O#2090RDI~ANCE N0 209 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDT~G FOR TEE REGISTRATION, P~!OTOGRAPHING AND FINGERPRINTING OF A~L NON- ~ESIDENT HOUSE TO HOUSE $~LESMEN AND PEDDLERS, ALL NON-RESIDENT PERSONS SOLIOITING MAGAEINE SUBSCRIPTIONS, AND ALL NON-B~SIDENT PERSONS SOLICITING O~RITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF tDEN~IFIOATtON CARDS TO SAID PERSON; ESTABLISHING A ~EE FOR THE ISoUANC OF EACH SUCH IDENT~--FICATION CARD OR RE~PEW~ TP~OF AND PROVIDING P~NALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. Florida: That from and BY T~E City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, ~fter the passage of this ordinance every non-- resident person employed as a house to house s~lesm~u or peddler, all non-resident persons soliciting magazine subscriptions, and all non-resident persons soliciting charitable contributions be and they are hereby required to re Eister before beEinning their employment or within forty-eight (48) hours from the time this ordinance becomes effective, if already employed, and to register in a Registration Book to be kept by the Chief of Police of this City and be fingerprinted. The registrant shall also furnish the Chief of Police with a photograph of such size as by said Chief of Police. SECTION identifieation card may be designated shall be issued to each person registering new card from the Chief of Police SECTION $ A fee of 25~ shall be charged for tion card or x~newal thereof. of this City. the issuance of each identifica- An under Section 1 of this ordinance and such identification card shall be carried by the employee at all times. In the event suc~ registration card shall be I cst ~r caunot be produced upon reason- able notice, such person shall promptly re-register and secure a &ny person violating ~y of the provisions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction be punished by a. flue of not exceeding $100.00 or by im~isonment in the jail not exceeding 60 Days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion SECT 0 _5 In the event that any provision of this of the Municipal Judge. 0~dinance shall be declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall in no m~uner effect any other provision of this Ordinance by all the rest thereof shall be in, full force and effect as though the pro- visions so declared or adjudged invalid or uncor~titutional were not originally a part hereof.. All ordinances or pa~ts of ordinances insofar as the same are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The ab~?e~0rdinance, h~ving been placed on its first read- ing at a Regular l~eeting of the City Council Held on March 95, 1949, was finally passed and adopted c~ the second reading at a Regular Meeting of said Board of City Commissioners h~ld on April 4, 1949. ~ity Clerk As aud constituting the Board of City Councilmen of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida