O#232 ~ ~~ 0F T~ ~ CITY ~ ~S. ~ condition e~sts which is not ~ s~ccord prop~ operation of the Ci~ '~zter D~s~men%; ~ %~S, It h~s been dste~ed ~t i~ is ~cess~ c~ge to co~o~ ~th p~esent e~enses$ N01~ ~, be it or--ed by the Oo~ission of City of Bo~nton ~t ~ fo~owi~ ~tes ~d ~ges go~ the ~t~ Delo~% of the ~ty of Bo~t~ B~ch shmll be ~opted. ~ro~g ~d ~dopt~ ~!1 zcts pre~_ous~v ~de ~d ~orced City Com~ssi~n con~e~i~ ~i& W~ter A mens ,hly min~m~m~ charge ~1i be m~de. p~yable mont~b~-y ~ ~et _ortn in the following sche&~ie~ From 5000 to 7000. g~.~ls. From 7000 to 15000 15000 to 25000 25000 to 350~ A~ tn ~ces~ ef 35000 5000 gals. for $1.50 gals~ $ ~ per 1000 g~!s. $ 30~ per 1000 g~ls. ~. $ 20~ ~er !O00 ~ls. $1~ per tO00 ~ls. ~aeh month ~ eempleteperiod. Gh~rgir~grate~ for cemuecti~ ~ize of Ne~er 0~m~ec~io~ CharMe 1-1/2 2 26.'40 31.60 120.00 Dene~itG~e.va~tee 1.5.00 25.00 50.00 ~A a~p~io~ ~ie Or&~ce ~sseA ~ ~pSe~ ~is 19th ~ of ~ ~ D.