O#560RDIi~ANCE NO. $6 ORDINANCE AZ ........ DING SECTIOI'? 2 OF ORDINANCE ~Jl 0F THE T0?IN OF BOYNTON, FLORIDA. BE IT ORDAINED By the To?~n Commissioners of the To~a of Boynton, Palm Beach County, >~lorida, That Section ~, of Ordinance ~1, be and the same is amended to read as follows: Section ~. The ~;layor shall receive for his or h~r services an annual salary of .~600.00 payable monthly. Ail fees earned by him or her as l;1ayor shall be turned over to the This Ordinance having been read in full at a Regular ~ eting of the Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, held on the Snd day of June ~. D. 19Z$, was duly adopted at a Regular ~,~leeting held on the i6th day of O'une ~. D. 19~, a copy of which w~.s posted at the door of the Town Hall on the !6th day of June A. D. 1925.