Section 6 of Ai~ticte !~ of the Town Charter~
the same being Chapter 8918, Special Acts of the Legis!a-
ture of Florida~ !921. Provides:-
~lThe Commission may enact rules of procedure
and may prescribe penalties foi~ the non-atten-
dance or disorderly conduct of its members amxi
enforce the same. A majority of i~e members
of the Co~Faission shall be necessary to consti-
tute a quor~a for the transaction of business,
but s. smaller number may adjourn from time to
time under the provisions of ordinances or
rules or procedure may compel the attendance of
absent members by imposition of fines and pen-
alties. The Commission shall hold at least
one regular meetinE each month in such build-
ing as shall be designated by them at a fixed
day sad hour. Special meetings m~,y be held
upon the call of any Commissioner,
That the followLug ~
sn~_ Be the rules for the govern-
ment of the Town Con~nissio~ of the Town of Boynton, in
Palm Beach County~ Florida:
The To~n Co~n~uission shall meet in such building
es is designated by Resolution as the Term Hall~
o~-the first mud third Tuesday of sack month
at~V:30 o'clock P.
The ~ayor shall preside at ~!t meetings, if
present~ and in b~s absence~ the Vice Mayor~
mud in the absence of both the ~ayor and the
Vice ~ayor, the Tovaa Clerk shall adjourn the.
meeting until such tifme as either ~ayor or
Vice ~.s. yor are present.
The presiding officer shall preserve order and
decorum. He shall appoint all Co~mr~ttses un-
less the Town Cozmmission shall otherwise direct.
Bale 5,
Rule 6o
R~.ZL e V.
Rule 8.
Rule !0.
Rule 1t.
The followiug order shell be observed in the
transaction of ' ~
ous_ness~ but said order may be
varied by unanimous consent of all Town Com-
missioners present:
Roll Call.
Reading and approval of ~inuteso
Report of To~rn Treasurer.
Petitions and Comm~muications.
Reports of Special Committees.
Reports of Officers.
Miscellaneous bus~uesso
Claims and vouchers.
Every Special Committee shall report upon any
subject referred to it at the next regular
meeting, or show cause why the report is not
Except in case of a grave emergency declared in
an ordinance~ each ordinance shall be introduced
and_ read in full at a regular meeting or at a
special meetihg called for that purpose~ and
shall not be adopted until a regalar meeting
held at least ten days thereafter~ When it ab_all
be read in fut!~ and may be amended~ or modified
and passed. An ordinance may be passed by a
n~jority of the Town Co=mission. It shall be
the duty of at least two members of the Town
Commission to sign an ordinance ~d~en the same
is adopted and to immediately arrange for the
ssmie'to bb posted at the front door of the Toyed
Any motion or resolution shall be reduced to
writing when required by any member Of the Town
C om_fei ss i on.
In all matters coming before the Town Coz~aission,
a majority shall govern. The presiding officer
Shell have the ~ight to vote, but sh~ll not be
obliged to vote~ except in case of a tie.
No member~ while the Tov~ Co~tission is' in
session, shall offer any motion, or make any
remarks or speak on any. sufoject rudder discus-
sion, without first rising~ addressing and be-
ing ~ecognized by the presiding officer. V[hen
more than one member shall rise at or near the
smme time~ the presiding officer shall decide
in favor of the One Who shall have first attrac$-
ed his attention. No~member shall interrupt
anothSr while speakin, g, except to call him to
The presiding officer shall decide all questions
of order,
A Motion to reconsider any of the proceedings of
the To~rn-CO~issian sha!!_not.b~ entertained
umless it be made by a member who previously
voted with the majority, nor shall it be enter-
tained at any other meeting than the one at
which the proceedings'were had or the meeting
immediat®ly following,
Rule 12,
ARditicnal rules m~2z be reade from time to time
by the Town Commission but no amendraent of a
rule shall be made, or any new rules enaoted~
without the consent of a majority of th8 Tov~
Co~.'ssion, and uoon one month,s notice~
The Tov~ Clerk shall keeo a separate book in
Which shall be entered these ~ules and all
other rules and ordinances which the Town Com-
mission shall sass.
Rule 14o
No person other than a membe? of t~he Town Com-
mission shall be alica~ed to add~ess the Town
Co~mission, unlsss by a m~jority vote of the
Town Comu~i ssiono
Rule 15.
Rule 16.
No co~-~unication to the Town Commission shall
be entertained unless the same be in writing~
The presiding officer, when the Town Co~mmission
is in session, shall enforce parlismientary rules
for its government, so far as they are applic-
able to such legislative body,
No person shall be permitted within the bar of
the Town Coz~aission except raembers Of the Town
Co~nuission and officers of t~e Torn%, unless in-
vited by the Town Cormuissiono
· Rule 18.
Rule 19.
The yeas and nays may be called for on any
question and shall be o~dered whenever demanded
by any member of the Town Cor,~ission p~esento
F~U~enever the yeaa:.~and nays a~e ordered~ the
Term Clerk shall call the molt 0f the Term Com-
missionem;~and recomd the vote of each member.
SD~c_~I meetings of tlme Town Cor~lission shall
be c~.l!em by the Term Clerk
o_~ w~itt em
request of a~ member of the ~own Co~ission~
and ar4~ such notice shall stat~ tho subject
subjects to be considered at the Special ~seting~
~d no subject not stated in such notice shall
be considered by-the To~ Co~ssion in such
...... ~3o. Written notice of all special
meetings shaIl be d ~
~elmvemem to e ach mombem of
the Towm Con~ission -oemsonall= if he be within
the corporate limits of the Town of Bo~ton
subsequent to the calling of such special meeting
before the same is held; but any me~e~ of the
Town Commission who is not ~' ' '
~mtnmn the oorporat~
liraits of the Town of Boynton
a~_te~ such speais_l
meeting is aa!la~..~ and before it is held~ shall
be considered properly notifmo~ s if the said
notice is properly addressed to him and deposited
in the Boynton, Flcrida.~ Post-office, with suf-
ficient postage thereon.
Rule 2!~
Rule 22.
Any member of the Term Conmtission guilty of
disorderly conduct at any meeting of th® ToWn
Connuission, or wi!fu!ly absenting himself or
herself from any meeting of the Town Core, lesion
~_u!ess excused b'y vote-of the remain±ng members
of the Tov~n Commi~sio~, sh&~t! be fined a sum
of One I)ullaz.:: ($I.00).
That the Town Corn_mission shall punish any per-
son who may be guilty of contempt of that body
in its presence while in session~ 'by ~. fine
not exceeding Twenty DOllars (~20.00), or to
imprison such person in the Town Jail for a
period not exceeding Twenty-four (~4) hours, or
both such fine and imprisor.~nent for each offense,
,~_y of tlme foregoing rules may be suspended fo~
the meeting then In sessions by a unanimous vote
of 'the Comuission.
All 0r~linances and parts of oz~.inances of the
Tov~ of Boynton~ Florida~ which are in conflict~ or incon-
sistent with this ordinance~ or any portion hereof~ be~
and the same~ereby~ are~ expressly ~ep~a!ed; and further
that this ordinance shall bScome effective immediateiyup-
on its passage smd adoption.
The above Ordinance No 126., _ ~
o hav~no- been placed upon
its first ~eading at a SpeCial ~eeting of the Term Commission
of the Town of Boynton, 'Florida, held on the Vt~ h day of
Do~O~_m~b~_~r~AoD. 1932~ was placed upon its final reading and
duly adopteS~ at a ~R~ar~ .... Meeting of said Town Cormuission
held on Tuesday December 20th, AoD.~1932, and a copy thereof
posted at ~ae door of the Town Hal!.
BOARD OF ~r~ ww .... _~ ~
Signed H~ D. STEVenS
Signed FRal.~ NUTTING