73-VVVA RESOLUTION OF THE COUSCtL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH~ , P~OVIDING F~R THE SUSPEN- SION OF. THE A~MINIST~TIVE ~RVICE C~.RGE$ LEVIED BY THE GENEP~tL FUND AGAINST THE UTILITY FUND. WHEREAS, the City Council o£ the City o£ Boyntnn Baach, Florida, has determined that a study o£ the administrative service charges levied by the General Fund against the Utility Fund said City is necessary and advisable for the e££icient operation o£ the municipal government; NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BF~CH.~ FLORIDa: SeCtion 1: That the administrative service ~harges levied by the General'Fund against the Utility Fund of the City o~ Boynton Beach, Florida, be and are hereby suspended for the pur- pose o£ conducting appropriate studies to determine a more equi- table basis £or such charges. PA~SSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ day o£ December, A.D., 1973. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH~ FLORIDA Coun ci lman City Clerk