O#197OP~)INANCE NO. ~i97 AN OP~iN.~iiCE OF THE CITY- CO}.~iiSSION OP T~H~E CITY 0P B0~Z~TON BEA~i~ FLORiDA~ LE~ZING'~ ESTABLISHING A~ I~0S!NG A G~UATED T~ 0N P~RCHASES OF E~CTRICI~, BOTTLW~ GAS ~ND L~ T~EPHONE SERVICE: PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIO- L&TION 0F THIS 0R~INANCE, AND ~mP~.LING ALL 0~INANCES .~D PA~S 0F 0R~IN~qCES INSOFAR T~ S~ AR~ CONFLICTING BE IT 0RDA!N~ by the City Commission 6'f the City of Boynton. Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1: There is hereby levied by the City of Boynton Beach, in Palm Beach Co~ty~ Florida, on eadh ~d e~ery purchas~ in said City of eie~tricity~ boat!ed gas ~natural or mannfaetured)~ ~nd local telephone service, a tax based upon the.charge ~de by the seller thereof,.as fol!o~s, to-wit: 10~ of the first $25,O0 5~ on the next ~50.00~ or fraction thereof 1~ on the bal~'~ee of all o~arges over ~5,00 in amount~ which tax, shall in every ease, be paid by the purchaser, for the use of said City, to the seller of such electricity, gas, or telephone servide a~ the time of paying the charge therefor ~o the seller thereof, but not less oEten than monthly. Section 2: Tt shall be the d~ty of e~e~ seller of elect- ricity, bobtled gas ~tural or manufactured)~ or local telephone service, to colledt from the purchaser, for the. use of said City, the tax hereby levied~ at the time of collecting the selling price chargea for each transaction, and to repor~ any pay over~ on or befor~ the fifteenth day of each calenda~ mont~, unto the City Clerk of said City, al! such taxss~levied and collected during the preceding calendar month. It shall be unlawful for a~my seller ~o collect the price of any purchase of electricity, bottled gas (natural or manufactared) or telephon~ service, without at the same time collecting the ta~ h~eby levied in respect to such purchase or purchases, unless suci~ seller mhall elect to~am~ue ~ad pay sash tax without collecting the same from the purchaser. Any seller failing to collect such tax at the time of collemting the price of any sale, ~aere the seller has noz elected to assu~e and pay such ~a×~ shall be liable to said City for the amount of such tax in like mam~er as if the same had. been~ actually paid to the selter~ anm the Mayor of said City shall cause to be brought all suits and actions and to take all proceedings in the name .of said 0ity as may be necessary for the recovery of such ~ax; PROVIDED~ HOldOVER, That the sellers shall not be liable for the paymenv of such tax ~pon uncollected bills. If ~y purchaser shall fail, neglect or refuse ~o pay to the seller~ the seiler~s said charge, and tho tax hereby imoosed and as hereby required, en account of the purchase for ~nich ~ch charge is made, or either,~the seller shall have and is hereby vested with the right~ power anm authority to immediately discontinue further service to such pu~cha$$r until the tax and the aeller~s bili shall nave b~en paid in full, Section O: Each and every seller of electricity, bottled gas (natural or manufactured), and local telephone service shall keep complete records showing all sales in said City of such commodities or service, which records shall show the price efaaz~ged upon each sale~ ~he date thereof, and the date of payment therefor, and said recoras shall be keot open for inspection by the duly authorized agents of said City during business hours on al! bus- iness days~ and said duly authorized agents of said City shall have tlme rig.bt, power and authority to make such transcripts thereof during such times as they may desire~ Section &: The United States of America, State. of Florida, and political subdivisions and agencies thereof are hereby exempted from p~yment of the taxes by this ordinance. Said tax shall not app±y ye long distance t~lephone service, or to coin box teiephones~ Section 8: in all eases where the seller of eleotricity~ bottled gas (natural or manufactured), or local t~lephone service collects the price thereof ~t monthly periods, the tax hereby levied may be computed on the aggregate amount of purchases during such period~ provided that the amount of tax to be collec- ted shall bo the nearest whole cen~ to the amount computed. Section 6: Any p~rchaser wilfully failing or refusing to pay the tax nore?o~ imposed, where the seller h~s not elected to assume and pay such tax~ amid any seller violating ~he provis- ions her~of~ or any officer, agent, or ~mployoe of ~y ~ll~r violating th~ provisions h~r~of, shall, noon conviction~ bo mubject to a fin~ of no~ more than On~ Hundred Dolla~ ~lO0~O0)~ or imp~iso~u~nt in th~ City Jaii for not more t~n t~n ~lO) days, or both such fin~ and imorisor~ment_ for each and every violation, in tho discretion of th~ judge of th~ ~nicipal cuurt. Section 7: In the event any section~ pa raEra~n, sentence, etanse or portion of this ordinance shall, for any reason, ce unconstitutional, invalid .or ineffective, the same shall re~eal~ nullify or in any wise affect any other section, para~ graph~ sentence s? portion of this ordinance° Section 8: All ordi~%anees and parts of ordinsa~oes, insofar as the same are in conflict herewith shall be and the sedne are hereby repealed. Section 9: Upon its effective and applicable day of July Z. 6, 19~6. passage, this ordinance shall become ~o bills rendered on sr after the THiS CRDIi~ANCE passsd and adopted in regular session on final reading, on this, the 1~ day of July, i~_6. A~test: (Si~ed) B. V. Tattersall ~Smgmed) ~.o ~. Peterson C o~ami s sione r (Signed) A. V. Peteyson City .~'Clerk ~