O#234 AN 0RD!N~{OE AMEND~/~0RDiN~{CE # 20~ REGULaTInG THE Z0~ING ~ND OT~-R~SE USE OF PRO~ ~ E~LISH~G B0~S ~w SUCH = r~ ~ ~L 0RDIN~S ~ C0~!~ Z0~ ~ ~: A~ I~0S~G ~T~ ~D VI0~TIONS. IN ~SUA~ TO AD~HORI~ C0~E~ UP0~; T~ CI~ C0~ISEION A~ T~ ~CO~_TION ~ APPROV~L 0F T~ ZONING BO~ OF T~ CI~ OF B~0N B~.CH, T~ F0~0~G 0~S~ _~DITIONS A~ AL~ATXONS 0F T~ ~ET~G Z0N~G ~ ~ CONFI~. IT IS ~T 0~AI~ BT T~ CI~ 0F B0~0N B~CE. ~0RIDA. Sectio~ 1. Z~g all of the p~oper~ below described ly~ ~ Sectien 33~ Te~s~D 45 Somth. R~ge ~ East, berg South of ~ool- b~ight Ave~e ~d gener~ly east of Florida East Coast Railroad ~i~t- of-way s~d zo~g ~ing as ~: All of Lot One (1) ~ LeS ~o (2) l~g e~st oF the ~orida E~t Co~t R~lroad ~d that portion of Lot 0~(1) ~escribed as the South 1%0 feet of Lot ~e (1) also the South 1%0 feet of t~ east ~00 feet of Lo~ Five (5); the portion of Lot T~o (2) lying west of the ~lo~d~ East Coast Railremd rip. of-way (w~ch lies east ~d we~t of Ses~ C~est Bo~e~rd); the east 150 feet ef Lot Twenty-two (22)~I~ west of the Fl*rzaa E~t Coast Railroad righ~ of-way ~l beimg .zoned for ~d~tri~, ce~e~ei~, motels, hotels ~d ~tiple reside~es., All of t~ p~operty lyi~ west of Sea C~est B~ev~d ~ depth of 125 feet or one (1) Lot depth, ~hich Lot not oonta~ less t~ 7500 square feet of l~d, said zo~$E beEi~i~ at the South bo~y of Lot ~o (2) ~d ~ southw~d t* the south l~its oF the City, ~l of that prepe~ty ~i~ zo~d for ~e residences ~ ~ m~of 1500mqu~e feet of Fleer space~ All of t~hat p~operty ba~!m~img at-the south boundary of Lot Two (29 lying east of Sea ~es~ Bogeyed a depth of 12~ feet o~ the depth of one (1) Lot, a~ Let s~l ~ot ~ less tl~ 7~00 squ~e ~eet of 1~ extendi~ te the s~th l~ts ef the City, s~l be z~ed sin~&e ~esidences with a ~f~m~ of 13~0 sq~e feet of fleer space. T~t portion ef Lot T~rteen (13), Festoon (~), Twenty-one (~) ~d Twohy-two (22), lying be~een Sea C~st Bo~ev~d ~t ~ Florida E~t ~ast R~lroad, net p~e~sly zo~e~ here~ reziiences, Residential "A", with a !000 squ~e feet of fieo~ space. Eeettom 2~ The s~bd[vision of G~f Stee~ Estates sh~l be zoned "i~' zo~ requi~ing ~le ~esidenees of i000 s~u~e feet ~e.e space, ~wever, 1~ feet westw~d ~ the Florida East Coast Ra~read ~i~t-of-way~ s~l ~ zoned c~ercl~. Se~$io~ 3. The Roger ~ason T~aet ~ Ten (lO) more or less, lyi~ e~t of G~een Street ~d bo~ded ~ the no~th Co~t~ Club Estates, em the east by Cong~ss G~ove S~division C.W. Co~' s Addition, ~ud Bo~ded ~ the s~th by ~ep~d Addition z~il be z cried C~rci~ begi~ 1%0 ~eet e~t of Green Street. Secti~ 4- S~t back ~d b~ldings located on the east side of Federai ~g~zay be~en D~e Street ~ 0ce~ Avenue sh~l be equ~ te the present set back of exist~g b~!di~s. Be it ~ther ordained by the B~ynton Beach, F!oriAa, that any~erson, this Ordinance or any provision thereof City Council of the City of fi~er cerporation~ietating shall, upon conviction, be punished ~y a fine of net less th~u Five ($5.00) Deltas nor more tha~ Five ~dred (~00~G) Dollars. er imprisonment i~ the~ City Js~il for a period ef not more tha~ninety (90) days or both s~ch fine a~d imprison- Be f% ~he~ oz~l~ine~ ~ha~ all Om~inances or parts ef Ordi~ees i~ e~lic~ ~re~_~h be, zn~ ~he s~ a~e heme~ Effective day t~s 0~in~ce shall become effective acco~d~ee wi~ ~ p~ovisio~ of the Ch~te~ of s~d City in case as made and provided. First ~i~g this 7th d~ of ~, 19~2. Second, fin~ ~ading snd passes t~s 2!st day of J~y, ~952. ' Omty Clerk.