O#107-AON, fINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF T!!E TO%~{ OF BOYNTON, PALi~I COUNTY, FLORIDA, ~!~2£ING IT UNLA~$~UL FOR Ai,7E PERSON~ FI~! OR CORPORATION TO CONSTRUCT~ BUI~ 0R INST~LL A~,Yf OPEN OR CLOSED GROINS OR JETTIES ALONG THE SHOR~ OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN ~iTHiN SAiD T0%~%,!, ?~I~O[IT HAV~ ING FIRST PROCURED A PERMIT FOR SAiD CONSTRUCTION BUILDING A~ !NSTAL~Ti0N AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ArE PERSON~ FIP2~ OR CORPORATION GUILTY 0F ANY VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE BY FINE 0R I}?RISON}~NT OR BOTH~ ~D P~PEAL!NG ALL ORDINANCES !N CONFLICT HE~?~!TH. the Board of Towm~ Colil~tJssioners of the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach. County~ P!orida~. deem it necessary smd advisable for the .eeaee, neait~_ and safet%~ of the i_~habitants of said To~m and the general welfare thereof, - ~ ~ ~-~ building or installation of any open or that the cons~r~.o~mon, closed groins or jetties along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean within said Town, be governed by regulations of the Board of Town Coms~issioners Of said Town, ........... t~oaro, of Tovyn NOW THS~-~sO!~s BE IT , by the ~ ' ~ C'o~issioners of the Tov~ of Boynton, Palm Beach County~ Florida: Section 1. That any person, firm or corporation, desiring to construct, build or install any open or closed groins or jetties along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean~ within the Town cz so~a~en, Ptorida~ shall make written apu!ication to the Boa.~a of Town Comm~issioners of said Town~ giving in detail the uians and specifications of the pro~oosed construction, bmm!a~_ng or installation of open or closed groins or jetties~ stating fully the materials to be used, the approxiraate cost of .the project, t~_e time wzt.nin whicl: the project is to be 'oom~!eted and the _,coat.on of the proposed work~ Upon receipt of the aee!ication mentioned hereinabove, the Town C~ sbs. li msi! a nouice to alt persons owning property abutting on the ~vlanvzc Ocean, within one mile no~-uh, and one mile south of the proposed construction~ said notice shall s~te that an a~oe!ication for a permit to construct open or closed groins or jetties along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, within the Town of Boynton, has been filed wm~h the ~oard of To~a% Commaissioners of the To~m of Bo~ton, Florida; and said notice shall further state that all property ovmers abutting on the Atlantic Ocean within the Town of Boynton~ within one m~ie north and one mile south are ordered and directed to ae-}ear at t he next regular meeting of the Board of Town Com~sissioners of the Town of Boynton.~ Florida, and then and there show cause, if any, v~y the Board of To,ma ConP~issioners of the Town of Boynton, F!orida~ should not grant a permit to the applicant to construct open or c!os~d ~la~_~mc Ocean within groins or jetties along the shore of the ~ r~ the Term of Boynton. After such hearing the application shall ~ thor idered by the Board of Town Co~muission~rs~ and be fur ~._~ cons ~° is omoosed to the granting if no property owner, so notm.~ mud, of such permit, and if the appii~ation for such accordance with the Ordinances of v_~e .... To~r_a of ~.oynoon ~ -= with reference to the matters therein specified, it shall be approved by the Board of To,mn CoPm~issioners, and the Town Clerk shall issue a permit~ granting the applicant permission to construct, 'build or _nst=!l open or closed groins or jetties along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean within the To~.~a% of Boynton, as described in the application in the manner specified, if said application doss not conform to the Ordinances of the Town of Florida or if a majority of the -= t .. , ~ proper y owners so notified are opposed to 'the granting of such permit, the ss_me shall be denied by the Boa~d of Town Co~issionsrs of the Term of Boynton, Florida~ and no permit for the same shall be issued. Section 2. That no oerson, firm or corporation, shall construct, build or install any open or closed groins or jetties along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, within the Town of Bo~nton, Florida, without making written application to the Boa~d o3'~ Tov~m~ Com~uissioners of the To,mn of Boynvon, Florida, ~ ~ o~ said therefor and sec~orin~ a permit form the Town Clerk ~° construction, building or installation, before any work on said project shall be commenced. Section S~ That any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction be subject to a fine of not more them Five Hundred Dollars (~00.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or .bath such fine and imprisonment in the discretion o£ the Court. Section 4. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict he:neei~h are ~.~reby repealed Time above and foregoing Ordinance was read in full for the first time at a Regu~!ar i~.'ieeting of the Board of Tov. m Commissioners, held February 3, 1931, and was finally adopted on its final reading at a Regular Meeting of the Board of Town CoPmnissioners held on the iVth<.day of February 1931 and a copy hereof posted at the dorm of the Town Hall. (Signed) H. T. Hoiloway l~lay o r ...... ~utt~ng (Signed) Vice ~ayor (Signed) S. L. Swindail Town Clerk