Minutes 03-20-02City of Boynton Beach
Library Advisory Board
r4inutes: March 20, 2002
Present: Board members: Marva Collins, Marion Grammer, Donna Harmening,
Dan Holthouse, Herb Suss, Dorothy Walker
Alternates: David Goudsward, Judy Sanders
Library Director: Virginia Farace
Absent: Valerie Pleasanton
The meeting was called to order by vice chair Dorothy Walker at 3:30.
The minutes of the February 27 meeting were adopted as distributed.
Correspondence: Marion sent a thank you letter to Mayor Broening for the
contribution of his entire discretionary fund ($12,500) to the library donations
account. The funds will be used to enhance the collection.
Chair's Report: None
New Business: None
Library Director's Report: The Florida Legislature is still not in agreement on the
budget and may adjourn on March 22, leaving libraries with no answer as to
current status of grants or funding.
Other library bills are still pending in both the House and Senate.
Announcements: None
Unfinished business: After the business part of the meeting, the Board discussed
Fah~heit 451 by Ray Bradbury, which was selected for the "Read Together
Palm Beach County: One Book, One Community" program. Members contributed
thoughts on the book's themes, purpose and predictions.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35.
Submitted by,
Marion Grammer