Sec. 1. The Vice-Mayor shall be the head of the De-
partment of Health and Public ¥'Jorks of the Tovrn of Boynton.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Vi ce-~iayor to see
that all matters pertaining to the public health of the Town
shall be properly cared for.
Sec. 3. The Vi oe-Nayor shall also have charge of and
shall be responsible for the execution of all public work
within the Town of ~oynton, and shall see that the same is
done economically, efficiently mud for the best interests
of the said Town.
Sec. 4. In the absence of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor
shall assume all the duties, powers and responsibilit~ s
of the Mayor.
Sec. 8. The Vice-Mayor shall receive for his or her
services an annual salary of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars,
payable monthly.
The above Ordinance ~o. ~ having been read in full at
a ~eeting of the T~n Co~m~ission of the Town of ~oynton,
Florida, held on the ~Sth day of August A. D. 19B1, was
adopted and approved at a Regular Meeting of said Commission
held on the 8th day of September A. D. 19~l, and a copy
thereof posted at the front door of the Town Hall at
Boynton, Florida, on the ~th day of September A. D. 19~l.
~. B. Murray (Signed)
W. B. Miller
J. C. Powell
Boynton, Florida.
of the Town of