O#1490RDI~NANCE NO. 149 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOV~ OF BOYNTON, PALE HE'ACH O0D~i~Z~ FLORiDA~ AA~ENDING SECTION 4 0F OP~INANCE NO. 108, ~ TIeD -~ AN 0RDi~&NCE 0F THE T0~ 0F B~TON~ P~LE B~.~ COD~T, FLORIDA PROV~ING M0R 0C~&TiON~ T~S T0 BE ~0S~ AND COLL~TED FROM A~ P~RSOE, FIRE 0R COEP0~ATION ~IN T~ T0~ 0F B0~ITON~ ~GAG~ ~ 0R I~NAGING A~ B~I~S, PR0~SSION 0R 0CC~ATION; PROVIDIi~G FOR T~ ISSUANCE 0F LICENS~ T0 A~ PE~0N~ FiR3I 0R C0~0~Ti0N ~ ~GA~D IN 0R ~NAGING A~ BUSI~SS~ PR0~SSION 0R 0CCL~ATION: T~ AM0~? ~0F ~T~ T0 ~ ~0SED 0R COLLECT~ 0N ACC0~T THEREOF: PROVIDING FOR A PENAL~f FOR VI0~TION 0F SAID 0~IN~CE A!~D PROV~ING FOR T~ R~L OF A~ ORDiNANCA$ IN CONflICT ~$I~K." BE IT 0R~AINED BY THE TOV~ C0~ISSI01~S OF THE T0~I~ 0F B0~NTON, PAIt.~I BEA~ COUNTY, FLORIDA: L, Tb~at Section 4 of 0rdin~ce No. 105 entitled~ ~ An ORDINANCE 0F THE T0i~N 0F B0I~JTON~ PALE B~CH COD~ FLORIDA~ PROVID~G ~R 0CC~ATIONAL T~ T0 BE ~0SED AI~ COLLECT~ from A~~ PERSON~ FLRE 0R C0~0~TION ~THIN T~E T0~ BOYNTON~ ENGAG~ IN 0R ~NAGING ANY ~SIh~SS, PROFESSION 0R 0CCL~ATION: PROVIDING FOR ~ ISSUANCE 0F LiC~JSES T0 A~' P~SON, FI~ OR CORPORATION ~GAG~ IN OR ~'~NAGING A~ ~S~ESS~ PR0~SSION~ 0R OCCUPATION: T~ A~MOUI~ 0E T~ES T0 BE I~0SED OR COLLECT~ 0N ACC0~T T~EOF: PROVIDING FOR A P~L~TY ~R VIOL~TiON 0F SAiD 0R~INANCE: AND PROVIDING FOR ~HE R~L 0F ALL 0RDISiANCES IN CONFLICT ~TH~ be amsndsd to rsad as follows~ Section ~. That the amount which sb~!! be paid by the severai persons, firms, zssociations or corporations engaging in or managing such respective businesses~ professions or occupations be, ~ud they are hereby fixed as follows: Abst~act~ title or security comtm~ Advertising, S~licitors Of o . . . o A~c~hitectsoo.. .............. o.o. ...... Auctioneers (each) ............ ~ ............... Auditor or Accountant (each)....,.., ......... Auto accessories (see Eerchant) Automobile dealers not conme6ted with garage.... Auto top repairir~..,..*.;o..4....°....~.4,..;;o Auto paint shops ........ .... ........ Automobiles and other motor vehicles Of 22~ or !ess~ for hire o~ rent without drive~ .. .......... $25;00 15.00 !0;00 10o00 lO.OO 25.00 I0~00 10,00 5.00 Automobiles of more tb~n ~. HB and not more than - ~ V.50 2V Hr, for hzrv as aboVe..o..~ Automobiles of more t_han'2V HP and not more than 35 !~P, for hire as above........................- !0o00 ~ above. 15.00 Automobiles of more than 35 h? for h_re as Automobm_es for hi~e wmt~ seating capao_vy 0f frsm @ to 15 passengers.°°....°.. ........... .- ..... ... ~5~00 Automobiles for hire with seating capacity of 15 or more passengers .............. · .......... o.. 35.00 Awning or tent-makers, or persons attaeb~ng any awnim~ to any building upon contract... .......... 15.00 Banks, oanmers and trust companies or persons, firms or brokers doing a banking busin~ ..... waet~er lnooroorate~ or not~ Having a capital of $10~000~00 or le$~o..,.,.,~.. 15.00 Eavlng a capital of $50,000,00 or more than ~lO,O00.O0.........~..~.-....*~-.'o~'~o~''" 25.00 ' ' '~ ~!00,000;00 or more Havmn~ a capmtal o~ .. than $50,000.00..o... ....... ... ..... o..o.- .... .... 35.00 Barber shop for two c_~r_~ setzup or less,......; 5°00 - - · ~ '. 2.50 each a~dlt~onal BEVEraGES: Manufactures Of wines and nothing else, each pl~ut.~5.00 ~ar~afactures of wines &nd 6ordials andnothing else~ each plant~ . . (50.00 each ~lant..... 375.00 Business of distilling spirituous !iquo~s, each pla~t,,..o, ..... ,,,,...,,-,o,--o.-oo---,--o,,o''' 375°00 Business cz rec~zfyzng and/or ~lendzng spmr~tuous liquors, each plant . ...................... ,,,.,. 6~5.00 Distributors of beverages containing alcohol of more tluan one (1) per cent and not~more than fourteen (14) per cent by weight, and wines regardless of alcholic content, Distributors of beverages containing alcohol of more tb~n fourteen (14)'per~ce~t by weight; excepting wines, each....... ........... .oo....... 625.00 Distributors cfbeverages'of non-alcoholic content, each .................................. -- 15.00 Vendors who may sell only beverages e~ntaining alco~o! of more than one (I) met cent by weight and not more tlmn fourteen (14) per cent by weight and wines regardless of alcoholic content ...... .o 7.50 Vendors who may sell intoxicating !ieuors, wines and beers regardless of alcoholic co'tent to permit the consumption of such liquors;'wines~ and beers on the premises ........................ 250.00 Ve~dors ~ ~=~. , wines and w,~o may sell intoxicating ~"^~s beers regardless of alcoho!ib content, in sealed containers for consumption off the Bicycle dealers with repairs .... Bicycles, with repairir~ only,.,-. ......... Billboard~ per square foot~ .50 minimum tax for each board...,, .......... o, .... ~Excepts Boards and signs-displayed by merchants and established business men at their own place of busm_~ess~ or. upon ~.~e~r own property for thei~ own use.) Billard~ pool or bagatelle tables operated for p~ofit directly or ~m~di,-ectly, per Boarding=ouseW ~ (See Hotell -Boazs for ~re~ ocr boat~ ten passengers of Boot and shoe repa~rz_~ shops -- ~ ~ Boot and shoe re~iring shops a!one~ b~nd workers Butcher shops~ selli~ fresh and c~ed meats~ (~cept tb~t the l_cense tax sb~[1 not be required of ~y person se!~mng freshmeats of their own rams_rig and for tz~e oene~t off such person or his or her agent~ and also t~,t license tax shall not spply to merchants who also do a general mercantile b~siness.~ 18V.50 15.00 !0.00 !0.00 !0.00 i0~00 lOgO0 5~00 2.00 !0.00 Circ~s~ without street parade~ using ve~cles~ ca~Aivals or street fairs, per weel or fraction thereof,o,.,. 150.00 Cigars and tobacco, retai!.,,....,,.........,....o,~.o. 5.00 Clothin~ furnishings (Sea ~ercb~nt) Coin-Operating De,ice Operators, Eacho...,,,.~o,~.°o.o~ V5o00 Coin-0perating Devices~ Automatic Vendors~ each.......,.,,...,......,,.,..,.... 15.00 Skill m~chines~ each,,..;,.,.,.oo~..,.,.;.;,,,,..~;;,;; 5,00 Trade Machines, each,..,,;;..,..,,.....,.,o.*,,.,.,4.o. 5,00 Other machines, each;,.....,...,.....,..,....., .... ,... 250,00 Commission mercY~nts~ or persons doing business on Commission~ not otherwise provided for, both local and~transiento,..,,........o.o...o......,..,,.. 25°00 Contractors~ generat~ residing in the Town-. .......... . 5,00 Non-Resldent..o...,o.,~ ..... 25,00 For each additiomm, l ~!~000,00 capital or equipment, or fractional mart thereof ..................... The term ~Ge~eral Contractors~ as used in this Ordinance shall be construed to include any builde~ painter or other person, firm or corporation, except electrical and plumbing eontractors~ contracting to ereet~ repair or finish any building or structure, or that contracts to'do a job of ptungoing or painting or tbm. t contracts or agrees to do any other pzece oi work~.requirim~ manuel ±acer ~nd ~u_n=sn___g o~ any matermal~ or t~t sb~_~ en~a~eo o in or rear. ge_ ~ . the, business or occupation__ known as ~General Contracting~ provided, however, that the ten WGeneral Contractor~ shall not apply to any mechanic or other person who sells his own · labor aT a fixed price per day or hour, and who does not furnish any material or use any money capital in connection with his manual employment. Cleaning mud bloek_.ng hats, each es~ablxshment. .... 00 Cool drink or ice cream stands ..................... 5°00 ~D~ Dance Halls ............................ .-. .... ..o.o 25.00 Dancing teachers, charging for'instruction in dancing ................ ~. ..... · ............... .. 2.50 Dealers in cigars, c~gar~ttes and tobacco........, o.00 Dea~rs in second hand. goods ~See ~e. chants)~ ~ Delicat.essen (See Eercb~nt) Dentists~ each. ..... .. ....... .........o.~.. ...... o- 5.00 Draftsman (See Architect~ Dressmaking s~ops .......... .oo....o.~....oo.oo..ooo 2.50 Provided that this shall not be construed to include home dressmaking where no materials are sold or furnished. Drugs, dealer in them (See Merchant) Ei~ ~tr_ca~ Els ctr icat fLxt~.umes, no installation, (see ~ereh~t) Contractor .. Resident~...;.............o 5°00 Non-Resident .......... civil, each .... ......o... .... ..o~........ 5.00 Engineers, Express companies taxable as fo~lows~.- Accordim~ to the population as shown by the last official census taken by the United States of the State of Florida~ or t_hat may be taken as now orovided by law. If the Town shall have 500 in~bitamt~ and more t~n 250 ........ .... ..... ..~...........~..... 6.00 If the Town shall have 1,000 in.bit--ts, mud more t~n 500~... .... .. ....... '. .... .. ..... If the Town shall b~ve 3~000 inhabits~ts~ and msre if the To~ shall have 5~000 inhabiters, and more than 3~000.. .... ............................ 3V.50 ~pe Fruit and Vegetable stands (See Merchant) Pruit~ vegetables, 'or produce when sold from wagon o~ other conveyance by the producer thereof .... No License Fruits~ vegetables~ or produce when sold from wagon or other conveyance by other than producer thereof .............................. .....o°o ..... 25.00 Furniture de~ler (see ~erc~ant) Pilling Stations .o............o..............o... !0.00 Feed ,Dealer (See Merchant) Garage, fo~storage amd repalrs,o....~....o..,.o. Garage, public, for purpose of housing, repairing or s~lling automobiles and motor vehicles..~., 10~00 Gasoline filli~ s rations. · ·....... · ~... ~ ~.,. · · · 10.00 C~so!ine, n~ptha or kerosene' and lubricating oils when sold from wagon or other c0nveyanc~. .... l~.00 ~nt ~is~ngs (Eeo ~ercb~nt~ Grocer (se~ E~rc~nt) WHw Hall for hire .... o, ................... .... .... ., 5.00 Handbills, distribmtors...,...o~oo. ....... o.o,o. £5.00 Hotels, boarding houses and apartment houses~ containing five rooms and less than ten rooms for boarders or !odgers.....~...,....oo. 3.75 Containing !0 rooms and less than 20....o...,~ 5~00 Containing 20 rooms and less tb~n 30. o........ 6,35 Containing 30 rooms and less than 40 Containing 40 rooms,and less than 50 .......... 8.V5 ContainimE 50 rooms and less tb~n V5,...~..... 15.00 Containing V5 rooms andless tb~n 100 ......... 20.00 Containing 100 rooms and less tbm~n 150 ........ 3V.50 Containing 150 rooms and less than 250 ........ 50.00 if meals are served~ a restaurant license must be taken in addition. Apartment houses are rated-in accordance with the number of rooms containing beds whether of the ordinary stand-up or folding type. Hawkers or street vendors or proprietory or patented articles from house to hous~ or on the streets., 50,00 Ice cream carts, wagor~ or autcmbi!®s, selling on streets at retail each,......,...,......, i5.00 Insurance agents (Life) for each company represented.... ................ ............. 10.00 Insurance agents, any and all other companies.... 10,00 Jewelers, (see Eerchants) Junk shops or dealer~handling old rope~ brass or other metals or waste~ ootton~ or other articles of any kind, unless for their original purposes... 18.00 Provided tb~t j~mk dealers sb~ll hold their stock subject to inspection by the Town Narsbal or his representatives, and shall keep a record of al! purchases showing a~ticles, price paid, and name 8f party from whom purchased, with all marks whichwould assist i~ identification~ and sb~lt make written reports to the Town Marsha! daily of all Laundries, steam or electrical .................... Be,00 Laundries, Hand..... ....... o ........ ;,,~; I0;00 La~dry Agencyi or agent. .... La~yers, each....,...,...... ...... ......,. 5,00 Lightning rod dealers, resident; ........ non~resident.~ .... i., 50.00 Lock,smiths ..... . .................... ..... !0.00 Lumber ~ar~L~eee Merchants)°.. Lunch stand, owner or person maintaining stock $I00,00 or less,'not falling within'tax on restaurants...o.,o............o.°°,,~.... 5.00 Lunch or sandwiches sold other tb~-u stand ................................... Eeat ~arkets (See Butcher Shops) Eerchants, retail dealers in lumber or building materials~ store-keepers druggists, grocers, furniture dealers, Jewelers, hardware or other goods, wares and merchan- dise having stock and equipment of ~l,000.00 less 5.00 For each additional ~l,O00,00 of stosk and equipment or fractior~l part thereof ........ 1.00 Memry-go-ro~d or Other riding devices, per device~ per ~yo..~, .................. ....,~ 5,00 Milk dealers .... .... ........ ...o......oo..,. 5,00 ~i!linery (see Me~c?~nts) Einstrel or variety show'or similar Show in licensed theatre or b~.l!,,,,,,..,....,....~, No License Minstrel or variety show, or similar show under canvas, per day,,.... ............. ..,, ~5~00, Eoving picture show or theatre .............. News 5,00 ~0w Oil tank delivery wagons~tail, each,..o~. 15~o0 Opticians, resident ....... ~ ..... ~.~.....,.~; 5~00 Opticians~ non-resident..,.... ........... ... 15o00 Osteopaths, ehiropract0rs~ or similar ' professions ........... . .................. o~. 5.00 ~p~ Paint dealers (See ~erc~nt] Palmist or fortune telle~ ....... .o..~..,,,o, 50.00 Peddlers, or dealers in dry goods~ notions jewelry and clothing or other mersD~ndise on foot~ selling at retail ......... . ...... .. 25,00 Pedd!ers~ same as above, fro~ vehioles, per' vehicle ........ Peddlers, fruits, vegetables, wood meat and oroduce not raised by themselves~ resident.. 5.00 ~ddlers, same as above, non-resident ....... 25.00 Pedd!ers~ Fruits~ vegetables, wood, meat~ and produce raised by themselves ........ ~ ........ No License Photographers, resident ...................... 5,00 Pho~-ographers, non-resident, o o ............. .. 25,00 P~sici~us and surgeons ~ each ................ 5.00 Pool tables, see billards, (~er table~..,,... 10.00 Pressing or cleaning clothes~ includi~ pressing clubs, resident,.,, ................. 5,00 Pressing or cleaning clothes, as above~ non-resident .............................. .;; 15.00 Pawn ~okers ....... ......,~,,,.. .... ......,,. 25.00 Pawn Brokers, selling other than articles taken on pledge must take out a regular Here.bents 3License in addition to the palm broker's !icense~ each person or fizm engaging in business o£ pawn brol~ r or conducting a pavm broking shop with the To~m sb~ll keep a reco~d~ and shall make a daily report to the To~_ Mars~ml or his r~pres~ntati~e of eve~ ~rtio!e o~ thing pawned or purcb~.sed by him or them~ said report and record to speci~~ the article o~ things, such as number, mark and all other details, as will make identification of such articles or things clear and positive~ and such person or psrso~ afforesaid shall hold their shop open to visit- ation or inspection by the police~ and upon re£usal of s~y pa~ b~oker at any time to submit to such visitation or inspection~ his or thei~ shop s~ll immediately be closed by order of the Board of Town Con~issionems. All licenses issued to pa~ brokers are subject to these provisions~ any violation' of which will be punished by the revocation of his or thei~ license, and no license to a pa~ broker sb~ll be transferred from the person or firm to whom it was issued. ~l~bing Contractors Resident, ...... ;.,.,.,.;. 5;00 Non-resident ............. 25~00 Railroad companies ........... ~' 10;00 Real Estate bPoker~ ea~n.o Real Estate salesman, each,, ...... ,o,o..o,~,~. 5,00 Restaurant or lunch stand, with 12 cb~irs or Ness, including reStadr~flt'of hotels and boarding houses ....................... ,.o~ 5.00 13 c~irs and less than ~1,o .............. 7,50 21 chairs and less ~nan 31 ................ ±2,o0 More tDs. n 3! ~/~ 17.50 Rooming Houses {See Hotels} Seeds and Feeds (See Sewing Eaohlnes {See MercP~nt) con~racuors, Si~ painters and painting -~ ~ resident 5.00 non-reSident...~? 25.00 Tailor~ ~ercb~nt each shop.,..., ..... ...~.o.,. 5.00 Trust Comply (See B~ks) Trucks for hire. of not more tb~n one t~eapaeity of more than one ton~ and not more than of more t~n ~ tons~ and not more than & Trucks~ motor, transporting merchandise for consideration, each truck ........ ~, .... ,,o~o,,,, Trucks~ wholesale delive~ (Not otherwise provided fcr~,.,o ...... o..,.,,..,~..o.o.o..o~, Veterinary surgeons~ or persons charging for services as horse or ~uimal dootors~...., 5°00 !0.00 15~00 25.00 15~00 15.00 I0,00 5,00 8. In the event ar~y provision or provisions of this Ordir~nce sb~l! be dec!areal or adjudged invalid or tuuoo~stitntio~al~ such adjudication sb~il ~_n no mar~aer affect any other provision or provisiors of this Ordinance 'out all the rest hereof sb~ll be in full force and effect just as though:' the provision or provisions so declared or .adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not origir~lly a cart b~reof. The above Ordinance~ having been placed on its first reading at a Regular Meeting of the Town isslon Meld on October !Sth~ 1935~ was finally passed and adopted on the second reading at a re~lar meeting of said Board of Town Commissioners held on Nove~er and a copy hereof posted at the front door of the Town Hallo (Si~ned) H, Do Sterns (Sign~) %~, Wenzel {Si~ed) J~ P, Bowen ~T~~--~ Commissioners of the T~m of Bo}~.ton~ Florida