O#670RDIIiA][~;E NO. 67
.'~AYS :~ND GROUNDS 0R 0~.~ ~u~IC ~,~oP~ 0~ x D ,
TION GUILTY 0F .~,nr ~ ' '¢ ..m--.', .... ' ..... ' '
,-,~,= VI0~Z~;, 0F SAID 0:~Dzl'~,.~L*UE BY FINE
~C.~, TiiEi~PORE, i3E IT 0R~':±~'~z~D BY THL TO~,T CON~.!ISSION OF
'2NE m.O,,~,", ? 0P BOYN?Oii, PLOR!i.,A:-
P~0 vioi0no
Section 1. DEPI~[i:~iOilS. Unless otherwise expressly
stated whenever used in t'his Ordinance, the following
terms shall be respectively deemed to mean:
CURB, the lateral boundari~s of that portion
o--~ street designed for the use of vehicles,
whether marked by curbstones or not so marked;
i%0aDi'AY, theft portion of any street which is
incLu'ded within the cu?~bs or curb lines ~ne~e f,
and is designed for ~he use of ve?'~ic' .
VENiCLES,every wagon, carriage, omnibus, push-
cart, bicycle, tric,~]~ and other conveyance
(except a baby carriage,) in whatever manner
or by ¥~hatever /ounce or ~}ower the same may be
driven, ridden or propelled, whick is or ma}~
be used for o? adapted to pleasure riding or
t}~e transportation of passengers, baggage or
merchandise u~}on the streets; and every draught
and riding animul, whether driven, ridden or
led; provid, ed ~'k-~t an animal or ~mima!s attached
to any vehicle shall, with such vehicle, con-
stitute but one vehicle.
Section i. ])'.lIVE:tS AGit L!}~iT. l~rivers or p{:rsons in
charge of vehicles other than licensed vehicles shall
not le less than i6 ;/ears of age.
~:ection ~.
KEEPING ..0 P.[iE RIGHT - Vehicles shall keep
to ~.-~'~-~g~]--~anT~ as near the right h~nd
curb as possible.
I':!EE~±~,~G. Vehicles meeting shall pass each
other to the right,
OVERTAKING OTHERS. Vehicles overtaking others,
s--hall, in passing, keep to the left.
~/URNING AND ST/~RTII{G. The driver or person
having charge of a~,y vehicle, 0efore turning
the corner or any street, or training out or
starting from or stop~-~ing at the curb line
of any street, shall first see that there
is sufficient space free from other vehicles,
so that such turn, stop or start may be safely
made, and shall then give a plainly visible
or audible signal.
'-~v~m-~ i~: ,m INT0 A
· u~:~_l ,~ TO ~'---' RIGHT AL~OTHERti'° ...... mm.~--~n~.
ve--~C-~ turning to t-'h-~--~'~t--T~-~ ~n-6-t~..~'r
street shall turn the corner as near to
curb as Dracticable.
vehicle--t-~n'£ng to %he -][jft--i-~to another
street shall pass to the right of and beyond
5ha center of the street intersectir~g before
CROSSi. iiG o~RE_ETS..~ vehicle crossing from one
~ide of ~-bT~ street to ti~e other shs.~ do so by
turning to the left, so as to head in the same
direction as ~:e traffic on that side of the
SLOW 1,10ViL~G VEHICLES. Vehicles moving slowly
shall k6ep as '6~se as possible to the curb
line on the right, so as to allow faster mov-
ing vehicles free passage on t)~e left·
up or stopping or :~rni~g a signal shall always
be given to those behind, by vertically rais-
mn~ the hand·
STOP SIGI,f~:~LS T0 ~!-~UTOMOBILES. Every person driv-
ing an auto'm'o'b-l-%~ or motor vehicle she_..1, at
t}~e ~.~quest o~~ si/]hal by putting up vhe hand,
from a parson driving or riding a restive
horse, or hroses, or dz~iving domestic animals,
cause tibia automobile immediately to stop, and
to remain stationary, as long as may be necessary
to allow said ho;~'ses or domestic animals
to pass.
STOPPIi~G. Unless in an emergency or to allo'~I
an'ot~er vehicle or pedestrian to cross its
path, no vehicle shall stop in any public
street, e~cept close to the curb line. Ex-
cept as provided in Sec.__of this article
or in case of accident or other emergency,
or when ~:iirecte'~ to sto~ by the police, no
vehicle shall stop, in such a way as to ob-
struct any street or crossing, for 'the pur-
e, ese of taking on or setting dorm a passenger,
or loading or unloading freight, or for any
other purpose, i~o vehicle shall stop or
stand within the intersectio~ of any street
nor with in 10 feet of a street corner.
STAI'~DII'~G ~T CURB. No vehicle shall stop with
its left side to the curb.
OBSTRUCTIi,[G TRAFFIC. 1.~o vehicle shall, be
~ to remain upon or be driven through
any street so as will. fully to blockade or
obstru~t the traffic of that street.
OVERLOADii.~G TEA~..~S. i[o vehicle shall be so
ow-~rl'O~-~"e'd 'that-~i~e horse or motor attached
thereto shall be unable to draw or prope!l it.
~ORSES; CARE OF. A horse shall not be un-
bridled, nor left unattended in a street or
unenclosed space :~;ithout being securely
fastened, u,~iess harz~essed to a vehicle '~,'~th
vfheels so secure as to prevent its being
dragged faster than a walk.
Section 3. LIGHTS.
. ~lORom DRA'Ji,i' Vi~![ItJLES Every vehicle using
~'he s't'r~ee'ts' 'sh'a'~_, show b~tween sun set and
sunrise, a light or lights, so placed as
to be seen from the front, rear, and each
side. if a dash lantern is carried, it
shall be placed on the left hand side.
Such light or lights shall be of sufficient
illuminating power to be visible at a dis-
tance of 200 feet and shall show white in
front, but may be ciored on the sides and
~,,{OTOR V?.tiIC~ES. Every mo-zor vehicle exceot
mo'torcycI~'~ shall exhibit, during the period
between sunset and sun up two white lights
visible at a distance of ~00 feet in the
di~ectinn toward which the vehicle is pro-
ceeding, aha shall also exlnibit a red light,
visible in the reverse direction. The lights
shall be so placed as to be free from obstrua'~
tion 0y other parts of said vehicle. No opera-
tor of any motor vehicle while operating the
same on any stre t shall use any acetylene,
electric or other head light, unless it be so
shaded as not to blind or dazzle o'~her users
of the higb.~ay, or ma',4e it difficult or unsafe
for them to ride, drive or ~.~k th. ereon.
I,~0TORCZ~ES All motorcycles shall be subject
to~ provisions of Section 15 Y~rtic!e Z of
this ordinance.
EXCEPTIONS. T~is section shall not apply to
any equestrian; nor to any animal, lead or
driven and no~ attached to any vehicle; nor
to the rider of a bicycle, tricycle or simi-
lar vehicle, whose light has become extin-
guished, or who is necessarily absent frown
his home, without a li~t, v~hen going at a
pace not exceeding six miles an hour, and
giving a clearly audible signal as often as
· ~0 feet are passed over.
Section 4. RIDIYG 01{ BAC"_.~ 0F V.Ei~ICLES. ~'o person shall
~ u~oon t~ b~o-~: any vehicle without the
consent of' t~e ariver, and v,~hen riding no part
of a porsons body s]~.all protrude beyond the
limits of the vehicle.
Section $. RIGP~T O? ~...VAk'.
t. DI~CTION. Vehicles on the street k~own as
the Ui%rT~ ~ighway shall have the right, of
way over vehicles on all other streets· Ve-
hicles on the street knov~n as Ocean Ave. shall
have the right of' vzay over vehicles on all in-
tersecting streets except the street known as
t~e Dixie i~ighv~ay.
VEI-IICLE~5 ~[AVIi~TG P~EC~]DALOE. The oi'ficers and
men ~-f-~[e---~i-.r-~part~xen7[ v~[th their apparatus
of all kinds, .'~hen going to, or on duty at, or
returning from a fire; all amoulances whether
public or private, a~nd all other vehicles when
employed in carrying sick or injured persons to
hospitals or other places for relief' or treat-
ment, vehicles of the police department; emer-
gene? ve?~icles o'f' the department of water supply
aha electric, shall have the right of ~,~my through
and smreot and through any procession.
Section 6. 0BSTi<UC'iIO~,i' 0F ['ldAFFIC
1. GEi.~ERAL_~':"'VIfSl.,I,,~, . 1{o person shall stop a Cart,
or any oth,:;r vei~icte, on any crosswalk or
intersection of streets, so as to obstruct
or ~inder the travel along the same; nor
place any cart or other vehicle crossv~'ise
of any s~reet, except to icad thereon or
unload therefrom, but in no case shall any
person pc~rmit such cart or other vehicles to
.remain crosswise of any street for a longer
period than may be actually necessary for
suc~ purpose.
Section 7. SP~,~ED.
{}:,jlS~tAL P%0VI5i01~S. ~,~o person sl~ll operate,
~-rive or ~ropel, and no owner thereof riding
thereon or ~herein shall cause or permit to
be operated, d~iven or propelled, on any street
or public place ~y bicycle, motorcycle, motor-
tricycle, motor delivery wagon, or motor vehicle
of any kind, or any vehicle drawn by horses or
other animals recklessly or negligently, o? at
a speed or in a manner so as to endanger, or to
be li',~el'y to endanger the life or limb or pro-
perty of any p~rson. ~ rate of speed exceeding
15 mil. es per hour in the business section of
· the 'i'o-vn of Solfnton, ~'lo:~ida, ~all constitute
erima facie evidence of a prohibited rate of
speed and manner of driving, and of a violation
of t}~e provisions of this section; and a~rate
of speed e::ceeding ~75 miles per hour, on a
public highway v;hich pareses through the resi-
dential section of
sn'~.ll constitute a prohibited rate of speed and
mann<~r of drivin~ and of a violation of the pre-
visions of this se..,tion.
Ei.':i~i:ZIII~G A"~.D LE~VIi[G A STREET. In turning a
corner of m.~.et~-~i~ o~~ intersecting high.',~ays,
no person operating, d~iving or propelling any
ve?,~icie subject o~' the provisions o~' sub-divi-
sion t of this se...,tion, shall proceed, nor
s~all tho ovm,/r of any such vehicle riding
thereon or t~e~?~in, cause or permit the same
to proceed at a rate of speed greater than
eight miles ~c:r hour. ~ vehicle shall not
cross a sidewalk to or from any alley, lot or
0uildir:g at a rate of speed greater t~an 4
mi],e,s i3, er ]3. otlr.
Upon approac~'ing or in pa's'sing a publ'i'c' school,
no person shatl oper~,te, nor shall the owner
of a vehicle riding thereon or therein cause
or permit the same to be o~er~,tcd at a rate of
speed greater tl~a:,~ i0 miles per hour.
4. COI~GESTED STREETS. In the thickly populated
and congested sections the 'zoa'n .~ommission is
h~reb~ aunhoriz.:d and empowered to cause signs
to be erecte~ or maintained in any street there-
of at anytime of the day or nigflnt or otherwise
cause traffic to be directed for the best in-
terest of public safety.
Section 8. 5IC¥CLE$.
COASTI?,G. I.~o bicycle shall be allowed to
proceed mn any street of the city by inertia
or momentum, with the ~'eet of the rider re-
'moved from the peaals.
TRICK i{!Dii[G. ].(o ridor of a bicycle shall
~e?.ove bot~ b_~nds from ti~e i~andlebars, .nor
practice any ~orick or fancy riding in any
3. CAR]i-ZI][G C]{ZLDi!EI~. Yo bicyclist shall carry
upon hi~~ bicycle any child under the age of
5 years.
4. USE OF SiD,E:'~=-~LKS. iio bicycle shall be ridden
on the sidewalks of any street of the city.
Section 9. If~OTOR v'E]iIO],£f$1; ?~UF~LERS. !~very motor vehicle
~ro-~'e')!ed by an inter~ combustion engine,
shall when such engine is running on any
street or public place, be equipped '.'.'it~ a
muffler or silencer ti~rough which all of the
exhaust gases from the engine will escapo
into the atmosphere. 1¥o operator or driver
of any motor vehicle shall use any cutout,
fitting, or other apparatus or device, which
will allow the exhause gases to escape into
the atmosphere without passing through such
muffler or silencer.
PER~ITS. No procession, parade or race shall
be permitted upon any street or in any public
place without a written permit first obtained
from the Totem Commission. The To~n Commission
shall, after due ~nvestigatton grant such a
permit subject to'the following: R~ey shall
not grant a permit where they have good reason
to believe that the proposed procession, parade,
or race w%ll be disorderly in character or tend
to disturb the public peace. The permit may
specify the width of the roadway to be used,
the route through which the procession, parage
or race shall move, and may include such rules
and regulations as the Commission may deem
1 1 i
necessary. The chief officer of any procession,
parade or race for which a permit may be granted
'~ ' shall be resoonsible for
by the ~ommmssion, _
strict observance of al! rules and regulations
included in said permit.
nms section shall no't apply to the ordinary
and necessary movements of the United States
army, United States navy, national guard, police
VIOLATIONS: Every person p~rticipating in any
procession, parade or race for which a permit
has been issued v~hen required by thiS section
shall upon conviction thereof be punished by
the penalty of this ordinance.
Section 11. REASONABLE CARE:-- Nothing contained in or
om'~tte'~ from this ordinance shall be construed
or held to relieve any person using, travelling
or being upon any street for any purpose what-
soever, from exercising all reasonable care to
avoid or prevent injury through collisions with
all other persons and vehicles.
Any person, violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance shall, upon conviction be sub-
ject to a fine of not more than ~.~lO0.O0 or by
imprisonment not exceeding l0 days or both such
fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
court ·
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con-
flict here v~th one hereby repeated;
THIS ORDINANCE having been read in full at a
meeting of the Town Commission of the Town of
Boynton, Florida, held on the 2nd day of
February A. D. 1926, was finally adopted on its
final reading at a regular meeting of said Town
Commission held on the 16th day of February
A. D. 1926, and a copy hereof posted at the
door of the Town Hall. ~
R. 0. I~iyers, (Signed)
kayor of the Town of Boynton
Harry Benson, (Signed)
Vice ~dayor of the Tov~n of Boynton
~,. L. Winchester, (Signed)
T ~
o.vn Clerk of the Town of Boynton