O#213ORDINANCE NO. 213 AN ORDINANCE OF T!~E CITY OF BOYNT(N BEACH~ STATE OF FLORIDA~ AME~DING ORDIN* ANCE N0. 205 BEING ENT!TL~: AN ORD!N- 0F ~ CITY C0~CIL OF BOY~ON BEACH,: FLORIDA~ RELATING T0 A~ REG~ATING~ TROLLING A~ ~RNING ~ ~CTION~ CON- S~UCTION~ LOCATION~ SI~ A~ USE 0F B~INGS ~h~ STRUCT~S OF E~Y NAT~ A~ KI~ T0 BE ~A~ B~LT ~ EREC~ iN ~ C~ OF BOYNTON BEACHs ~0R~A~ Li~TING~A~ ~STEICTING T0 SP~IFIC DISE!CTS A~ REG~ATING T~EON BUS- iNGS A~ $~UCT~ES' ACCGRDING TO T~ SI~ A~ ~ NAT~A~ ~TE~ 0F ~ ~, REG~ATiNG A~ ~S~ICTING CAT~0N OF ~ES A~ I?~US~S A~' ~ L0~ATION OF BUILDINC~ DESIGNA~ FOR SPECIFIC U~S~ EST~LIS~NG ~ B0~$~ A~ ~LI~TS, PROV~iNG FOR T~ TiONS A~ ~NF~S~,OF T~ PROWl, ~T~S FOR ~ V!0~TION OF ~SE PRO- ViSIONS~ ~L FOR T~ P~OSE OF PRO.T- ING T~ P~LIC ~LTH~ S~, 0~ ~F~, TO LESSEN ~ ~DiNG~ ~OE F~ Be it or~alnsd y the City Commission of theCity of Boynton Beach; FlOrida, as follows: I. That Ordinance No. 205 be amended by adding thereto a Section Eleven to read as follows: SECTION ELEVEN The lawful use existing at the time this section takes effect may be continued even though it does not conform with the provisions. Any ~aitding existing at the time this sec- tion takes effect may be altered or recon~tructed~ providing such alteration does not cost to exceed its assessed valua- tion end provided also that it is not e~ularged beyond ten per-cent (10%) of the size of such building on the effective date of this section, unless ch~uged to a conforming use. Also providing al! other regulations governing the new use are complied with. No building or premises where a nonconforming use is discontinued for more than six (6) months, or is superseded by a use permitted in-'the district in which it is located shall again be dovoted to any use prohibited in such district. Any noncoD~orminE building damaged more than seventy- five per-cent (75%) of its then fair market value above the foundations at the time of damage by fire~ flood, explosions~ earthquake~ wind, War, riot or ~ct of God o~ of.man, s~a~ not be reconstructed and used as before such caiami~y~ ou~ ~z less than seventy~five per-cent (75%) damaged~ it may be re- constructed or used~ provided that it be done ~rlthin six (6) months next succeeding such calamity. A nonconforming use shall not be changed unless changed to s more restrictive use. A nonconforming use, if changed to a conforming use~ may not thereafter by changed back to any nonconforminE use. PASSED in regular session of 7th day of Nov. 19~9. President of C~Sy Council ATTEST: C~ty -C le~k