ON MONDAY, MAY 13, 2002 AT 10:00 A.M.
Carisse Weise, Chairperson
Tom Balfe, ViCe Chair
Bill Coup
Gary Ezzell
Eric Falstad
Barbara Madden
Chuck Magazine
Tom McCabe
Mike Rumpf
Tina Smith
Sharon Tierney
Teresa Zabik
City Manager
Public Works/Parks
Golf Course
City Clerk
Risk Management
Po lice/Code Compliance
Utilities Admin/EWTP
Phyllis Dixon
Dorothy Mack
Ron Rudy
Rodney Vickey
I. Call to Order
Chairperson Weise called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
Chairperson Weise requested that the Recording Secretary e-mail to her the
names of the persons Who were absent at today's meeting. This information will
be tracked and repOrted to the City Manager.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of April 8, 2002 Regular Meeting
Mr, Magazine requested that on Page 4, in the first sentence of the second
paragraph, the word "uniforms" should be deleted and the words "personal
protective equiPment" be inserted in its place;
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
May 13, 2002
Mr. Coup moved to approve the minutes, as amended. Motion seconded by Mr.
Ezzell and unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee EduCation and Training Program
The training video scheduled was not shown. It will be shown at the June
V. Old Business
A, Fire Drills
There was no one present from the Fire Department.
Chairperson Weise inquired why there were three fire drills in City Hall last week.
Mr. Magazine reported that they resulted from dust in the smoke detectors. The
smoke detectors need to be cleaned and this has not been done for a long time.
Mr. Magazine was not certain if Facilities was the Department that was in charge
of this. Chairperson Weise will follow through with Facilities to determine if there
is a maintenance schedule in place for cleaning all of the smoke detectors.
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (Magazine)
Mr. Magazine has updated the Inspections and Safety Meetings and will e-mail
copies to all the members.
D. DefensiVe Driver Course
Mr. Magazine stated that the courses would be starting up in June and July. Vice
Chair Balfe thought that the June dates were already filled.
Mr, Magazine reported that the driving records of all City employees that drive
City vehicles on a regular basis would be checked through the Department of
Motor Vehicles. Mr. Magazine stressed that if an employee receives a moving
vehicle violation while operating his own vehicle, even though it is not on City
time, it must still be reported to his supervisor. If not reported, it could be cause
for termination. Since not all employees are aware of this, Mr. Magazine will e-
mail all employees informing them of this policy, Mr. Rumpf inquired where this
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee. Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
was addressed in the APM and Mr. Magazine will forward him the requested
Mr. Coup inquired what the definition was for an employee that operated a
vehicle on "a regular" basis. Mr. Magazine stated that each case is addressed
on an individual basis.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals (Magazine)
Vice Chair Balfe inquired about the status of the garage doors at Fire Station #3
that were not operating properly. He stated that Chief Liu has looked into this
thoroughly and is aware of the situation. Vice Chair Balfe noted that this is a very
dangerous situation and that someone could be seriously injured. He has spoken
to a company about replacing the doors, He noted that replacement of the doors
was turned down in the new budget. Mr. Magazine will speak with the Fire
Department to determine if they could replace the doors. Chairperson Weise
requested that the incident reports involving the doors be sent to her so that she
could follow up on this in the budget process.
F. Wellness Program (Magazine)
G. Departmental Safety Standard Operational Procedures (Weise)
Vice Chair Balfe prepared and distributed a Department Safety Procedure for the
Recreation Department. Chairperson Weise complimented him on the
thoroughness of,the Procedure. Mr. Magazine suggested that Vice Chair Balfe
use this as a guideline for his Department's Safety Meetings and that a copy be
distributed to everyone in his Department. Chairperson Weise requested that all
members continue to work on their Departmental Procedures and bring them to
the Safety Meetings for review.
Mr. Magazine requested that Vice Chair Balfe e-mail the Procedures to
Chairperson Weise who will then e-mail them to everyone.
H. City Hall Evacuation Notification System (Weise)
Chairperson Weise distributed the final draft of the Administrative Policy dealing
with the City Hall Emergency Evacuation Notification System. The draft is on the
City Manager's desk for final review and signature. This system is tied into the
City's external 911 system and is called the "Communicator." If an emergency
Meeting Minutes ~'
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
May 13, 2002
occurs in the City, a notice would go out to the general public within the affected
areas informing them of the type of emergency and what they should do.
The City's internal ring-down system was developed as a result of a bomb scare
several months ago at City Hall. At that time a police officer went to each
department to instruct all employees to evacuate the building. This took 15
minutes. Utilizing the ring-down system, a call will go to each department's "main
answering point (MAP)," which must always be answered by a person. The MAP
will then notify all employees in their department of the circumstances and to
evacuate the building. Chairperson Weise requested that this be reviewed at
the Departments' next safety meeting, if anyone has any questions, they should
contact her.
Chairperson Weise reported that tests have taken place and the system is up
and running. As soon as it is approved, she will contact Chief Ness to set up a
Mr. Coup inquired about the other City buildings. Currently this system only
encompasses the City Hall Complex. After discussion, members thought that the
system should also be connected to other City department locations as well. Mr.
Falstad would like the Golf Course to be included. It was suggested that the
other City buildings could be grouped together, such as the Madsen Center,
Library and Children's Museum. Chairperson Weise will bring this to the
attention of the City Manager and the Assistant City Managers.
Mr. Coup noted that the Library does have an evacuation policy. Chairperson
Weise will check to see if the other City buildings have evacuation policies.
VI. New Business
Mr. Magazine noted that this is the time of year when the heat safety policy must
be stdctly adhered to. This morning he e-mailed to all Department Heads and
Committee Members a safety guide on how to avoid heat injuries. He requested
that all supervisory staff and employees be aware of these guidelines. The
Warehouse informed him that there are sufficient powered drinks available. It is
the responsibility of the Supervisor to make sure that their employees are getting
enough fluids and taking the appropriate amount of heat breaks.
The question arose about employees who may be diabetic and cannot drink
sugared drinkS. Mr, Magazine suggested that those employees inform their
supervisor so that the appropriate drinks would be available.
VII. Announcements
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
May 13, 2002
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, June 10, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(May 13,2002)