Minutes 05-28-02Present
ON TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.
David Nyquist, Chairman
Teresa Frazier
John Tineri, Vice Chair
Janet Prainito, Secretary
Ods Walker
Harold Blanchette, Alternate
Tereesa Padgett
I. Call to Order
Jeff Livergood, Public Works Director
Chris Roberts, Assistant Public Works Director
Tom Balfe, Parks Department
Mark Aniki, Cemetery Crew Foreman
Chair Nyquist called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
He recognized the presence in
the audience of Commissioner Mack McCray and welcomed him to the meeting.
I1. Attendance
Secretary Prainito called the roll and reported that a quorum was present.
II1. Agenda Approval
The Board agreed with the agenda as presented.
IV. Minutes Approval for April 23, 2002
Mr. Blanchette moved to approve the subject minutes. Vice Chair Tined seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
V. Receipt of Revenue/Expense Sheets - April 2002
Mr. Blanchette inquired about the short course that was to have been given to the Board
members to help them read this report. Vice Chair Tined will meet with the Finance
Director, Diane Reese, to clarify the report and invite Ms. Reese to the next meeting to
answer questions for the Board.
Mr. Blanchette moved to place subject report on file. Secretary Prainito seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 28, 2002
VI. Receipt of Sales Reports - April 2002
Mr, Blanchette inquired why there were so few burials at Sara Sims. Commissioner
McCray advised that since the African-American community was able to use the
Cemetery on Woolbright Road, they had chosen to be buded there. Mr. Blanchette
understood that but commented again on the lack of burials at the site.
Chair Nyquist asked Mr. Balfe what had happened to the sign for Sara Sims. It was
believed that the sign was going to be presented to the City for approval and a permit.
According to Chair Nyquist, the Board had not heard anything about this for three for
four months. Ms. Roberts said a report would come back to the Board on the status of
the sign.
Mr. Blanchette moved to place the Sales Reports of April 2002 on file. Ms. Frazier
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Parks Department Report
Tom Balfe, Crew Supervisor in the Parks Department, was representing the Parks
Manager, Glenda Hall. He reported that there had been an accident during the set up
for the Memorial Day Service on the preceding weekend. When the tent spikes were
driven into the ground on Friday, one of them accidentally punctured one of the main
water lines at the Boynton Beach Memorial Park. At the time this occurred, no one was
aware of it. When the pump came on Saturday night, enough water escaped through
that line and through one of the zones it was running, that it caused the submersible
pump located at the bottom of the well to overheat and separate from the PVC pipe that
goes down into the well. Sullivan Electric tried to retrieve the pump today without
success. AMPS, an aquifer maintenance service, will try to retrieve the pump tomorrow
using a different method.
Mr. Blanchette stated that it had happened on Friday night, not Saturday night. He had
occasion to be at the cemetery on Saturday and noticed a flood at the tent. When he got
home he tried to call Public Works and got a recording. He called the Police Department
and was given a number to call. He called it and the gentlemen hardly knew where the
cemetery was located. Mr. Blanchette asked Mr. Balfe if anyone had gone down to the
cemetery to fix the pump after he reported it on Saturday, so it wouldn't burn up. Mr.
Balfe stated that he had first heard about it this morning. He believed that someone had
gotten a call on Friday night asking for phone numbers. Mr. Livergood said this incident
would be investigated and that the City would pay for replacing the pump. Mr. Blanchette
asked Mr. Livergood if this should not have been considered an emergency and Mr.
Livergood agreed that staff should have responded, even after hours. Mr. Blanchette
believed that the Police Department should have taken the call and then called someone
in Public Works to respond. Mr. Livergood believed that this is what Communications
would usually do. He also stated that it could not be known for certain whether an earlier
response might have saved the pump.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 28,2002
Commissioner McCray asked Mr. Livergood to let him know when he found out how
Communications had dropped the ball.
Mr. Blanchette asked why the City taxpayers were paying for palm trees to be planted at
Little League Park on land that might become the expansion area for the cemetery. Mr.
Livergood remarked that the Little League had paid for the trees. Mr. Blanchette asked
why the Little League had such power over the City and asked Mr. Livergood to find an
answer. Mr. Livergood remarked that he did not know that an answer to this question
would have relevance tothe Cemetery Board operation until it had reviewed his report
on Cemetery Options. In the Board's preparation of their recommendation to the City
Commission, follow up :questions or more information might be required.
Chair Nyquist reaffirmed that the City would pay for the pump. Mr. Balfe noted that it
was possible that the pump could be rebuilt. The replacement cost for the pump was
quoted at between $3,000 to $3,500.
B. Reports on Cemetery Areas Assigned to Members
1. Blocks W & Y on the South side - Oris Walker
Mr. Walker stated that the only problem on the South side was the fence and he noted
that there was a bid to repair the fence. Ms. Roberts stated that a purchase order with
The Fence Builder had been delayed pending insurance certification, which had been
received the previous Friday. She stated that the purchase order should be issued and
the work begun by the end of the week, with an anticipated completion of one week.
Blocks N & O, the area to the West, old section to the flagpole -
David Nyquist
Chair Nyquist stated that this section and the rest of the cemetery looked pretty good.
Seacrest Blvd. To building on the South sides - Tereesa Padgett
4. Mausoleum and Sara Sims - John Tineri
Vice Chair Tineri commented that the mausoleum was looking a lot cleaner.
5. Blocks R & S - Teresa Frazier
Ms. Frazier stated that these sections looked good.
VIII. New Business
A. Staff Report on Cemetery Options - Jeff Livergood
Chair Nyquist voiced the opinion that everyone should read this and talk about it at the
next meeting. The Board agreed.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 28, 2002
Vice Chair Tineri moved to place the staff report on file until the next meeting to g~ve
everyone an opportunity to review it. Ms. Frazier seconded the motion that carried
B. Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03 (not discussed)
IX. Other
1. Resolution No. R02-073 adopted by the City Commission on May 7, 2002
This resolution covers the increase in cost of openings and closings at Boynton Beach
Memorial Park and Sara Simms Memorial Gardens.
Ms. Frazier stated that she had a customer who requested a May 10 burial and that she
had not received notification of the price change until she received a letter dated May 20.
Secretary Prainito noted that the resolution had taken effect on May 8, 2002 and that
she thought that the funeral homes had been notified. Ms. Frazier remarked that hers
was not the only funeral home that had been unaware of the exact date of the price
change. Secretary Prainito thought that the Cemetery Clerk was notifying people as
they called in but that this might not have happened for one reason or another. Mr.
Livergood suggested that if there had been any misunderstandings resulting from lack of
notification of the price change, that charges at the former rate be allowed for a two-
week period following the price change.
2. Letter Lauding Cemetery Workers
Mr. Blanchette referred to a letter of praise for the cemetery workers and commented
how seldom this happened. He was glad it was written.
3. Memorial Service
Commissioner McCray stated that he was at the Memorial Day Service at the Cemetery
on Sunday afternoon and the cemetery looked superb. He thought the cemetery
workers needed to be recognized for the arrangement of the chairs and everything they
had done to make the ceremony so successful.
X. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 7:45 p.m.
p~ctfully submitted
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(one tape)(052902)