Minutes 09-03-02 (2)[4:~NUTES OF THE SPECTAL CZTY COMI4:~SSZON IqEET~NG AND PUBLTC HEARING REGARDTNG THE FTSCAL YEAR 2002/2003 PROPOSED BUDGET HELD TN COIqlqTSSTON CHAMBERS, CZTY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORTDA~ ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 AT 6:00 P.M. PRESENT: Gerald Broening, Mayor Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor Nike Ferguson, Commissioner Charlie Fisher, Commissioner Hack McCray, Commissioner ]:. Call to Order Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Kurt Bressner, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Janet Prainito, City Clerk I~layor Broenin9: If you w/i/permit me to say a few words on the front end. You may have heard in the papers that I just had open-heart surgery. As a matter of fact I had my first shower this afternoon in a//tt/e over a week and I wanted everybody to have the benefit of that. The reason I'm here is because I think that this process, the budget process, is the sing/e most important thing that a Commission does. It takes care of the pub/ic resources that are entrusted to the C/bi and enab/es the profess/ona/ City management to do the work that they need to do to serve a// of us by the services that we not on/y des/re but desperate/y need. And so that is why I'm here this evening. I'm going to turn the meeting over to Vice hCayor We#and so he can earn that stipend, the extra money he makes for the t/t/e. I am going to depart as soon as we come to a vote on this. I just thought it was important to be here. City Attorney Cherof explained that this was the first of two public hearings where the members of the public had an opportunity to participate in the annual budget process, which includes the adoption of the annual millage rate. The millage rate that the City has published as its proposed millage rate is 7.8160, which is 3.81% above the computed rollback rate tax increase. The second public hearing will be held in City Hall Chambers on September ::[7, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. City Manager Bressner stated that the Commission had two options before them. The first option was the proposed millage rate that had been tentatively authorized at the Commission's first budget workshop meeting. That had a combined total of 8.~20% and included the debt service amount. The base amount was 7.8:[60%. At the time the Commission approved that rate, they also requested that City staff look at ways in which the rate could be reduced. This provided an alternate budget number and an alternate rate that brought the total rate down to 7.995. City Manager Bressner referred to a document that had been provided to all members of the audience entitled: City of Boynton Beach Summary of 2002/2003 Proposed Budget. This Meeting Minutes Special City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida September 3, 2002 document contains the City's proposed budget and five-year plan. The actual spending authorization for the next fiscal year was the topic of discussion at this meeting. City Manager Bressner presented various charts and explained the basis for the budget, including where the money comes from and where it goes. The presentation is attached to the original City Commission minutes on file in the office of the City Clerk. City Manager Bressner related that the City was engaged in benchmarking its programs and services with other municipalities to determine where there might be opportunities to possibly reduce overall expenses without appreciably impacting services, where possible. The overall budget includes for the General Fund an allocation of $3.8M in the unobligated fund balance for expenses this fiscal year. This had not been used as a resource in the past but was used instead as a set-aside for use if needed. They were not touching the obligated fund reserve, which by Commission resolution represented 10% of General Fund expenses or $4.8M. If the $3.8M were spent, they would still have approximately $4.8M in the obligated reserve plus $2.7M in unobligated fund balances in the General Fund, allowing for two and a half months of expenses. Diane Reese, Finance Director, thanked the staff and City Manager for their assistance in a tough budget year. She thanked everyone for diligently looking at their budgets so the funds could be expended as prudently and efficiently as possible. City Manager Bressner reported that one of the options staff was considering would provide a reduction in the property tax rate, as a reflection of the City's knowledge that many of the City's residents were on fixed incomes. II. Public Hearing on Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Proposed Budget There was no one present who wished to speak. III. Proposed Resolution No. R02-:L48, Adopting the Proposed Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2002/03 lYayor BroenJng: Z usua//y go/ast but since you're running the meeting V/ce Mayor, ['//go first and start with the Commission. [ rea//y am here this evening because of the importance Z be#eve this event has on the conduct of the bus/ness of the City. Z wanted to add a congratu/atory note to this Commission, part/cu/ar/y certain members of this Commission, who pushed hard during our workshops to take another/ook at the budget to (inaudib/e) .... is there some way that we can reduce our costs without reducing our services. And [ want to congratu/ate staff and ['rn not just ta/k/ng about the City Manager, the Finance D/rector, and Department Heads, but every emp/oyee of this City who rea//y is impacted in one way or another by having to do more w/th/ess through this budget that we're putting forward today and ] support whichever way this Commission dec/des to go on both the m/i/age rate and on the budget. [ think it's been an extraordinary... [t's been the best budget event since ['ye been here and that's a fact. Meeting Minutes Special City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida September 3, 2002 Commissioner McCray: I would just like to say to the Mayor and a/so to the other Commissioners and a/so the City sta~ thanks for doing a fantastic job w/th the budget. We know as elected officials or appointed ofiic/a/s we have a fiduciary responsibility to all of the citizens of Boynton and as that we have to watch every do//ar. After we did the first budget hearing, the (inaudible) went out that there was a recommendation from this Commission to cut staff drast/ca#y. That went out wrong. That is not our intention. We have no (inaudible) even saying we're going to cut sta~ We're not in that obligation. We just wanted to let you all know that the budget you all should be commended for going back and cutting more. Somebody said they should go back and cut even more. I think we're lean enough now in Boynton. We need to stay where we are and go ahead and move forward. Thank you. Commissioner Fi$1~er: I have a brief comment -to concur w/th the comments of the other Commissioners and the Mayor. Essentially, I mean the reality is, we have 1,000 or so more people than De/ray Beach does yet we have a bill/on dollars/ess/n taxable assets. And we want to be able to offer the same types of services w/th a bill/on do#ars/ess that we can tax. That's not an easy job for staff to put together a budget like that. You managed to reduce it without eliminating, in my opinion, services to our taxpayers, so you did a very good bus/ness job here- a bus/ness proposal if you will - while not cutting the budget, just doing a better job than even the first version of making more of a prudent budget if you wi#. So kudos to sta~ You did a great job. Once again Diane and your sta~ of the fact that it is not a huge line that goes out to say...you can't make it any easier to read for everybody. This makes perfect sense whether you're used to reading budgets or not. You've done a great job w/th that and just want to thank everybody (inaudible) for that. Commissioner Ferguson: This/s a good budget. I think a good start towards reducing this tax rate down closer to 7% than where we are now but this is an excellent start I think. We should keep in mind that it was 72% of our costs are personnel so the benchmark/ng is going to come to us in February or March and be very important for next year's budget. But this is a good budget. I'm ready to vote. Vice Mayor Weiland: Thank you Commissioner Ferguson. I would like to pretty much agree w/th the statements you have just made. I would like to see further cuts made this year. I k/nd of thought that we may see additional cuts than we did but I don't want to see any cuts made without the benchmark/ng the City Manager has made to assure us that we can/ook at each department and ana/yze it to see where those cuts can be made and not affect the service that we are providing to the citizens. But, however, I would like to see you know in the next six months the Commission work w/th the staff and likewise where we can sit down and look at these things to further cut the budget and get this percentage down to about 7% as well. Thank you very much. Mayor Broening; //ke to make a mot/on that, 7 995. I would like to make a mot/on and (inaudible) to do this. I would that we set the ali up mi#age rate for the budget year 2002/03 at Commissioner Ferguson: I will second that. That consists of 7600 for the genera/millage and 0.395 for the debt service, making that total. I think that's very important to have that Meeting Minutes Special City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida September 3, 2002 overall tax rate be/ow $o~. More psychological than financial but I think it is certainly a start in the right direction. I second that enthusiastically. Vice I~ayor We/land: I have a mot/on and a second. Any further discussion? City Attorney Cherof: would plug into. Vice Mayor, permit me to read the resolution that these numbers City Attorney Cherof read proposed Resolution No. R02-Z48 by title only. He stated that the proposed millage rate of 7.600 was .94% above the computed rollback rate. NayorBroening: Should I mod/fy that, make that mot/on to approve the Resolution ? City Attorney ¢herof: Yes sir. I~layar BroenJng; I hereby mod/fy it as stated. Commi~ioner t~erguson: Second. Vice ~layor We/land: have roll ca//on this? A mot/on and a second. Any further discuss/on? Do we need to City Attorney ClYerof; Yes. City Clerk Pta/n/to called the roll and stated that the vote was 5-0. ~rvI Proposed Resolution No. R02-149 Re: Adopting the Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2002/03 City Attorney Cherof read proposed Resolution No. R02-149 by title only. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve proposed Resolution R02-1~,9. seconded the motion. Commissioner Fisher City Clerk Pta/n/to polled the vote and the motion carried 5-0. Vm First Reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 02-049 Re: Adopting the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2002/03 City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 02-049 by title only. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve proposed Ordinance 02-0~(9. seconded the motion. Commissioner McCray Meeting Minutes Special City Commission Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida September 3, 2002 City Clerk Prainito polled the vote and the motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Cherof announced that the second reading and final hearing on this Ordinance would be at the Public Hearing on September 17, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers. VZ. Adjournment As there was no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 6:30 p.m. ATTEST: Recording Secretary (! tape) Vice Mayor Commissioner ~o~e; ~~'~~ (090402) 5 CITY' OF BO ,ITON BEACH 8L!MMAR 't OF PROPO BIJDGE'.T" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN - REVENUE & EXPENSES GENERAL FUND 200012001 200112002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJi=CTION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Manager's 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 Recommended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 8,273,083 $ 11,656,919 $ 12,321,569 $ 8,436,610 $ 4,396,253 $ 194,281 $ (4,175,770) REVENUES $ 44,226,298 $ 43,226,615 $ 44,928,956 $ 46,726,114 $ 48,595,159 $ 50,538,965 $ 52,560,524 EXPENDITURES $(40,842,462) $(42,561,965) $(48,813,915) $(50,766,472) $(52,797,130) $(54,909,016) $(57,105,376 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES $ 3,383,836 $ 664,650 $ (3,884,959} $ (4,040,357 $ (4,201,972) $ (4,370,051) $ (4,544,853 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 11,656,919 $ 12,321,569 $ 8,436,610 $ 4,396,253 $ 194,281 $ (4,175,770) $ (8,720,622 10% Required Reserve $ 4,047,668 $ 4,488,751 $ 4,881,391 $ 5,042,784 $ 5,244,496 $ 5,454,276 $ 5,572,447 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN- REVENUE & EXPENSES UTILITIES REVENUE FUND 200012001 200112002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJECTION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Manager's 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 Recommended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 19,915,452 $ 24,460,131 $ 24,567,125 $ 24,567,125 $ 23,946,117 $ 23,627,200 $ 23,627,200 REVENUES $ 26,995,483 $ 26,588,801 $ 27,539,609 $ 28,508,494 $ 29,511,492 $ 30,549,802 $ 31,624,671 EXPENDITURES $ (22,450,804) $(26,481,807) $ (27,539,609) $ (29,129,502) $ (29,830,409) $(30,549,802) $ (31,624,671)i REVENUE$ OVER (UNDEE) EXPENSE$ $ 4,544,679 $ 106,994 $ $ (621,008) $ (318,917) $ $ ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 24,460,131 $ 24,567,125 $ 24,567,125 $ 23,946,117 $ 23,627,200 $ 23,627,200 $ 23,627,200 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN- REVENUE & EXPENSES GOLF COURSE FUND 200012001 200112002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJECTION Managers ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Recommended 2005/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 846,392 $ 728,855 $ 432,612 $ (26,979) $ (27,887) $ (27,887) $ (27,887) REVENUES $ 2,463,522 $ 2,266,570 $ 2,427,104 $ 2,512,053 $ 2,599,930 $ 2,690,906 $ 2,785,066 EXPENDITURES $ (2,345,985) $ (2,562,813) $ (2,886,695 $ (2,512,961) $ (2,599,930) $ (2,690,906) $ (2,785,066 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES $ 117,537 $ (296,243) $ (459,591 $ (908) $ $ - $ ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 728,855 $ 432,612 $ (26,979 $ (27,887) $ (27,887) $ (27,887) $ (27,887 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN- REVENUE & EXPENSES SOLID WASTE 200012001 200112002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJECTION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Manager's Recommended 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 ;tEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 693,911 $ 93,157 $ 190,868 $ 190,868 $ 305,196 $ 433,057 $ 572,330 REVENUES $ 6,225,774 $ 6,626,483 $ 6,289,234 $ 6,509,357 $ 6,737,185 $ 6,972,986 $ 7,217,041 EXPENDITURES $ (6,826,518) $ (6,528,772) $ (6,289,234) $ (6,395,029) $ (6,609,324) $ (6,833,713) $ (6,981,276) ~EVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES $ (600,744) $ 97,711 $ $ 114,328 $ 127,861 $ 139,273 $ 235,765 ENDINGFUND BALANCE $ 93,157 $ 190,868 $ 190,868 $ 305,196 $ 433,057 $ 572,330 $ 808,095 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN - REVENUE & EXPENSES TRANSPORTATION FUND 200012001 200112002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJECTION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Menages 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2005/2007 Recommended SEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 111,594 $ 89,494 $ 52,425 $ 17,425 $ 17,425 $ 17,425 $ 17,425 REVENUES $ 181,833 $ 191,020 $ 201,400 $ 244,646 $ 253,561 $ 263,060 $ 272,663 EXPENDITURES $ (203,933) $ (228,089) $ (236,400) $ (244,646) $ (253,561) $ (263,060) $ (272,663) REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES $ (22,100) $ (37,069) $ (35,000) $ $ $ - $ ENDINGFUNDBALANCE $ 89,494 $ 52,425 $ 17,425 $ 17,425 $ 17,425 $ 17,425 $ 17,425 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN - REVENUE & EXPENSES FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND 200012001 200112002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJECTION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Manager's 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 Recommended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 3,317,063 $ 3,446,516 $ 4,369,881 $ 5,791,548 $ 6,529,198 $ 7,598,558 $ 9,058,001 REVENUES $ 5,089,027 $ 4,553,200 $ 4,827,273 $ 5,020,364 $ 5,222,616 $ 5,433,532 $ 5,650,873 EXPENDITURES $ (4,959,574) $ (3,629,835) $ (3,405,606) $ (4,282,714) $ (4,153,256) $ (3,974,089) $ (6,106,219) REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES $ 129,453 $ 923,365 $ 1,421,667 $ 737,650 $ 1,069,360 $ 1,459,443 $ (455,346} ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 3,446,516 $ 4,369,881 $ 5,791,548 $ 6,529,198 $ 7,598,558 $ 9,058,001 $ 8,602,655 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN - REVENUE & EXPENSES WAREHOUSE FUND 200012001 2001/2002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJECTION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Manager's 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 Recommended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ $ 16,174 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 REVENUES $ 230,063 $ 230,425 $ 236,730 $ 239,666 $ 248,472 $ 257,995 $ 265,937 EXPENDITURES $ (213,889) $ (216,659) $ (236,730) $ (239,666) $ (248,472) $ (257,995) $ (265,937) REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES $ 16,174 $ 13,766 $ $ $ $ $ ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 16,174 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 $ 29,940 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIVE YEAR BUDGET PLAN - REVENUE & EXPENSES RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 200012001 200112002 2002/2003 FOUR YEAR PROJECTION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Actual Estimated Manager's 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 Recommended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 5,358,873 $ 2,719,269 $ 1,182,238 $ 389,865 $ (1,111,403) $ (2,727,370) $ (4,419,706) REVENUES $ 1,206,224 $ 919,577 $ 1,444,441 $ 964,600 $ 1,007,804 $ 1,048,106 $ 1,090,025 EXPENDITURES $ (3,845,828) $ (2,456,608) $ (2,236,814 $ (2,465,868) $ (2,623,771) $ (2,740,442) $ (2,828,923) ~EVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES $ (2,639,604) $ (1,537,031); $ (792,373 $ (1,501,268) $ (1,615,967) $ (1,692,336) $ (1,738,898) .=NDING FUND BALANCE $ 2,719,269 $ 1,182,238~ $ 389,865 $ (1,111,403) $ (2,727,370) $ (4,419,706) $ (6,158,604) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 ANNUAL BUDGET MILl,AGE RATES 10.0000% 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 8.2668% 8.2409% 8.2273% 8.2273% Operating~ DebtI 2OO2/2OO3 7.9950% Option 1 2002/2003 8.2110% Option 2 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 ANNUAL BUDGET Where the Money Comes From · AD VALOREM TAXES · FRANCHISE & PUBLIC SERVICE TAXES · OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES · PERMITS · STATE/COUNTY SHARED REVENUES · CHARGES FOR SERVICES · INTERFUND TRANSFERS · ALL OTHER 0 0 0 0 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUES GENERAL FUND Fund Balance Appropriated UTILITY FUND GOLF COURSE FUND LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND $ RECREATION PROGRAMS FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FIRE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM SOLID WASTE FUND TRASPORTATIN SERVICES FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND WAREHOUSE FUND RISK MANAGEMENT 2001102 2001102 2002/03 Bud~let Est Revenue Request % Change from 2001102 2002/03 to Recommended 2002103 $ 43,587,513 $ 43,226,615 $ 45,208,381 $ 44,928,956 3.1% $ 1,300,000 $ $ 3,607,689 $ 3,884,959 198.8% $ 44,887,513 $ 43,226,615 $ 48,816,070 $ 48,813,915 8.7% BOYNTONBEACH MEMORIAL PARK $ 391,000$ 276,250 $ 265,500 $ 265,500 TOTALALL FUNDS $121,937,478 $107,567,428 $132,429,546 $ 132,430,021 $ 28,800,478 $ 26,588,810 $ 27,539,608 $ 27,539,609 -4.4% $ 2,769,673 $ 2,768,722 $ 2,872,579 $ 2,886,695 4.2% $ 1,518,000 $ 1,142,000 $ 1,512,000 $ 1,512,000 -0.4% 712,238 $ 691,399$ 696,638$ 725,035 1.8% $ 736,165$ 598,000$ 945,136$ 945,136 28.4% $ 4,592,585 $ 5,076,607 $ 5,156,923 $ 5,296,223 15.3% $ 23,859,454 $ 12,688,750 $ 24,576,400 $ 24,576,400 3.0% $ $ 916,850$ 6,043,057 $ 6,043,057 $ 6,433,260 $ 6,626,483 $ 6,289,234 $ 6,289,234 -2.2% $ 262,920$ 191,020$ 312,686$ 236,400 -10.1% $ 4,533,200 $ 4,533,200 $ 4,920,592 $ 4,827,273 6.5% $ 230,425$ 230,425$ 232,312$ 236,730 2.7% $ 2,210,567 $ 2,012,297 $ 2,250,811 $ 2,236,814 1.2% -32.1% 8.6% CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 ANNUAL BUDGET Where the Money Goes · General Government [~ Public Safety · Development · Public Works · Library/Recreation/Parks CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 BUDGET SUMMARY OF EXPENSES GENERAL FUND City Commission City Manager City Hall Public Affairs Special Events Organizational & Strategic Development Neighborhood Projects City Clerk Financial Services Procurement ITS GIS Human Resources Communications City Attomey Police Code Compliance Animal Control Fire Development Building Planning Occupational Licenses Public Works Facilities Management Streets Maintenance Engineering Forestry & Grounds Library Recreation Women's Club Parks Maintenance TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ Note: Above does not include any pension increase (1) Transferred from Recreation (2) Transferred 3 employees from Solid Waste 2001102 2001/02 2002/03 2002/03 Bud~let Est Expense Request Recommended % Change from 2001102 to 2002/03 188,892 63,562 181,188 101,071 -46.5% 404,225 392,604 433,496 425,556 5.3% 1,536,025 1,187,704 2,606,813 2,573,586 67.5% 216,407 155,501 189,018 269,097 24.3% 0 0 201,362 207,608 200,230 205,787 252,536 252,992 26.4% 277,980 271,609 282,096 282,739 1.7% 362,771 361,181 425,630 425,771 17.4% 705,495 700,662 755,089 758,036 7.4% 229,845 227,599 246,038 247,048 7.5% 1,701,366 1,677,921 1,704,768 1,685,110 -1.0% 524,360 525,350 604,871 605,934 15.6% 596,200 599,948 632,870 595,371 -0.1% 1,446,841 1,248,443 1,684,574 1,542,562 6.6% 400,798 501,063 504,696 403,645 0.7% 13,243,304 12,752,413 14,194,792 14,357,080 8.4% 533,698 542,494 687,337 693,533 29.9% 142,208 140,749 151,342 152,340 7.1% 8,192,495 8,235,116 9,091,570 9,297,311 13.5% 307,253 307,253 310,942 311,907 1.5% 1,302,463 1,301,389 1,314,950 1,330,887 2.2% 790,242 790,242 814,169 821,016 3.9% 157,867 116,335 151,375 148,833 -5.7% 278,745 209,311 263,956 277,924 -0.3% 1,382,587 1,444,152 1,403,835 1,407,152 1.8% 1,180,950 1,096,500 1,086,266 1,083,920 -8.2% 1,122,384 679,815 1,021,640 996,343 -11.2% 3,220,062 2,892,888 1,824,065 1,778,559 -44.8% 1,625,405 1,588,870 1,703,159 1,694,476 4.2% 2,616,415 2,345,704 2,651,659 2,452,317 -6.3% 0 0 0 151 ,O82 0 0 1,439,768 1,483,109 44,887,513 $ 42,561,965 $ 48,816,070 $ 48,813,915 8.7% CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 BUDGET SUMMARY OF EXPENSES 2001/02 2001102 2002/03 2002/03 Bud~jet Est Expense Request Recommended % Change from 2001102 to 2002/03 UTILITY FUND Water Distribution Public Water Treatment Wastewater Collection Waterwater Pumping Stations Sewage Treatment Water Quality Utility Construction Utility Administration General Administration Stormwater Maintenance Customer Relations Debt Service TOTAL UTILITIES $ 2,538,588 2,421,053 2,347,849 2,409,449 -5.1% 3,785,941 3,389,177 3,798,489 3,812,753 0.7% 1,382,442 1,126,538 1,407,706 1,443,908 4.4% 1,992,003 1,952,347 2,092,272 2,092,582 5.0% 1,715,000 2,100,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 28.3% 356,654 302,950 375,451 386,575 8.4% 521,065 453,167 478,955 481,869 -7.5% 1,637,132 1,437,611 1,888,645 1,873,400 14.4% 3,988,300 7,985,242 4,118,045 3,889,034 -2.5% 982,208 797,998 910,451 911,922 -7.2% 822,311 779,890 876,692 881,612 7.2% 9,078,834 9,040,834 7,156,505 7,156,505 -21.2% 28,800,478 $ 31,786,807 $ 27,651,060 $ 27,539,609 -4.4% GOLF COURSE FUND Golf Course Administration Golf Course Maintenance Golf Course Restaurant/Bar Debt Service TOTAL GOLF COURSE $ 947,027 938,984 960,504 965,167 1.9% 964,802 933,467 1,095,070 1,098,174 13.8% 232,597 193,154 194,901 196,803 -15.4% 625,247 707,568 640,029 626,551 0.2% 2,769,673 $ 2,773,173 $ 2,890,504 $ 2,886,695 4.2% $ 1,518,000 $ 1,142,000 $ 1,512,000 $ 1,512,000 -0.4% $ 712,238$ 691,399 $ 696,638 $ 725,035 1.8% $ 736,165$ 598,000 $ 945,136$ 945,136 28.4% LOCAl OPTION GAS TAX COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS RECREATION PROGRAMS DEBT SERVICE (Utilities & Golf Course Debt not (included) General Obligation Debt 1,055,596 Public Service Debt 3,536,989 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 4,592,585 1,083,745 1,151,923 1,151,923 9.1% 3,992,862 4,005,000 4,144,300 17.2% $ 5,076,607 $ 5,156,923 $ 5,296,223 15.3% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $ 23,859,454 $ 12,688,750 $ 24,576,400 $ 24,576,400 3.0% FIRE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM $ $ 916,850 $ 6,043,057 $ 6,043,057 $ 6,433,260 $ 6,528,772 $ 6,314,877 $ 6,289,234 -2.2% $ 262,920$ 228,089 $ 290,009 $ 236,400 -10.1% $ 4,533,200 $ 3,679,835 $ 4,920,592 $ 4,827,273 6.5% $ 230,425$ 216,659 $ 237,280$ 236,730 2.7% $ 2,210,567 $ 2,456,608 $ 2,244,936 $ 2,236,814 1.2% $ 391,000$ 178,847 $ 267,663$ 265,500 -32.1% SOLID WASTE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FLEET MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE RISK MANAGEMENT BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK TOTAL ALL BUDGETS $ 121,937,478 $ 111,524,361 $ 132,563,145 $ 132,430,021 8.6% CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 BUDGET TOTAL CITY EMPLOYEES 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002~03 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 BUDGET SI.rMMARY OF EMPLOYEES 2000/01 2001102 2002/03 2002103 Bud~let Bud~let Request Recommended GENERAL FUND City Commission 5 5 5 5 City Manager 6 6 6 6 Public Affairs 1 1 1 1 Special Events 0 0 3 3 Organizational & Strategic Development 1 1 1 1 Neighborhood Projects 2 2 2 2 City Clerk 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 Financial Services 13.63 13.63 13.63 13.63 Procurement 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 ITS 11 11 10 10 GIS 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Human Resources 7 7 6 6 Communications 24 24 24 24 City Attorney 3 2 2 2 Police 180.68 180.68 174.91 174.91 Code Compliance 14 14 13 13 Animal Control 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 Fire 106 108 120 120 Development 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 Building 26 25 24 24 Planning 14.58 13.58 13.58 13.58 Occupational Licenses 4 4 3 3 Public Works 3.5 4 3.5 3.5 Facilities Management 24 24 22 22 Streets Maintenance 12 11 9 9 Engineering 15 15 14.63 14.63 Forestry & Grounds 37 35.11 12 12 Library 30.58 30.58 30.33 30.33 Recreation 65.98 67.63 64.63 64.63 Women's Club 0 0 1.5 1.5 Parks Maintenance 0 4 25.53 25.53 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 630.09 633.35 629.38 629.38 % Change from 2001102 to 2002/03 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -9.1% 0.0% -14.3% 0.0% 0.0% -3.2% -7.1% 0.0% 11.1% 0.0% -4.0% 0.0% -25.0% * -12.5% -8.3% -18.2% * -2.5% * -65.8% *** -0.8% -4.4% 538.3% *** -0.6% *Transferred 4 positions to Utilities;and transferred 2 positions from Street Maint; and I from PW Admin. ***Transferred 21.53 to Parks Maintenance CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2002/2003 BUDGET SUMMARY OF EMPLOYEES UTILITY FUND Water Distribution Public Water Treatment Wastewater Collection Waterwater Pumping Stations Water Quality Utility Construction Utility Administration Stormwater Maintenance Customer Relations TOTAL UTILITIES **4 Positions transferred from Engineering GOLF COURSE FUND Golf Course Administration Golf Course Maintenance Golf Course Restaurant/Bar TOTAL GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS SOLID WASTE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FLEET MAINTENANCE WAREHOUSE RISK MANAGEMENT BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK 2000101 2001/02 2002/03 2002/03 Bud~let Bud~let Request Recommended 25 33 33 33 37 34 34 34 20 22 22 22 14 16 16 16 6 6 6 6 7.5 8 7.5 7.5 19.58 18.58 22.58 22.58 9.5 9 8.5 8.5 12 13 13 13 150.58 159.58 162.58 162.58 % Change from 2001/02 to 2002~03 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -6.3% 21.6% ** -5.6% 0.0% 1.9% 15.47 15.84 15.84 15.84 0.0% 16 17 17 17 0.0% 4.2 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.0% 35.67 37.34 37.34 37.34 0.0% 5 5 5 5 0.0% 52.5 52.5 51.5 51.5 -1.9% 6.5 6 6 6 0.0% 13.89 13.89 13 13 -6.4% 5 5 5 5 0.0% 3 4 3 3 -25.0% 0 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.0% TOTAL ALL BUDGETS 902 920 916 916 -0.4% City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget Revenues Revenues w/proposed w/proposed increases and increases with decreasing Millage Rate at Millage Rate to REVENUES 7.8160% 7.6000% Total Revenues $ 49,135,752 $ 49,135,752 Property Tax reduction Pg. 24 $ (604,758~ Sales Tax Increase Pg. 25 $ 76,172 $ 76,172 State Revenue Sharincj Increase Pg. 25 $ 214,769 $ 214,769 Communication Services Tax Increase Pg. 25 $ 34,392 $ 34,392 Fund Balance Appropriated* Pg. 27 $ (647,170) $ (42,412) Revised Revenue Total $ 48,813,915 $ 48,813,915 Expenditures Expenditures w/proposed w/proposed increases increases EXPENDITURES decreases decreases Total Expenditures $ 48,488,311 $ 48,488,311 City Commission Meeting Expense Pg. 30 $ /4,142) $ /4,142) City Manager - Business Meetings Pg. 31 $ /725) $ (725) City Manager- Cellular Phone/Beeper Pg. 31 $ /50) $ (50) City Manager - Books and Publications Pg. 31 $ (101) $ (101) City Manager- Office Supplies Pg. 31 $ /100) $ /100) City Manager- Training Pg. 31 $ /625) $ /625) City Hall - Other Professional Services (Benchmarking) Pg. 33 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 City Hall- Office Supplies Pg. 33 $ (84) $ (84) City Hall- Contingency Pg. 33 $ (20,000), $ (20,000) City Hall- Transfer to Grants/Match Pg. 33 $ 8,500 $ 8,500 TIF** Pg. 33 $ (29,146) $ (29,146) Public Affairs - Printing & Binding Pg. 36 $ (310) $ (310) Special Events Pg. 40 $ (461) $ (461) Org & Strategic Development- Career Development Pg. 44 $ (285) $ (285) Neighborhood Services- Grant Program Pg. 48 $ (442) $ (442) City Clerk- Equipment Maintenance Pg. 51 $ (100) $ (100) City Clerk- Printing & Binding Pg. 52 $ (350) $ (350) City Clerk- Codi~ Ordinances Pg. 52 $ (50) $ (50) City Clerk- LegalAds Pg. 52 $ (500) $ (500), City Clerk- Court Costs Pg. 52 $ (300) $ (300) Financial Services- Overtime Pg. 56 $ (1,800) $ (1,800/ Financial Services - Other Professional Services Pg. 56 $ (800) $ (800/ -'inancial Services - Other Contractual Services Pg. 57 $ (184/ $ (184~ Procurement Services- Advertising Pg. 63 $ (700) $ (700) Procurement Services - Office Supplies Pg. 63 $ (268) $ (268) I.T.S. - Computer Equipment (Replacements) Pg. 70 $ (10,000) $ (10,000) I.T.S. - Computer Equipment (Nortel Passport GB) Pg. 70 $ (2,540) $ (2,540) G.I.S.- Training Pg. 73 $ (1,200) $ (1,200) Human Resources- Add'l. HR Analyst Pg. 76 $ (36,000) $ (36,000) Human Resources- Employee Anniversa~Awards Pg. 77 $ (450) $ (450) Human Resources- Other Contractual Services Pg. 77 $ (656) $ (656) Human Resources- Books/PublicationsNideos Pg. 78 $ (500) $ (500)! City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget · E;penditures Expenditures w/proposed w/proposed increases increases EXPENDITURES decreases decreases Communications - Business Meetings Pg. 81 $ (50) $ (50~ Communications- Electric Service Pg. 81 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) Communications- Equipment Maintenance Pg. 81 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) Communications- Radio Repairs Pg. 82 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) Communications- Electric Service Pg. 82 $ (500) $ (500) Communications- Radio Batteries Pg. 82 $ (500) $ (500) Communications- Books & Publications Pg. 82 $ (500) $ /500) Communications- Training Pg. 83 $ /1,000) $ /1,000) 'City Attorney- Court Reporter Fees Pg. 86 $ (469), $ (469) Police- Regular Salaries (delete Student Clerk) Pg. 89 $ /14,532) $ /14,532) Police- FICA/delete Student Clerk) Pg. 90 $ (1,111) $ /1,111) Police Pension Pg. 90 $ 124,542 $ 124,542 Police- Cellular Phone/Beeper Pg. 90 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) Police- Equipment Maintenance Pg. 91 $ (5,000) $ (5,000) Police- Recruitment Pg. 92 $ (5,000) $ (5,000) Police - Office Supplies Pg. 92 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) Police - Computer Equipment (Document Imaging Scanner) Pg. 96 $ (9,000) $ (9,000) Police- Communications Equipment (2 Mobile Radios) Pg. 97 $ (7,360) $ (7,360): Police - Automotive Accessories (1 In-Car Camera) Pg. 97 $ (4,000) $ (4,000) :Code Compliance- Regular Wages (employee retirement) Pg. 100 $ (3,093/, $ (3,093/ :ire Pension Pg. 108 $ 236,948 $ 236,948 Fire - Fire Academy Supplies Pg. 113 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) Fire - CERT Training (Grant funding available) Pg. 114 $ (10,000) $ (10,000) Fire - Grounds Improvements (Station 3 Sign) Pg. 115 $ (5,000) $ (5,000) Fire - Transfer to Grants/Match (Match not required) Pg. 116 $ (15,000) $ (15,000) Development - Community Promotion/Marketing Pg. 119 $ (1,190) $ (1,190) Building- Community Promotion/Marketing Pg. 124 $ (4,859) $ (4,859) Occupational Licenses - Community Promotion/Marketing Pg. 135 $ (2,500) $ (2,500) Occupational Licenses-Training Pg. 136 $ (864) $ (864) Public Works- Regular Salaries/Wages Pg. 138 $ 4,685 $ 4,685 Public Works- FICA Pg. 138 $ 355 $ 355 Public Works- Deferred Compensation Pg. 138 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Engineering - Transfer to Fleet Maintenance (Deleted vchicle) Pg. 154 $ (19,956) $ (19,956/ Library- COALA Pg. 167 $ (5,000) $ (5,000) Library-Supplies Pg. 167 $ (129) $ (129) Recreation - Regular Salaries/Wages (delete Pks Mt Wkr) Pg. 173 $ (7,633) $ (7,633) Recreation - FICA (delete Pks Mt Wkr) Pg. 174 $ (584) $ (584) Recreation- Electric Service Pg. 174 $ (8,500) $ (8,500) Recreation - Other Contractual Services Pg. 175 $ (135) $ (135) Women's Club - Other Contractual Services Pg. 177 $ (204) $ (204) Women's Club- Software Pg. 177 $ (1,000) $ I1,000) Parks Maintenance - Water & Sewer Service Pg. 181 $ /4,312) $ /4,312) Dental Insurance /Spread among all departments) $ 7,781 $ 7,781 Stop Loss Coverage {Spread among all departments) $ 22,755 $ 22,755 Gen. Employees Pension (Spread among all departments) $ 167,388 $ 167,388 Revised Expenditure Total $ 48,813,915 $ 48,813,915 *Original Fund Balance appropriated to 2002/2003 budget $ 3,927,371 $ 3,927,371 Less reduction based on add'l, revenues and reduced expenses $ 1647,170) $ (42,412) Revised Fund Balance appropriated to 2002~2003 budget $ 3,280,201 $ 3,884,959 **City's payment to CRA for Tax Increment Financing is based on City's millage rate. Therefore if City reduces millage rate the Transfer to TIF on Pg. 33 of the budget will be reduced. 2 ,054,670 $ 1,054,670 $ 7,5OO ,054,670 $ 1,062,170 City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Utilities Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES (decreases) Total Expenditures $ 27,359,608 General Administration - Contingency Pg. 211 $ (111,804). Dental Insurance (Spread among all departments) $ 3,013 Stop Loss Coverage /Spread among all departments/ $ (2,503) Gen. Employees Pension (Spread among all departments) $ 111,294 Revised Expenditure Total $ 27,359,608 City of Boynton Beach 2002/2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Golf Course Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES (decreases) Total Expenditures $ 2,886,695 General Administration - Contingency Pg. 236 $ /13,478) Dental Insurance (Spread among all departments) $ 563 Stop Loss Covera~le (Spread among all departments) $ 693 Gen. Employees Pension (Spread among all departments) $ 12,222 Revised Expenditure Total $ 2,886,695 City of Boynton Beach 2002/2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Solid Waste Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES /decreases) Total Expenditures $ 6,289,234 Regular Salaries/Wac, les (delete Vacant Equip. Opr. position) Pg. 240 $ /22,801t FICA/delete Equipment Operator) Pg. 240 $ /1,745t Gen. Employees Pension Pg. 240 $ 23,132 Life Insurance/delete Equipment Operator) Pg. 240 $ (72) Disabilit~ Insurance (delete Vacant Equip. Opr. positionI Pg. 240 $ (132) Health Insurance/delete Vacant Equip. Opr. position Pg. 241 $ (3,661) Stop Loss Coverage Pg. 241 $ (7,897) Dental Insurance (delete Vacant Equip. Opr. P0sition/ Pg. 241 $ (116I Dental Insurance Pg. 241 $ 1,787 Uniforms/delete Vacant Equip. Opr. Position) Pg. 241 $ /196) Contingency Pg. 211 $ 11,701 Revised Expenditure TOtal $ 6,289,234 City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Mass Transit Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES Idecreases) Total Expenditures $ 236,400 Regular Salaries/Wages (reduce part-time hoursI Pg. 244 $ 11,753) Gen. Employees Pension Pg. 244 $ 1,575 Stop Loss Coverage Pg. 244 $ 96 Dental Insurance Pg. 241 $ 82 Revised Expenditure Total $ 236,400 City of Boynton Beach 2002/2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Fleet Maint. Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES (decreases) Total Expenditures $ 4,827,273 Gen. Employees Pension Pg. 248 $ 6,559 Stop Loss Coverage Pg. 248 $ 310 Dental Insurance Pg. 248 $ 534 Fuel/Oil Pg. 249~ $ (7,403) Revised Expenditure Total $ 4,827,z/~ City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Warehouse Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES (decreases) Total Expenditures $ 236,730 Gen. Employees Pension Pg. 253 $ 2,207 Stop Loss Coverage Pg. 253 $ 119 Dental Insurance Pg. 253 $ 103 Electric Service Pg. 253 $ (1,412) Hardware/Tools Pg. 254 $ (17) Career Development Pg. 254 $ (1,000) Revised Expenditure Total $ 236,730 4 City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Risk Mgmt. Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES /decreases) Total Expenditures $ 2,236,814 Gen. Employees Pension Pg. 258 $ 1,565 Stop Loss Coverage Pg. 258 $ 71 Dental Insurance Pg. 258. $ 62 Business Meetings Pg. 258 $ (100), Cellular Phone/Beeper Pg. 259 $ (480) Vehicle Maintenance' Pg. 260 $ (1,118) Revised Expenditure Total $ 2,236,814 City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - BBMP Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES (decreases) Total Expenditures $ 265,500 Gen. Employees Pension Pg. 264 $ 1,307 Stop Loss Coverage Pg. 264 $ 84 Dental Insurance Pg. 264, $ 402 Building Repairs Pg. 264 $ (1,793) Revised Expenditure Total $ 265,500 City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Comm Impr Fund Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES (decreases) Total Expenditures $ 725,035 Gen. Employees Pension Pg. 273 $ 2,591 Stop Loss Coverage Pg. 264 $ 119 Dental Insurance Pg. 264 $ 103 Building Repairs Pg. 274 $ (2,813) Revised Expenditu re Total $ 725,035 City of Boynton Beach 2002~2003 Budget Adjustments to proposed budget - Capital Improvement Program Expenditures w/proposed increases EXPENDITURES (decreases/ Total Expenditures $ 26,569,400 Land for PW Facility moved to FY 2003/2004 Pg. 290 $ (1,900,000) Art Center- Video Surveillance System Pg. 291 $ /10,000) Boat Club Improvements Pg. 291 $ 24,500 Civic Center Video Surveillance System Pg. 292. $ /20,000) Paint Civic Center moved from 2003/2004 to 2002/2003 Pg. 292 $ 7,500 Southeast Neighborhood Park Pg. 294 $ 375,000 Palmetto Greens Park Expansion (Grant Funding denied) Pg. 295 $ (300,000)! Traffic Signal - Gateway/l-95 (Paid by CountyI Pg. 299 $ (30,000/ Ocean Ave. FEC Crossing Repair (Paid in 2001/2002) Pg. 301 $ (140,000) Revised Expenditure Total $ 24,576,400