O#650RDII(ANCE b'0. 65
48, 5 ACRES M0.~ OR L.!]SS TO BE USED >'OR DUi(P
U~Uaereas the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton,
Florida, deems it necessary and advisable for the peace,
health and safety of the inhabitants of t?{e said Town,
and the general welfare thereof, that certain land with-
in said Town should be ac~uired by the Town for purpose
of providing suitable public parks, playgrounds and a
place for the construction of public buildin~s, dump
grounds, etc., for said Town and,
~.~ereas it is deemed advisable that the following
described lots, pieces or parcels of land are the most
suitable for said improvements, and are necessary for
~ublic purposes, to-wit:
Tract 59, Block 48, Five (5) acres, more or less.
Therefore, be it resolved by the Town Commission
of the Town of Boynton, Z'lorida, as fol!~vs:
~'hat the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton,
Florida, does hereby deem it necessary and advisable
for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
said Town, and the general welfare thereof, that Tract
59, Block 48, Five acres more or less, according to the
plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, ±~:lorida, be and the
same is hereby declared necessary for the following
public purposes, to-wit: For land upon v/~ich to pro~.~de
a garbage dump.
'ihat the Town Commission of the Tovm of Boynton,
~lorida, be and they are hereby authorized and instruc-
ted to pruchase the above described property for such
sums and on such terms as they deem advisable. That in
case said lands cannot be purchased on suitable terms
and for a suitable price, that they be condemned for the
use of the Town as provided by law.
That all ordinances in coaft!ct herwith are hereby
repealed ·
This ordinance having been read in full at a
meeting of the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton,
Florida, held on the 7th day of January 1926, was fina~!y
adoPted on its final reading at a regular meeting of
said Tovm Commission held on the 19th day of January
~. D. 192,6, and a copy hereof posted at the door of the
Town ~iall.
R. O. Idyers,Eayor
harry Benson,Vice kayor
E. L. %~inchester,Town Clerk