R02-183 (2)Task Order No. 18
Engineering Services for the Siting of Floridan Aquifer Supply
Wells Associated with the City of Boynton Beach West Water
Treatment Plant
A. Background
The City of Boynton Beach (the CITY) owns and operates a membrane softening water
treatment plant (WTP) located at 5469 West Boynton Beach Boulevard in Boynton Beach,
Florida. The WTP has a current capacity of 8 million gallons per day (mgd). The Surficial
aquifer is the current source of raw water supply for the WTP. The CITY is planning to
increase the capacity of the WTP and is considering utilizing the Floridan aquifer to meet at
least a portion of the increased water supply needs. One of the factors in deciding whether
a Floridan aquifer source of water supply will be utilized for the WTP expansion is the
availability of land on which to site up to six (6) supply wells and the estimated cost of
constructing the wells and associated infrastructure.
The City has requested that CH2M HILL provide engineering and hydrogeologic services to
conduct a study to site up to six (6) Floridan aquifer water supply wells and associated
infrastructure. The scope of services associated with this project includes conducting an
inventory of land ownership of potential properties on which to locate the Floridan aquifer
supply wells and associated infrastructure, prepare a conceptual design, and develop an
estimate of probable costs for the installation of the subject wells and related infrastructure.
The siting of the water supply wells will include the development of a preliminary wellfield
layout concept that incorporates features to avoid and minimize environmental and
adjoining user hydrologic impacts. The design of the supply wells and associated
infrastructure, including raw water transmission pipelines, will be completed in a
subsequent phase of the project.
B. Scope of Services
This scope of services provides for a siting analysis for up to six (6) Floridan aquifer water
supply wells and associated infrastructure. An order-of-magnitude cost estimate for the
construction of the wells and infrastructure is also included in this scope of services. This
project will include the following components:
· Conducting a siting analysis to locate appropriate properties on which to construct up to
six (6) Floridan aquifer water supply wells to be located within the City's water service
· Developing a preliminary wellfield concept that incorporates features to avoid and
minimize environmental and adjacent user hydrologic impacts
· Defining preliminary wellfield transmission piping needs and possible routing,
including the definition of preliminary sizing and hydraulic criteria
· Establishing preliminary order-of-magnitude estimates of probable cost for construction
of the proposed wells and associated raw water transmission infrastructure
Task 1 - Supply Well Site Selection Criteria
Task 1.1 - Kickoff Meeting and Site Selection Criteria
CH2M HILL shall conduct a kickoff meeting with CITY staff to develop criteria and
performance measures for selecting the most feasible supply well sites. Criteria may include
cost, land use and ownership impacts on other users of the Floridan aquifer, etc.
The selection criteria will be divided into two parts:
· Screening criteria
· Final selection criteria
The first set of criteria will be used to screen alternatives that clearly do not meet minimum
requirements established by the CITY. The second set of criteria will be used to evaluate
well siting alternatives and require that the CITY assign specific level of relative importance
to each. This assignment of relative performance or "weighting" is important when
analyzing the final set of alternatives and understanding the tradeoffs between alternatives.
A matrix of the criteria, along with respective performance measures and relative weights
will be developed and used to evaluate the various sites selected for the supply wells.
Task 1.2 - Prepare Technical Memorandum
A summary of the kickoff meeting, a listing and description of the selection criteria,
performance measures and weighting, along with a sample input of the decision model will
be presented to the CITY in the form of a Technical Memorandum.
Five copies of the draft TM will be submitted to the CITY for review. Upon receiving and
incorporating comments from the CITY, five final copies of the TM will be submitted to the
CITY as part of the final report deliverable.
Task 2 - Siting Analysis
Task 2.1 - Obtain Available Maps and GIS Information from the CITY and County
Available GIS coverages and electronic maps in and around the CITY's water service area
will be obtained from the CITY and appropriate County and public agencies - Planning and
Zoning, Depa~iment of Environmental Resources Management, Property Appraiser's and
Tax Offices, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), etc. Coverages that are
expected to be obtained from the CITY and other agencies include:
· Major and minor roads,
· surface water bodies,
· land use,
· zoning,
· contaminated sites,
· property ownership,
· existing transmission and distribution pipelines
· other data, as required
It is expected that some minor manipulation of the above data will be required for
compatibility purposes when importing the various maps.
Task 2.2 - Overlay GIS Coverages and Produce Composite Maps
After each of the above available GIS coverages and maps have been inputted, a composite
overlay map of the CITY's water service area will be developed. This map will be used to
assist in screening the well locations, possible transmission pipeline routing and will serve
as the base map for the remainder of the project.
Task 2.3 - Hydrogeologic Desk Top Evaluation
CH2M HILL will obtain available information on the hydrogeology of the Boynton Beach
area from CH2M HILL's hydrogeologic database, SFWMD, the USGS, and others as needed.
This information will be compiled and summarized in a table format, and will be used to
evaluate the selected sites against the selection criteria developed in Task 1.1.
Task 2.4- Site Alternative Screening
Based on the available maps an~ GIS coverages and the local knowledge of the area, a
meeting will be held with the CITY to screen alternatives that are suitable for siting the
water supply wells and associated infrastructure.
Task 2.5 - Develop Well Site Locations
Based on the screening analysis and meetings conducted with land owners, potentially
feasible locations for the Floridan aquifer water supply wells will be selected. Locations
considered will be at or as close to the West WTP as possible and will be mapped on the GIS
base map. The number of locations that will be required to accommodate the six (6) Floridan
aquifer water supply wells is not yet known since it is possible that each site may allow for
the siting of more than one supply well, while others may only accommodate one. Various
combinations of potential well site locations will be developed for further evaluation in Task
Task 2.6 - Conduct Field Inspection of Proposed Candidate Locations
Following the mapping of the possible locations, a field evaluation will be conducted with
the CITY to review site-specific constraints that are not shown on the GIS coverages and to
verify the proposed locations. Based on these constraints, the alternative sites may be
revised or eliminated. The revised site locations will be incorporated into the final GIS base
Task 2.7 - Wellfield Layout Concept
A preliminary wellfield layout concept will be developed to maximize potential production
from the supply wells while minimizing impacts to adjacent users of the Floridan aquifer, as
well as minimizing interference between the proposed water supply wells. Raw water
transmission pipeline routing will also be included in the wellfield layout concept and will
be included in the Technical Memorandum described below.
Task 2.8- Prepare Technical Memorandum
A summary of the Alternatives Screening, the field evaluation, and a description and
printout of the firtal alternative site locations will be presented to the CITY in a Technical
Memorandum. Several tasks associated with land and easement acquisition will be
conducted independently by the CITY and information obtained from this separate effort
will be incorporated in the Technical Memorandum.
Five copies of the draft TM will be submitted to the CITY for review. Upon receiving and
incorporating comments from the CITY, five final copies of the TM will be submitted to the
CITY as part of the final report deliverable.
City-Assigned Tasks
As part of Task 2, the C1TY will contract with others to conduct analysis of probable costs
associated with land and easement acquisition and will meet with landowners to assess
their willir~gness to sell or allow access by the CITY.
Perform a Land Acquisition Cost Analysis
The CITY will conduct its own cost analysis for the locations identified in Task 2.6, above.
The cost analysis will include an estimate of probable cost for the acquisition of the
properties identified.
Meeting with Land Owners
The CITY will conduct a meeting with landowners to determine if owners of potential well
sites will consider selling properties of interest or allow easement access to such properties.
Task 3 - Opinion of Probable Cost
Task 3.1 - Develop Opinion of Probable Cost
Develop a planning level opinion of probable cost (+/-30%) for each of the principal
elements of the project including development of the supply well site(s), new wells, well
pumps, well head facilities, wellfield collector piping network, and access roadway, or
mitigation costs (if required). The CITY will provide costs for purchase of the land or
acquisition of easements, but will be included in the total opinion of cost included in the
Technical Memorandum below.
Task 3.2- Prepare Technical Memorandum
Prepare a draft Technical Memorandum for the CITY for review and comment, which
summarizes the probable construction cost estimates. Five copies of the draft TM will be
submitted to the CITY for review. Upon receiving and incorporating comments from the
CITY, five final copies of the TM will be submitted to the CITY as part of the final report
presented to the CITY and discussed to decide on the most feasible site for the siting of the
Floridan aquifer wells.
Task 4.2 - Prepare Technical Uemorandum
Following the meeting with the CITY, the most feasible alternative will have been selected
and Technical Memorandum will be prepared summarizing the decision model results, the
discussions with the CITY and the final siting of the six (6) Floridan aquifer water supply
wells and associated raw water transmission pipeline routing.
Five copies of the draft TM will be submitted to the CITY for review. Upon receiving and
incorporating comments from the CITY, five final copies of the TM will be submitted to the
CITY as part of the final report deliverable.
Task 5 - Groundwater Uodeling - Optional
Following completion of the siting analysis of the Floridan aquifer water supply wells, the
CITY may wish to proceed with the modeling of these well sites to determine the potential
impacts of groundwater withdrawals from these wells. Therefore, this task addresses the
work required to set up and conduct groundwater flow modeling to assess the potential
impacts from these withdrawals.
Task 5.1 - Set Up Groundwater Flow Uodel
Utilizing data gathered as part of the previous tasks with develop and set up a groundwater
flow model of the Floridan aquifer utilizing the computer code WinFlow (ESI, 2000).
WinFlow contains several 2-dimensional analytical models capable of simulating steady-
state and transient flow.
Model development will include the selection of appropriate hydraulic properties for the
Floridan aquifer and the placement of proposed Floridan aquifer well sites. Adjacent
Floridan aquifer wells in the vicinity of the study area will be included in the model domain.
Task 5.2 - Predictive Simulations
CH2M HILL will meet with the CITY and present suggested predictive simulations and
discuss with the CITY which ones appear to be the most likely based on the CITY's
understanding of future conditions related to water supply and treatment. The predictive
simulations will be run to steady state conditions and consider various combinations of
wells and pumping rates. Upon agreeing to up to five (5) predictive simulations,
CH2M HILL will proceed with the predictive modeling and will prepare representative
resultant water level maps of the five simulations.
Task 5.3 - Ueeting and Technical Uemorandum
CH2M HILL will meet with the CITY to present the results of the predictive simulations.
Following discussion and input from the CITY, CH2M HILL will develop a Technical
Memorandum that will describe the set up of the model and the results of the predictive
simulations, along with conclusions and recommendations.
Five copies of the draft TM will be submitted to the CITY for review. Upon receiving and
incorporating comments from the CITY, five final copies of the TM will be submitted to the
CITY as part of .the final report deliverable.
C. Final Deliverables
Each task will include a deliverable that will be submitted separately to the CITY for review
and comment. Following completion of the project, CH2M HILL will compile all of the final
deliverables into a tabbed three-ring notebook for the CITY's file and subsequent reference.
Five copies will be delivered to the CITY.
O. Assumptions
· Properties within the CITY's service area will be the primary focus for siting of the
supply wells, however, areas adjacent to the service area will also be considered.
· Only available electronic GIS maps will be used to develop the base map and conduct
the initial screening analysis. No new GIS layers will be developed.
· Only conceptual drawings of typical well diagrams, raw water transmission piping
layouts and identification of possible areas requiring easements or property acquisition
will be developed. No designs will be developed as part of this Task Order.
· CITY will be responsible for providing GIS coverages and other maps that are available
from the CITY in electronic format to CH2M HILL. CH2M HILL will be responsible for
obtaining other available GIS coverages from the County and other public sources.
· CITY will be responsible for conducting the necessary land and easement acquisition
analysis and setting up and conducting meetings with individual landowners.
CH2M HILL will not be involved in these meetings with landowners.
· The groundwater modeling conducted in Task 5 will be set up so that the model can be
used for subsequent Water Use Permitting purposes in the event the CITY elects to
proceed forward with the design and construction of Floridan aquifer water supply
wells. However, per the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
guidelines, this would be considered a Type I model and would provide a gross
approximation of potential impacts of the proposed groundwater withdrawals. If
during the permitting process, conditions warrant that more sophisticated modeling is
required, and the data supports it, a separate Type II groundwater flow model such as
MODFLOW would have to be developed and utilized.
E. Contract Reference
This Task Order shall be performed under the terms and conditions described within the
Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated October 4, 2000, between the
City of Boynton Beach and CH2M HILL, Inc.
F. Compensation
Compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT for services provided in this Task Order
will be a not-to-exceed basis in accordance with the above mentioned Agreement. The
compensation for the services described in Task 1 - 5 of this Task Order is estimated at
$76,279 as shown below. Work completed by the CONSULTANT will be invoiced monthly
on a labor and expenses basis per the above agreement.
Task Description Labor Labor Cost Expense Cost Totals
Task I - Site Selection Criteria 132 $14,107 $1,361 $15,468
Task 2 - Siting Analysis 224 $20,250 $2,678 $22,928
Task 3 - Opinion of Cost 56 $6,310 $609 $6,919
Task 4 - Final Well Site Alternatives 144 $13,081 $1,853 $14,934
Task 5 - Groundwater Modeling - 156 $14,469 $1,561 $16,030
Grand Totals 712 $68,217 $8,062 $76,279
G. Schedule
The CONSULTANT will commence services upon receipt of written authorization and will
complete the work according to the table below.
Task Description Weeks from Written Notice to Proceed
Task 1 - Site Selection Criteda 3
Task 2- Siting Analysis 8
Task 3- Wellfield Design Concept 12
Task 4 - Opinion of Cost 14
Task 5 -Groundwater Modeling - OPTIONAL 18
/Mayor ~er~ld Br~'[mng
Dated this rtl day of ~ 2002.
~,~. ,~ Vic~Pf'esident, Area Manager
Dated this [-~--day of