ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.
Ron Washam, Chair
Anne Centi
Joy Currier
Blanche Girtman
Eddie Mitchell
Brenda Lee Williams
Anna Marie Noe
Hansome Jones
I. Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Washam called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call - Regular Members and Alternates
Dan DeCarlo, Board Liaison
Ms. Centi led the
Recognition of Visitors
Minutes Approval April 20, 2002
Ms. Williams moved to accept the minutes.
unanimously carried.
V. Agenda Approval
Ms. Girtman moved that the agenda be approved.
Currier and unanimously carried.
Motion seconded by Ms. Centi and
Motion seconded by Ms.
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 8, 2002
VI. Correspondence and Announcements
Ms. Girtman thanked the members of the Board for their expression of
compassion and caring during her past months of difficulties. Ms. Girtman
thanked Mr. DeCarlo for picking her up so that she could attend the Youth in
Government Day Luncheon.
Ms. Currier noted that Youth In Government Day was exceptional, especially the
evening events. She commended the young girl on her presentation on how she
viewed the events of 9-11. City Manager Kurt Bressner sent a thank you letter to
the presenter.
Chairman Washam thanked the following for their participation:
· " Commissioner McCray for meeting with the students in the morning.
v' Commissioner Fisher for meeting with the students at the Madsen Center
at noon.
v' City Manager Kurt Bressner for meeting with the students at lunch, and
attending the mock City Commission meeting in the evening.
v' Vice Mayor Weiland for attending the mock City Commission meeting.
Chairman Washam noted that Mayor Broening was out of town and could not
attend. Mayor Broening has always been very supportive of Youth in
Government Day. He also thanked Ms. Currier who has always been there for
the students and puts 110% effort into the program. Chairman Washam
acknowledged that the day could not have been a success without the planning
and assistance of Dan DeCarlo and Shana Weinstein.
The students also expressed how much they appreciated the inspirational
speech that Ms. Girtman delivered during lunch. Ms. Currier pointed out that
there was a student who participated two years in a row. Chairman Washam
thanked all the members of the Board for their participation, as well as the
Education Advisory Board and the Advisory Board on Children and Youth.
VII. Old Business
PATCH Activities Update
Special PBC Health Care District Meeting April 24t' Review
Mr. DeCarlo reported that there was also a follow up meeting on Thursday, May
2nd, which was attended by Ms. Girtman and Mr. Brian Edwards.
Mr. DeCarlo stated that the biggest challenge PATCH is facing is that the County
PATCH formed their own 501.3.C organization and the Health Care District will
no longer be providing financial support. The County is encouraging PATCH to
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 8, 2002
apply for a grant from the Health Cato District. The Boynton Beach PATCH is
continuing the process to obtain their own 501.3.C status. Ms. Noe and Mr.
Edwards aro working on this.
A meeting with Mr. Ed Harris was recently held at St. John's Missionary Baptist
Church. Octavia Sherrod, Wilfred Hawkins and Mr. DeCado attended.
Discussions took place at that meeting to encourage the Church to apply for
CDBG funding in order to allow the church facility to be used for various
programs. A workshop is scheduled for June to discuss including the Church in
the Heart of Boynton Program. Discussion will also take place on using the
Church for the PATCH Program.
Mr. DeCarlo noted that leadership training is now included in the Heart of
Boynton Program. This will provide groat assistance to the community. Mr.
DeCarlo explained that the leadership training is not limited to the members of St.
John's Missionary Baptist Church, but to the entire neighborhood.
There is no confirmed date on the workshop; however, it will take place after this
Board's June meeting, and members will be informed of the date at that meeting.
Four additional meetings will take place at various locations. When the first
meeting date is confirmed, a mailing will be sent to all the neighborhoods, as well
as the Church members.
Meetings have also been scheduled for the Poinciana Heights area that includes
the Wilson Center area and will be held at the Wilson Center. The meeting for the
MLK neighborhood area will take place at St. Paul's Church. The third meeting
for the Ridgewood and Boynton Hills area will be held at the First Baptist Church,
and the fourth meeting that would cover the Seacrest Boulevard area to St.
John's Missionary Baptist Church will be held at that Church.
Mr. Mitchell pointed out that some people are reluctant to attend meetings in
churches. Mr. DeCarlo responded that the purpose of the meetings is to produce
active neighborhood associations in each of these areas and after they organize
they can determine where they would like to hold their meetings. Mr. Mitchell
pointed out that people should not be restricted to attend the meeting scheduled
for their neighborhood, but should be allowed to attend any meeting. Mr.
DeCarlo responded that people can attend any meeting they wish and the
mailing will encourage this.
Ms. Girtman suggested advertising the meetings in order to attract a larger
attendance. Mr. DeCarlo responded that there will be a mailing to every person
that resides in the Heart of Boynton area and flyers will be distributed. Ms.
Girtman felt that the mailings would not be effective because people don't always
read their mail. Mr. DeCarlo pointed out that flyers will also be distributed to the
churches and sororities.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 8, 2002
Chairman Washam asked Mr. DeCarlo if there was a response from a prior
meeting that was held at the Wilson Center?. Mr. DeCado said that the response
was excellent and about 15 people indicated a willingness to participate in an
organization for their neighborhood. He would like to have approximately 12 to
15 people in each neighborhood to help their own neighborhood get organized.
Ms. Girtman would also like to get the high school students involved and felt their
input is important. She also thought that these students could disseminate the
information throughout their neighborhoods. Mr. DeCarlo responded that the
consultants had recommended that the young adults in the community also be
trained. He will follow up with the schools to determine if there is any student
interest. Ms. Williams suggested passing out the flyers at the schools. Ms.
Girtman requested that flyers be left at the Treasure Chest School to be sent
home to the parents.
Ms. Girtman suggested that Mr. DeCarlo speak with the ministers of each church
to keep them updated. Mr. DeCarlo said that stakeholder meetings would be
held with all the ministers during the month of May, beginning next week.
Chairman Washam asked that the Board members try to attend as many of the
meetings as possible and Mr. DeCado stated he would appreciate the Board's
assistance. Mr. DeCarlo recommended that the Board members go through the
leadership training that is an integral part of the program.
Old Business
Youth in Government Day - Thursday, April 25th
Chairman Washam reported that Assistant City Manager Hawkins was very
instrumental in making Youth in Government Day a success and his input and
enthusiasm makes a lasting impression upon the students. Ms. Girtman
suggested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Hawkins. Mr. DeCarlo will
follow through on this.
Members discussed and agreed that this year's Youth in Government Day was a
great achievement. This was the first year that students from the new Boynton
Beach High School participated. Members agreed that they would like to see the
program continue.
Ms. Girtman inquired if the City ever followed up on the students who participated
in prior Youth in Government Days? Chairman Washam felt this would be a
difficult task since most students move on.
Chairman Washam asked if the Board wished to pursue the S.T.A.R.S. program
that the Board previously sponsored? He has spoken to students and parents
that had participated in the program and they thanked him for assisting them in
finding a job. He would like to enlist the Education Advisory Board and the
Advisory Board on Children and Youth to assist in this endeavor. Mr. DeCarlo
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 8, 2002
suggested holding a workshop with the three Boards to discuss similar issues
and determine how the three boards can help the youth in the community.
Chairman Washam requested that this be proposed to the other two Boards. Mr.
DeCarlo will speak with the other Boards' liaisons.
Ms. Girtman pointed out that most high schools now offer job opportunities for
their students and there have been various job programs in place at the high
schools for many years.
VIII. Fourth of July Combined Event with Multicultural Festival
Mr. DeCarlo is working with Leisure Services to combine the Multicultural
Festival with the Fourth of July festivities scheduled at Boynton Beach High
School. The fireworks will also take place at the High School this year. The
festivities will begin around 5:30 p.m. with an appearance by the color guard.
There will be vending booths and a stage for the musical acts.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(May 9, 2002)