O#62 ORDINANCE llO. 62
~3LOCN $, F. ROBERTS AI))}t{ TO i~0~,~I{ OF BOIi~TOi.~.
~'hereas, the 1'o¥~ Commission of the To~vn of
Boynton, z"lorida, deems it necessary and advisable
for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of the said Town, and the general welfare thereof,
that certain land within said %own should be ac~:uired
by the Town for ti~e purpo~ of providing su!.table
parks, playgrounds and' a place for tt~e construction
of public buikdings fop said ~'ovm; and,
',~hereas, it is deemed advisable that the follow-
lng aescribed lots, pieces or parcels or land are :she
most suitable for said improvements, ~d are necessa~
for public purposes, to-wit:
Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (1~)
of Block Five (5) of F. Ro'~rt's Addition
to the To¥,m of ~o~ton, ~<korid. a, according
to t}~e plat thereoi' on file in tt~e office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm
BeachC'ount'~-~, i, lorida;
Yherefore Se It Ordained by the Town Commission
of the Town of Boynton, Florida, as fol!o~'~s:
That the Ton'n Commission of the 'f'o~,~ of Boynton,
Flori.~a, does hereby deem it necessary and advisable
for the peace, health and ~fety of the inhabitants
of said To,~m, and the general welfare thereof, that
Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (1~) of Block
Five (5) of i'~. Robern's _%ddition to the Town of Bol~nton,
Florida, acco.:'dins to the plat thereof on file in the
office of e~e Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach
County, Florida, be and Re same are hereby declared
necessary for the relieving public purposes, to-w~t:
For land upon which to construct public buildings for
said Tov~n, smd for land upon v~hic~ to provide for parks
and playgrounds for said ?own.
'~hat the: Tow~ ~ommis:~ion of the ~-~own of Boynton,
Florida, be snd they are hereby authorized and instruc-
te~ to purchase the above described property for such
sums and on such terms as they may deem advisable. That
in case said lands cnnaot be purchased on suitable terms
and for a suitable price, that they be condemned for the
use of the 'Zown as provided by law.
~i'hat all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
This ordinan~ having 0een read in full at a
meeting of the Town Commission of the Town of ~oynton,
?lo~:*ida, held on the ~rd day of December, 19~$, was
finally adopted on its firal reading at a regular meet-
ing of said Town Commissio~, hekd on the lSth day of
December, 1~$, and a cop~? hereof posted at ~e door
of the Town Hall.
R. 0. ~yers,~ayor (Signed)
harry Benson,Vice ~ayor (Signed)
E. L. U!inchester,Town Clerk ~igned