70-LRESOLUTION NO. 70-_~___ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, that: Section 1: The second paragraph of Resolution 70-F, adopted by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, on March 16, 1970, is hereby amended to read: "WHEREAS, the City has received an offer to purchase such bonds at the price of $784, 880.00 and accrued interest to the date of delivery from William R. Hough & Co., SL. Petersburg, Florida; and received the following proposal in writing (such proposal being attached and made a part of this resolution) for the purchase at private sale of such Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds." Section 2: All other provisions of said Resolution 70-F shall remain in full force and effect as enacted. Section 3: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~%--day of ~]~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, · A.D. 1970. FLORIDA ATTEST: City Clerk CORP. SEAL Mayor Vice Mayor Councilman O ' O Feb~__~*St 16,1970 City of Boynton Beach, Floi, lda Boynton Beach, Flor&da Dea~ MPs. Jackson and other Mm~em of the City Council: Pursuant to the terms of ou~ investment banking agreen~t, we a~-e pleased to make following offe~ to pLm~ase you~ recently validated bonds'. ! For the $800,000 pa~ value of the City of Bo~nton Beach Wate~ and Sewe~ Revenue B~ds, Series 1969 described more f,!ll¥ in ~ attached offle/al staten~t which state--ut is made a pa~t of this offe~ by ~_fea~ce, w~th ar~l intexest ~ates and interest payable semi-annually as specified below: Bonds maturing 1970 through 1977 Bonds maturing 1978 ~ Bonds mtu~ing 1979 Bonds mt%ming 1980 through 1981 6.50 % 6.30% 6. q0% 6.50% We offer to pay the aggregate s~n of $78b,880~00 and accrued interest to date of delivery. 'Deliver~ and payment shall be made at a time and place mutually agmeed upon but not late~e than ~r~l 1, 1970 or thereafte~ at ou~ option. The paying agent and rese~Tve a¢countbank o~ banks, provided for the bonds shall be designated by us within 72 hour~ after aceeptanee of this offe. P. The bonds shall beaa~ the unqualified approval as to legality of Messr~ B~yan~ Preeman, Richalxlson and Watson, Attorneys Jacksonville ~ Gene Moore III,City Attorney of the City of Boyn~on Beach. "~:~ The City Shall adopt the attached official statement and ~.utho~ize its execut~ by the Mayor and City Clerk and authorize and direct the _-.~ity administmation take all necessary steps to effect a closing of the t~ansgction within a reasonable time. i'~' As evidence of ou~ good faith we will delive~ a eashier's .check in the amount $16,000 to the City by noon Febxuax~ 17,1970 as fi~] liqUida~in£ damage~ in event of o~m non-perfomance and an award of the sale of ~he bonds to us shall be so c~ditloned. This offe~ is for pronpt acceptance and will be withdrawn at '.~ ~ Febz~azy t? ·/f~ if not accepted at cm p~io~ to that time.