THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.
Steve Waldman, Vice Chairman
Hattie Miller
Mary Morera
Welton Sanders
Lori Wilkinson (ardved 7:20 p.m.)
Phyllis Stern, Alternate
Willie Pearl Wilson, Alternate
Sherri Claude, Assistant to the Recreation
Shanna St. John, Chairperson
Evelyn Geathers
Luis Dones, Student
Carlos Masso, Student
Call to Order
Vice Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
II. Silent Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Ms. Phyllis Stern, followed a moment of
silent prayer.
III. Approval of Minutes February 28, 2002 and March 18, 2002
Ms. Stem moved to accept the minutes of both meetings as presented.
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Ms. Morera
IV. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Morera moved to approve the agenda.
Ms. Miller seconded the motion that carried
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
A. Oceanfront Concert, April 19, 6-9 p.m., "Jimmy Buffet Karaoke"
This notice was given to the members for information only.
Meeting Minutes ~
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 18, 2002
B. Youth in Government Day, April 25, 2002
Vice Chair Waldman encouraged the Board members to attend the Mock City
Commission meeting, which will begin at 7:15 p.m. in Commission Chambers at City
Hall. Mr. Dan DeCarlo is the Coordinator and may be reached at 742-6028 for further
C. Mothers Day Tea and Auction, May '11, 2002
Ms. Claude explained that this new event, organized by Art Center staff, was for girls of
all ages and will be held at the Women's Club from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be
an auction where the participants will be able to bid on and purchase Mothers Day gifts.
Reservations are being taken at the Art Center. (On the day of transcription of the
minutes, the reservations were full and a waiting list had been established.)
Concert on the Green, May 17, 2002 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at The
Links of Boynton on Jog Road - The Fabulons
Tickets to this event are available for $5.00 at the Art Center or City Hall in the Mall.
VI. Public Audience
VII. Old Business
A. Volunteer Project At Rolling Green Elementary School
Vice Chair Waldman reported that this beautification project had been successfully
completed through the efforts of youth volunteers, staff, Board members, and especially
Boy Scout Troop 395 and Eagle Scout candidate Chris Foster, under the direction of
Steven Huggins of the Parks Department. Vice Chair Waldman reported on the project
to the City Commission at their April 16, 2002 meeting. A drawing depicting the
completed project was shared with the Board members.
Ms. Morera thanked the sponsors who lent support to the event. Burger King on
Woolbright Road donated meals, CiCi's Pizza donated ten pizzas, and Dunkin Donuts
gave a 50% discount. Abell's Nursery, Boynton Botanicals, and Verzaal Farms donated
plants for the project. Special thanks were also given to Mary Morera and Lori Wilkinson
who picked up and delivered the food. Ms. Claude will issue thank you letters to the
sponsors. Ms. Wilkinson expressed appreciation for the fine Board turnout for this
Ms. Claude reported that the preliminary costs for the event were $2,100, leaving $900
for volunteer projects in the Board's account.
Vice Chair Waldman inquired whether a report mentioning this event could be put on the
City's website. Ms. Claude stated that she was working with the ITS Department to get
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 18, 2002
a page for this Board on the website and would let the Board know when it was up and
The Board was in favor of pursuing more projects at Rolling Green Elementary School.
Youth Volunteer Banquet, May 18, 2002, at the Civic Center from
5:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Ms. Claude reported that she had received a list of hours from 50 of the 212 youth
volunteers. She provided a list of those who had submitted hours and those who had
not. The Board divided the names on the list and committed to telephone the people
who had not yet submitted their hours. Ms. Claude asked that the hours be submitted to
her no later than Tuesday, April 23. The hours may be faxed to Ms. Claude at 561-742-
6233, or dropped off at City Hall, City Hall in the Mall, or at any City recreational facility.
Ms. Claude reported on the names and amounts donated by sponsors to date. The
Board pooled their ideas for potential donors and individual commitments were made to
approach certain businesses. Vice Chair Waldman encouraged the Board members to
renew their efforts to gain sponsorships for this event.
According to Ms. Claude, the Ale House donated some gift certificates and mailed them
to the City. Somewhere between the Ale House and the City, the gift certificates were
pilfered and used. The City never received them. The Ale House will still be listed as a
C. Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude announced that nine applications for this award had been received to date.
Two of the applicants were from outside the City and they will be sent letters explaining
the eligibility requirements. Ms. Claude will mail copies of the applications to the judges.
Mrs. Emily Borovy will not be able to judge as she will be out of town but will be sent an
invitation to the banquet.
The Board discussed the content of the Score Sheet and arrived at conclusions as to its
Ms. Wilkinson moved that the Score Sheet will have a scale of from 1 to 10, specifying
which is highest, and that the final score will be derived from this weighting: 25% for the
essay, 25% for the recommendations, and 50% for the quality of the individual's
volunteer service. Mr. Sanders seconded the motion that carried unanimously..
Vice Chair Waldman asked what contribution the Board could make towards the event
and Ms. Claude stated that the arrangements were all made. Vice Chair Waldman
asked Ms. Claude to have a sign-up sheet at the Banquet for people who want to join
the Youth Council. Ms. Claude stated that the decorations would be taken care of unless
the Board particularly wanted to participate in it. The Board's contribution at this point
would be to get.more sponsors.
Meeting Minutes '-
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 18, 2002
Since the event will take place before the next Board meeting, Ms. Claude will
communicate updates via email to the Board members who have email addresses and
answer questions by telephone at 742-6224.
D. Youth Expo, OCtober 26 & 27, 2002
Vice Chair Waldman mentioned that he had telephoned the Mall Manager and was
waiting for a response. Ms; Claude will write a letter to the Mall Manager asking for
confirmation of the arrangements. Vice Chair Waldman advised that the Mall Manager
would want a copy of the City's liability insurance from the Risk Management
Department. Ms. Claude remarked that she, Janice Phillips (Youth Programs
Coordinator), and a person from the Hester Center staff would be making the
arrangements for this event. A sub-committee from the Board was set up comprised of
Vice Chair Waldman and Welton Sanders, who will meet on a Wednesday in May to
discuss the plans for the event.
E. Visiting Speaker's Program
No visiting speakers are planned at this time.
Ms. Wilkinson believed that the Board would soon be hearing from a group who were
concerned about children having to walk to and from school as far as sixteen blocks, in
areas where there are no sidewalks.
F. Youth Council
Vice Chair Waldman mentioned that the Needs Assessment prepared by the Recreation
& Parks Departments recently showed that having facilities for teens was a factor that
people felt was important.
G. Other
Ms. Wilkinson thanked the Sheriff's Department, Lt. Yannuzzi, the police officers, and
the cadets who participated in a Torch Run for the Special Olympics.
Vice Chair Waldman stated that the Community Relations Board was sponsoring an All
American Beach Cleanup on April 27. Dan DeCarlo is the City liaison for this event.
Vice Chair Waldman asked the Board for approval of the letter from the Board that he
composed and read in support of keeping the old high school. The general consensus
on the Board was to approve the letter. Ms. Claude will have the letter signed and
forward it to the Mayor and the City Commission.
VIII. New Business
IX. Future Meeting Dates: May 23, 2002; June 27, 2002
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 18, 2002
X. Adjournment
As there was no other business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned at
8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(one tape)