O#173OP~]D ~-NA~ CE NO.
EE RE E TS ?EC I0 , CO -
That from and after the passage of this
ordinance, the following shall ~e the building code
and requirement~s of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach
County, State of Florida.
Section 1. In this Ordinance the following technical terms
shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in this
Alterations: A~y changes, addition or modification in con-
Shall mean approved by the Building Inspect~.
Any change w~ich increases the area covered by the
~Bearzng Wall. Shall be taken to mean walls upon which beams,
girders, or trusses rest.
Buzldim~. Anything erected by art ~d fixed upon or in the soil
composed of different pieces connected together a~ desig-
hated for use in t~e position in which so fixed.
A~y structurebuilt f~r tho support or inclosure of
persons, animals, or chattels. ~
Property Line: Shall be taken to mean th~ established
boundary li~e between private property and public property or
two private properties.
Curtain Wall: Shall be taken to mean any non-bearing wall
between colum~s, piers, or girders.
Cement: Where the word "cement" is used in th~s ordinance,
Portland Cement is intended.
DryCleanin~ Establishment.s: Shall be taken to mean places
where the business of dry cleaning and dry-dyeing garments
of any kind, cloth, feathers or any sort of fabrics or tex-
tiies by the use of cmrbon, bisulphite, gasoline, naptha,
benzine, benzol or other light petroleum or coal tar products
or infl~nabl~ liquids are used for dry-cleaning, sponging,
or dry-dyeing process.
Dwelling: A building designed or used for human habitation
or abode, when used by members of not more than two families
may be designated as a residence.
But when more than five rooms are provided f~w hire
or compensation, such buildings may be classified and treated
as apartment house~, tenements or lodging houses, except where
the entire building is intended fc~ hire for residence purposes
for not more than two families.
Apartment Houses: An apartment house shall be taken to mean
and include every building' which shall be intended or designed
for or used as the home or residence, of three or more families
or households living independently of e~ other.
External ~alls: The outer wall or inclosure ofa~Duilding
other than a party wall.
Fire Walls:
openings or
~ wall built of incombustible materials, without
with openings protected by metal frames and wired
or fire doors or shutters.
Story: The story, the floor of which is at or first
the level of the sidewalk or adjoining ground, the other
stories tO be numbered in regular succession, counting upwards.
Fo~ndat!on'~$atls: That portion of a bearing wall between the
bop of the footing and the bottom of the first floor beams.
Floor Area: Shall be the area of the horizontal cross section
measured to the center of party walls or fi~e walls and to
the outside of all other walls.
Firelimits: Designated in this ordinance as either inl~r
Fire Limi~ or Outer Firs Limit, as may be determined by t~
City Commissioners.
Grade: Shall be taken to mean the established sidewalk level
at the building line of any street, or if the building be not
bnilt on ~he building line of a street, then exposed surface
of the earth adjoining any wall shall be taken to be the grade
of that w llo
Height of abuildin~. Shall be taken to mean the vertical
distance between the highest part of th~ roof and the highest
point of ~he grade.
Incombustible Roof or Non-Combustible Roof: Roofs of buildings
and sheds covered with tin, iron, or incombustible material,
not subje~ct to ignition or combustion from sparks o~ fire on
the surfac~ of the roof, shall be considsred non-combustible
or incombustible roof.
~i~io~ ~epairs and ~inor Alterations: These terms shall be
taken to m~an insignificant repairs ~ld alterations which do
not affect either the structural features, arrangements or
occupancy of a building, and~ing less than One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00)~
Mercantile Buildings: Any building in which any portion is
used for any purposeother than a dwelling or apartment house.
Non-Bearing.~ls: Shall be taken to mean one which supports
no other load than its own weighti
Occupied: Shall be construed as though followed by the words
"or intended, arranged, or designed to be occupied.~
Private Garage: Shall be taken to m~an a bnilding or part of
a building used by the owner, or rented or leased to any person,
persons, firms, or corporation for the purpose of parking or
storing any motor vehicles, and in which mechanical repairs
are not made for a compens~tiono
_artit~on. An interior wall constructed cf
plaster, or other materials.
wood, laths, and ~
Party Wall: A w'all built on the dividing line between adjoining
premises for their common
Person: Any' person, fi~m, corporation, association or partner-
Prohibited Occupancies: Shall be taken to include wood yar~ls,
d~y cleaning establishments, planing mills, and novelty works,
mattress factories or mattress renovating establishments.
Roll, forced Concrete~ A concrete in which steel is imbedded in
such manner that tL~y act in unison in ~esisting stresses due
to external loading.
Repairs: The renewal of any part of a building or its fixtures
or appurtenances~ where the work or substituted ~terial will
no~ affect the safety of structural integrity o~f the building.
~ere such pzrts are affected the work shall
definition of ~ alteration.
Shed: A rough or unfinished structure for storage
structure for temporary shelter.
come under the
or a~ open
Stor~ of a Building: A division in a building comprising the
space between two successive tiers of ~oists.
I~neatre: A building or a portion of a building in which it is
desig~ed to make a business of the presentation of dramatic,
operatic., or other performances or shows fc~ the entertainment
of spectators.
$~dth of ~uzldmn~. ~e length of a building is its greatest
horizontal dimensions, the width'of a bum_d~ng is its next
greatest horizontal dimensions.
Wooden Buildin_~: Any building of which an external or party
wall is constructed wholly or partly of wood, the same as a frame
BuildinEs with wooden frame work clad with sheet metal or
veneered with brick shmll ~e ¢la~sed as frame buildings.
SEGTION B. Wheneve~ the term "Fi~e Limits" is used in this
Ordinance, it shall-be understood to refer to all territory in
either inne~ or Outer Fire Limits.
.~ECTION 6. Before any person, firm, or corporation shall
begin the erection, repairing, changing or altering of any
building or structure wlthin the limits of the Town, he oP
they shall make written application and shall file with the
Building Inspector at his office a written statement giving
the proposed locations, dimensions, and nmm~er of construction
of the proposed building or st~actu~e a~ the material to be
used, a~ shall file plans and specifications in duplicate of
the proposed building or structure, which shall contain the
name a~d address of the owner, the lot a~d block where the
building is to be erested and the structural detail drawings,
provided, however, ~nat the Building Inspector shal~ not
require such plans and specifications if the erection~ repair,
change or alteration of the proposed building or structure ~
cost less than Five Thousand ($5,000.00) ~
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corpor-
ation to begin the erection; repairing~ changing or alteration
of any building or structure within the tova~ limits of the
Town of Boynton, Florida, until he, they or it shall have
obtained from the Building Inspector a permit in writing for
such erection, repairing, changing or altering of said building
or structure~.
The BUILDING INSPECTOR shall not issue a permit for
the erection or construction of any hotel, rooming house, boarding
and rooming house, dormitories, apartment house complaining more
than two apartments, before the applicant has first obtained a
permit from ~ne Sta~e Hotel Com~ission through ~ne Supervising
- ArChitect of t~i~ District.
Upon application t~e Building Inspector shall give the
per. nit asked for, upon printed forms to be kept for that p~rposs,
provided ~nat he shall not be requi~ed to grant a permit in
any cas~ until eaoh and every of the provisions of Section ~
of this ordinance gnall have been complied with by the applicant.
Permit Card
Upon the issuing of all permits, the Building Inspector~
shall furnish the applicant wi~h Permit Card; this card must
be posted in a conspicuous place upon such building or structure
and shall be maintained in such position until the con~pletion
of all work on such building or structure, at which time it
must be returned to the Building inspector and sighted by the
applic ant.
The Building Inspector shall ~eep in his office ~
permanent record of all per~its issued by him.
Upon the giving of a permit one set of the plans shall
be returned to the applicant, providing plane are required as
provided in this section.
Eoving Buildings
No building shall be moved until a permit has bean
obtained therefore from the Building Inspector ~d such
official shall not issue such permit if the proposed new
location of the building will seriously increase the fire
hazard of the surrounding buildings.
Applications for moving any building within~he fire
limits must b~ made with the Building Inspector.
Such application shall state the lot and block number
of present location and the lot and block number of the pro-
posed new location, description, size and total length, width
and height and route over which it is proposed to move such
If alterations, changes, or repairs of any kind are
to be made to the building when placed in new location, the
applicatioh to move ~ha building must contain t~h~ frill'des-
cription of such changes as required for new buildings in this
No frame building shall be moved from the Outer Eire
Limit to within th~ I~er Fire Limit.
No chimney, flue, furnace boiler or other heating
a~paratus shall be installed, repaired, or altered without
first obtaining a permit from ~he Building Inspector, who
shall issue such permit ~nen the proposed change or instal-
lation is in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Ne permits shall hereafter be issued within the inner
fire limits for prohibited occupancies.
Permit Void
permit for the erection,
If afte~ a
or removal of a building has been granted, th~ operation
called for by the permit has not been beg~n within six naonths
of the date thereof, then said Pe~m~shall be void.
That before any permit shall be issued by the Build~imm~
Inspector, for the erection, construction, repair, alteration,
or removal of any building or stz~cture in the Town of Boynton,
Florida, the applicant for such permit shall pay to~¥ne~Building
Tnspector a fee as follows:
(a) Twenty-five (BS) cents per One Hundred ($100.00)
Dollars on th~ estimated oas~ of such building, str~acture,
alteration, repair or addition up to a fee of Fifty
Dollars for such a permit, no permit to cost mere than Fifty
($8_0.00) Dollars.
(b) Five ($8.00) Dollars for each permit to remove any
building or structure providing such building or structure is
to be moved over, across, or along any street, alley, avenue
enlargement, re~air~-
or pub~lic way.
(c) One ($1.00) Dollar for each permit to move a
building or st~cture, providing such structure is not moved
over, across, or along any street, alley, avenue or public
A separate permit shall be paid for end obtained for the
repair or alteration of any building or structure which
been removed, and the fee for the permit to remove such build-
ing or structure shall not be construed to include the fee for
the repair or alteration bf such'building or str~cture.
Use of Street
Use of Street hy Builder: ~y parson, persons, firm or cor-
poration after securing a pe~it for the erection, repair or
alteration of any building or structure shall be permitted to
use not more than ei~ght (8) feet of any street measured from
front curb line immediately in front of or along the side of
such building or structure, for the purpose of storing building
material, materials or refuse, trash or anything to be used
in the constr~ction of or anything removed from any building
or st~cture. Alleyways at the rear of such building o~
st~ucture may be used for the storing of building materials
p~oviding a free passage-way is maintained along such alleyways
for the passage of automobiles or trucks. Provided also a
permit is obtained in accordance with the provisions of thi~
Any person, persons, fir~s or corporations using any
part of a street for $~p~m~pose oF~ storing any building material,
materials or refuse, trash, or anything used in the construction
of or anything removed from any building or structure mus~
maintain a f~e Dassageway along the sidewalk in front of or
along the side of such building or structure to permit the
free passaEe of pedestrians a~ong said sidewalk, and such
passageway must be protected on the side a~ top with t£mbers
of sufficient strength to protect any person or pe~ons while
they may be passing along said sidewalk in front of or along
the side of such building or s~cture.
Provided~ howe~e~, that~no building material~ materials,
refuse, trash or anything used in the constr~ctien of such
building or st~cture shall not be placed in such a manner as
to obstruct a~ fire hydrant which might be in front of or ~long
the side oF such building or str~ctureo
Provided further that no material shall be placed in such
a manner as to obstruct the flow of water along the gutter of
such street.
~SECTION ~o Excavations~ Underpinnin~ and Protection of
Adjoining Property.
Any person causing an excavation to be made shall have
the same properly guarded and barricaded, and must use rsason-
able precaution to prevent the adjoining soil from saving in
and to prevent the adjoining property from being damaged.
Builders must ~ot ~egin work of underpinning walls until
the proposed manner of performing the operation has been approved
by the Building Inspector.
~heneve~ an excavation is carried or intended to be
ca~ied to a depth of more than five (~) feet below th~ curb
or average ground level at the p~operty, the person or persons
causing such excavations ~o be mzde~ shall a~ all times, from
the co~encement to the completion of same, if accorded the
necessary licenses to enter upon t he adjoining or contiguous
land, ~d not otherwise; at his own sxpense preserv~ any and
adjoining or contiguous wa~t, structure, yard, bank of earth
or rock from injury and m~pport the same by proper retaining
walls o? fo~mudation so that s~id wall, st~cture, yard, bank
of earth or mock shall be and remain practically as safe as
Before such excavation was commended, whether or not the said
adjoining or contiguous wall, structure, yard, bank of earth
or rock are more or less than five (5) feet above or below
the curb pr average ground level at the property. For this
purpose such approved retaining wall or foundation may be built
upon the property upon which th~ wall, structure, yard~ bank of
earth or rook is situated. If the necessary license is not
accorded to the person or persons making such excavations, then
'it shall be the duty of the owner refusing to grant such license,
to make his property safe ~d support the same, so that adjoining
excavations may be ~ade. And he shall be permitted to enter
upon the property where such excavations are being ~de, for
that purpose when necessary. But the completed operation
shall be on his or her or its o~ land.
Incombustible Walls~ Cornices and Ro.Dfs Required
within Inner Fi~e Limits. ~' ' ~
Every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the
inner fire limits shall be enclosed on all sides with walls
constructed wholly of stone or well burned brick, terra cotta,
concrete or ortner equivalent incombustible. ~aterials, and
shall ha~e the roof, top and sides of all roof structures
including dormer windows covered with incombustible materials.
All cornices shall be of inco~mbustible material.
SECTION 6~ Permissible Wooden Structures Within the Znner
Fire Limits.
No frame or wooden structure shall hereafter be built
within the Inner Fire Limits or within the Inne~ Fire Limits
hereinafter established excsp~ the following, ~a%d all roofs
placed upon such buildings or stFactures shall have an incom-
bustible roof or covering.
(a) ~empora~y one-story frame buildings for use of
(b) One-story shsds not over fifteen f~et high, open
on one long side with ~ides ~overed wi~h incombustible mat~zia~l,~
and with an area not exceeding five hundred square feet.
(c) Wooden fences not ove~ ten feet high.
(d) Piazzas o~ b~tconies not exceeding ten feet in
width nor extending more ~han three feet ~0ove the second
story floor beams.
No such structur~ shall extend beyond the lot line
or be Joined to any siEilar structure of another building.
~e) Bay windows when co~ered with incombustible material.
(f) Small outhouses not exceeding one hundred and fift~
feet in a~ea and_~ight feet in height.
(g) Wooden sheds or out houses shall not be located
within five f~et of ~y lot line nor less than twenty feet from
any other building over one-story higja, nor within ten feet of
a one-story building or each other.
(h) Grain elevators, coal pockets, or ice houses as
usually constructed.
Repairin~ Frame Buildings ~ithin
the Izn~er Fire
Any ~isting frame building within the Inner Fire Limit
which may h~reafter be damaged by fire, decay, or otks~wise to
an amount greater than one-halE of its preeent value, exclusive
of the foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall
be removed within sixty days after notice from the Building
SECTION 8. Building Have Prohibited 0ccupanc~es..Within the
Inner Fire Limits.
No other than existing buildings at pre'sent in use for a
planing mill~ novelty works, mattress factory, mattress reno-
vation factory or-dry cleaning establishment shall be constructed
within the I~u%er Fire Limits unless it be of fireproof constr~c-
No wood yard shall be permitted
Any existing wood yard shall
Inner Fire Limit to without
~$ood Yards~ ~%laere P_ onzb~tee.
within the
removed from within
such limit.
SECTION,10-· ....Limits of Hei~ht and Area.
No building hereafter erected within the fire limit~,
~having bearing walls of hollow terra-cotta or concrete blocks,
~hall exceed three stories or fifty-five feet in heigAt, and
no building hereafter erected or altered shall exceed four
stories or sixty-five feet in height unless it be of fireproof
The floor ares between fire walls of non-fireproof
buildings shall not exceed the following:
(1) When front on one street, five thousand square feet.
(2) ~nen fronting on two streets, six thousand square feet.
(3) ~V~hen fronting on three streets, seven thousand five
hundred square feet.
T~ese area limits may be increased under the followinE
(1) For non-fireproof buildings, fully equipped with approved
automatic sprinklers, 5~.
(2) For fireproof buildings not exceeding one hundrsd
twenty-five feet in height,
(~) For fireproof buildings not exceeding one hundred and
twenty-five f~et in height, fully equipped with approved
auto~.~tic sprinklers, 100%.
SECTION ll. Walls
All bea~ing, exterior o~ division w~l~s hereafter erected
wi¢hin the Inne~ Fire Limits, except residences a~d apartment
houses, shall be of sufficient thickness to snpport the load
to be carried, but in no case shall a brick, stone, concrete
stone or hollo~¢ block bearing wall be less than eig~ht inches
thi 0k.
No two-story increment shall exceed forty feet in height,
no three-story increment shall exceed forty-five feet in ~eight,
and ~o£o~story increment shall exceed sixty-five feet in
0ne-St or~ Buildings
Bearing walls, excepting party and fire walls for all
buildings of other than a dwelling or apartment house class,
shall be at least the following thickness: For one-story
buildings, not exceeding a height of seventeen feet shall be
built with not less than eight inch walls.
For one-story buildings more
than seventeen feet and not
exceeding twenty-five feet in height, walls must be twe!ge
inches thick; the brick, brick tile, or hollow bl6ck must be
laid~in cement mortar.
Two-Story Buildings
For two-story buildings, the first story wall must be
twelve inches thick ~d the second story wal!smust be not
less than eight inches thick.
Three and Fou~-Story Buildings
For three-story buildings the walls must be for the
first and second story, twelve inches thick; third Story not
less than eight inches thick; for four-story buildings,
Walls must be for the first story sixteen i~ches thick,
and third stories twelve inches thick, and fourth story
than eight inches thick°
All walls or buildings of the dwellings ~d apartment
houses and private garage class inside the Inner Fire Limits
shall be the same as
not lesm
in this ordinance.
that prescribed for mercantile buildings
Skeleton Constructzon
or curtain walls in skeleton co~str~etion
or s~eel girders shall be of brick, brick
concrete or iron
tile~ reinforced concrete or stone concrete; they shall be
laid in cement mortar and shall be the following thickness:
not less than six inches thick of reinforced concrete, eight
inches thick o~ brick tile or ston~ concrete; for each span
not exceeding t-wenty fee~ in width and not less than eight
inches thick or?einforced concrete, twelve inches of brick~
brick tile or stone cencrete; fo~ each span between twenty znd
twenty-eight feet in width provided the said wall does not
exceed a height of four stories or sixty-five feet. Should
any wall exceed four stories or sixty-five feet in height the
said enclosure or curtain walls just mentioned shall be increased
four inches in thickness for each additional fifty feet or
fractional part thereof.
Party and Fi~e ~alls.
In all buildings, except dwellings, frame dwellings and
skeleton construction party walls and fire walls which serve
as b~mring walls on both sides shall not be less than twelve
inches thick in the nppe~ two stories or upper forty feet,
increasing four inches in thickness for each two stories or
f~action thereof below.
All other fire walls shall be not less than eight inches
~hick in the upper two stories or uppe~ forty feet, increasing
four inches in thick~ess for each two stories of fraction thereof
Cement ~or~ar only shall be used in such walls.
The walls and piers of all buildings shall be properly
and solidly bounded together wi~h close joists filled with
They sh~ll be built to a line ~nd be carried up plumb
and st~aigd~t.
The walls of each ~tory shall be built up the full
thickness bo the top of the beams above.
All piers shall be built of stone or solid re~uforced
concrete or good hard well burnt b~ick~ laid in c~ment
Brick ~a!!s
All brick shall be wet immediately before being laid.
In all brick walls, every sixth course shall be a heading
course except where walls are faced with brick in running bond,
in which latter case every sixth course shall be hound into
the backing by cutting the course of fact brick and putting in
diagonal headers behind the same.
Where faced brick is used of a different thickness from
the b~ick used for b~acking the course of the exterior and interior
brick work shall be broug2~t to a level bed au intervals of not
more than ten courses in height of the face brick ~a~d the face
brick shall be properly tied to the backing by a heading course
of the face brick or galvanized wall ties may be used for bonding,
in which case they must be placed in each seventh course in
height, and not further apart than eighteen inches in the course.
All bea~ing walls faced with brick laid
shall be four inches thicker than the walls are
under any section of ~his o~dinance.
in rum~ing bond
required to be
Cement Block ~?alle
Artificial stone o~ cement block bearing or pa~ty walls
in all buildings two stories or more in height shall be four
inches thicker than required for brick walls.
~en cement bloc.ks are used in the construction of any
building, the mixture of cement and sand shall be as follows:
One part cemen~to not more than three pa~ts sand.
F oundat i on
Foundation of ~a!ls: The minimum thickness aud ~idth
of foundation walls of masonry must be as indicated i~l tn~~ ~
following schedule: Provided, however, that th~ upper story of
buildings shall not be less than sight inches thick.
Foundation for Naso~u~y Bui~di~
~When buildings are to be erected of masonry ~nich
otherwise could be erected of frame or stucco, the Building
Inspector may allow reasonable modifications oD these regulations
relating to masonry building in consideration of incombustible
~aterial being used instead of wood,
,~chedule for Footi~%$s
One sto~y buildings ....... @ in. walls 18 in. wide lZ in. deep
One story-buildings ....... lZ in~walls SS in, wide 1'8 ~n. deep ~ ~
Two stor~y buildings .... ... l~ in. walls ~8 ~n.' wide, 16 in deep
_n~ee ~story buildings ..... lZ in. walls $0 in. wide 16 in. deep
Four story buildings ...... ~6 in.owalls ~ in, wide ~0 in. deep
Nass concrete shall b~ composed of a we~ mixture not
leaner than one, three, five mixture.
For m~y building hereaftsP er~ctsd over four stories
hi~ all foundation walls must be figared 100~ additional to
the foregoing measurenents of four stoz~y buildings, f~r each
story above,four.
StAsngth of Hollow Block
Hollow block or terra-cotta or concrets when used
bea~ing walls shall have not more than 50% of cellular space.
Cement only shall be used in the manufacture of concrete
block and the course aggregate shall be of suitable mats~Ial
graded in size.
Concrete blocks shall not be used in the construction
until they have attained the age of ~wenty-~ight days or
developed the strength required in this section.
All building blocks shall be laid in cement mortar.
The compressive strength of building blocks shall in
all cases be calculated upon the gross area of the bedding
face, no account being taken of the cellular space~
The average ultimate compressive strength for tsrra-
cotta block laid with cells v~rtical sha~l be not less than
twelve hundred pounds per ~quare inch.
The allowable working stress of hollow building blocks
shall not exceed one hundred and twenty pou5ds per square inch
of gross area for terra-cotta blocks, or eighty pounds per
square ~lch of gross area fo? concrete blocks.
If a wall be built of blocks with the cells horizontal
tie allowable working stress shall not exceed thirty pounds
per square inch of gross area.
Partiti0n~ in Public Build~16s
All partition walls in schools, hospitals ai~d places of
public ass~n~blage over one story hi~h, and all walls and par-
titions in theatres sh~ll hereafter b~ built of brick, ~tone,
hollow or solid block or metal.lath and celnent plaster on metal
studding, or other equivalent incombustible construction.
Ali exposed walls and all exterior or division or party
walls over oii~ story high shall extend the full thick~ess of
the top story to at least two feet above the roof surfacing of
a building~as a parapet, ~ud be properly coped, exceDting walls
which face on m street and are finished with incombustible cor-
nices, gdtters, or c~own mouldings, excepting also the walls of
detached private dwellings and apartment houses with peaked
or hipped roofs.
The parapet walls of warehouses, and all marmfacturing
buildings shall extend three feet above the roof level and
shall be coped.
Firewalls .... Construction of.
Fire walls shall be constructed of hard burned brick, or
reinforced concrete and shall be continuous ~rom fnundation to
three feet above t~e roof level and be coped.
S~CTION 12. Concrete Conatruction
Concrete for reinforced concrete construction shall
consist of a wet mixture of one part cement to not more than
six parts of aggregate fine and coarse, in such proportion as
to produce the greatest density.
Material Construction and Design
The quality of the material and design of the construction
shall be in accordance with th~ best engineering practice.
SECTION 1G. Protection of Ends of Wooden Beams
The end of all floor, ceiling, or roof beams entering
a party or fire wal~ from opposite sides shall be separated
by at least six inches of solid masonry,
J~ch separation may be obtained by corbeling the wall,
or staggering the betas, or the beams may be supported by
steel wall hangers, but no wall shall be corbelled more than
two in~nes on each sid~ of wall for this purpose, the ends of
all ~ooden beams which enter walls shall be cut to a bevel of
four inches in ~welve to make them self r~leasing.
SECTION 14. Protection of Wall Openings
No opening 'in an~ interior ~son~y walls shall exceed
eight feet by ten feet.
If the opening be in a party or fire wall it shall have
a~standa~d automatic fire door on each side of the wall.
Emergency Exit
If ~ opening in a fire wall is made to serve as an
emergency exit it shall not e~o~eed fortymeight sqMare feet in
area, and a self closing fire door shall be substituted for
one of the automatic fire doors.
The total width of the openings in a fire wall ~nal! not
exceed twenty-five per cent of the linear length of the walt.
Windows in ~ater Closets
In every building, the water closet or urinal apartment
shall have a window not less than four
~indows Above Curb
All windows more than sixty-five
(4) square feet in area.
feet above the curb
Occupants of buildings shall close
interior fire doors, shutters and windows
iness each day.
incombustible frame and sash glazed with wire glass.
all exterior
at the close of bus-
Arches and Lintels
Openings for all doors and windows in all masonry buildings
shall have
catta well
strength which shall have a bearing at each end of not
than five inches on the wall.
good and sufficient arches of stone, brick, or terra-
built ~d keyed, or to have good aRd sufficient
or lintels'of stone, iron or steel of sufficient
A suitable arch shall be turned over on the inside of
all opsnings or lintel may be of cast iron or wrought iron or
steel and in such case stone blooks or cast iron plates shall
not be required at the ends where lintel rests on the wall,
provided the opening is not more than six (6) feet in widtk.
Reinforcing rods shall be used where necessa?y to secure
SECTION t6. Stairway
All buildings erected hereafter within ~ne Interior
Fire Lt~its over two stories high shall have at least one
stairway of iron or some incombustible material with treads
and platforms of iron, slate, marble or other stone, or shall
have the staircase and halls enclosed with walt of some fire-
resisting material approvsd by the Building Inspsctor, and all
mortar used in the construction shall be
No such hollow partition shall be
cement mortar.
less than six inches
No'brick partition less than eight inches thick, and no
solid p~rtztzon less t~n four inches thick.
Doors in Stairway~
All door openings in stairway enclosure shafts shall
be protected by fire doors mounted with wrought iron or steel
hardware~ and shall be securely attached to the wall or parti-
tion or to substantial incombustible frames anchored thereto.
Glass in Doors
If glass panels be used in ~ch doors or walls, they
shall be of wired glass not to exceed seven hundred ~ud twenty
(V20) square inchss in ar~a.
Interior shaft windows shall not be permitted unless
same are constructed of wired glass in metal frame.
Walls for Stairway Shafts
The enclosure walls for all staiPway ~shafts
extend at least three (~) feet above the roof, and
three-fourths of the area shall be
Door ope~'zings into stairway
direction of exit travel, shall be
at least
at least
covered with a skylight.
shafts shall swing in the
self-closing, and sha~l be
thirty-six (36) inches wide.
SECTION 17. ElevaDor Shafts
Elevator or hoist~ay shafts in all buildings hereafter
erected over t~ stories high shall be separately enclosed
by incombustible partition.
Walls for Elevator Shafts
The enclosure walls for all elevator shafts Shall
extend at least three feet above the roof, and at least three-
fourths of the area shall be covered with a sk~yli~ht.
SECTION 18. Ekylights over Stairways a~l Etevaton Shafts
Wh~re a s~airway, elevator or dumb waiter shaft extends
through the roof and is covered by a skylight, the skylight
shall be const~cted with incombustible frame and sash, glazed
with ordinary thin glass, and shall be protected by a galvanized
s~eel wire screen with a mesh~nat exceeding one inch, a~ a
wire not smaller than a No. 12
The screen shall have a metal support and shall be
p~aced not less than six (6) inches above the skylight.
Instead of a sky&ight, a window may be placed in the
side of the shafts above the roof.which is most removed
from the property line.
The window mhall have incombustible frame'and s~h~and
be glazed with thin glass or metal louvers in incombustible
SECTION 19. Floor Lights
Except ~. dwellings, all openings hereina£ter made in
floors for the transmission of light to floors below shall
be screened at each floor level with a steel wire screen with
a mesh not exceeding one inch and a wire not smaller than a
No. 16 gauge.
SECTION 20. Light, Vent~ and Dumb ~aiter Shafts
In every building hereafte~ erected or zlte_~ed, except
frzme buildings, all walls or partitions forming interior
light or vent shafts shall be built of brick, brick tile or
cement not less t_ban six inches thick.
The walls of all light or vent shafts whether exterior
or interior hereafter erected shall~be carried up not less
than three feet above the level of the roof where such wall
touches such roof, and the walls coped as other parapet walls.
Except ~hen roof supports are non-combustible, said
be of
~ith t~ree-fourths
need not extend above the roof.
The walls of dumb waiter shafts, except those in dwellings
extend only one-sto~y above the basement or cellar, shall
fire r~sistive construction azid shall be not less t~ban
(3) inches thiok if constr~cted of brick, hollow or
partition blocks or of steel studding and metal laths
of an inch of~me~t~p~s~e~on ~ach side;
or a two-inch solid metal lath and cement plaster wall may be
permitted if securely anchored at each floor.
All such partitions shall be fire stopped with incom-
bustible material the full depth of the' floor beam at each
floor level.
Where dumb waiter shaft does not extend through-'the
roof, the tod of the shaft shall be of fire resistive con-
st2uction of the same thickness as the'walls of the shaft.~
All openings in dumb waiter s~fts shall be protected
by fire doors mounted in incombustible frames securely anchored
to the wall.
~?hen metal louvers are used for ventilating purposes
the louvers or slats shall be riveted to metal frames or
firmly imbedded in the maso~y.
SECTION ~l. Roofs
All buildings except those specially mentioned in
Section 22 hereof shall have roof coverings of standard quality,
suc~ as:
Brick or concrete surface.
Clay or cement tilt
Tin or Slate
Asbestos shingles one-~ighth inch or more in
Pitch er reit, built up type, four or five plies~
gravel or slage surface.
Asbestos Asphalt, built up type, four or five
plies, smooth or brick surface.
Roofs of all buildings coming unde~ th~ State
Hotel Code, shall be covered with any suitable
in combustible material, or with any type of
prepared or built-up felt roofing of no lower
rating th~n Class B of the Southern Underwriters
SECTION 2~. Roofs ~or Dwellings
All of the following classes o~ buildings shall be
covered with coverings set forth above ~n Section 21 of this
ordinance, or ~ith standard Asphalt Rag Felt prepared roofing
or Asphalt Rag Felt Shingles or by other Sypes of
hav&~g equivalent fire resisting properties.
Frame Buildings
Buildings not exceeding two stories or forty
feet in height and twenty-five hundred (2500)
square feet in area, amd not used £or factories~
warehouse~ or mercantile purposes.
Dormer ~indows Covered
'The top and sides of do.~uer window~ shall be covered
same as the roof, or with other material having equivalent fire
resisting properties.
SECTION 2~ 4. ~ood Roof. Dama~ed
If a wood shingle roof is damaged by fire to the
of more than twenty per cez~t, the entire roo~ s~ii be
with one of the materials specified in Sections 21 ~d
Tf a
22 of this
wooden shmngle roof is to be reoaired more than
ten per cen~ in any one year, tb~ same shall be entirely
replaced with~one of the materials specified in Sections 21
a~d 22 of this ordinance, except as specified in Paragraph
One (1) of this section.
Roo£ Drains
All buildings shall be provided with proper metal
roo£ drains which shall be connected with the storm sewer.
Where there are no storm sewers such drains shall be connedted~
by pipe below the sidewalk surface to the street gutter.
.Detached dwellings or other one-story buildings m~y be exempt
from the requirements of this paragraph at the d&~scretion
of the Building Inspector.
SECTION 28. Removal of a!2
~ithin eight years from the
this ordinance, any and all roofs
~o.o97e~ Shlngle Rgofs
date of the approval of
covered with wood shingles
shall be replaced with roof coverings which comply with the
~SECTION 26. Skylig~_Uts
All openings in roofs for the admission of lights
other than those provided for in Sections 18 and 20 of this
ordinance shall have incombustible frames and sash with wired
glass, or ordinary glass may be used if protected above and
below by galvanized steel wire screens with a mesh not exceeding
one inch and the wire not smaller than a
The top screen shall be installed
Section 18 of th&s ordinance.
No. 16 gauge.
as specified in
SECTION 2~. Exits. Requi~e~d
The term "Floor Area" as used ~ this section shall
mean the entire floor space between exterior ~alls ~d fire
In every building hereafter erected, except
private dwellings, each floor area above the first
provided with at least two means
A door way in a firewall leading ~o another floor
area separately provided with adequate stairs or other inde-
pendent meaz~s of exit shall be construed as co~ing within the
those in
shall be
of egress remote from each
i~tent of this rule.
Such doorway serving as an emergency exit in a fire wall
shall be protected by an automatic and self-closlng fire door
es specified in Section 16 of this oz~linance.
No portion of any floo~ area shall be more than one-
h~dred feet from a place of egress.
Elevators shall not be considered as a means of egress
as specified in this section.
,,Width of'Stairways
E~cep~.in dwellings, no required stairway shall be
less than thzrt~T-slx (36) inches wide and a total width of
exit doorways leading therefrom shall be at least equal to the
total width of the stairway which they serve.
The total width of a stairway interior and ~xterior
provided fo~ the occupancy of each floor and those above shall
be not less than thirty-six (3~) inches for the first fifty
(80) persons and tweLVe (lB) inches for each additional fifty
(~0) persons to be accommodated thereby.
T~e stair treads shall not be less than nine and one-
half inches wide ~d the risers not-more than seven ~d three-
fourths inches high.
~lnde~sin Stairways
~inders in such required stairways are prohibited.
Every school, hospital, end theatre ove~.one-story high
shall have at least two stairways constructed entirely of incom-
bustible m~terz~l located remote from each other, continuous
from g~ade line of topmost stor~y. All exit doors in schools,
hospitals, theatres a~ other pleces of public ~ssemblaoe~ ~ shall
open outward,
SECTION 28. Fire Stops
At each floor level in all buildings inside of the
fire li~ts all stud walls, partitiolTs, furring and space
between ~joinsts where they rest on division walls or partitions
shall be fire stopped with not less than a two-inch plank or
incombustible material in a manner to completely cut off
communications by fire through concealed spaces.
Stair carriages sh~ll be fire-stopped at least once
in the middle portion of each run.
Depth of Floor and Ceiling Joists and Rafters
and Roof Beams-to be used on Different Spans;
and si~ss of studding for Bearing Partition
and Halls.
in all buildings hereafter e~ected within the fi~e
li~its-~ no floor joists shali exceed the following spans aud
all such floor joists must be sixteen (I6) inches on center.
Floor Joists
Schedule of Spans.
2x6 not ~o exceed 10 f~. span. ~_~_~,~-~_~--~?
2x8 not to exceed 16 ft. span.
~xl0 not to exceed 18 ft. span.
2x12 not to exceed 20 ft. span.
Ceiling joists hereafter erected in t~he fire limits
mus~ be placed not to exceed sixteen (16) inches on center,
provided tha~ ceiling does not carry a floor above.
C eilin~ Joists
Ceiling joists and rafters and roof beams shall not
the following spans as sho~ in schedule.
Schedule of Spans.
2x4 not to exceed 12 ft. spans°
2x6 not to exceed 16 ft. spans.
2x8 not to exceed 20 ft. spans.
All floor, ceiling and roof joists shall be
at i~ast once ~l each span.
A clearance of not less than eighteen (18)
should be left between ceiling and a flat roof with a
hole ~ ceiling a~cessible to attic or vent space.
Studding hereafter erected in the fire limits in all
bearing partitions and walls must be not less than 2x4 mill
size and placed sixteen inches on center.
Provided, however, that when ceiling is used on such
partitions and walls studding may be placed two (2) feet on
A~ea Way: All area ways below the street level shall
be guarded with suitable railings or be protected by ~uy incom-
bustible covers or gratings.
If gratings be used they shall have a wire screen of not
more than one-half inch mesh securely attached to ~he under side.
SECT~pN 2~. Frame
Bui ldi~e Sec ond Fire..._Limit
No frame building hereafter erected or alters8 shall
exceed three stories or forty-six (46)-feet in height, except
private dwellings may be four stories o~ fifty-five (66) feet
in he ight.
This provision does notapply to grain or coal
No frame building hereafter erected for any occupancy
other than g~ain elevators, coal elevators ~%d pockets, in~
houses and exhibition buildings not over fifty (50) feet in
heiEh~ shall cover a gPound area exceeding the following:
Two-story buildings, seven thousand five hundred (7,800)
square feet.
Th~ee-stor~y buildings, five thousand (8,000) square feet.
Lot Line
In no case shall a frame building be e~ected within
three (~) feet of the side o~ Pear lot line unless said side~j
or rear lin~ abutts a' street, alley, or other public way~ nor
within six (6) feet of any other buildinE, unless tt~ space
between studs o~% each side be filled solidly with not ~less
than two and one-b~If (9~-~) inches of brick work or other
equivalent Luco~bustible m~terial.
Found_ation for France Buildings
~ere frame buildings rest on piers or brick,
or stone concrete they shall not be spaced farther
shown ~% the following schedule:
One-story buildings 8 fe~et on center.
Two-story bulldogs 6 fe~t on center.
oP footings fQr piers
One-story buildings
Two-story buildings
shall be as follows:
I~xlZx$ inches.
l~xl~x8 inches.
apart than
Foundations for Frame and Stucco Building~
The enclosure or outside walls of stucco buildings
shall not be pe~nitted to be erected on piers but must be
erected on a solid foundabion (with openings sufficient for
ventilations) such foundations to be on a footing not l~s.s
than four (4) inckes thiOk and ten (10) inches wide for one-
story buildings, for a two-sto~y building, not less than six
(6) inches thick and twelve ~12) inches wide. Such footings
shall be not less than four (4) inches below the surface.
Sills for Frame Buildings
Sill~ for all buildings shall be not sz~aller than shown
in the following schedule:
One-story buildings ~6~
Two-story buildings 6x6 o~ 4x8.
Buildin~ inspecto~ to Allow ~odification
~0utside the Ihner fire limits when any building is to
be erected of brick, stone, hollow block o~ concrete, that
could under this e~dinance be constructed of wood, the Building
Inspecto~ is h~reby authorized m~d directed to allow reasonable
modifications of this ordinance ~elating to b~ick buildings~
in consideration of t.he use of incombustible material instead
of wood, such modifications however mhali not permit variations
from requirements of Section 16, 17, 27, and 34 of th&s ordinance.
SECTION 30. Private Garage Inside Outer Fi~e Limits
~ the outer fire limits private garages o~ garages
erected for the purpose of renting or leasing for storage of
motor vehicles may be constructed of frome when such garage does
not accommodate more than th~ee~ motor vehicles or does not exceed
a size of eighteen (18) feet by
as required for' frame buildings
If a battery of gaEages
thirty (30) feet mhd constructed
in Section 29 o~ this o~dinance.
or stalls a~e erected for the
housing of motor vehicles and such garages o~ stalls, do not ac-
cpnm~odate more than one motor vehic!~ they may be e~ected under
one roof; if there be more than t~ee stalls they must be erected
as separate building for each three stalls and spaced not less
than ten (10) feet apart o~ they may be erected as one building,
than eight
fire walls
roof ar~
there be plac~d a.fire wall not less
(8) inches thick between each three stailz; such
shall extend not less than two (~) feet above the
shall be coped.
O~rsges Under Apartments
If apartments are erected above a g~rage intended for
the storage or housing of motor vehicles and such garage exceeds
z size of thirty 630) feet by eighteen (18) feet then the walls
and ceilings of such garage
Such walls to be not less than eight
such ceiling shall not be less tb~n four (4)
shall be constructed of fireproof
(8) inches thick;
inches thick.
SECTION 31. Ohimneys~ Flues and Fireplaces Inside Fire Limit~
Except as herein provided, a~l chinn~eys in every building
hereafter erected az~ all chimneys hereafter altered or rebuilt
shall be constructed of brick, stone, or ~einforced concrete.
No maso~ry chimney shall have wails less than eight
(8) inches thick, unless it be lined on the inside with well
burned terra-cotta or fire clay cb~nn~ey tile set in cement
mor~a~, in ~hich case tho walls sbzll be not less than four (4)
inches thick.
Flue Lining
The lining shall be contin~mous from the bottom of the
flue to the extreme height.
No chimney s~all be corbelled out-mo~ than one-half the
thic~ess of the wall in which it is built, and in no c~se more
~han eight (8) inches from a brick wall, and such corbelling
shall consist of at least five (~) courses of brick.
B~ick onlEd~e
Brick set on edge shall not be
in ch~wn~.ey
Ch&mney~, Low Pressure Boilers
Chin~ueys of all low-pressure boilers or furnaces, also
the smoke flues of baker ovens, large cooking ranges, large
laundry stoves and all flnes used for similar purposes shall
be at least eight (8) inches in thick, less and be lined conti~-
uously on the inside with well burned terra-cotta or fi~e clay
chim~ey tiles set in cement mortar.
All such chimueys shall be coped with terra-cotta, stone,
concrete or cast iron.
Smoke, High Pressure Boiler_~s
~h~ smoke flue of every high-pressure steam boiler and
~vemy appliance producing a corresponding temperature in a flue,
if built of brick, stone, reinforced concrete or other approved
masonry, s_hall have walls no~ less tlaan twelve inches thick and
the inside four ~ inches of such walls shall be fire brick
laid in fire mortar, for a distance of at least twenty-five
feet fro~. the point where the smoke connections of [~e boilers
enter the flue.
Chimneys above Roof
All chinn~eys shall project at least three ~3) feet above
the point of contract with the flat roof, or two feet above the
ridge of a pitched roof.
Cement mortar only shall be used in the cons~F~ctio~ of
Supports for Chinu~eys
No chimney in any building shall have
any kind~
Supports shall be incombustible and
ground or foundatzon.
wooden supports
shall rest upon the
Chief of
dangerous o~
taken down.
Dm~erous Chimueys
cb~ueys or flues, which in the opinion of th~
the Fire Department~are from any canse considered
shall be repaired and m~de safe or
Metal Smoke Stacks
Metal for smoke stacks ,.-~y be permitted for boilers,
furnaces, and similar apparatus, provided t~hay have a clear-
ance from all c~mmbustible ~uaterial of not Less thmu one-half
(~) the diameter of the stack, but not less than six (8) inches.
V~here such .stacks pass through a roof, it shall be
guarded either b~ a metal hood of not less than six inches
above the roof for ventilation, or by galvanized iron ventil-
ating thimble extending at l~ast nine'(9) inches below the
underside of the ceiling or roof beaEs to at least nine (9)
inches above the roof, and'the diametep of t~.c'ventilating
thimble shall be not less than twelve (12) inches greater than
that of the smoke stack.
Metal smoke stacks shall not be permitted to pass through
Fire Place
The fir~ back of eve_~y f~replace hereafter erected shall
be not less than eight (8) inches in thickness of solid masonry.
~nen a grate is set in a fire-_~lace, a lining of fire brick at
least two (~) inches thick shall be added to the fireplace unless
soap stone tile or~ cast iron is used and filled in solidly hehia~d
with fireproof m.a~erialo
Stove Flue~ Residence.
Stove flues for residences may be-built with four i~ches
of masoz~y provided they are placed on the outside and no wood
work is within the outside face of the~a~sGz~y and flu~s are
built from top to bottom and laid with cement mortar, and l~ed
from base to top with fire clay piping ~ sections not less than
twenty-font (~) inches long.
Flues not built from the ground up shall be hung on
iron stirrups of new iron not less than one-fourth of an_.inch
by one and three-fourths ~l ~/~) inches bent to come to at least
two inches below lower surface of ceiling, or any other approved
metal supports conforming to these requirements.
No flue to be less than three ($) feet abo~e flat roof
nor less than two (9~ feet above ridge of peaked roof.
All flue holes when not in use shall be closed with
tight fitting metal covers.
SECTION ~2. Wooden Beams Separated from Masonry Ch~eys
of any
shall be solidly filled with mortar,
No wooden beam or joist shall be placed within two (~)
of the outside face of a chimney or flue.
No woodwork ~hall be within four (~) inches of fire back
All places between the china~ey a~ the wooden beams
mineral wood, or other in-
combustible material.
The headers of beams, carrying the tail beams of a floor
and supporting the trimmer arch in front of a fireplace shall
be not less than twenty (~0) inches from the ch1~uey breast.
No wooden furring or studding shall be placed against any
Plaster on Chi~m~eys
The plastering s~hall bedirectly on the masol~y or on
metal lathing.
Wood Work Fastened to Plaster
~oodwork fastened to plaster which is against the masonry
of a chimney shall have a layer of asbestos board at least one-
eighth of one inch thick placed between the wood work and
SECTION ~. Smoke Pipes
No smoke pipe shall be within six (6) inches of any wood=
work or any wooden laths ~d plaster partition or ceiling.
~ere smoke pipes ~ass through a wooden lath aud plaster
partition they shall be gu=fdhd by galva~zzed iron ventilating
thiLnbles at least 12 inches larger in diameter than the pipe,
or by galvanized iron thimbles built in at least four (4) inches
of brick work or other incombustible material. No smoke pipe
shall pass through any floor or combustible roof of any buildin~
SECTION 34. Hot Air Pipes and Registers
All heater pipes from hot air funnaces where passing
through combustible partitions o2 floors mus~ bs double tin pipes
with at least one inch air space between ~hem.
Horizontal hot air leading from furnaces shall be not
less t_han six (6) inches from any woodwork, unless the woodwork
be covered with loose fitting tin or the pipe be covered with at
least one-half inch of corrugated asbestos in which latter case
the distance from the woodwork may be reduced to not less than
three (~) inches.
No hot air pipes shall be placed in a wooden stud parti-
tion~or any wooden enclosure unless it be at least eight (8)
feet horizontal distanc~ from the furnace.
Hot air pipes contained in~c~bustible partitions s~llf
be placed inside another pipe arranged to ~naintain one-half inch
air space between the two on all sides, or be securely coverod
w~th one-half inch corr~gated asbestos.
Neither the outer pipes nor the covering shall be within
one inch of wooden studding~ ar~ no wooden laths shall be used
to cover ~he portion of the partition in which the hot air is
Hot Air Pz~es In Closets'
Hot azr pzp s in closets shall be double with a space of
at least one ~ch between them on all sides.
Hot Air Furnace
Every hot azr furnac~e shall have at least one register
withou~ valve or louvers,
A registe? located over a brick
by a brick shaft built up from the
Said shaft shall be
be within thr~e (~)
cover of the
shall~b~ supported
hot air chamber.
lined ,~ith ~ metal pipe and no woodwork shall'
inches of the out~r face of the shaft,
Re~ister Box in Floor
A register box placed in a floor over z portable furnace
shall have an open space around it of not less than four (4)
inches on all sides and be supported by an incombustible border.
Hot air registers placed in any woodwork of combustible
floors shall be surrounded with borders of incombustible material
not less th~n two (2) inches wide, securely set in place.
The register boxes shall be of metal a~d be doubled.
The distance between the two shall be not less than one
(1) inch or they may be single if covered withasbestos not less
than one-eigh~th inch in thickness and if all woodwork within
two inches be covered with tin.
Cold air du~ts for hot air furnaces sb~l! be made of in-
combustibIe material.
Steam and Hot Water Pipes
No steam or hot water pipe shall be within one inch, of
~ny woodwork.
Every steam or hot water pipe passing through combustible
floors or ceiling or wooden lath and plastered partition, shall
be protected by metal tube one inch larger in diameter than the
pipe and be proveded with a perforated metal cap.
Ali wooden boxes or cas~'~gs inclosing steam or hot water
heating pipes or wooden covers to recesses in wall!Inwhich
steam or hot water heading pipss are placed shall be lined with
Dry Rooms
No combustible material shall be permitted in the con-
struction of any dry room hereafter erected, in which a temp-
erature of a hundred and twenty-five (125) degrees Fahrenheit
or over may exist.
If a temperature under one hundred and twenty-five (125)
Degrees Fahrenheit is to be used, the dry room may be con-
structed of wood but it shall be lined throughout wit~ one~
eight inch asbestos covered with sheet metal.
If w&ndows are placed in walls or ceilings of dry rooms
they shall be of wired glass set ~ fixed incoffeustible sash aHd
Stoves and Ranges
No kitchen range or stove in any building shall be placed
le. ss than three (3) feet from any woodwork or wooden lath and
plaster partition unless the woodwork or partition is properly
protected by metal shields, in whiSh case the distance shall be
not less than six (8,) inches.
Metal shields shal~ be loosely attached, thus preserving
an air space behind them.
Hoods Over,Ranges
Hotel mhd restaurant ranges shall,be provided with s
metal hood placed at least nine (9) inches below any wooden
lath and plaste~ or wooden eeiling and have an individual pipe
~loors ttnde~ Ranges
Combustible floors under coal ranges arm similar appliances
without legs, such as meutioned in Section 40 of this ordinance
in which hot fires are ma&Atained ~aal! be protected by a sheet
of metal or a one-eighth.~lch layer of aabest0s building lumb'er
which shall be covered with not less than four (4) inches of
masonry set in cement mortar.
Such masonry may consist of one course of four inch hollow
terra-cotta or of two cuurses of brick and be laid to preserve a
free circulation of air throughout the whole, course.
Concrete may be substituted for a course of solid brick
if desired.
The masonry work shall be covered by a sheet of metal
of not less than a No. 26 gauge, so arrangedaas not to obstruct
the ventilating passage beneath.
Such hearths shall extend at least twelve (12~) inches in
front and twelve (12) inches on the side and back of the range or
~imilar heating apparatus..
All coal stoves or ranges with legs shall be set on in-
combustible material which shall extend twelve (,12) inches in
front aud six (6) inches on sides and rear.
~eating Furnaces ~nd Appliances:
~a~ woodwork, wooden lath and plaster Dartition Dr ceiling
within four (4) feet of the sides or back or six (6) feet from
the front of any heating boiler, bakery oven, coffee roaster,
fire heated candy ~ettle, laundry stove or other similar appliance
shall be c~ersd with metal or metal over one-fourth inch asbestos
to a height of at least five (5) feet above the floor.
The covering shall extend the full length of the boiler,
furnace or heating appliance and to be at least five (5) feet in
front of it.
If metal without asbestos is used shields shall be loosely.
attached, thus preserving an air space between th~m.
In no case shall combustible construction be permitted
within two (~) feet of the sides or back of th~ heating appliance
or five ($) feet in front of same.
B__oiler or Range from Walls
No furnace, bo~ier rang~ or other hea~mng appliance
be placed against a wall furred with wood.
she I1
Heating boilers should be encased on sides and top by an
incombustible orot~ctzng covering not less than one and one-half
inches thick?
Open Flame H.$ating Device:s
All gas, gasoline, bil or charcoal burning stoves or
heating devices shall be placed on i~on stands at least six
inch~s above combustible supports, unless th~ burnems are at
least five (5) inches abov~ the base withmetal guar~ plates
four (~) inches below the burners.
Ventilating Pipe Required
All open flame heating devices must be equipped with a
ventilating pipe so constructed and installed that all fumes
from such heating devices will be carried outside of ~he build-
~nere such pipe passes through s wood, wooden lath and-
plastered partition, ceiling or roof, they shall, be guarded by
galvanized iron ~entilating thimbles at i~ast four (4) inches
larger than th~ ~ipe.
Distance from Wall
No such open flame heatin~ devices in any building shall
be placed less than eighteen (Io) zn~hes from any woodwork or
wooden lath and plaster partition or ~all %u~less the woodwork,
partition or wall is properly p~otedt~d~by metal,shields, in
which case the distance shall be not less thau six (6) inches.
~etal shields shall be loosely attached, thus preserving
an air space behind them.
No open fla~e heating or lighting device shall be used in
any room where gasoline 'or other volatile infl~mable fluids are
stored or handled.
Gas Connections
Gas co~ections to stoves and similar heating devices
shall be made by rigid metal pipes.
For small portable gas heating devices, flexible metal
rubber tubing may be used ~en there is no valve or shut-off
on the device.
SECTION 41. Vent Flues
Vent flues or ducts for th~ removal of foul or vitiated
air in which the temperature of th~ air cannot exceed that of
the room shall be constructed of metal or other incombustible
mzterial and shall not be placed near?r than one (1) inch to
~y woodwork and no such flue shall be used for any other purpose.
SECTION ~._2~. Stand Pipe_
In all buildings hereafter erec6ed over three stories in
h~ight, thers shall be installed one or at the direction of the
Chief of ~he Fire Department more than one, four ~4) inch or
larger metallic stand pipes, which shall be corrected with City
wate~ mains through four (4) inch or larger u~-uetered com~ections
wherever'City wa~er mains ar~ available, and eouipped with a two
and one-half (~i) inch hose connection on each floor ~d ~ two
and one- half (2~ znch szamess co~ection wzth proper check
valve outside at street grade°
Threads on hose connections inside of buildings ~d
on siamese connections outside of buildings shall be of same size
and pipe as that used by Fire Department?
Siames~ com%ections outside of ouzlm~ngs shall be in-
stallsd not less than six (6) inches or more Shah twenty-four
(24) inches above sidewalk.
Safety of Desi~
All parts of every'building
carry the loads imposed theron and
form to good engineering practice.
sh~l~ be designed to safely
shall in all respec.ts con-
The Chie~ of Fire Department and the Building Inspector
are hereby authorized and empowered:
-First: To e~force all ordinances relating to
tion, equipment and management_sa~ld condition of ali
within said City.
the construc-
Second: To supervise the construction or reconstruction of
~rocedure for.R~moval of All Buildings
If any buildings shall hereafter be erected within the
Town of Boynton in violation of, or not in full compliance
with each and every order, rule or re~ulation contained in this
ordinance, or if any building shall hereafter change to a con-
dition prohibited or declared unsafe by any rule, order, or
regulation hereof, or if any building heretofore erected of the
class or character herein ~irected and required to be hereafter
removed, and the same shall not be so removed, said building is
hereby declared to be a nuisance whenever in the course of its
const~mction any order or re~alation of this ordinance be violated
or not fully complied with or -~henever the same shall change to
a condition prohibited or declared unsafe by any order or reg-
ulation of this ordinance, or whenever the same shall not be
removed, at the time ~d in the ma~er in this ordinance rSo£aired,
as the case may be, and the owner of such building shall be
required to remove the same building within thirty (30) days
after the service upon him or his agent of notice so to do,
which said notice shall be given by resolution of the City Com-
~d if such buildin~ is not so removed within thirty (30)
days after the service upon him of such notice, such building
shall be removed by the Building Inspector.
Such notice shall be served by delivery of-a copy thereof
to the owner-or his agent, if either of them be found within the
Town of Boynton, or by the mailing of a copy thereof to such
owner if R&s address b~ unknown, or if s~ch owner be a non-
resident of the Town of Boynton without a ta~own resident agent,
and such owner' s address be unkno~n, the service thereof shall
be made by publishing once ~ach week for three (3) consecutive
weeks in a newspaper published in tbze Town of Boynto$, provided,
however, that if such building be in such condition that it is
dangerous to life or limb, the same shall be removed ~.~mnediately
by the Building Inspector without notice of any kind.
Provided further that no building shall be removed, if the
owner shall within thirty (30) days~of the service of said
notice remodel, repair, or reconstruct such building so that the
same shall co~o_~n to each and every order or regulation of this
Penalty for Violation
Any and all persons who shall violate.any of the pro-
visions of Section 3 to 45 inclusive or fail to comply therewith,
or who shall violate of fail to comply with a~ly order or reg-
ulations made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of
any detail.state-ment or sp®cification or plans submitted
approved thereunder, or any certificate~or permit issued there-
under severally, for eac~ ~nd every such viSlat~on and non-
compliance respectively, upon conviction thereof be~punished by
a fine of not exceeding two hundred and fift~ dollars
or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days~ or both such
fine and impriso~uent at the discretion of the court.
The imposStion of one pe~alty for any violation of this
ordinance shall not excuse th~ violation~ or permit it to con-
~=~d all such persons shall be required to correct or remed~
such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when
not otherwise speci£ied each ten days that prohibited conditions
are maintained shall constitute a separate offense.
The appliance of the above penalty shall not be held to
preven~ the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
SECTION 47. That the following rules and regulations be and
th~ same are hereby adopted for the construction, maintenance~
and repair of plumbing in tb~ Tova~ of Boynton~ Florida.
SECTION 48. It sh~ll be the duty of th~ Board of Examiners of
Plumbers to examine and pass on the qualifications of all who
desire to engage in tb~ business of plumbing within t!~ limits
of the Tom~ of Boynton, Florida. This examination shall sati§fy
the Board as to the applicant's ability as a plumber mud his
familiarity with the plumbing re~lations of the ToJ~ of Boynton,
Florida, and the same standara of tests shall be a~plied to all
SECTiO~ 4~o It sb~!l be the duty of the Board of Exmuiners of
Plumbers ~o issue to competent pltunbers proper licenses, and it
~hall be unlawful for any person not thus licensed to engage in
the business or trade of pl~oing within the To~ of Boynton,
~ECTIOE 50. The' term "plumbing~ used in this ordmnanee shall
be held to includ~ anm govern all work and materials used:
(!) In introducing, n~z~t=znlng, and extendiz~ a
supply of ~ater through a pipe or pipes, or any appurtenance
thereof, in s~-~y building, lot, or Dremises;
(2) In cormecting or repairing any system of
drainange ~nereby foul, waste~ or surplus water or other waste
matter is discharged through a pipe or p~pes from a building, lot,
or premises into any public or private sewer or drain on public
or private prop~rty$
(3) In exca.vating in any public or private property
for the purpose of cold,acting or repairing the service pipes
of any building, lot, or premises;
(4) And genera~iy in performing al~ classes of
work usually done by plumbers.
SECTION 51. Permits Required
it shall be unlawful for any person to make any cut or
trench in any highway, street, reservation or public space ~
the Tom~_~ of Bo~ton, Florida, or to disturb or remove any public
work, or ma~eria!s therein, or t.~turn, lift, remove, raise or
tamper with any cover of any [~a~faole, basin, inlet, or other
appurtenance of any public sewer without a permit from the
pluzmhing Inspector; this permit must be kept on the work to be
exhibited to persons authorized to examine the same.
No'person shall do any act or thing which may impair o~
obstruct the flow of any public sewer or clog up m~y appurtenance
thereof or place therein any substance, solid, or liquid, other
than the waste products for which sewers are provided.
SECTION 52. Every nmster, employing, or journeyman plumber
carrying on his business or trade in the To~ of' Boynton, Florida,
who has not heretofore received a license, shall appear in person
at the office of the Board of Examiners of Plumbers and pass an
examination as to his competency as required by law.
SECTION 53. It shalt be requir;ed of every person obtaining
a master's plumber's license, before engaging in ~he business of
mast'er or empl0~ing plu~ber~ to pay ~ the City Treasurer
sum of Twenty-Five Dollars,($25.00) for a license to conduct
said business, and to.~e-xecute a:~bond payable to the Town of
Boynton, Florida, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00),
with responsible surety acceptable to the City Clerk, conditioned
to protect said city against all loss or damage occasioned by
the negligence of the principal therein in failing ~o properly
execute and pro~ect all work done by him or his employees or
under his direction or supervision, and from all loss or damage
occasioned by or arising from any such work done by said prin-
cipal or his employees or under his direction or supervismon,
which is mot caused by the aegligence of said cit~ or its agents
or employees; conditioned, further, that the principal herein
will keep and observe all ordinances ab any time enacted by said
c~y relabing in az~ way to plumbing or plumbing work.
Before do[~ any plumbing work a journeymm~ plumber must
be examined by mhd obtain a license from the Eoard of Examiners
of Plumbers and shall pay for such examination the sum of Two
Dollars (~2.00) and before any master plu~uber shall engage in
the plumbing business, he shall obtain a license from the
Board of F~x~miners of Plu~oers, after being examined~by said
bmard, and he shall pay an examination fee of Five Dollars
%$5.00). No street, sidewalk, or pavement shall be torn up,
molested, or interfered with without a oer~.uit in writing from
the ~lumbing Inspector; and prior to vhe issuance of any such
p~rmit a deposit of Twenty-five Dollars ($20.00) shall be re-
quired to be made by the applicant with the Plu~in~ Inspector;
the city will replace and repair th~ portion of the sidewalk~
street~ or pavement so tern up, ~d shall deduct the expense
thereof from said s-~m of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), and will
repay the balance to'!bhe applicant.
SECTION 5%. All licenses and bonds sbmll expire on and
shall be null and void after September $Oth of ~y year, and
no plumbing work shall be done by and no permits shall be issued
to any master or employing plumber who has not such license~ and
bond as hereinbefore provided, in full force and effect, and all
licenses granted undsr this ordinance shall be renewed without
further examination.
SECTION 55. No licensed plumber shall allow his name to be
Used by any person or party~ directly or indirectly, 'either for
the purpose of obtaining a l~rmit or to do any work under.his
SECTION 56. Nomaster or employing plumber shall send any
person on az~ job (requiring a license) in the capacity of a
plumber without such person being in possession of a license.
SECTION 87. A permit will be require~ to do any plumbing
of '~uy character, re,air any plumbing, make any ch~ges, exten-
sions or discom~ect plumbing or change the location of any fix-
t~re~ except repairs of ~aks, the opening up of stoppage, and
the replacing of broken fixtures°
SECTION 58~ Pe~..uits to do plumbing work sb~ll be issued to
~mbers only and master plumbers shall have and maintain
a bona fide place of business in said Town of Bo~ton; and on
th~ front of such plac~ of busincss a masv~ pl~b~r or firm of
master ~lumb~rs sl~ll d~play a si~ b~a~ing tb~ words "Licensed
P&umoer" in aadition to th~ t~me o~ names-of the persons o~ fi~m,
and th~ said word ~Licens~d Plumber~ s~ll be ~ t~tters not less
than t~e (3) inches high.
SECTION 59. Application for a ~e~it to do plumbing w6Pk
shall be ~d~ to the Board o~ Ex,in,rs of Plmubers in writing~
and shall have attached thereto the 'data of the proposed Work,
and no permit s~ll be issued until the application and plan
have been approved by the plu~oing inspector and the applicant
has paid th~ following f~ to the inspec~cor: The s~ of One
Dollar ($1.00) for each ana every fixtur~ roughed in, similar in
n~w, ~construct~d, or additional plumbing work, and Two'Dollars
($~.00~ for e=ch =nd evozy ssw~r compaction. [Prov~aod that no
f~e ~hall exceed Fifty Dollars (~80.00)) ~
SECTION 60. No plu~0ing ~oPk or fixture found to be in un-
sanitary condition after having been examined by the plumber
s~ll be r~placed, but ti~ same shall be reoo~t~d to t~ plumbing
ihsi0Actor, or placad in s~ch condition as t~ ~mply with the
rules and re~gtions governing plumbing.
SECTION 61. The be~m ~f~tu~~' used in this ordinance shall
i~iclude water closets, bath tubs, sitz tubs, catch basins, slop
si~s, kftch~n sinks, urinals, wash trays, wash basins or
lavatories, ~ntry sinks, showers, drinking fountains, cuspidors,
laundry tubs and ~a0h s~ction of s~ctional fixtures.
SECTION 62. Sewers to be co~ueeted--That every building
~er district where public sewers are provided within
two hundred feet s~halI be cmnnected therewith thirty (30) days
after notification by inspector, and two or more buildings owned
by the same person or persons within the space of one hnndred
and five~ feet front may be connected with such public sewer by
one pipe, the size thereof to be designated by the Plumbing
SECTION 63. Where buildings are constructed or erected on
piers and are open on three sides terra-cotta pipe may be used
for the house sewer provided it can be covered with'twelve inches
of earth at the n~gnes~ point, but the ca_st iron Dips shall be
carried five feet from the foot of the stack.
SECTION 6~. (a) No person shall co~u~ect or cause to be
connected with drainage system of ~ny building, lot, or premises,~
otherwise than with the portion of the public seweP intended
for it, as shown by the records of th~ engineering department.
(b) All repairs, includ~%g obstructions to
l~terals in the streets will be effected by ti~ sewer department,
and when caused by the negligence of the plumber the cost oD
same shall be charged to him, The cost of removing all sub-
sequent obstructions will be charged to the plumber ordering the
work done~ ~
(c) If soil stack and fixtures are added to an
existing plumbing system connected with a public sewer otherwise
than as required by this section, a separate sewer connection
shall be provided for the premises in accordance with said section.
SECTIOE 65. All iron sewers shall have approved cleanouts
'placed every twenty-five feet and br~g~ht above floor level~ or
provided with doors in floor so as to give access to same, such
sewers shall be supported on brick piers, laid in ~- ~ ~
~I~ S ~ S~-
curtly fast,ned to the walls, o~ suspended from the floo~ timbers
by strong iron hang~rs, as the inspector may direct.
SECTION 66. All soil, · ~
waste and vent pipes shall be of tar-
coated cast iron, lead or brass pipe and no wrought iron or steel
pipe shall be used in a~ case on the sewer side of traps.
SECTION 67. No soil, d~ain, waste, vent or supply pipe shall
b'& built into maso~n~y or concrete walls, but the same shall hav~
suitable chas~s arranged for them, such chases may be lathed and
plastered so as to conform to wall.
SECTION 68. All soil and waste lines must be as direct as
possibte:~az~, shall have a proper fall toward the sewer. Soil,
waste~m and vent stacks s~hall extendat least one foot above the
hi,eSt opening in the main r~of. All s~ stacks carried to the
s~cond floor, must be extended full size through the roof. Stacks'~
shall b~ flashed with an approved flashing, or with a roof collar
of tin, galvanized iron or copper, az~ then counter-flashed by
a sleeve caulked on t~ th~ stack, all stacks.~eing left open at
the top. A brass cleanout shall be p~aced at the foot of all, s~il
stacks. ~ ........................................................................
SECTION 89. Fittings for soil, drain, waste or vent pipes
shall correspond in weight and thickness with the pipe in which
they are used, az~ openings and changes of direction for fixtures
shall be made with Y~s, l-B, 1-8, or 1-18 bends. Sanitary tees,
crosses~ double Y~s or 1-4 bonds s~ll not be used in horizontal
lines, but the same may be used in vertical lines, provided that
at the foot of vertical lines a sweep bend shall be used~
.~EC.TION ~0. All cast iron pipe and fittings used in buildin~s
over fifty feet in height above the curb shall be of extra heavy
pipe up to within 40 feet of roof of uniform thickness and qu=lzty,
which shall ~ '
wez~ per lineal foot as follows: 2-inch,
3- inch, 9~ '
s pounds; 4-inch, 13 pounds; 5-zncn~ 1V pounds; and 6-inch,
20 pounds.
All brass ferrules used in connection with extra
heavy pipe shall be not less than fo~r inches in length, and shall
weigh not less than ~-inch, 18 ounces; ~-ineh, 28 ounces; ~u~l 4-
inch, 40 ounces; and brass ferrules used in connection with stand-
ard pipe shall not be less than four inches in length and sh~ll
weig~h not less than B-inch, l~ ounces; ~-inch~ 20 ounces, and 4-
inch, ~0 ounces. The use of ~tapering ferrules is proh_ozted.
SECTION VI. No cozmections shall be allowed with cast iron
soil pipe except those ~ade with brass ferrules and lead pipe
with ~iped joints, $~d the weight of the load pipe shall be for
uss wzth extra he~v~j'pipes, ~C" lead, and for standard pipe "D'~
SECTION 72. All joints in cast
oakum and lead with not less than 12
diameter to the joint being used.
iron shall be caulked with
ounces of lead per inch
SECTIt, N 73. All concealed lead work within a building shall
be made rat-proof bY covering .it with galvanized wire cloth well
fa stoned on.
SECTION 74. All lead traps anl be~ds shall correspond in
weight per lineal foot with the respective weights of "~" and "D"
lead pipes. Nickel plated brass~traps shall not bo lighter in
weight th~nu~o~r 18 "B" and "S" wire gauge.
Pot or drum traps shall bo used on all bath
tubs located above the first floor, a~ no bell traps or traps
having a moving part or depending on a partition for their seal
will be allowed.
SECTION 75. [a) Every fixture shall have a separate approved
trap, placed as near the fixture as possible, except wash trays
which may have one trap for a set of three compartments. Traps
and waste pipes shall not be less than two inches for urinals,
showers or slpp sinks, one and a half inches for bath tubs, sinks,
sitz tubs, wash trays and one m~d one-quarter inches for. wash
basins, cuspidors, or driz~king fountains.
(b) Means shall be provided for thoroughly
flushing all soil, drain, waste pipes, water 0losers or urinals,
and a Sufficient amo~nt of water shall be used to maintain such
pipes and fixtures in s cleanly sanitary condition at all times·
(cD Dental cuspidors may be put in by connecting
the trap adjaeent toga vented waste line and extension made thsre-
from to the connection plates, provided, however, that said
plates are not more than 35 feet distant along said e~tension,
which extension shall not be less than 3/~ inch in diameter.
(d) Every cock, spigot, bib, faucet, hym~ant,
or other outlet from a water supply pipe, when within a building
shall discharge over a properly trapped and vented fixture con-
nected with a sewe~
SECTION ~8. All traps shall be protected from a syphonag~
by a vent pipe except that water closets may be vented with not
less than a ~inch pipe. Three closets may be vented into one
~-inch vent pipe, six into a ~inch, twelve into a ~-inch, eighteen
into a 8-inch, a~ twenty-four into a 8-inch. Said vent pipes
shall be increased one size for every fifty feet vertical and for
avery twenty-five feet horizontal. Two basins, bath tubs or
similar fixtures shall be considered as ~qua~ to one closet.
SECTION VT. ~here a line of not mor~ than six closets are
in ~ row and not over thirty-six inches apart from center to center,
revsnting may be omitted by continuing the w~ste line full size
in the form of a loop back to the stack ab'ore all mx~ures, or
into a separate vent stack. Four basins may be out in as above,
using a ~-inch waste pipe with a 1-inch "E~' trap'to each basin.
SECTION 78. The waste pipes from any fixture other tha~
water closets may be installed on a combined waste and vent system
as follows: A waste stack sh~ll be run from~the sewer direct
through the roof undiminished in size and as many 2-inch branches
allowed the combined areas of. which do not exceed double the area
of said stack, provided said branches are placed so as to ass on-
half "S~ traps, and that the waste pipes of said branches do no~
exceed flys feet in length between the stack and the seal of the
trap, and that not mots than one 2~inch waste is placed in a
2-inch stack. One-half ~S" ~raps shall be placed so that the
lowest point of'the branch ahall not be any lower than the bottom
of said trap.
~ECTION 79. Whsnever practical, plnmbing shall be put in
bn the continuous or wet vent ~ystem as follows:
The revent shall be taken out of the waste pipe between
the stack a~-~ the fixture, and a~ many waste branchss, the com-
bined area of which does not exceed the area of said revent, may
be connected under tbs same conditions governing combined waste
and vents, provided that in a sink or urinal waste the revent
shall be not less than three inches~ but may be reduced ~o two
inches after rising above the sink or urinal, Said revent shall
be not less than three inches~ but may be reduced to two inches
after rising above the sink or urinal, said revent shall then be
complected with stack above all fixtures, or into a separate vent
stack, or be carried through the roof separately.
Each vent pipe shall be connected above tbs higjnest fixtu~
into the adjacent soil pipe if distant therefrom not more than
five feet, provided, hoverer, this regulation does not apply to
the Section
No vsnt shall be extendsd through the roof s~ller than
two i~ehes.
No vent line~st~ll bo constructed or maintained which
opens below the top, of and within fifteen. Feet of a window
but the veno must be extended above the top of the window.
The builder or o~er of any adjoining premises erected to a
higher level shall be responsible for the darrying up of any
vent opening contrary to this reg~lation~
SECTION 80. Where it is impracticable to revent a fixture,
as zn making additions to old work, ~r where a fixture must be
placed in a position away from any w~ll, non-syphoning traps
may be used, of such makes as the inspector may approve.
SECTION 81, The wader supply pipes of a building shall be
of galvanized' iron or AA lead pipe, and shall~n~be le~s th~'~
three-fourths inch to the farthes~ riser. On every supply pipe
there shall be placed in ~ easily accessible place an approved
stop a~i waste cock. Range boilers shall ~_ave an approved stock
cock placed in supply at top Of holler and s~diment cock in the
bottom of said boil~r.~ Where lead is used for supply pipes or ~ ~
branches, all joints shall be wiped, ~o bolted joints being allowed.
SECTION 8~ No opening shall be allowed in the sewer pipe
~lding for'the purpose of receiv~ug the surface
ground water of the cellar or basement or area~ unless a special
permit is granted by th~ plu~oinginspector and engineering
partment, which permit may at any~t~e borevoked, and such con~
nection discontinued and closed upon order of either the plumbing
inmpector or the engineering department.
SECTION 83. Ra~ water conductors shall not be connected
with or emptied into house sewers, nor used as soil, waste,
or vent pipes~ nor shall any soil, w~ste or vent pipe be used
as rain water conductor° Rain water conductors, when placed
within the walls, or u~der the floor of ~y enclosed building,
shall be of cast iron with Caulked joints, wrouEht iron with
screwed joints, or copper pipe with soldered joints, and every
conductor shall be so arranged as to empty on the street without
any traps in the line, in front of the nearest abutting wall of
said building.
SECTION 84. The use of' house traps ~d fresh air inlets
~ted~ excep~ that they may be placed only when deemed
necessary by the plumbing inspector.
SE~TzOI~ 8~. Each residence, store ~ building or 'tenement,
and each apartment of every flat or apartment house, shall be
supplied with one water closet, and one kitchen or slop
and each s~hool, factory, office butlding~ hotel, rooming house,
or any other public building, shall be supplzed with one water
closet for every twenty occupants or fractional part thereof.
SECTION 86. Water closets sh~=ll be of vitreous china syphon
jet ~r syphon was down. The use of enameled iron water closets
with short hopper and trap im prohibited, .excepting that tl~y
may be used as yard closets if provTded With enameled roll rim
bowl and lift,up seass and. are located not less th~ five ($)
feet from any building or property lir~. No water closets shall
be placed more than three feet horizontal~and one and a half
feet vertical from a vent. ~l approved stop cock or valve s?~lI
be placed above the floor on every closet supply. Every water
closet shall be ~upplied with water from an independent tank or
cistern for each closet, ~d the flush pipes shall not be less
th~ one and a quarter inches in diameter for high tanks ~d two
inches in diameter for low tanks.- No water closet shall be supplied
with water direct from the city,s supply. Water closets of
flushometer type may be used only when supplied by a separate and
independent tank, the water of which is used for no other purpose.
No water closet shall be used except those of such makes as have
the traps abo~e the floor. ~re earthenware closets are used
a brass floOr flange of approved make shall be soldered to the
lea~ pipe where it comes through the floor, ~nich brass plate
must be screwed to the floor, ar~ the said closet securely bolted
to the plate with an approved compound or joint. %~ater closBts
shall not be installed or used where there are no sewers, but
Connections for same may be put in and sealed up until such time
as sewers are provided.
SECTXON 89. No wa~er closet or other fixture shall be in-
stalled in any basement, cellar or area, the top of which closet
or fixture is below the level of the natural grade in the streets
abutting said property, Provided, however, a perm~it will be
issued conditioned that the o~er or o~ers take all risk of
damages t~t may result from water setting hack into premises
from the maim sewers; ~ in order to prevent as much as possible
the setting back of water, the o~nor is hereby required, at his
own cost a~ r~sk, to put in a self-acting or other valve in all
cases where the back flow from a sewer is to be apprehended; a~
it shall be the duty of the owner to keep said valve in order,
and he shall be responsible for its action in all cases. This
valve must be arranged so as not to interfere~with the operation
of th~ plumbing system above street leveI.
SECTION 88. In every building, the water closet or urinal
apartment--shall have a window not less than four square feet in
area~ arranged so as to open direct to the outside air, or into
a light shaft with an area of not less than four square feet for
every water closet or urinal compartment opening into same. gaid
light shaft may be built square, round, or rectangular, no one
dimension of ~nich shall be less than twenty-four inches, but z~ust
halve glass top with louvres on sides of Na~e area as shaft. In
all buildings where th~ water closet or urinal apart_~nt is parti~
tioned off from a room used for other purposee, the partition
sD~ll extend up to the ceiling of the room or be celled o~er, and
said partitions mus~ be to all intents aha purposes air tight,
said compartment Shall be ventilated as hereinbefore provided.
No water closet or urinal apartmont'shsll be ventilated by any
window opening through the wall of th~ building when said wall is
built on the party line.
SECTiO~ 8~. In all public buildings the water closet or
urinal apartment, includ~g the floor a~ the w~lts to a height
of three feet above the floor, shall be constructed of non-
absorbent materials. The term "public building~' includes schools,
office buildings, hotels, factories, or any building the water
closets a~ ~inals o~ which are ooen to the use of persons not
living on tn~ premises.
.SECTION 90° T~e waste from safes under water closets,
drinals or any other fixtures shall in no case be cozmected with
the house sewers. Sediments~ blow off or steam exhaust pipes
from boilers and tank overflow pipes shall hot be bonnected with
the sewer.
SECTION 91. ~aste pipes from refrigerators or other re-
ceptacles-in which provisions or food are stored, Shall not be
directly com~ected with the sewer. Such waste pipes when con~
nected with the sewer shall be emptied into other fixtures when
practicable, but in all cases there must be an open air space
between the said waste pipe and th~ connection with the sewer,
which co~mection shall bs properly tapped and vented.
SECTION 9B, Hereafte~ where sewer connections are ~de
~hey b~_ve already been made, and only~a water closet
has been put ~, either a sink in the building or a stop sink in
the yard shall be provided for the disposal of ~aste water.
a slop si~zk in the yard is used, it must be accessibly located
use al~ be built of~ non-absorbent material, and where terra-cotta
~ia used, it shall not be less than ten inches ~or more than fif-
teen inch~s deep~ or less than twelve inches in diameter, with a
trap not less than four inches a~d the opening into the trap
shall be protected by a heavy bar grating fastened tight. ~Vhere
a branch line for a yard Slop sink does not exceed Eifteen feet
in length from the main house sewer, reventing may be omitted.
Grease traps shall be used only when considered necessary by the
plumbing inspector.
SECTION 9~. The waste pipes from bar sinks, soda fountains,
%ce boxes or drinking fountains may be emptied into a catch basin
or slop sink placed in the floor close to the fixtures provided
that the catch basin or slop sink used sh~ll be of ~uch make as
can be caulked into the sewer, and that no waste pipe is put in
over five feet in length between the catch basin ~d the fixture,
said waste pipe to be trapped. ?£nerever it is practicable, the
basin may be constructed of concrete, as the inspector may direct.
SECTION 9~. Hereafter the 'wastes from the floors of build-
ings used as automobile garages, s~ores or warehouses occupied
by a person or persons, firms or corporations engaged in the sale
or storage of inflammable oils, oar barns, carriage houses or
for the stabling or housing of horses, mules, or cows, shall
empty into catch basins~ constructed so as to intercept gasoline,
oil, or sand before entering the house sewer; said catc~ basin to
be of a form of construction approved by the plumbing inspector
and engineering department and to be subject at all times to in-
spection or conde~a~ation by either the plumbing inspector or en-
gineering department or both. ~ere it is impracticable to connect
any sewer~ the waste shall be conducted into a septic tank buill
on the lot according to specifications which will be furnished by
the plumbing inspector.
SECTION 95. Hereafter where drip, king fountains are p~t in,
or where they already been pu~ in for public use~ they sb~ll be
arranged so as to be an approved bubbling cup type.
It shall be the duty of a ~ster plu~O~ to construct and
complete all plumbing work intrusted to his~c~re without un-
reasonable delay and with all possible speed. ~¢~here work is
ordered done by the plumbing inspector and the ~ster plum. be~
fails ~to do the work within a reasonable time by his ow~ negl~ct
or by reason of the request of the party for whom he is to d~'the
work, he shall forfeit his 'license for the period of one year,
and the said license shall be revoked by the Board of Ex~n~iners
of Plumbers°
SECTION 98. Any journe~rman plUmbing violating any of th~
sections n~o~_bsr from'No. ~§ to 98 inclusive, of this ordinance,
shall forfeit his license for a period of one year, which license
shall be revoked by the Board of Examiners of Plumbers.
SECTIOH 97~ ~here any plu~ubing work is sufficiently adv~uced
'fo~ testing and all necessary lead co~ections or spuds are,in
place to receive the'fixtures, notice in writing stating the lo~
catio~ of the work, the name of the ow~er, the name of th~ master
plumber having the permit and the name of the plu~ber doing the
work, shall be given to the plumbing inspector a~ the department
building. As soon as practicable thereafter the inspector will
notify the plumber in charge of said work~ ~iuen he will inspect
the same'and the plumber shall test the work in the presence of
the inspector by filling the whol~ system of plumbing with water
from a po~t three feet outside the building to the roof level,
except wh~re terra cotta sewer is allowed, the test shall be
a point twelve inches under grou~i to roof level. In large and
complicated jobs the work may be tested in sections on the approval
of th~ inspector. Notice to inspect work must be given into the
office, for morning inspections before 8 o'clock P. E. the pre-
ceding day, and for afternoon inspections before i o'clock
the same day. If after the first visit to a job on a written notice
to inspect the same, it is necessary to return to retrospect any
par~ of the work, whether from a d~fect or the work not being
ready, the inspector will return only on another written notice~
and not less than twenty-four hours thereafter, a~ shall charge
a fee of $1.00 for so doing, all other notices taking precedence.
After the entire completion of the work, a notice, the
sa~e as the foregoing, shall be given the inspector for a final
inspection, and if he finds the work has been satisfaotorily done,
he shall issu~ a certificate of approval upon the mecuest of the
plumber or o~er. This certificate does not relieve~the plu~oer
of his re~Oo~smbmlm~y for any defective ~ork which may have
caped the notic~ of the inspector, and a '~Pepper~int Test" (as
the same is understood ~d applied in the plumbing trade) shall
be applied to all finished work~ All plumbing work ~hall be done
in a wor~z~nanlike ma~er ~nd to the entire satisfaction of the
plumbing inspector.
SECTIOIq 98. D~ter any plumbing work has been inspected by
~he inspector and he finds tD~t it hms been done according to
the prescribed rules, he shall place thereon white sticker seals
sho~ing the work has been "inspected~ ~d passed, and no person
shall cover up or conceal any~plumbing work which does not bear
said "~spected~ seals. If the work is no~ properly done, the
inspector will place thereon yellow "condenn~edw seals.
SECTION 99~ No owner or agent shall allow any new building
in the se~er district to be occupied by ~ny person nor shall the
water be turned on by the wa~er department until after the p!u~ubing
in said building shall have been approved by the p~umbmng
SECTION 100. ~y person violating ~y of the provisions of
this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the municipal court
be punished by fine of not less than Twenty-Five Dollars ($25°00)
nor more than Five Hundred Dollars' ($500.00) or imprisonment not
exceeding thirty (~0) days, or both such fine and impriso~nent.
SECTION 101. The plumbing inspector shall be appointed in
'~he ma~-~e-~-prescribed by charte~ for department heads, and all
fees collected by him shall be paid over and delivered to the
City. He slaall give bond payable to~the City with securit, ies ~o
be approved by the Commissioners, in the sum of One Thousand
Dollars ($1~000.00) conditioned f=zthfully~to account for and
pay over all fees and other moneys coming into his hands as
p l~u~o ing inspector.
SECTION 10~. There shall be in said City a Boa.~d of Examiners
of Plu~oers~ consisting of tb~ree members, one of ~hich shall be
the City Health Officer, a second member who shall be a
plu~o~r~ and a ~third me~oe~~ who shall be a journo~an piu~er.
Said s~cond and third members shall b~ appointed by ~he City
Council~ ~d shall hold office until the first day of January of
each y~ar~ ~nd thei~ successors shall hold offic~ for' the term
of one yea~, bsgi~ming Janua~ 1st of each year; said second
third m~Toers shall bs paid from the ~rsasury of said City such
salary o~ compensation as the City ~o~ission may b~ ordinance
desi~ats~ but said second and thir~ men~b~rs sh~l serve withont
pay until an ordinance ~s been adopted, fixing thsi~ compensation.
SECTION 103. Said Board of Examiners shall, as soon as may
be after the ir appointment, meet, and shall then designate t~
times and places for examination of all appl.icants desiring to
engage in or work at t._e business of plumbinE within their res~
pective jurisdiction. Said Board shall examine said ~pplmcants
as to '~ '~
t~e~ practical knowledge of plumbing~ house drainage~ and
plumbing ventilation, and, if satisfied of the competency of such
applicants~ shall thereupon issue a certificate, to such applicant
authorizing him to engage in or work at the business of plumbing,
~ner as ~ster plumber or employing plumber, or as a ~ourne~s_n
plumber. The fee for a certificate for a maste~ plumber or em-
ploying ~lumb.er shall be five dollars (~5.00); for a journeyman
plumber ~t shall be two dollars ($2.00)~ Said certificate s~hall
be valid for ~''~ne term of one year, but the same cm~ be renewed
if ~ppl_c~zon for renewal is made to said Board not less than
thirty days before the expiration of said certificate. The fee
for~renewals shall~be one dollar. All moneys shall be paid into
the City Treasury ~or the use of said City.
SECTION 104. That any and all electrical wiring, switch-
board apparatus or appliances installed or co~n~ect i~ the city
limits of th~ To~ of Boynton, Florida~ shall be installed and
compacted in conformity with the Latest edition of th~ regula-
tions of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for Electrical
wiring and apparatus commonly and hereinafter for the purpose of
this ordinance kno~ and described as the "National Electrical
Cod~~, a copy of the same be~.~ag filed with the Town Clerk and
marked for identification by~ the si~nature of the ~Iayor s_ud Town
Clerk, and which latest edition is hereb~ made a part of thais
ordinance, and that all wiring devices and material used in such
installation or co~_~ections shall be such as have been inspected
and listed as approved by the Underwriters Laboratories of the
National Boa~d of Fire Underwriters.
SECTION 105. That m~y person, firm, corporation, t~ast or
~Ssociation desiring to engage in the i~stallation or sale of
electrical wiring devices, wire or appliances in the Town of
Boynton~ shall secure a license from the Town Clerk and pay an
a~r~al fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) into th~ City Treasury
for such license, shall be registered on the r~cords of the
Electrical Department as a licensed Electrical Contractor and
SECTION 108. Any person, fi~m, or corporation Lnaking ap-
pli'cation ~or license must first file with the Town Clerk an
application containing an affidavit stating that tb~ work done
under such license will be under their personal supervision or
will b~ directed by a Supervising Electrician, who is not less
than twenty-one years of age, who has a thorough ~owledge of
electrical construction ~ who has ~ad not less than four (4)
years practical experience in installing electr&cal wires ~d
apparatu~ in thc class mentioned in the application. Such ap-
plication shall be made on a form prepared and approved by t~
To~ Clerk; upon the filing of such application in proper form
and upon deposit of the license fee with the To~ Clerk~ the Clerk
shall issue the 01ass of license applied for.
SECTION 107. Prior to the issuance of a license to do any
class of Electrical ~ork, the applicant shall file with the
To.wn Cle~E an indemnifying bond with good and sufficient sureties
in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000900) such bond
being payable to the To~ of Boynton and conditioned to protect
the said Town 'against all loss or damage occasion®d by the~n~g-
ligence of the principal therein, in failing to properly execute
and protect all work done by him or his employees, or under his
direction or supervision, and from all loss or damag~ occasioned
by, or arising in ~y mann, er, from any such work done by said
principal~ or his employees, or under his direction or supervision,
and conditioned further that the principal therein will keep ~d
~hs~rve all ordinances, a~z time enacted by said Town, relating
in ~ny way to th~ ~rforma~ces of electrical work.
Licenses sh~ll b~ classified as follows:
House ~iring License, which shall permit the holder to install
electrical wiring,' fixtures and appliances in residences of not
more than two stories or more than fourteen rooms and apartment
houses of not more than three apartments.
~lectrical Const~action License~ which shall permit the
holder to install electricgt'wiring ligJating in any type building
where thc octal com~ected load does not exceed ~5 kilowatts and
for combined lightning and power-where the total connected 10ad
does not exceed S~ kilowatts and' the normal voltage on ~y part
of the system does no~ exceed ~0 volts.
Gm~e~al Electrical License, which shall permit the holder
to inst~-i~_any class of~eleotrical wiring, fixtures or appliances
in any type of building ~c to install generating stations ~
the parts thereof and underground and overhead transmission and
distribution systems.
SECTION 109. It shall be the d-sty of the. Eleetricai Inspector
to keep ~imself informed of the class of license held by each
applicant for permits and he shall not issue to any person a per-
mit to do work which the l~cense of such person does not qualify
him Eo do~
SECTION llO. That the position of Electrical Inspector is
hereby established. The Electrical Insoector shall be a com-
petent man~appomnted by the ToWn Council, in the same manner and
subject to the same conditions as outlined Lu Section of
the charter of the Town o~ Boyn~on.
SECTION lll. The Electrical Inspector shall give a bond
a sum to be fixed by the Town Council, ~d~the salary of the
E~ectrical Inspector shall be prescribed by ordinanoeo
SECTION ll~. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector
~o issue permits as hereinafter provided for the installation,
extension, alteration or rearrangement of ~ll electrical wiring
and service co~ections for light, power, a~d other purposes,
~d to see that all such wiring and all electrical appliances a~
devices a~e installed and maintained in accordance with the latest
edition of the National Electrieal Code and that all matePi~ls
and wiring de,ices used are such as have ~een approved and listed
by the Underwriters Laboratories, a copy of which is filed in
the office of the Town Clerk and marked for identification by t~
signature of the Nayor and the Town Clerk, ar~ tlme same is hereby
made a part of this ordinance.
SECTION 11~. ~e Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized,
empowerem----~-a~ directed to enter ~y building, store, residenc~
or enclosure at all reasonable~hours to inspeat the installation
or condition of electrica~ w£ring or the ~'~ ~
- app~l~nce~ compacted
thereto. Wilful hinderance of, or refusal to permit entrance of
the Electrical Inspector during reasonable hours, or interference
with him in the perfor~mance of his duties shall be deemed ~o be
a violation of this ordinance.
SECTION 114. The Electrical Inspector shall issue permits
t'b install, remodel or enlarge electrical wiring sa~d appliances,
and such peri, its shall be obtained for each new installation or
extensive alteration before such work begins.
At the time such permi~ ~is issued, the Electrical Inspect.o'r
may demand plans showing the number and arrangement of outlets
circuits and the size and ~ype of conductors and conddits, control
and protective· devices, a~xl the nature 6f the appliances to be
serviced; in all cases where permits are issued for hotels, room-
ing houses, apartment houses, office or store buildingm, hospitals,
school no,~sea or buildings for public use~or public, assembly, such
electrical plans mst be submitted and mu~t be prepared and signed
by a registered architedt, or registered engineer. It will be
the duty of the Electrical Inspe0tor to see that sMoh plans are
,.of making Such proof
~ app!ic~tion for permit:
~s listed 'he~emn sh
be~ asu~ by:~ lic~ns~e,~ as follows:
CONC~ WO~: For each outl~t, including outle~ts
s~ito~es ~d receotacles, ~ither fl~ash o~ surfaco type, ~ CENTS,
OPEN ~O~K:~ For the wi~ing to each outlet, switch,
curr~nD c~nsUming d~vice, TEN CENTS.
LIGETIN~ ~J~S: Fo~,eac~ s~gle li~t,
~ail b~ao~et or lightiz~g recepti~e device]
For thos~more than on* li~t, ~TEN CENTS.
C~NG, E~.~ For e~ch c~.~lg ~m~ installed on either concealed
or O~en wi~ing, T~E~Y C~S,
E0~G~: (~0~V POT~Ti~)~ For eack~f~actiona~ ho~se power motor
~mot including portable motorsI or motors in cars~ Y~ CE~S.~
Fo~ each electrical motor of on~ to and imoluding five
horse power,~ ~N~
Fo~ ~ach electrical moto~ ~ove~ five horse~ cower, TW0~
FO~ e~oh hi~_ potential moto~~, ~egardless
GEnerATOR, s: For each low. potential ~enarator inclnding
~oard, TWO m~ ONE m~LF. DOLLARS. (Se. SO)'
~ FOr each ~g~ pobemtial g~ne~ator ~cl~ding switch
h~, ~r power installed mn connectmon with
~N~E~UR~ ABC ~C~iFIE~ C~RGIN~ rheos~tats, ~c., ~O
tr~sf o~mer ~sta
For each appliance of over 1 kilowatt, FIFTY CE~TS.
i to l0 lamp receptacles .......... $1~00
11 to 20 lamp receptacles .......... !~60
21 to 30 la~® receptacles .......... 2.O0
31 to 40 lamp receptacles .......... 2.60
41 to 60 lamp receptacles.~ ........ 3.00
Over 60 lamp receptacles... ......... 3~50
For each flasher used in cozn'~ectio~ with the above~
CH.~NGES OR ALTEPATIONS: For Changes or alterations such as
installing new s~rvice wires, changing centers of distribution
o~ installing new meter connections, FIFTY CW~TS.
M~SCELL.~EOOS: For miscellaneous permits, such as general repairs
to defective wiring or installing temporary work, FIF?Z CENTS on
old work and ONE DOLL&R on new work°
SECTION llS. T_mat it shall be the duty of the Electrical
Inspe~to~--~r his authorized assistant, to make inspection within
24 hours, ~£nen ree~ested by any licensee and to avoid, as far as
possible, causing delay or inconvenience ~o building operations.
All new work to be concealed shall be inspected before being
lathe~, plastered, floored or covered o~er or otherwise rendered
inaccessible for inspection; all finished work, alteration
or the wiring of finished buildings shall b~ so ~stalled that
the inspector can s~tisfy himself that the requirements of tb~
National Electrical Code have be~n complied with ai~d this provision
is and sh~ll be construed zo mean that, wherever possible and
practicable, when wiring pockets have been cut'or floor or siding
re~oved or partially removed to permit the installation of wiring
or wiring devices~ the said openings s~ll not be closed until
opportunity has been given th~ inspector to examine the wiring
SECTION i16. That on the completion of any new installation
~e alteration, a final inspection shall be made before
a Service Permit is issued.
It shall be unlawful for any Power Company, Public Service
Corporation or other person, fir~m, trust or association engaging
~-~ the furnishing, sale, or delivery of electrical power to con-
nect from hny of their ~ains, circuits, or other wires or con-
ductors to. the light or wiring on ~ny store, dwelling building
or enclosure, or any other wiring system other than their own or
to furnish any slectrical power to such system naless authorized
in a Service Permit issued by the Electrical Inspector.
The Electrical Inspector is authorized ~o issue temporary
Service Pe~mits when he can satisfy himself tha~ an emergency
exists or that it will not endanger life or property. Temporary
permits shall not continue in force for s period of more than
th~se months. The fee for any temporary service permit or tl~
renewal of any such permit shall be one-half of the fee charged
for a permanent service permit.
Nothing he~ein shall be construed as requiring the issue
of a new service permit where a vendor E~kea seasonal delive~T
of current to any premises, and discontinues ~aid service during
portions of the year, unless such service has been discontinued
by order of the Electrical Inspector ss hereinafter provided.
SECTION llV. That each wiring permit and each service permit
shall bea~-a serial number, the permit to be det.achable from a
$on.z!~r[y numbered bound stub which shall be filled in by the
Electrical Inspector or his authorized assistant listing the date
of the-issue, the name of ~rson, firm, corporation, trm~st or
person to whom issued, ani the fee collected. The Electrical
inspector shall pay into the City Treasury each and all of the
fees collecved within fifteen days after the day of their collsc~
tion. The Electrical Inspector shall be responsible for each and
every blank permit lost, torn, or destroyed from any book [n his
possession, or in the possession of any of his assistants.
The wiring and Service Pezm.zt books shall be audited monthly
by the Tow~ Clerk.
SECTION llS. Tb~t whenever and wherever in the judgment of
~-~ Electrical Inspector m~y electrical wires or applim~ces con,
netted theret~ shall become defective and'dangerous either through
the insu&~icient insulation, improper location or installation,
or ~y other cause whereby the s~ue may become a mena~e to life or
p~operty, the said inspector shall cause the removal or correction
of such defect by at once giving notice in writing, or verbally,
cor~irmed by writing, to the owner or user of such defective
wiring or device, specifying a l~mit of not more than ten days
during which rime the said defect and danger shall be removed.
In the event of failure on the part of the owner or user to com-
ply within the specified t~_e with such notice, the Electrical
Inspector shall order tl~ electricaI service ~o the promises im-
mediately d~sco~ected ~d descontinued~ and it sb~ll be unlawful
for any person to reconnect such service until the defect shall
have been corrected and a Service Permit issued. The leo for
such service shall~be five dollars.
SECTION ll~o That the Electical Inspector, or ~y other com-
mon delegmted by him shall have power to remove or
authorize the removal of any wires o~ the tur~ing off of any
current on ~y circuits where such wires or current may interfere
with the work of the Fire Department, or endanger the lives or
pmoperty of ps,sons in proximity to a burning building~ shed,
house, or other structure.
SECTION 120. If upon inspection where taped ~oints are found
unsoldered, the inspector shall require all joints, ~ntaped and
left untaped until an inspection of all joints has been made.
All plumbing smd other piping, tubing, or metal work in any
building shall be in place on concealed work before the electric
wiring is reported for inspection. ~o wiring will be considered
as complete until such piping is in place.
SECTION 1~i. That all electrical wiring installed in any
~u~tding within the inner fire limits az~ to be used for carrying
power or lighting currents shall be installed in metallic conduit
and in accordance with the National Electrical Code governing
conduit work. Rigid metallic conduit shall be used on all concealed
work ~,~ere it is practi-q~ble to install same. ~ere the in-
stallation of rigid cm~uit is impracticable, the ~lectrzcsl
Inspector shall give permission for tho use of flexible metallic
conduit and said permission s~all state the reason rigid conduit
cannot be used. The Electrical Inspector shall keep a file copy
of al! such permissions~issued and this fil~ to be open to public
inspection at all reasonhble hours.
SECTION 122. T~t ~uy persons violating any of tho provisions
of S~ctions 10~ to 1El, inclusive, shall be punished by fine not
exceeding Two H~dred and Fifty Dollars ($~$0.00) or imprisoned
in the city prison o~ at imard labor on th~ streets or other p-~olic
works of said city for a p~riod not exceeding sixty days, or by
both such fine and imprisonment.
Introduced, passed and adopted at a regular
meeting of the Board of Tow~ Conmnissione~s of the To~m of Boynton,
Palm Beach County, Florida, this the ~nd day of April
A. D. 1940.
A. V. Pe~rson
To~ Cler~
(S~gned) N.A. Woaver
(Si~ed) N.M. Weems
(Signed) A.V. Peterson