ON HONDAY, OCTOBER 28~ 2002 AT 6:00 P.I4.
Elizabeth Pierce, Chairperson
~lim IVlclVlahon, Vice Chair
Margaret IVlurphy
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams
William Orlove, Alternate
Betty Thomas, Alternate
Wally IVlajors, Recreation Director
.lohn Wildner, Parks Director
Ed Harris
Betty Thomas
Dan Winters
Tour of Various Park Sites
Chair Pierce introduced the CRA Director, Douglas Hutchinson, and former
Commissioner Bruce Black, who accompanied the Board members on the tour
and spoke later in the meeting.
The Board met at the Ezell Hester Center at 6:00 p.m. and continued the tour of
various park sites that began at their September meeting. At the conclusion of
the tour, a regular meeting was convened at the Ezell Hester Center.
A. Rolling Green, Cricket Pitch
Although it was dark, some members walked around the site with Bali
Ramnarace. lVlr. Wildner provided a running commentary on this and all the
other sites, giving the background and history of each one.
Mr. Ramnarace expressed concern over the condition of the grass on the cricket
pitch. Ivlr. Wildner commented that the City has a joint-use agreement with
Rolling Green School for the field to the rear of the school. The condition of the
grass reflects two problems: 1) the City does not have control over the irrigation,
and 2) communication between the City and Rolling Green School on the issue
has been less than optimal. IVlr. Wildner explained that a cricket pitch requires
more land than a baseball field or a football field and that this was why they
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
traditionally put it on school properties, which tend to have more land. However,
when the schools expand, the cricket pitches are lost and must be relocated. Mr.
Wildner indicated that if sod could be placed on the area and a proper irrigation
system installed, the problem would be resolved. However, it would be
prohibitively expensive to sod such a large area and so the City seeded it
instead. Seeded grass takes a long time to grow and weeds are a problem. The
irrigation is inadequate and there has been very little rain. He believed that the
grass was finally becoming established.
B. Hibiscus Park
The group then toured Hibiscus Park, a small triangular-shaped park in the
middle of a neighborhood to the south of the Seven-Eleven at the corner of Old
Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Mr. Wildner related an ongoing
controversy over this much-used park. The sign states that the park closes at
dusk and there are no lights for the park; however, there are streetlights nearby
and the youth play basketball by the light from the streetlights. The neighbors
are concerned about the youth playing basketball in the evening but do not want
to call the Police for fear of retaliation. The neighbors want the City to remove
the basketball rims. They complain that drugs are being exchanged in the park
and that the people who use it are not from their neighborhood. Adding lights
to the park and extending the hours to 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. would give the youth
a place to do something constructive after dinner, but this would require further
study and input from local residents.
Former Boynton Beach City Commissioner Bruce Black felt that the situation
demonstrated the need for recreation in the City. This tour took place at 6:00
p.m. on a day just after the advent of Daylight Savings Time, so the parks were
dark at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Black felt that this was sending the youth a message that
there was no place for them to play after dark.
The Board discussed the idea of engaging the services of a Park Ranger to
handle the problem of people staying beyond the stated closing times in the
parks. Chair Pierce mentioned that she had given information on the parks to
the Citizens on Patrol officers who were going to start patrolling the parks. Mr.
Wildner commented that their availability was rather seasonal. Chair Pierce
stated that the Board would soon have a visitor from the County, and that this
would be a good time to discuss the County's Park Ranger program.
C. Galaxy Park
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Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
The Board did not tour this site but in passing, Mr. Wildner noted that Galaxy
Elementary School was only part of this site and that the rest was a City-owned
park. The City owned all of the land that Galaxy sits on at one time but donated
it in a land swap many years ago. [t was the original site of the Little League
D. Laurel Hills Park
This Park is behind Wendy's on Boynton Beach Boulevard and has a basketball
court. Mr. Wildner stated that no one was playing at this park at night since
there were no lights.
E. Pioneer Canal Park
The Board drove through this three-acre park site and Mr. Wildner noted that the
park's most-used feature was the boat ramp. The boat ramp leads to the best
bass fishing in Palm Beach County, according to Mr. Wildner. People come here
from all over southern Palm Beach County to launch their boats and go bass
fishing. They go to the E-4 canal and from there, can go to Lake Ida in the south
or Lake Osborne in the north, with bass fishing holes all along the way. The only
negative is that there was very little space for parking.
F. Sara Simms Park
On the way to the Wilson Center, the Board drove by this park, which has lighted
basketball, racquetball, and tennis courts, along with a children's playground.
G. Wilson Park & Center
The Board toured the main building at the Wilson Center. Mr. Wildner brought up
the Palm Beach County Arts & Parks Bond issue, from which the Wilson Center is
hoping to receive funding for refurbishment and expansion. The Park has a ball
field, a small recreation center, and a swimming pool. Mr. Majors stated that 25
to 30 children participate in the after-school program at the Center. There are
also a lot of community-based programs that use it including the PATCH
(Planned Approach to Community Health) program. The Wilson Center is also
used for a variety of community activities including repasts (post-funeral
gatherings in honor of deceased loved ones.) In the summer it also hosts the
summer camp program for about 75 children. Mr. Wildner noted that a semi-pro
baseball team called the Boynton Redsocks used to play at this field, winning
against many other teams in the County and making this area famous. Mr.
Williams stated that this used to be a really good outing for families on Saturdays
and Sundays. Mr. Majors remarked that the City had engaged a consultant to
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Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
create a master plan for the park and related amenities and an aquatic
consultant to come up with some ideas for this facility. The aquatic consultant is
charged with developing some options for the pool.
Chair Pierce asked Douglas Hutchinson, CRA Director, if his group had any
visions for this area. Mr. Hutchinson stated that their concentration was not in
parks but in key anchor facilities, which will be national in focus and on the
Intracoastal Waterway. Mr. Majors stated that this facility was in the Heart of
Boynton area and that the City was actively participating in helping the residents
come to a plan with a shared focus for the area.
Mr. Hutchinson said that there were at least two developers right now that
wanted to put $30M into the MLK Corridor but were waiting for the residents to
agree to what they wanted to do with their residential and commercial areas.
The CRA has money to spend in the area also but is waiting for the same thing.
Dan DeCarlo's Neighborhood organizational meetings have made a lot of
progress in this area and on November 12, all the various neighborhood
associations, organizations, and churches are being called together to address
the plan and come to a consensus on the implementation of it.
Mr. Hutchinson thought there was a real need for more public/private
partnerships in the development of the City and that the developers could and
should invest in the City's Park system, including improvements, common areas,
and public access.
Chair Pierce asked about the status of the community center at ]:ntracoastal
Park. Mr. Wildner stated that the City had asked for funding for this but the
County had decided to fund the Wilson Center improvements instead. Chair
Pierce shared a picture of a water theme park with the other Board members.
Mr. Wildner stated that this was exactly what they had in mind for Intracoastal
Park and the Wilson Center.
The Board enjoyed the tour and agreed that it would be a good idea to have
another tour during the daylight hours on a Saturday.
Mr. Wildner stated that the Ezell Hester Park had been built through the use of a
Revenue Bond. The City Commission voted to build Ezell Hester Park, pledging
the income from cable television franchise fees, Florida Power & Light, and other
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Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
The County's "Parks & Arts Bond" on the November 5 ballot was discussed and
Mr. Wildner noted that there might be money for other projects as well. One of
those projects would be the possible purchase of Jaycee Park. The reason the
County is interested in Jaycee Park is because it is on the i~ntracoastal Waterway
and they want to see boating uses, not necessarily ramps. They were discussing
making this a destination facility for boaters, which would include the installation
of a dock at this Park. Chair Pierce stated that they would have a floating dock
like at Boat Club Park, where a person would pull up to the floating dock, walk
from his or her boat, sit down at a table, and have a picnic. With the loss of
Beer Can ]:sland, it is now necessary to go all the way down to Boca Raton's
Spanish River Park or up to Peanut island. She thought that this would be a
good joint venture between the City and the County and that it could be
discussed during Mr. Wilsher's upcoming visit to the Board. Mr. Wildner noted
that Bill Wilsher is the Superintendent of Plans and Designs for Palm Beach
!tems! - !V from the published agenda were omitted.
V. Unfinished Business
A. Continuation of Tour (see minutes)
Rolling Green Cricket Pitch
Wilson Park & Center
B. Discussion
Park Rangers
This issue was discussed during the tour. Mr. Wildner noted that this would be a
paid position and would cost the City money. The Board would have to think of
a way to afford this or make a case that it was worth doing and would improve
the quality of life enough for the City that the citizens would not mind paying for
Mr. Ramnarace indicated that the Board had sent recommendations to the City
Commission before and had never heard any feedback from them. Several
comments were made that it was necessary to speak to the City Commission in
person in order to be seen and heard.
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Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
Southeast Neighborhood Park Addition - Land and
Water Conservation Fund Application
Mr. Wildner remarked that the Board had visited the Zill property on their first
tour. :It is along the railroad tracks southeast of the City, close to Bethesda
Hospital. The reason this area is under consideration is that there are no parks in
the southeast area of the City.
The City has a grant application in to the Florida Recreation Development
Assistance Program (FRDAP) for 50% of the price of the land. Mr. Wildner was
optimistic about getting this grant. Mr. Wildner shared plans, which represented
the complete build-out of the 2.3-acre section including two basketball courts, a
playground, and a picnic shelter. The first phase will have one basketball court, a
children's playground, two picnic areas, and a parking lot. This will cost about
$300K, of which $150K would be paid for by the FRDAP grant. Mr. Williams
thought that Phase 2 should be done as soon as possible since the area had
been deprived of park space for such a long time.
To the north of this 2.3-acre site, there are 2.7 acres of Zill property remaining
that Mr. Zill has now decided to sell. ]:f acquired, this land would bring the site
up to a 5-acre park, a fitting size for an area Park. The Park would also serve as
an anchor for a Greenways project going along the railroad tracks, which would
link up park-to-park. The City has made application to the Land & Water
Conservation Fund, which handles Federal money that is administered by the
State. The Land & Water Conservation Fund administrators have given
preliminary approval to the City for 50% of the purchase price of this land. The
application processing will not take place until February but the Fund
administrators suggested that the City buy the land and obtain reimbursement
from the Fund after the fact.
Mr. Orlove moved that the Board enthusiastically support the City's application to
the Land & Water Conservation Fund for a grant to assist in the purchase of 2.7-
acres of the Zill property for the Southeast Neighborhood Park. Ms. Murphy
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
C. Formal Orientation Manual
Mr. Majors stated that at an educational session that he attended with some of
the board members at the Florida Recreation and Park Association (FRPA) State
Conference in August, formal orientation manuals for new Board members were
discussed. His hope was that a manual could be developed for this purpose.
This would be in addition to a Saturday guided tour of the City's Park sites, and
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Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
information about the City's programs. This would help new members and allow
older members to "catch up." Mr. Majors asked the Board members to bring
their ideas and suggestions to the November meeting relative to what they
wanted to see in the manual.
The manual would include at least the following:
Description of the Parks Department Function
Description of the Recreation Department Function
List of Facilities
Annual Calendar of Events
Roster of Various Staff and Board Members
Mr. Majors reported on recent City activities: the Great Pumpkin Event, Youth
Expo, Gymnastics program, Soccer program, and the Halloween Spooktacular.
Mr. Wildner stated that he and Mr. Majors wanted to find a way to bring the
Board members "on-board" as quickly as possible. One of the reasons for this is
that well-informed Board members can become advocates for Recreation and
Park goals in the community at large.
Chair Pierce felt that each Board member had a great potential to give back to
the City and that they should all strive to give 110%. She thought that the
manual would really help the Board members towards that end. She spoke of a
survey she had gotten at the conference that asked each member to rate his or
her effectiveness as a Board member. She thought that the Board members
should go to City Commission meetings, be heard, and make a difference for
recreation and parks in the City. She also favored self-assessment by the Board
members on at least an annual basis.
Mr. Majors seconded the idea of Board participation at the City Commission
meetings, saying that the City Manager relies on the Board for feedback about
recreation and parks. He noted that he and Mr. Wildner always attend the City
Commission meetings and that it was common for the other Boards to have
members speaking on behalf of their interest areas. He asked the Board to look
for opportunities to become advocates for recreation and parks. Mr. Majors and
Mr. Wildner both stated that the most effective means of accomplishing this
would be for the Board to select a topic of interest in the parks and recreation
area, do their homework to become as informed as possible, discuss the topic
with each other and with Mr. Wildner and/or Mr. Majors, come to a consensus on
the topic, select a spokesperson, and attend a City Commission meeting to
express the Board's point of view. With this preparation and concerted effort, the
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Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
Board could help to bring about meaningful change in the area of parks and
recreation for the City of Boynton Beach.
D. Cricket Pitch
IVlr. Ramnarace reiterated his concern about the condition of the cricket pitch at
Rolling Green Elementary School. The pitch was seeded and there was a period
when it could not be watered and it died. He stated that they had been trying to
kill the weeds in the grass for two years. Eventually, he tried pulling the weeds
out himself. Mr. Ramnarace had heard that he was the only Board member that
was interested in the cricket pitch and that people did not want him to bring this
up any more. Mr. Wildner stated that Mr. Ramnarace was interested in cricket
and that cricket was only one of the issues with which the Board must concern
Comments by Bruce Black, former Boynton Beach
Commissioner and Douglas Hutchinson, CRA Director
Mr. Black was very much in favor of the Board becoming more active as
advocates for parks and recreation issues. As a former Commissioner, Mr. Black
stated that the City Commission members read the minutes of every Board
meeting, but if someone really wanted something to be done, they would get up
and speak in front of the City Commission.
Mr. Black felt that the City should give the City's youth a place to recreate and
that if the Board agreed, it was up to the Board to get that message across to
the Mayor, the Commissioners, and the City Manager.
Mr. Black also pointed out that the Board could support the CRA in its plans to
increase building heights because if development occurred horizontally, no green
space would be left. Mr. Hutchinson stated that the very reason they want to
build upwards is to save land for public spaces.
Hr. Hutchinson stated that the Board should also look at opportunities within
proposed developments to demand public areas such as parks, pedestrian
walkways, and so forth. He encouraged the Board to expand their vision of parks
to include more than soccer fields and basketball courts.
Mr. Black felt that the two most important priorities were the Senior Center and
the Art Center. The Art Center was built with a plan for a second story and it is in
the Capital Improvement Projects Plan for $340K. The Senior Citizens Center
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
has an expansion plan also for $660K. Mr. Black expounded on sources of
potential dollars such as: 1) tearing down the old high school for $250K, 2)
buying the Woman's Club for $250K, 3) sale of liquor license from Morey's
Lounge for $50K, 4) money set aside for possible exploration of bottling Boynton
Beach water.
Mr. Black was not in favor of parking garages in the neighborhood of the Madsen
Center, the Library, and the Civic Center, but wanted more room for recreation
instead. He thought that if the old high school were to be preserved, that it could
be the children's wing of the library. Mr. Black firmly believes that the expansion
of the Senior Center and the Art Center are what the residents want. He did not
understand why they could not be done. He also believed that Palm Beach
County was not doing anything with special needs children in aftercare programs
and thought that this could be done at the Madsen Center. He wanted to see
the City buy the vacant lot across from the Senior Center for additional parking.
He spoke of the desire of many City workers to have a City daycare center.
With the $4K plus Mr. Black had received while he was a Commissioner from the
discretionary community funds, he will be planting 1,000 plants this weekend to
create a children's labyrinth or maze in the land between the Art Center and the
east side of the Civic Center.
Douglas Hutchinson, CRA Director, spoke of his Board's new charge of
dealing with the issue of what to do about the old high school. He stated that
this building could generate substantial underwriting and space for the arts for
several groups. For example, the Children's Museum must have expansion room
for their offices, exhibit storage and prep areas. Code Compliance could use
2,000 square feet for their offices. A Starbucks tearoom/cafeteria could be put
in the downstairs of the old high school and the employees and tourists would
love it. He recommended a parking garage at the back of the high school with
the offices facing City Hall. The old high school would become a plaza with
offices and a parking garage. The gymnasium could be blocked in and by
reorienting the direction of the stage, could accommodate a puppet theater, with
a little underwriting. A mezzanine would be put around the rest of the gym with
an art gallery at the bottom of it and teaching in the classrooms above. When
entering the building, there would be a two-story look with wood floors and a
gallery with glass walls on which to display items. About 15,000 square feet
could be turned over to the arts with a children's program and an historic
building could be saved. Because it would be a cultural center, it would not be
difficult to get a challenge grant from a developer. Mr. Hutchinson envisions the
Ocean District as part of a "barbell" that would go from the waterfront to a
cultural arts center. This investment in cultural anchors was for the purpose of
giving Boynton Beach an identity. This would start with a national museum
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Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
anchor in the water on the ]:ntracoastal. There is no other major museum on the
waterfront on the l:ntracoastal. The funding would come from the tax increments
associated with the big developers, grants, and matching funds. Because the
project would be national in focus, they had a wider source for funding. Mr.
Hutchinson envisioned a three to five year phase-in period with the high school
completion for mixed use as the first project. ]:f the Board agreed with what he
saw as a common-sense solution to the destiny of the old school, he solicited
their assistance. When he speaks about it, he needed people to speak up and
say, "]:f the CRA takes this on, our Board will help in any way we can." Mr.
Hutchinson reiterated that the impetus for action would have to come from the
public and Board members as opposed to staff.
Board Comments
Mr. Orlove was happy to assist, but required information. For example, now that
he knew that there was a meeting on November 12 and what the issues were,
he would try to attend. Mr. Hutchinson stated that either he or his staff would
be at the Board's meetings from now on to give the Board information. Prior to
this, the CRA was not fully staffed. They are now going to 35 meetings a month
such as the Lions Club, the .]aycees, Kiwanis, and neighborhood groups. Through
listening to what people want at these meetings, they formulate their plans.
Ms. Murphy asked if there were any long-range plans for Quantum Park. Mr.
Wildner stated that there was a fifteen-acre City-owned site there that had been
earmarked for a park. The price tag is about $3M and there has not been a
source of funding to build it. Mr. Black stated that Quantum was up before the
City Commission and the Planning & Development Board frequently and that the
Recreation & Parks Board could go to those meetings and say that they should
give the City more money towards that park or ask them to build a ball field at
the park.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that some funds could be raised from fees. Chair Pierce
stated that through a recent recreation and parks needs assessment, they had
discovered that people were willing to pay for some things.
VI. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 28, 2002
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(two tapes) (102902)