O#193O~.~iNA~CE NO. 193 AN ORDINANCE OF ~E CITff OF B0kHffTON BEACH, PAI~'~ BEACH CODq~TY~ FLORIDA~ PROVIDING A BUDGET~ SETTING FOR~q ~E ITEMS OF .GENERAL EXPENSE AI~D OF SINK- ING FUND Ah~D IN~P~S~ RE~JIR~fTS UPON ~HE I~fDEBTEDNEES OF ~E CIveT OF BOYNT(N BEACH, PALM BE~CH COUN~, FLORIDA, A~\~D FIXING A TAX ._RATE OR ~,£4K- ING A TAX LEVY FOR GENER~!L EXPENSE, !!~TEREST REQUiRemENTS UPON THE iNDEBTED- h~E-SS OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTOI~ BEACH'~ FLORIDA~ AND REDEMPTION OF OUTST~,NDiNG IND~T~.~NESS OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BF~CH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGI~tNG NOV~BER 1~ 1944 Ah~D ENDING OCTOBER 31~ 1945. BE IT 0PD-~_IN~ ~Y THE CiTY COM~iSSION 0P THE CITY OF BOYNTON LEACH, P~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: Ti~.T the following Budg~, setting forth the items of GENER~L EXPENSE AND 0F SINKING ~UffND Ah~D iNTEREST REQUTRE.~ENTS upon the outstanding indebtedness of ~she Cit~- of ~oy~_~ton Beach, be and the same hereby is adopted as the Budget of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning November l~ 1944 and ending October ~l, 1945: ~ AD~4INI STR~TiVE DEPART~iNT: Salaries Legal Expenses Auditing City Hall Rent Advertising Other Expenses 3~600.00 t,000.00 300.00 360~00 500~00 s,?o.o__o 8,260.00 Less amoo. nt hereby appropriated from. Water Department Receipts for: 50% of City Hall Rent $180.00 Clerical Hire & Office Equmpment ~ 080.?0 ~1~60.00 $ V,O00.O0 POLICE DEPART~KSNT: Salaries Car~ of Prisoners Auto Expense Other Expenses 2,000.00 400.00 600,00 500.00 3,500,00 Less ~ltioipated Revenue to be ~i~r~ve~ fro~ Fines & Forfeitures Licenses FIBRE DEPART~NT: Salaries Fire FigJating Supplies Other Expenses ~400.00 I~690o00 S_ANITARZ & N~YINTENANOE DEP_ T: TRASH & GARBAGE COLLECTIONS I~bor on collections Auto ~xpense Other Expenses PARKS & PLAYGROUN])S e~OOOzO__O $ ~, SO0.O0 400.00 800.00 300.00 ~1,500.00 $1,000.00 600.00 200.00 Labor 200.00 Materials 200.00 Other Expenses 200.00 CASINO Sala~ies Painting ~ Repairs Other ~xpenses STREETS~ R0~S ~ SE~ERS Labor and ~iaterials STRUT LIGHTING Electric Cmrrent 200.00 500.00 200.00 800.00 900.00 ~ 1~500.00 ~ 5~000o00 Reserve for Adjustments and Capital Improvements -TOTAL SUM 0P ~0NEY_ NECESSAPZ P0R GENERAL P~PENSES TO BE RAISED BY TAXES TO BE LEVIED ON ~AL APD ~RS~D~L PROPERTY iNTEREST ON Item One - 0UTST~d~ING INDEBT'~.~DNESS: For tnteres~ on Refunding Konds Dated Apr~i t, 1934, Held be Besseme~ Properties, I~., and_ oursuant to Peremp- tory Writ of Mandamus ...... $16~749.49 2,222.09 Item ~wo - item Three It~ Four - Item Five For interest on Refunding iBor~s dated April i, 1954, held by ~%qite Consolidated .... ~ 7,070.55 For interest On Refund~'~g Bonds dated April i, 1954, held by others than Consolidated and Bessemer Properties~ Inc. ~ .......... For payment of Interest upon Judgment recovered by ~Fnite Const~action Co.~ dated Nov° ~9~ For payment of Interest and principal upon bonds other than bonds specifiea in Items I TOTAI S~i OF ~0NEY ~CESSARY FOR INTEREST & Silq<ING FUtZD REQUIRr~b~TS TO BE RAISED BY TkXES TO BE LEVIED ON REAL. PERSONAL PROPERTY ~ 4~848.23 5,050.26 20,800.99 BE IT FURT~R 0PDAINED BY TP~ CiT~Z C0~ISSiON OF T~ CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PAL~ BEACH CC JNTY: FLORIDA: t. That the items s..o.~= herein on Page Nol iii hereof be, they hereoy are, made fixed so propriations for the ourpose descmibed after each item. and 2~ That there be, and there hereby is, levied upon all of the taxable property, bother, real anm personal~ .~_thin the City of Boynton BeaCh, Palm_ Beach County, Florida, A GENERAL T~X to provide for the GEI~ERAL EXPENSE of said City as provided in the Budget £tems hereinbefore set forth, to-wit; a tax sufficient to produce the sum of Sixteen ~nousand Seven Humdred Forty-nine and 49/100 Dollars 3, That there be, and there hereby is, levied upon all of t~ t~xable property, both real and personal~ within tlae City of Boynton keaoh, Palm Beach County, Florida, tb~ following Special Taxes to raise the s~us appropriated on Page III hereof: A special tax of 2.20 mm_is to produee the sum of $ 2~222.09 for tb~ purpose shown in item 0ne~ Page No. III hereof. A special 5ax of 7.00 mills ~ V,070.35 =or the purpose Page No. Itl hereof. to -oroduce the ~u.~ '~ of shoal: in Item Two~ (c) ~ special tax of 4°80 mills to produce the sum of -Or 4,848.23 f the purpose sho~ mn Item Tb_~ee~ Page No. iii hereof. A special tax of 5.00 Mills ~ 5,050.26 for the purpose here ~z · Page No. III '~ to produce the sum of shovel ~n item Four, ~ special max of 1.00 mill to produce the sum of ~ 1,010.0~ for the purpose, shown in Item Five, Page No. ~I hereof. 4. That said taxes hereinbefore referred to, in Paragraph 2 of Pagfe No. III, be and the same hereby are~ apportioned to and levied against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the Corporate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County~ Ylorida~ in proportion to the assessed valuation of such properties as are not exempt from taxation by reason of the Homestead Amendment. The valuation of all taxable property, botlm real and personal~ upon wh[ch such taxes may be levied, situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Boyht~n Beach, Palm Beach Comnty~ F!ortda~ for the t~xable year ,gulch is the fiscal year ending October 31st, 1945, as sho~a~ by the Tax ~ssessment Roll of said City of Eoynton Beach~ being hereby fixed at EIGHT i~JNDRV~D THIn-SEVEN TkOUSA~ FOUR i~gNDR~ SEVErITY-FOUR .~D 50/100 DOL~&RS (~ 837~474.50). 5. ~_mat said vexes hereinbefore referred ~o, in Paragraph 3 of Page No.Iii he and the same hereby are~ apportioned to and levied against alt of the taxable property~ both~r~and personal~ with- in the Corporate Limits of the City of £oynton Beach~ Palm Beach Counvy~ Florida~ in proportion to the assessed valuatiom of such p~operty. ~me valuation of all the taxable propervy~ both rea! and personal, situated within the Corporate Limits of vhe City of Boyn~on Beach~ Palm Beach County~ Florida~ for the taxable year 1944, ~vhich is the fiscal year ~zzding Ootobe~ Slst, as shown by the Tax assessmen~ Roll of said City of Boynton Beach, oemng hereoy fixed a~ O~E MILLION TEN Tn~u~A~ FORTY_~N!NE oC/i O - 6. That said taxes, ieerei~oe£OPe referred to, ~n Paragraphs ~ and 3 of Page II! hereof~ be extended ueon the Tax Books of the City of Boynton Bea~m, ~alm Beach County, Ftorida~ in ~ne proper millage proportionate to vhe ~a!uation thereof as retur~sed by she Tax assessor~ that ms, that the millage thereof be as follows~ ~o~wit: FOR GENE~f~L PURPOSES Yor Item One~ Page III hereof For Item Two, Page ZiI hereof For Item ~hree, Page IIi hereof For item ~ou~ Page III hereof For Item Fiv~ Page III hereof TOT_~L ~VY_ FOR ~LL PURPOSES ..... 40.00 FURTHER 0 ~AiN.~D ~ T~hat the above and foregoing ORDINANCE, bei:3g o~_~ ORb- INANCE providing a Budget anna fixing a tax rate or making a tax le~ for tho General Exp~nses and Interest ~d Fund r~c~irements upon th~ indebtedness of th~ City of Bounden B~ach~ Palm Beach County~ Florida~ for the fiscal year beginning November l, 19&&, and ~nding October Zl~ 15~, b~ and the sam~ hereby is PASS~ A~ ~0PTED this 10th day of Octob~r~ 19~ b~ing a Be~lar ~ting of t~ity Con~ission of the City of Boynvon Beach, Florida, ~ud b~ing th~ meeting a~c tho s~u~ was introduced. (Si~ed) ~gilliam J~ Daly (Signed) A~ ¥. Peterson ~mting a ma~-' ority of the City Co~muis- sion of the City of Beach, Palm Beach Couz~-ty, Flor ida,