ON MONDAY; OCTOBER 14~ 2002 AT 4:00 P.M.
Gerald Broening, Mayor
Mike Ferguson, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Ron Weiland, Vice Mayor
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
City Manager Bressner began the agenda review at 4:00 p.m. He noted that Commissioner
Fisher would probably want to make a statement regarding his time in office at the meeting on
October 15th.
City Attorney Cherof reported that the results of the election probably would not be certified for
a week and it is the certification of the results that constitutes the completion of the election.
The three-day requirement for the Commission to certify the results does not start running until
the results are certified by the County Canvassing Board. Once the results are certified at the
County level and the election is declared final, that is when the new Commission takes office.
There may be a special meeting in November for the Commission to certify the results.
V~Z.A. The Harbors (LUAR 02-005)
City Manager Bressner explained that this is the project that went back to the CRA and has
been revised.
VT.B. Merano Bay (LUAR 02-006)
This property is immediately north of the C-16 Canal on the west side of Federal Highway.
was originally approved for an automotive use. It was believed that this planned use would be
more favorable than the commercial use.
VT.C. Victoria's Closet (COUS 02-004)
It was explained by City Manager Bressner that the reason this application was before the
Commission was because it had been submitted prior to the Zoning In Progress application.
The property is located on Federal Highway, south of Villa del Sol.
VT.D. Amending the ¢~uantum Park Dl~/Master Plan
It was the consensus of the Commission to move the second reading of the ordinance regarding
this item from the legal section and place it immediately following the public hearing.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
B0ynton Beach, Flprida
October 14, 2002
VTZ.D.2. New Alliance Haitian Church (NWSP 0:L-008)
City Manager Bressner stated that there was additional information in the agenda packets that
was provided by 3elf Livergood, Public Works Director. Copies of a letter from a resident that
were not included in the packets were distributed.
Gateway Texaco (ADAP 02-001)
It was the consensus of the Commission that this item would be pulled from the consent
agenda for discussion because of a request by Mr. Weiner (attorney for the project).
VTZ.H. (New Consent item)
City Manager Bressner requested that a new item be added to the consent agenda. It is for a
replacement chiller for the air conditioning system in City Hall. In answer to a question, Public
Works Director Jeff Livergood stated that if it can be proven that the chiller motor problem is
related to the electric, our insurance would reimburse the City.
IX.A. Proposed Resolution No. R02-0:L6 regarding authorizing the use of eminent
domain to acquire the public right-of-way necessary to develop the Boynton Beach
Boulevard Promenade and Riverwalk - Tabled to November :L9, 2002
It was reported that the CRA met last week regarding this item and there is a memorandum
working its way to the Commission to consider eminent domain. Tt was the consensus that this
item be placed on the November 6th agenda so that it would come before the present
TX. (New Future Agenda item)
City Manager Bressner explained that there is an area of property on the south side of Hypoluxo
Road and generally east of Seacrest Boulevard that the Town of Lantana wishes to annex into
their town. These properties are currently served by the City's utilities and that would not
change. Some of the properties within this area have signed a pre-annexation agreement. The
Town of Lantana has requested that we release these properties from that agreement. This
item was originally on the October 15th agenda. However, it was pulled because Lantana has
not completed their resolution requesting the release of the properties. Lantana is meeting
tonight to adopt their resolution.
The City had requested that Lantana not pursue annexation of the property that is generally
west of Seacrest Boulevard and south of Hypoluxo Road. However, they said that they could
not bind future town councils on this action but they would put language in their resolution that
they have no intention of annexing the property. This item will appear on the November 6th
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynt0n Beach, Florida
October 14, 2002
City Manager Bressner distributed the Commission follow-up and a report from Assistant City
Manager Sugerman regarding a couple of projects that were completed and came in under
budget. One of these projects was for the Costa Bella drainage.
There being no further business to be discussed, the Agenda Preview meeting properly
adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk
(one tape)