O#210 ORDIN~NOE'~O. 21~ AN GRDINANCE OF THE~'~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PALM BEACH. ~OUNTY, FLORIDA~. AMENDING SECTION ~,~ OF ORDINANCE NO. 160 ENTITLED - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON~ PAlM B~EACH COUNTY,_ FLORIDA~ AMENDING S~CTION ~-~ OF ORD INANOE OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON~ PAI~M BEACH COUNTY~ FLOR~DA~ PROVIDING FOR OCCUPATIONAL TAIq~,S~T0 BE IMPOSED A_WD COLLECTED FROM kN~ PERSON~ FIRM OR CORPORATION WITHIN THE TOWN OF BOYNTGN, ENGAGED IN OR MANAGING ANY BUSINESS~ PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LICENSES TO ANY PERS0k~ FIRM OR CORPORATION ENGAGED IN OR MANAGING ANY BUSINESS, PRO- FESSION 0B 0CC~ATION: THE AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE IMPOSED OR COLLECTED ON ACCOUNT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR A PEN- ALTY FOR VIOLATION OF SAID ORD ~I~ANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT PIEREWITH." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. That Section ~ of Ord.~ OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON~ FOR OCCUPATIONAL TAI~M,S TO BE PF. RSON~ FIP/4 OR C~ ED IN OR MANAGING ANY VIDING F PORATION ENGAGED IN OCCUPATION; ACCOUNT THEREOE; FOR IN CONFLICT HEREWITH," ~% amended to read as ~itled "AN ORDINkNCE PROVIDING ANY ENGAG- ; PRO& COR- OR :CTED ON THE OF ALL ~RDINANCES follows: Section $. That the amomnt which fhall be paid by the several persons, firms, associations or corporations engaging in or managing such respective businesses, professions or occu- pations be, and they are hereby fixed as follows: "A" Abstract, title or security company ..................... $50.00 Academy - of music (Studio, over one teacher)..... ..... lO.00 Advertising - Agencies~ Firms Associations, Corporations, or other nersons distributing circulars, pamph%ets~ or other advertising matter~ except local merchants and theatres ad- vertising in thiS' way their own goods and merchandise, shall paya license t~x of, per year or fzac~mon of year.~ .............. 25.00 (Providing such advertising matter shall not be placed in automobiles or thrown on streets, to be handed cut to receoients only) Each person, Firm or Corporation advertising on the streets with Banners, fleats, cartoons, exhibitions, or by a~y other means, where ne vehicle is used, shall pay a license tax of .... 15;00 Each vehicle advertising on the streets by means of bamners, floats, cartoons, music of loud speakers or by any other means, shall ~ay a license of, other tham local residents ..................................... 25.oo Patent Medicine vendors advertisimg by means of ministrel or other ~nows or vaudeville acts, shall pay allicense tax by the day of ............................. 25.00 Schemes and Devices not provided for above .... 25.00 Aeroplane Agencies ........... . .............................. 25.00 Repair Shop with within storage ............... 20.00 Charging compensation for flying passengers... 25.00 Charging compensation for flying freight.. .... 25.00 Flying instructions ........................... Alleys - Bowling, Boxba!l or Tenpen - 1st alley ............. 15.00 each additional ....... 5.00 Amusement Parlors or Concert Halls.. ........................ 25.00 Ambulance - Seoar~te frem'umdertaking - each ambulance ...... 20.00 ~imal Exhibition..... ...... .... ............................ 150. Aquarium .................................................... 10.00 Astrologists and Clai~vayants~ Hypnotists, Fortune Tellers, Palmists, Phrenologists, S~iritualists, Numerologists, and other o~ a similar na~ture, whether or no~ mn connection with another business, each charging fees ................ (Providing they submit application to the City Council for approval) 50. OO Auctioneers - each -oer day....... ......................... 10.OO Automatic Amusement Machines, Games & Devices: Automatic weighing machines, when operated for profit, each machine .............. 5. O0 Automatic trade machines, devices where only incentive ~o operaSe ~mei~ to procure or receive merchandise o~ a Billiard, ~ool or b~gatelle tables o~erated for profit directly er indirectly, per table 10.00 Birds, dealers in ..... . .................................... 15.00 Beats for hire, (Notor)..per boat ..... . .................... lO.00 Row Boats..five or less ....................... lO.O0 Each additional beat .......................... 2.00 Boiler or Nachine shops or FoUm~arie~.... ......... o ........ 25.00 Boiler Inspector Companies (person or Firm insgecting boilers), ................................ ''''- Book agents or Canvassers, taking orders or selling books (Non idents) or magazines.. -res ..o.............o Book Bindery ............................................... Books, Makers of, for advertising, for directories, etc .... 10. O0 lff.oo 15. oo 25.00 Brokers: Stocks and Bonds and Mortages ................. !00.00 Customs and Others ............................ 250.00 Boot and shoe repairing shops using machinery...... ........ 15.00 Boot-black stand, each chair ............................... 2200 Broom manufacturing company.. ....... . ...................... 50.00 Building and Loan Associations: Capital to lO0,O00.00 dollarsy. .......... 50.00 Each additional 50,000.00 dollars ........ :~ 10. O0 Burglar Alarm Company ...................................... 25.00 Bus Station (On interstate business only) .................. 25.00 Butcher shoos and Groceries ..................... ... ........ 15.00 Business College ........................................... 25.00 Butterine: Wholesale dealers in, handling original packages only.. ............................... 15.00 Bottling~ Works, with or without delivery ................... 50.00 Delivery trucks (Except trucks operated by licensed bottling works) ...................... 20.00 Canning & Marmalade Manufacturing .......................... 25.00 Card Writing, Cutting & Engraving ........................... 15.00 Carpet & Rug Cleaners, Establishments, each ................ 25..00 reasonable value for cost of operating the Same, such as ~m, peanut machines and the like - Bach machine or device ...... 7.50 Games & Devices - Automatic or other- wise~ marble games~ as throwing balls at figures and the like~ which are not elsewhere provided for in this ordinance, each machine or apparatus .................. 15.00 Auto Agencies and/or Dealers: In new or used cars, motor vehicles, tracks, farm tractors and farm implements, with one principal place of business, not to exceed one lot for dis- play purposes, each agency ............. .... 25.00 Each additional display lot ................ 25.00 Auto service station.s, washin.g an.d poli~shing, greasing~ lubricating an~ liE~ servicing of autos~ selling g.asoline and oil ,but not to include repair work ........ '.--- .... Garage & Service combination .... .... ....... 25.00 Garage only ................................ 15.00 Automobiles for hire, Drive-Yourself: Rental Service: First Five Autos ........................... Each additional five autos ................. Over ten...... ...... .... ........ .... ...... . 20.00 each 10.00 each 5.00 each Awning or tent makers~ or persons attaching any awning to any building upon contract .............. 15.00 "B" Baggage or Freight Transfer Com~any - tst truck ........... 15.00 each additional ................. .. ......... lO.00 Bakery - wholesale & retia!, ~ac~ store. wholesale (Out of Town)..ii iiii ii ij iil115.0020.00 Banks~ bankers and trust companies or persons firms or brokers doing a banking business, whether incorporated or not; Having a capital of $100~000.00 or less .... 50.00 Each additional $507000.00 ................ . lO.O0 Barber shops -~each chair. .............................. .. 5.00 Bathsm~ Public houses, turkish, Russian or Vapor.. ........ 25.00 Beauty Shops .............................................. 10.00 Bicycle dealers, withor without repair .................... 20.00 Caterers., ..... .... ............... ..... .................... 10.00 Cigar Manufacturers .................... .... ............ .... 25.00 Cigars and tobacco~ retail ...................... · .......... 5.00 Circuses~ Vaudervilles, Ninstrets~ Theatrical performances~ and other shows under canvas for 3 days or fractional part thereof ..... 500.00 Citrus Fruit and Vegetables: Retail ........................................... 15.00 Wholesale .... . ................................... 25.00 Claim& Collecting agencies ................................ 10.00 Cleaning ~ Blocking Hats ................... .... ............ 10.00 Cleaning and. Pressing and Dying establishments ............. 25.00 Agencies having location in City.. ............... Agents & Solicitors out-of-Town concerns ......... 25.00 Clothing..Dea!ers in second-hand..each place.. ............. 15.00 Coal & Ice Peddlers, each wagon or truth ................... 10.00 Cold Storage ............................................... 35.00 Commission merchants, or persons doing business on commission, not otherwise provided for, both local and transient ......................... 25.00 Contractors: (except hiring outside help each has to have license. Genemal Construction ............................. Residents ................... 20.00 Non-residents ............... 35.00 Electrical Contractor ............................ Residents ................... 15.00 Non-residents ............... 25.00 Elevator Contractor .............................. 30.00 Engineering Contractor (includes Bridge, · Bulkheading, Drainage, Excavating & Sewer Construction~ Dredging, Irrigation Systems~ Pile Driving~ Seawalls, Sidewalk, Street Grading and paving~ Sidewalk and similar contract work. Residents ................... 20.00 Non-residents ............... 35.00 Floor sanding & finishing contractor ............. 15.00 Plumbing ......................................... R~sidents ................... 15.00 Non-residents ............... 25.00 Painting.. ....................................... Residents ................... 15.00 Non-residents ............... 25.00 Concrete Products .......................................... 30.00 Convalescent Home (not sanitarium) ........................... 25.00 Cool drink or ice cream stands ............................... 7.50 Coppersmiths, Manufacturers or agents for ................... . 25.00 Credit Bureaus ................ ~ .............................. 25.00 Cressoting Plants ............................................ 25.00 -D. Dairies: Milk distributors, jobbers or c~eameries delivering milk not produced by them.... .... .. 10.00 Dance Halls ................................................. 50.00 Dancing schools ............................................. 15.00 Dealers in 2nd hand fire arms: (This license shall be exclusive of all other license tax) Must submit application before City Coun¢il...lO0.O0 Delicatessen ................................................ 15.00 Dental Supplies ............................................. 25.00 Detective Agency-earn person, firm or corporation operating detective agencies. ................. Dressmaking shops ........................................... 15.00 (Provided that this shall not be construed to include home dressmaking where no materials are sold or furnished).. Drive-In,Restaurants... ..................................... 25.00 Dynamit~ Dealers - Must submit application to City Council.. 15.00 "E" Employment ~gencies..each ................................... 25.00 Engravers or Lithographers .................................. 15.00 Exhibits..Treak or other curiosities, per week .............. 150.00 Express Companies..each company..(Interstate business only). 25.00 Feather Renovators. ......................................... 20.00 Fertilizer Manufacturer or Mixing Plant ..................... lO0.O0 Fire or Wreck Sales ...................................... ~..lO0. O0 Florist, or dealer in ftowerso,each.. ........................ t5.00 Fruits:.oretail .............................................. 10.00 Fruits:..sold from truck or moving vehicles .................. 25.00 "G" Gasoline and 0il Distributors: Selling Bottled Gas ............................. In town ...................... 15.00 Out-of town .................. 25.00 Gas tank wagon delivery only .................... In town ...................... 15.00 Out-of town .................. 25.00 Golf CourseS..each ............ .. ...................... · ...... 75.00 Golf Driving Ranges..each ..................................... 50.00 Guaranty or Surety Title Co .................................. 50.00 Gypsies..each band or troop..(per week) ....................... 300.00 "H" Harness & Saddlery.. ............ · ...... .-.-. .... · ............ 15.O0 Hotels, Apartment , Rooming or Lodging Houses: 1 to ~ 5 to 9 l0 to 19 ~8 to 29 30 to ~9 50 to 69 70 to 89 90 to 109 llO to 129 130 to 1~9 150 to 199 200 & over rooms ............................... 5.00 rooms.... ........................... 10.00 rooms ............................... 15~00 rooms ............................... 20.00 rooms ........................ .-. .... 35.00 rooms ............................... 50.00 rooms .......................... . .... 65.00 rooms ............................... 80,00 rooms ..... . .................. · ...... 95.00 rooms ............................... 115.00 rooms ............................... 150.O0 rooms ............................... 185.00 "I" Ice cream carts~ wagons or automobiles selling on s~reets at retail, each ................................. 25.00 Ice Cream & Soft drinks .... .. .............................. .. 10.00 Ice Cream Manufacturers ....................................... 35.00 Ice Cream Parlors ............................................. 15.00 Ice Cream& Soda Fouutains ................................ ... 15.O0 Ice Cream wagon or truck selling at wholesale..,. ............. 10.O0 Ice Manufacturing or Storage, including cold storage plants connected therewith~ having the right to sell at wholesale or retail~ shall pay tax as follows: With a capacity of more than ten tons and less than thirty tons per day, shall pay a license .................................. 30.00 With a capacity of more than thirty tons and less than sixty tons per day ............... $0.00 With a capacity of more than sixty tons ........ 55.00 Ice Wagons:..selling on streets~ not owned or operated by Ice Factories who pay license..each wagon .......... · ................. 10.O0 Insecticide..Manufacturers ................................... 2~.00 Insurance agents (Life) for each company represented ......... 15.00 Insurance agents, any aRd all other comoanies ................ l~.O0 Jewelry..Dealers who buy and sell old gold and silver and other precious metals~ or offer to buy and sell .................................... lO0o00 Job Printing: By hand ......................................... 10.00 By power .......... · ............................. l~.OO Junk shope or dealers handling old roper brass or,her metals or waste, cotton, or ~ther articles of any kind~ unless for their original purposes.. ....... ......... .... ..o. ...... .. .... .. (Provided that j~nkdealers shall hold their stock subject to inspection by the City Chief of Police or his representatives, and shall keep a record of all purchases showing articles, price paid, and name of oarty from whom purchased~ with all marks which would assist in identification and shall make written reoorts to the Chief of Police daily of all purchases) 25.00 "K" Knife & Sicissor Sharpener .................................. lO.00 "L- Laundries:..Employing over 2 and less than 5 persons ......... lO. O0 5 and less than l0 " ......... 15.00 l0 and less than 20 " ......... 20.00 20 and less than 30 " ......... 30.00 Local ~gency..Permanent Office .................. 25.00 Agents out of To~................ 25.00 Laundry..serve yourself ..................................... 25.00 Livery Stables:..1 to l0 Horses or Mules.. .................. lO.O0 l0 or more ................................. 20.00 Lightning rod dealers, resident ............................. 25.00 Non-resident ..................... ..... ..... ~0.00 Loan and Discount Company .................... .-. ....... . .... 50°00 Lunch stands ~ud iced bottle6 drinks not over 25 chairs ......................... 15.00 Lung Testers, when operating for profit ..................... 10.00 Machine Shops ............................................... 25.00 Manufacturers of Moss or Moss Packers .................. · .... 15.00 Manufacturers of Terra Cotta~ Earthenware, Pottery, asphalt or Mineral~ or other concrete clay or rock products ..... Hand power ...... 20.00 Machine Dower... 3~.00 Manufacture of Furniture. ...................... · ............ 30.00 Medicine ........ ..... ....................... 25.00 Proprietary Medicines.... ................. . 25.00 Roofing ............ . ....................... 25.00 Manufacturers not provided for ............. 25.00 Marble & Granite Works ........................................ l .OO Meats:..Meat & Poultry Market. .............................. 15.00 Packing House .............................. 2~.00 Fresh..Wholesale ............................ 25.00 Mattress Makers ............................. · .............. . 20.00 Mental Healers: ........ All persons claiming te heal by absent treatment.. ......................... 75.00 Messenger Service..(Exclusive of Telegrams). ................ 15.00 Mimeograph & Letter Shop .................................... lO.O0 Monuments & Tombstones ...................................... 15.00 Traveling agents.. ......................... 15.O0 Motor Boat Dealers .......................................... 2~.00 Motorcycle Dealers .......................................... 15.00 Motion Picture Theatres: With seating capacity of less than 300 ....... With seating capacity of 300 to 500 .......... 37.50 With seating capacity of 500 to 10OO ......... 50.00 Merchants:..any merchant not covered in this ordinance ...... Eerry,go-ronnd or other riding devices, per device per day.. lO.O0 Motor transportation Companies, whether incorporated or not transporting merchandise for a consideration.. .............................. Musical Devices: Operator of mechanically operated (Whether operated in connection with or separate from any other business) ......... lOoOO Musicians, street..each ...................................... 10. O0 l! N~ Newspapers: ..weekly or monthly .............................. lO.O0 daily ........................................ 15.00 News Comp anies ................................................ 15.00 Night Clubs.. 50.00 Novelty Works. o ...... .. ...................................... 30.00 Oriental Goods .............................................. 25.00 Paint M~uufacturers ...................... .. ............. ~... 25.00 Pawn Broker s ..... . .......................................... 500.00 Peddlers, or dealers in dry goods, notions, jewelry~ and clothing or other merchandise on foot~ selling at retail ........................... lO0.O0 Peddlers, same as above, from vehicles, per vehicle ........ .lO0oO0 Peanut Deale~s..Retail .............. .. ........................ t0.00 Photographers, 'resident ...................................... 10.00 Non-resident or traveling ................... 25.00 Piano Tuners ........ . ........................................ I0.O0 Plating with Metals ......................................... 15.00 Pop Corn or Peanut Stands ................. · ............... ... 15.00 Potato Chips: Wholesale · 2~ O0 Post Card Stands 0nly .................. ' .......... · ........... lO.O0 Printing Office .................. ... ......................... 25.00 Professional: each person.. Professional License ........................... 25.00 For each additional partner or person operating with the oerson~ firm or corporation licensed in the preceding clause ............... lO.O0 0ccountants & Auditors ~rchitects or Drafting ~rchiteets Analytical Chemist Artists~ including retouching sketching, cartooning, crayon or ferret~er, or ~hers. Attorney at Law Chiropodists Chiropractor Civil~ Drafting or Consulting Engineer Detectives Dietitians P~ychroanalyst Doctors, Physicians & Surgeons ElecTrical Engineers Homeopathic Physicians Laboratory Techn~c_~ns' Landscape Architects Masseurs Mechanical Engineers Mental Healers or Practitioners Natureopaths Optician _t 00 ometr~st Osteopaths Bhysical Culture Directors Physiotheropists Pediatrist Tsx Experts Veterinarian or Veterinary Surgeon Public Hall Any Profession not listed ..................... 25.00 for hire ........................ · .... o ........ ... Radio Supplies..wholesa!e .............. . ......... ............. 15.00 Radio Repair ......................................... · ....... 25.00 Railroad Companies ...... '' ................................ ... 25.00 Real Estate Salesmen, each ................... ..-..-.o..~.... t0.00 Real Estate Broker, each ........ ..o.....,... .... .. .... .o .... 25.00 Repair shop;..Keys, locks, knives~ lawnmower, Gun Smithing~ Motorcycle and Bicycle repair ..... lO. 00 Repair Shop and/or Machine Shop. ............................ 25.00 Restaurant or lunch stand~ ~ith 12 chairs or less~ including restaurants of hotels and boarding houses .................................. ... ..... 5.00 13 chairs or !ess than 21 ....................... ?.50 21 chairs and less than 31 ...................... 12.50 31 chairs or J more ............................... 19.50 Rinks~ Bicycle, skating or other ............................ Rubber Baloon Dealers ....................................... lO.00 ~S- Sand & Gravel ............................................... 20.00 Saw-Mill Yard ............................................... 50.00 Shingle Mills ................................................ 50.00 Ship Brokers .................. · ............ · .............. ..200.00 Shoemaker Supplies .......................................... 15.00 Shooting Gallery (Not operated after ll:O0 P.N.- must submit application to city council). ............. 50.00 Sign Painters..Commercial..But not erecting ................. 10.00 Slaughter Pens ............................................. .100.00 Storage Ware House or Room ................... · ......... ..... 15.00 Striking Machine..each ...................................... 15.00 Tailor~ merchant~ each shop ................................ ... 15.00 Tax Agency .................................................. Taxidermist ................................................. 15.00 Telephone Systems & Co. (Interstate business only~ ...... .... 50.00 Telegraph Co. ~ith teletype Machines ........................ 10.O0 Termite Control Co .......................................... $0.00 Taxis...lst Auto ......... · 5.00 Each additional ~~]]]~]~]]~]~]~ lO.00 Trucks for hire o~ not more than one ton capacity .......... of more than one ton, and not more than two tonw,, lO. O0 of more than 2 tons, and not more than $ tons ..... l~.O0 more than 4 tons .................................. 25.00 Trucks~ wholesale de!ivery~ not otherwise provided for ..... 15.00 Theatrical or Dramatic Trouoes or Co.~ for profit~ where performances is not given in local licenses theatre .... 1st day ....................... 2~.00 Each succeeding day ............................... 20.00 Theatrical Directors who charge (or services in directing local talent plays or per- formances..each performance ....................... 25.00 Tip Sheet:..sales from newstand or otherwise ............... 25.00 Towel Supply Co .... each Local .............................. 1~.00 each non-resident ................................. 25.00 Travel Bureau ............................................... 25.00 Travelihg Moving Picture shows..per day ............. .. ..... 25.00 Trading Stamp Co ............... .i.... ..................... .500.00 Tree Pruner ................................................ 15.00 Undertakers or Embalmers & Funeral Directors ............... 25.00 Upholsters ................................................. 1%.00 "V~ Vulcanizing, for each place of business operated as a vulcanizing shop... ........................ l~.OO Watch repairing (Where not connected with). ................ 15.00 (W~ere connected with). .................... 10.O0 Water..Sold in bottles ..................................... l~.O0 Water Companies, person~ firms or corporations operating shall pay ...................................... lO0oO0 Water Softening Service ...................... ~ .............. 35.00 Wood Yard .................................................. lO. OO Every Business, Occu~ation~ Profession not specifically set forth herein ................. . 25.00 In the event any provision or provisions of this Ordinance shall be declared er adjudged invalid or ~tuconstitutional~ such adjudication shall in no manner affect any other provision or provisions of this Ordinance but all the rest hereof shall be in f~ll force and effect just as though the provisions so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a Part hereof. The above Ordinance, having been placed on its first reading at a Regular Meeting of the City Council held on June 9th, 1959, was finally passed and adopted on ~he.second reading at ~ Rogue. ar Meeting of said Board of City. Commissioners held on July ~ 19~9. Mayor-~_~ Conn~ilman Comncilman C~uncilman ~_ttest: City Clerk