O#190ORDINANCE N0. teO AN Oi~D£NANCtl 0~ T~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, REGULATING A~'~D PROHIBITING T_W~E KEEPING, tL~RBORING OR ,PAS- TURING OF LIVE STOCK '~fITHIN THE CORPOP~TE LIMITS OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING A PENAL-~Z FOR ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PRO- VIDING A SAVING CL~fGSE; REPE_~LING ALL 0P~- INANCES OR PA-A~T$ OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEP~ITH AND DECLARI!~G AN EMERGENCY, ~qEREAS, the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ provides~that the Co~ission shall~ within the limit- ations o~ said Charter, have tn~ power by Ordinance to make regulations to ~prevent the introduction and spread of infeot- ious and contagious diseases into the City; to make rules and regulations to secure the general health of the iz~abitants and to prevent and remove nuisances, whether affecting the health or morals of the co~mnunity or otherwise wrongful; and to enact all ordinances n~cessary to the public h~lth, and, '~$~REAS~ it is deemed to be to tbs best interests of the i~fhabitants of the City of Bo~ton Keach, Florida, to adopt such measures as will tend to orevent the'introduction and soread of izufectious and contagiou~ diseases within the said City of Boynton Beach, Florida, --~ therefore~ BE IT 0PDAIN~ LY Ti~ CITY C0~{ISS!0N 0_w ~qE CiTY OF BOYNTON BE~m, PAL~ LEACH ~uN~f, FL0~DA: Sectiont. T_hat onm~d after the p~ssage anm adoption o~ this Ordinance~ it shall be unlawful for ~%y person, persons, association~ associations, partnership, partnerships, corporation or corporations to keep, harbor or pasture ~-~y ho~se~ horses, poiiy~ ponies~ mule, m~les, ass~ asses, ox~ oxen, goat~ goats, hog, hogs, sheeo or any other Mind of live stock whatsoever, within Six Hundred (600) feet of any building used wholly or in part as a dwelling, sleeping quarters, hotel, restaurant, store, meat market, or any ot~er place where food is p~pared or served. Section 2, That it shall be unlawful for any person~ persons, association, associations, partnership, partnerships, corporation or corporations ~o keep, harbor or pasture any animal o~ animals, as desi~ated in Section 1 hereof] on any property not owned by thom without written oermission of the o~m~er or owners of such land. Provided~ however, that nothing in this Section contained shall in ~y wise alter, change or otherwise modify th~ p~ovisions contained ~n Section i hereof. Section 3. That where live stock is now being kept, harbored o~ pasture4 in violation of this Ordinance, a grace perio~ of ten (10) days from t~h~ passage and adoption of this Ordinance shs~ll be allowed the o'm~er or owners of such live stock to comply with the provisions herein. Section 4. That any person, persons, association, assoc- iations~ partnership, partnerships, corporation or corporations convicted of violating any of the provisions of th~s Ordinance shall be fined not more than Five Hu~red D~l~s (~o00.Q0), or imprisoned in the Ciby Jail not more than Sixty (O0) days, or both such fine and imprisol~ento Section 5. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances which ~rmy be in c~nflict herewith are hereby expressly re.~aaled. Section 6. That if m~y Section h~reof or if m~y part of a Section hereof is by any court of competent jurisdiction declared invalid or nnconstitutional, th~ same shall not in any respect invalidate or ch~ngemthe remaining portion of said Ordinance. Sect&on 7~ Ti~t this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency m~asure on the grounds of preservation of the public health, anm fu~tb~er, that~ this Ordinance shall take effect irmmediately upon being passed ~d adopted upon it's first reading. (Si~ned) Fred G. Benson (Si~'~ed) Ao V. Peterson As and con'~tituting the Board of City Oomnissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida.