O#214ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT BIYLAWF--LrL FOR ANY TRUCK W~H SIX (6) WHEELS 0P~ MORE~ OR AN~. ~ TRUCK OF MORE THAN O}~E AND 0~E- HAlf (1 I/2) · GN RATING~ FROM USING AUS~ALIAN BOULE~RD, PINE~ P~4~ BENSON~ KNUTH~ PO~LL ST~ AtYD OCEAN AVE~r0E ~fEST OF G~_EEN STREET~ ~- PEALING ALL 0RDINB_NCES OR PARTS OF ORDIN- ANCES IN C0~FLICT WITH SUCH ORDINANCE; AND DECL~_RING AN'~RGENOY- 'W~EEEAS~ Australian Boulevard has recently been recondi- tioned andrepaved~ Palm~ Pine~ Benson~ Kuuth~ Powell Streets and Ocean Avenue west of Green Street are of such construc- tion and WHEB~AS~ ~eavy vehicles would be destructive to the aforesaid mentiomed Streets~ Boulevard~ and Avenue N0~g THEREFORE~ BE IT 0RDAINKD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACN~ FLORIDA: THAT, no trucks or other vehicles with six (6) wheels or more: or any truck or vehicle of more than one and one half (1½) Tons rating shall be allowed to use Australian Boulevard, Palm, Pine~ Benson, Knuth~ Powe!l Streets~ Ocean Avenue west of Green Street at any time. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY Ti~ CITY CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF BOY~f0N BEACH, FLORIDA: That any person~ firm or corpo- ration violating this ordinance, or any of the provisions thereof~ shall~ upon conviction thereof, be p~mished by a fine of not less that FIVE ($~.00) DOLLIES: NOR MOPE THAN FIVE HIR~-DRED ($~00.00) DOLL~JRS~ or imprisonment in the CITY JAIL for a period of not more than NIghTY (90) DAYS~ or both such fine and imprisomment. BE IT FD-RTB~_2{ ORDAII~mD BY THE CI?Z COU~?C!L OF TNE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: ~hat each day's violation of this ordinance shall be consmdered a separate offense and separate violation thereof; and the orosecution of any person, firm or corporation zadder t~e terms hereof shall not operate as an estopple to a prosecution for a con- tinned violation. BE IT FURTHER ORDAIB~Fl): That a grave emergency, af- fecting the peace~ safety and well being of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida, does exist~ and is hereby declared to exist, for the immediate passage and adoption of this ordinance. BE IT FUR'I~J~R ORDAINED: That all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be~ and the same hereby are repealed. BE IT FURT~Lq O_wJ)AI~D: That this ordinance~ being an emergency ordinance shall take effect immediately ~on its passage and adoption. This ordinance passed and adopted ~his 7th day of November A.Do 1959. Councilman Councilman ATTEST: City ~ClerR