O#211ORBi~YANCE NO. 211 .~N ORDINANCE OF TP~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ pALM BEACH C(~GNTY, FLORIDA~ PROVIDING ~GET, SETTING FORTH ~ ITEI~iS 0F G~AL ~X~NSE AND 0F I~T~EST REQUi~,~TS T~ !~DEB~DNESS 0F THE CI~ 0F B0~TON BEACH, P~2 BEACH COUN~ FLORiDA~ RATE OR ~f~K~G A T~ ~TE ~%~ FOR GEneRAL ~SE A~ ~DEBTEDNESS 0F THE C~'Y 0P B0~TON B~CH~ FLORIDA, FOR T~ FISCAL ~R BEG~NI~G ~O~ER i~ 1949 A~ ENDING OCTOBER 31~ 1950. BE IT 0RDAi~D BY T~ CI~ C0~/!ISSION OF T~ CITY BOZ~TON BEACH, PA~g B~CH COL~TY, ~0RiDA: That the following Budget, setting-~ort~- the i~ems of ~ERAL E~EN~. . ~D~0F ~ T ~.UIR~}.~~S upon the omtstanding mndeute~s~ of the is C=~ of BoO. ton Beach~ Florida~ be and the s~me hereby adopt- ed as the Bumg~ o~ the ~_~y of Bo]retCh Beach, Palm Beach County~ Florida, for the Fiscal Year beginning November 1~ 1949 ~d end- lng October 31~ 1950: ~.¥iNI S~?j~_WE _ pE PART~T S alar ies Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Telegraph & Telephone Insurance Legal a Professional Postage ElectiOn Expense co--lesion Fees Repairs & ~ainten~ce Ts~ Sale Advertising General Ad_minist~ative Expenses Gr o~d s Maint en~c e _%mount 600.00 60.00 300.00 500.00 3~000.00 125.00 400.00 3~000,00 1,000o00 500.00 1,500.00 300°.00 ¢19¢V85.00 Revenue~ Punch Board Licenses Occupational " Liquor " - Beer & Wine Permits - Building ~ - Plumbing ~: - Electrical Frmnchise Tax utilities Florida Power & Light Southeastern Natm~al Gas Southern ~ell Tel & Tel Atlantic Fuel 100.00 3~i00.00 5,800.00 VO0.O0 400o00 550;00 175.00 2,500.00 5,500.00 275.00 600.00 600.00 South Fl~rida Gas Board Tax Sale of Real Estate Credit POLICE DEPA~RT~S~ EXPENSE Salaries Auto Expense Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Telegraph & Telephone Insur ~1o e Ca_~e of Prisoners Operating Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Uniforms & Badges Miscel!sme ous Fines & Forfeitures Deficit: Ft~ DEPf~RTI~NT: Salaries Auto Expense St ationery & Supplies Lig~ht & Power Telephone & Telegraph Repairs & _~aintensnce ~i s c e !I she ous insu r mac e Revenue: N0kTE Deficit: WATER DEPARTed&iT Salaries Auto Expense Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Telegraph & Telephone insurance Materi~$ Postage & Express Repairs & Maintenance Misce!lam_eous Water Revenue Certificates 200°00 300.00 i0~000.00 ~30,800~00 9~000.00 1,800.00 400.00 200.00 300.00 580.00 400.00 150.00 250.00 300.00 200.00 13,580.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 150.00 VS.00 12.00 80.00 !00.00 75.00 675,00 2,467.00 10,000.©0 I~000.00 200~00 3~800.00 50.00 265.00 2,075.00 575.00 575.00 50.00 --18,590.00 4~800.00 22~990~00 8¢580.00 2~46V.00 - 3 - Water Sales Water Service De~ ~czt: STRUT DEPART.,'~E T Salaries Auto Expense Light & Power In su r ~i~_ c e t~Iat er ials Repairs & Eaintenance Sewer & Drainage Other Expense Revenue: NONE Deficit: TRASH & GARBAGE COLLECTION: Salaries Auto Expense Insursm_ce ~aterials Revenue: NONE Deficit: PARKS & PLAYGROL~IDS: Salaries Light & Power Repairs & Maintenance Revenue: NONE Deficit: CAS O :, Labor & Wages Light & Power Telegraph & Telephone Ins ur aEC e Repairs & f{alntenance Revenue: NONE 20,000.00 500.00 20 ~ 500. O0 2,700.00 1,050.00 2,500.00 300.00 ~5.00 3~000.00 250.00 600.00 10~4V5.00 5,500.00 800.00 250.00 40.00 6,590.00 2,000.00 150.00 100.00 175.00 2,425.00 I00~00 200.00 50.00 375.00 1,000.0~ I,V25.00 2,490.00 10,4V5.00 6,590.00 2,425.00 ~ 0 1,V2o.O Disaster Emergency - Labor Reserve for Tm~ Adjustment Reserve for New Equipment GEI~ERAL ~J~D: 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.~q ~28,23V.00 (Amo~ant to be raised by Tax Levy (General) on Real & Personal property) Interest'& Sinking Fund Requirement for Refunding Bond Issue of October 1, 1946 20,000.00 BE iT FURTHER ORDAINED BY T~ CITY C0b~NCIL 0F T~ CiTY 0P BOY>~TON BEACH, PAL~ BEACH COUNTY, PLOR~DA: 1. That there be, and there hereby is, levied upon all of the taxable property, both real and personal, within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, A GENIAL TAX to provide for the GENERAL EXPENSE of said City as provided in the Budget Items hereinbefore set forth~ to-wit: a tmx suf£icient to produce the sum of T~enty-eight thousand, two-hundred - thirty-seven dollars - (~28,23V.00) 2. That there be, and there hereby is levied upon all of the t~xable property~ both real mud personal, within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, A SPECIAL T.a~X TO provide for the payment of INTEREST 0~ 0i?~_ST,~DI~iG I~.rDEBTEDh~ESS as hereinbefore set forth, to-with: a tax sufficient to produce the s~mu of Twenty thoussm, d and 00/I00 doiZars - (~20,000.00). 3. That said taxes hereinbefore referred to, in Paragraph i of Page 4, be and the same hereby ~e, apportioned to and levied against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the Corporate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Coomty~ Florida, in proportion to the assessed valuation of such properties s~ are not exempt from taxation by reason of the Homestead Admendment. The valuation of all taxable property, both real and personal upon which such taxes may be levied, situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Bonn-_ton Beach~ Palm Beach Cm~nty, Florida, for the tax~ole year 1949, which is the fiscal year ending October 31st, 1950, as shown by the Tax Assessment Roll of amid City of Boynton Beach, being hereby fixed at 4~ That said taxes hereinbefore referred to, in paragraph 2 above be and the same hereby are, apportioned to ~d levied against all taxable property, both real sm~d personal, v~thin the Corporate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, in proportion to the assessed valuation of such property.. The valuation of all the taxable property¢ both real mud personal, situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Coumty, Florida, for the tax- able yes~ 1949, which is the fiscal year ending October 31st, - 5 - 1950, as shown by the Tax Assessment Roll of said City of Boynton Beach, being hereby fixed at 5o That said Taxes, hereinbefore referred to, in paragraphs ! ~nd 2 above, be extended upon the Tax Books of the City .of e Bo~uaton Beach, Palm Beach Co~ty, Florida, in the proper m!!lag proportionate to the valuation thereof as returned by the Tax Assessor, that is~ that the millage thereof, be as follo~s, to-wit: FOR GE~-ERAL EXPENSE ~ 20.00 MILLS FOR iNTEREST ON 0UTST~DING iNDEBTEDNESS ~ l!.00 MILLS BE IT FD-RTHER 0RDA~ED: That the above and foregoing 0RD~ANCE, oemng an 0rd~n~nc providing a ~adget aD~ fixing a tax rate or making a tax levy for the General Expense and Interest Requirements upon the in- debtedness of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,~ for the fiscal year begm~_~g ~ovember 1~ 19A9 a_nd ending 0cromer 5Ist, 1950~ _s be and the same hereby ~ PASSED A~ND ADOPTED THIS 6th day of Sept- ~e~tmng of the City Council ember A.~. 1949, being a Regular ~ ' of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and being the meeting at which the smme was introduced. ( SEAL ) C o mn C ou~_ci lraan o-~ue · lm. an - ~