O#237ORDINANCE ~ 237 AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING A BUDGET, SETTING FORTH THE ITEMS OF GENERAL EXPENSE AND OF INTEREST REQUIREMENTS UPON THE INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH., PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, A5VD FIXING .~ TAX RATE OR rAKING A TAX RATE LEVY FOR GENERAL EXPENSE kND INTEREST REQUIR~IENTS UPON THE INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1,1952 AND ENDING OCTOBER 31,1953. B~ IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON ~ · BE~CH~ PALM BEACH COUNTY, ~LORIDA. That the fellowing Budget, se~ting ferth the items ~f GENERAL EXPENSE AND OF INTEREST REQUIR .E~2~MTS UPON ~ G THE OUTS~ANDIN I~EBTEDNESS ef the City of Beynt~n Beach, F!erida~ be and the same hereby is adopted ss the Budget ef the City ef Bey~ten Beach~ Palm Beech Ceunty, Flerida, f,r the F. iscal Year beginning Nevember 1,1952, and ending October 31,1953~ ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT AMOUNT SAL~fRIES LAB$R & W~ STATIONARY & SUPPLIES LIGHT & POWER TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH INSURANCE LEGAL & PROFESSIONAL POSTAGE ELECTION E~ENSE C0~CIL~N ERS RE~IRS & ~IN~N~NCE TSC ~RTISING GROUNDS M~INTENANCE O~R ~W EQUIP~NT 16,000.00- 520;00' 2,100.00' 150.00- 3 50. oo- 1,000.00- 5,000.00' 200.00' 350.00. 3,000.00- 2,~00.00' 500.00- 1,200.00' 2,000.00- 3,000.00. RESERVE FOR TkX ~DJUSTMENT & ABA_E,~E~S & DISCOUNT ~,000.00- MORTGAGE 0CEAN PROPERTY 6,500.00- KLEMONS*NEGR0 PLAYBROUND 1,200.00~ - $ $9,570.00 REVENUE- PRINCIPAL (HIGH POINT) 13,000.00- LICENSE OCCUPATIONAL 6,500.00' " LIQUOR 5,000.00' " BEER & ~NE 600.00' PERMITS BUILDING 1,200.00' " Electrical 800.00' " PLUMBING 1,000.00. FRANCHISE TAX 7,000.00' UTILITIES FLORIDA PO~,~R & LIGHT 8,000.00. SOUTH FLORIDA GAS SO0. O0~ SOUTHEASTERN NATURAL EAS 500.00' SOUTEERN BELL TEL & TEL1,800.O0- ATLANTIC FUEL CO 700.00. -2- (Ordinance # 237) FL0~GAS GAS-OIL PRODUCTS ADVERTISING & REDE~PTION CIG~LRETTE TAX TAX PENALTIES $ 100.00- 200.00' ~00.00- 18,000.00- oo. oo- 65,500.00 ,OVE-RAGE $ 15,930.00 POLICE DEPARTFiE. NT SALARIES AUTO EXPENSE STATIONARY & SUPPLIES LIGHT & TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH INSURANCE OAP~ OF PRISONERS OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE UNIFORMS & B~DGES RADIOS OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT POSTAGE 21,000.00. 3,000.00- 150.00- 175. oo~ ~5o. oo~ %00.0o 1,200.00' 600.00- ~oo. oo 500.00. 500.00. 200.00. 2,000.00. 2 .oo- 30,800.00, REVENUE. FINES & FORFEITURES 0CE ~2{ RIDGE $ 10,000.00, 9oo. oo.- 10,900. DO DEFiCi_~T 19,900o00 FIRE ~EPRTMENT SALARIES AUTO EXPENSE STATIONARY & SUPPLIES LIGHT & PO~ TELEGRkDH & TELEPHONE INSURANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE OTHFR NEW EQUIPMENT HYDRAMT RENTAL FIRE COLLEGE UNIW0RMS RADIO MAINTENANCE REVEt~q/E AGREEFfiENT OCEAN RIDGE " GULF STREAM ~EFICIT %,700.00. 750.00- 1~0.00' 100.00- 100.00~ 7%0.00 525.oo 500.00. 100.00 2,000.00. 8,850.00' 15o. oo 1~o.oo ,17 .oo- 20,000.00. 300.00, '¥ok~.oo- 19,300.00 (Ordinance # 237) SALARIES AUTO EXPENSE STATIONARY & SUPPLIES LIGHT & POWER TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH INSURANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES POSTAGE ~EPAIRS & ¥~INTENANCE OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT CHLORINE ELECTRO-RUST PROOFING $ 10,000.00 1,700.00 500.00 6,000.00 75. oo 350.00 2,500.00 ~00.00 2,250.00 500.00 10,000.00 250.00 250.00 TANK MAINTENANCE 600.00 REVENUE CERTIFICATES & INTEREST t6,000.00 LEG;~ & PROFESSIONAL 1,000.00 52,3?5.00 REVENUE WATER SALES-INDIVIDUALS " S~RVICE CHARGES " HYDRANT NENTALS OTHER $5,000.00 ~,000.00 8,850.00 lO0. O0 ~7,950. o6 OVERA GE $ 5,575.00 STREET DEPARTMENT SALARIES AUTO EXPENSE LIGHT & POWER INSURANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE SE'~R & DRAINAGE OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT ~,000.00' ~500.00' ,500.00 500.00. 5,000.00' 2,000.00' 2,000.00: ~00.00. 1,000.00- 21~900.00: RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT BRIDGE FUND 300.00. 1,000.00- 1,300.00 DEFICIT 20,600.00 (0rdlnance #23?) TR.~SH & GARBAGE D.E~ARTMEKT SALarIES AUtO EXPENSE INSURANCE 0P~ATING SUPPLIES OTHER NEW EQUIP~M~. NT REVE~ u~ PkRKS & CITY COLLECTION PLAYGROUND DEFICIT LABOR LIGHT & POI~R INSURANCE REPAIRS &~,tNTENANCE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT AUTO F~XPENSE DISASTW~R EMERGENCY LABOR MEMORIAL PARK CEMET~/~Y DEFICIT DEFIC I T 9,000.00' 2,000.00 ~0o. 00- 15o. 00 oo. __ oo.oo. 12,200.00, gO. O0. 2,000.00. 200.00. 250.00, 250.00~ !,000.00- 175;00- 500.00. 100.00 1,000.00: LABOR INSURANCE DRIVES & WALKS MATERI~tS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE DEFICI? PLUMBING INSPECTOR-STATIONARY ELECTRICAL " " DEFICIT 1,500.00' 30.00. 300~00 oo 100.0~ 1~980.00' 100.00 1oo. oo- 200.00- Ameunt t~ be raised by GENERAL TAX LEVY en REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY INTEREST & SINKING FUND requirements fer REFUR~!NG BOND ISSUES of t0/1/$6 and 7/1/~9 CITY PUBLICITY_ requirements $ 12,150.00 ¥,¥75.00 1,000.00 1,980.00 200.00 $ 58,100.00. 25,000.00 2,000.00: (Ordinance ~237) BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~ITY OF.BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH ~0UNTY~F&0RIDA. 1. That there be, and there hereby is, levied upom all of the t~xable pre~erty, bothe real and personml, within the City ~f B~yaten Beach, Palm Beach County, F. lori~a, A ~NERAL TAX te ~rovide for the GENERAL EXPENSES of said City as provided in the Budget Items herein- before set forth, to-wit; a tax smfficient te produce the sum of FIFTY- EIGHT THOUSAND,ONE HUNDRED dollars. 2. That there be, and there hereby is, levied uoon all of the tax- 'able property, bethe real and personal, within the City of Beynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, A SPECIAL TAX to provide for the payment of INTEREST ON 0UTSTA~IUG INDEBTEDNESS as hereinbefore set forth, to-wit, a Tax sufficient to produce the sumof T~N_~/-FIVE THOUSANDDOLLARS. 3. That there be, and there hereby is~ levied upom all ef the taxable property, both real and personal, within the City of B~ynton Beach,Palm Beach Cotmty, Florida, A SPECIAL TAX to provide for CITY PUBLICITY ~s hereinbefore set forth,to-wit; a tax sufficient to produce the sum ~f T~0 THOUSAND DOLLARS. ~. That said taxes hereinbefore referred to in Paragraph I above, be and the s~me sro, apportioned to and levied against all of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, in proportion te the assessed valuation of such properties as are net exempt from taxation by reason of the HOMESTEAD AMENDMEnt. The valuation of all taxable oreperty, both real and personal upon which such taxes m~y be levied, situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach~ Palm Beach County, Florida, for the taxable year 19~2, as shown by the Tax Assessment Roll of said City of Boynton Beach, being hereby fixed at TEqEE MILLION, THREE HUNDREO AND NINETY-SIX THOUSAND, NINE Hb~RED AND SEVENTEEN DOLLARS. 5. That said taxes, hereinbefore referred to in Paragraphs 2 and 3 above, be and the same hereby are, apportioned to and levied against ell t~xable property, both real aud personal, within the Ceroorate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach, P~lm Be~ch County, Florida~ in proportion to the assessed valuation of such oroperty. The caluation of all taxable property, both real and personaS, ~ituated within the Coroorate Limits ~f t~? City ef Beynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Floridq,-for th? ~xso±e year 1952, as shown by the Tax Assessment Roll of said City of BeYl~ten Beach, B~ing hereb ONE T~0USA~, EIghT ~RE~ fixed at FIVE_. MILLION, T~0 HUUDRED AND T%~NTY- A~ FORTY-SEVEN DOLL~RS. 6. That said taxes, hereinbefore referred to, in Paragraphs 1,2 and 3 above, be extended upon the Tax Records of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Ceunty~ Florida, in the proper millage prooortionate to the valuation thereof as returned by th~ Tax Ass~ssor~ that is, that the millage therof be as foll~ws, to-wit; FOR GENER.~L E~oENSE 17.36 mills FOR INTEREST ON 0UTST~NDING BONDS 6.00 mills FOR PUBLIC PUBLICITY · 49 mills ~E IT ~WIIRTHER ORDAINED: That the abo~e and foregoing ORDINANCE is sn Ordinance providing a Budget and fixing a tax rate or making a tax levy for the General Expense and Interest Requirements 8nd City Publicity of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning N~vember 1,1952 and ending October 31~19~3. (Ordinance ~237) EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall become effective in sccordsnce with the provisions of the Charter of said City Ln such cases made and provided. FIRST READING the 20th day of October, 1952. SECOND, FINAL RE~ING AND MASSAGE the 3rd day of November 1952. Attest: City Clerk