted'to
hold'off on this Unt he'h~d a. per~i~:n~ ~l~re~'Si. '! ;'" '
C. Location for CRA Office
Mr. Aguila suggested that the Board might wish to talk about this, about outside counsel,
a relationship with the City and its bUildings and So forth. Chair Finkelstein said that
these items had been mentioned but not formally. He believed there was consensus
that the office should be I~cated in the cRA area, Separate from City Hall. Ms. Hoyland
thought it should be on Ocean Ayenue, and suggested the plaza just to the west of the
bddge. She knew that S~)me bays ~0uld be available the[e soon since the owner was in
the process of remodeling. Mr. Ag',ulla favored the Federal Highway and ~)cean Avenue
vicinity for the office and envisioned ~aving the CRA meetings at their office location Jf
possible. He thought that a certain separation bet~zeen the =politico of the CRA ant the
City would be desi~-able. Chair Finkelstein preferred tO keep the public board meetings in
the Chambers for the present due to the large number of people that come in for public
Mr. Hutchinson suggested a workshop be held to firm up the policy for the employees
and the job descriptions. He, also .believed some discussion and sharing needed to take
plac~ pertaining to indiVidual viSions, ncluding his own. Vice Chair Heavilin ~tated that
the workshops ~re usually done on'Saturday ~omings fr°m 9:00 to 12:00.
X. Public Audience
Mr. Robert Ensler was recognized, but did not wish to speak on any particular topic.
Xl. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitte~t,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(3 tapes)